ITU-T X 721-1992 Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Structure of Management Information Definition of Management Information (Study Group VII) 70 pp《信息技术-开放系统互.pdf

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ITU-T X 721-1992 Information Technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Structure of Management Information Definition of Management Information (Study Group VII) 70 pp《信息技术-开放系统互.pdf_第1页
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3、STRUCTURE OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION: DEFINITION OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Recommendation X.721 Geneva, 1992 - - _. CCITT RECMN*X-721 92 4862591 0574237 308 Foreword “ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telecommunications. The CCITT (th

4、e Intemational Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee) is a permanent organ of the ITU. Some 166 member countries, 68 telecom operating entities, 163 scientific and industrial organizations and 39 international organizations participate in CCITT which is the body which sets world telecommuni

5、cations standards (Recommendations), The approval of Recommendations by the members of CCITT is covered by the procedure laid down in CCITT Resolution No. 2 (Melbourne, 1988). In addition, the Plenary Assembly of CCITT, which meets every four years, approves Recommendations submitted to it and estab

6、lishes the study programme for the following period”. In some areas of information technology which fall within CCITTs purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with IS0 and IEC. The text of CCITT Recommendation X.721 was approved on 10th of February 1992. The identical

7、text is also published as ISO/LEC International Standard 10165-2. CCITT NOTE In this Recommendation, the expression “Administration” is used for conciseness to indicate both a telecommunication Administrationand a recognized private operating agency. . . e :. O ITU 1992 All rights reserved. No part

8、of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU. CCITT RECNN*X.721 92 m 4862593 0574238 244 = Contents 1 scope . 1 2 Normative references 1 Paired CCITT Recommend

9、ations I International Standards equivalent in technical content . 2 3 Definitions . 2 Event report management function definitions 2 Management information model definitions 2 4 Abbreviations . 3 5 Notation . 3 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 Identical CCIT Recommendations I International Standards 1 6 Definition

10、of managed object classes . 3 6.1 6.2 6. 3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 Alarm record . 3 Attribute value change record 4 Discriminator 5 Event forwarding discriminator . 5 Event log record 6 Log . 7 Log record . 8 Object creation record . 8 Object deletion record . 8 State change reco

11、rd . 10 Relationship change record . 9 Security alarm report record 9 System 10 6.14 Top . 11 7 Name binding for managed object classes 11 7.1 Discriminator 11 7.3 Log record . 12 Definition of packages . 12 8.1 Additional information 12 8.2 Additional text 12 Attribute identifier list . 12 8.6 Corr

12、elated notifications . 13 7.2 Log . 11 8 8.3 8.4 Attribute list 13 8.5 Availability status . 13 8.7 Notification identifier 13 8.8 Daily scheduling . 13 8.9 Duration 14 8.10 External scheduler . 14 8.11 Source indicator 14 8.12 Weekly scheduling 14 9.2 Gauge 16 9 Definition of generic attribute type

13、s . 14 9.1 Counter . 15 9.3 Threshold 17 9.3.1 Counter-threshold . 17 9.3.2 Gauge-threshold . 18 9.4 Tide-mark . 18 Definition of specific atwibute types 19 10.1 Attributes types used for naming . 19 10.1.1 Discriminator Id . 19 10.1.2 Log Id . 20 10.1.3 Log record Id . 20 10.1.4 System Id . 20 10.1

14、.5 System title 20 10.2 Counter . 20 10.3 Counter-threshold 20 10.4 Gauge 21 10 _ ._ _. . ._ . CCITT RECNN*Xu72L 92 M 4Bb2591 0574239 LBO 10.5 Gauge-threshold 21 10.6 Tide-mark . 21 10.7 Miscellaneous attribute types 21 10.7.3 Relationships related 28 Other attribute types . 29 10.7.1 Events related

15、 21 10.7.2 States related 26 10.7.4 11 Definition of action types . 33 12 Definition of parameters 33 13 Definition of notification types 34 13.1 Attribute value change 34 13.2 Communications alarm 34 13.3 Environmental alarm . 35 13.5 Integrity violation 36 13.4 Equipment alarm . 35 13.6 Object cre

16、ation 36 13.7 Object deletion 36 13.8 Operational violation . 37 13;9 Physical violation 37 13.1 1 Quality of service alarm 38 13.12 Relationship change 38 13.13 Security service or mechanism violation . 39 13.15 Time domain violation . 39 Managed object class 40 Attribute types 40 14.4 Parameter ty

17、pes :46 Conformance and compliance 46 15.1 Conformance . 46 15.2 Compliance . 46 13;lO Processing error alarm . 37 13.14 State change 39 14 Supporting productions 40 14.1 14.2 14.3 Notification types 44 15 Annex A Counters and counter threshold attribute . 47 A.l Counter . 47 Corrupted PDUs received

18、 counter 47 A.1.1 A.1.2 Incoming connection reject error counter . 47 A.1.3 Incoming connection requests counter 47 A . 1.4 A.1.5 A.1.6 Incoming protocol error counter . 48 A.1.7 Octets received counter 48 A . 1.8 Octets retransmitted error counter 48 A.1.9 Octets sent counter . 48 A.l.10 A.1.11 Out

19、going connection requests counter 48 A.1.12 A . 1.13 A . 1.14 Outgoing protocol error counter . 49 A . 1.15 PDUs received counter . 49 A . 1.16 A.1.17 A.2.1 A.2.2 A.2.3 A.2.4 A.2.5 A.2.6 .A. 2.7 Incoming disconnect counter 47 Incoming disconnect error counter 47 Outgoing connection reject error coun

20、ter . 48 Outgoing disconnect counter 48 Outgoing disconnect error counter . -49 PDUs retransmitted error counter . 49 PDUs sent counter 49 A.2 Counter-threshold 49 Corrupted PDUs received threshold 49 Incoming connection reject error threshold 50 Incoming connection requests threshold . 50 Incoming

21、disconnect error threshold . 50 Incoming protocol error threshold 50 Octets received threshold . 50 Octets retransmitted threshold 50 A.2.8 Octets sent threshold 51 CCITT . 72 H 4862573 0574240 7T2 H A.2.9 A.2.10 A.2.11 A.2.12 A.2.13 A.2.14 A.2.15 Outgoing connection reject error threshold . 51 Outg

22、oing connection requests threshold . 51 Outgoing disconnect error threshold . 51 Outgoing protocol error threshold 51 PDUs received threshold 51 PDUs retransmitted error threshold 52 PDUs sent threshold . 52 Annex B Index of managed object classes . 53 Annex C Index of packages . 54 Annex D Index of

23、 generic and specific attribute types . 55 Annex E Index of notification types . 57 Annex F Management information used by Systems management function . 58 Object management function (CCITT Rec . X.730 I ISO/IEC 10164-1) 58 State management function (CCITT Rec . X.731 I ISO/IEC 10164-2) 58 Alarm rep

24、orting function (CCITT Rec . X.733 I ISO/IEC 10164-4) 60 Security alarm reporting function (CCIIT Rec . X.736 I ISO/lEC 10164-7) . 62 Annex G Syntax imported from Directory. ACSE and CMIP . 64 F.l F.2 F.3 F.4 F.5 F.6 F.7 Relationship management function (CCITT Rec . X.732 I ISO/zEC 10164-3) . 59 Eve

25、nt report management function (CCIIT Rec . X.734 I ISO/IEC 10164-5) . 60 Log control function (CCITT Rec . X.735 I ISO/IEC 10164-6) . 61 CCITT RECMN*X.721 92 m 48b2591 0574241 839 = INFORMATION NOTE The following table gives a list of X.700 Series Recommendations which were developed in collaboratio

26、n with the ISO/IEC and are identical to the corresponding International Standard. Cross-references to the corresponding ISO/IEC International Standard number and the short title of the Recommendation I International Standard are provided. Short Title CCT Recommendation ISO/IEC International Standard

27、 X.700 17498-4 (Note) Management Framework X.701 I10040 System Management Overview X.710 I9595 Common Management Information Service Definition X.711 19596-1 X.712 19596-2 CMIP PICS Common Management Information Protocol Specification X.720 I 10165-1 X.721 110165-2 Management Information Model Defin

28、ition of Management Information X.722 I 10165-4 X.730 I 10164-1 Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects Object Management Function X.731 110164-2 State Management Function X.732 I 10164-3 Attributes for Representing Relationships X.733 110164-4 Alarm Reporting Function X.734 I 10164-5 Event

29、 Management Function X.735 110164-6 Log Control Function X.736 I 10164-7 X.740 110164-8 Securit Alarm Reporting Function Security Audit Trail Function Nore - This Recommendation and International Standard are not identical, but are technicall aligned. CCITT RECMN*X.721 72 = 4862571 0574242 775 = 2.1

30、 Identical CCITT Recommendations1 International Standards - CCITT Recommendation X.720 (1992) I ISO/IEC 10165-1 : 1992, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Structure of management information: Management information model. CCITT Recommendation X.722 (1992) I ISO/IEC 10165-4 : 199

31、2, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Structure of management information: Guidelines for deBnition of managed objects. Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Object management finction. CCITT Recommendation X.731 (1992) I ISO/IEC 10164-2 : 1992, Information technology -

32、Open System Interconnection - Systems Managentent: State management function. CCITT Recommendation X.732 (1992) I ISO/IEC 10164-3 : 1992, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Attributes for representing relationships. CCITT Rccommendation X.733 (1992) I ISODEC

33、10164-4 : 1992, Informtion technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Alarm reporting function. - I - CCITT Recommendation X.730 (1992) I ISO/IEC 10164-1 : 1992, Information technology - Open - - - ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992 (E) INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CCIm RECOMMENDATION INFORMATION

34、 TECHNOLOGY - OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION - STRUCTURE OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION: DEFINITION OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION 1 Scope This Recommendation I International Standard - defines the managed object classes, atmbute types, name bindings, packages, specific attributes, action types, parameter types

35、 and notification types documented in accordance with CCITT Rec. X.722 I specifies compliance requirements placed on other CCrTTT Recommendations I International Standards that make use of these definitions. This Recommendation I International Standard is applicable to the development of OS1 managed

36、 object class specifications and provides generic definitions that support OS1 systems management functions. These definitions may also be used in other Recommendations I International Standards specifying object classes, attributes, notifications and action types. ISO/IEC 10165-4; - 2 Normative ref

37、erences The following CCITT Recommendations I Intemational Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation I International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and Standards are s

38、ubject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Recommendation I International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the RecommendationslStandards listed below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid Internati

39、onal Standards. The CCITT Secretariat maintains a list of the currently valid CCITT Recommendations. CCITT Rec. X.721(1992 E) 1 - _ CCITT RECMN*X.72L 92 4862571 0574243 bOL ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992 (E) - CCIIT Recommendation X.7341) I ISO/EC 10164-5 : 1992, Information technology - Open Systems Interc

40、onnection - Systems Management Event report management fi fiction. CCIIT Recommendation X.7351) I ISO/EC 10164-6 : 1992, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Log control finction. CCITT Recommendation X.736 (1992) I ISO/EC 10164-7 : 1992, Information technology

41、 - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Security alarm reporting finction. - - 2.2 Paired CCITT Recommendations1 International Standards equivalent in technical content CCITT Recommendation X.200 (1988), Reference model of Open Systems Interconnection for CCIT applications. IS0 7498 :

42、1984, Information processing system - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model. CCITT Recommendation X.208 (1988), Specwcation of abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1). ISO/IEC 8824: 1990, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - SpecGcation of Abstract Syntax Notation One

43、(ASN.1). CCITT Reconmendation X.501 (1988), The Directory - Models. ISO/IEC 9594-2 : 1990 Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - The Directory - Part 2: The Models. CCITT Recommendation X.710 (1991), Common management information service definition for CCIT applications. ISOIiEC 959

44、5 : 1991, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Common management information service dejkition. CCITT Recommendation X.711 (1991), Common managernent information protocol specification for CCIT applications. ISOfEC 9596- 1: 1991, Information technology - Open Systems Interconnecti

45、on - Common management information protocol specification - Part 1: Specification. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this Recommendation I International Standard the following definitions apply. 3.1 This Recommendation I International Standard makes use of the following terms defined in CCITT Rec. X

46、.734 I Event report management function definitions ISO/IEC 10164-5: a) discriminator; b) event forwarding discriminator; c) potential event report. 3.2 Management information model definitions This Recommendation I Intemational Standard makes use of the following terms defined in CCIn Rec. X.720 I

47、ISO/IEC 10165-1: a) Attribute type; b) Distinguished name; c) Relative distinguished name. 2 CCITT Rec. X.721(1992 E) Presently at state of draft Recommendation. CCITT RECMN*X.721 92 W 4862591 0574244 548 W ISO/IEC 10165-2 : 1992 (E) 4 Abbreviations ASN. 1 CMIS Common Management Information Service

48、CMiP Common Management Information Protocol EFD Event Forwarding Discriminator Id Identifier PDU Protocol Data Unit RDN Relative Distinguished Name Abstract Syntax Notation One 5 Notat ion Attribute types and specific attributes are defined in this Recommendation I Intemational Standard using the te

49、mplates, defined in CCIT Rec. X.722 I ISOflEC 10165-4. The behavioural aspects of the specific attributes described here shall be incorporated into the definition of the managed object class importing these specific attributes. 6 This Recommendation I International Standard defines Managed Object classes which are referenced by the System Management Functions of CCIT Recs. in X.730 - X.736 I ISODC 10164 parts 1 to 7, or which are intended to be used as superclasses for the purpose of inheritance in the definition of Managed Object classes in other standa


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