1、INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION)45G134 : TELECOMMUNICATIONSTANDARDIZATION SECTOROF ITU-!.G13-!#().%G0G0,!.5!%-%4(/$/,/9G0G02) the identification, in sufficient detail, of the MML functions, i.e. those needed for control of the system bythe user;3) the identification of the information structur
2、e associated with each MML function;4) the specification of the actual man-machine interface;5) the verification and validation of phases 2, 3 and 4.A more formal representation of this general working procedure is presented in Figures 2/Z.332, 3/Z.332 and4/Z.332. The representation is made by means
3、 of Functional Block Interaction Diagrams as defined in the Z.100 seriesRecommendations on the Specification and Description Language (SDL). Figure 2/Z.332 represents the procedure at ahigh level showing its basic factors. Figure 3/Z.332 describes, at a lower degree of detail, the five phases presen
4、tedabove in terms of the information which should be produced and considered in each phase and their relationships.Figure 4/Z.332 describes, in the same terms, the two sub-phases into which phase 2 is further decomposed. As adrawing convention, information which is used primarily to support the acti
5、vities performed in the various phases isindicated in the upper part of the Functional Block symbol.Each phase is more fully described in the following paragraphs regarding its purpose, input and outputproducts, relevant methods and tools, and CCITT Study Group responsibilities.To achieve greater co
6、mmonality among the various functional areas when performing phases 1, 2 and 3,harmonization of the terminology used is essential. A glossary of terms that may be useful in a number of functionalareas has been provided in Recommendation Z.333.This glossary is expected to evolve as MML functions sema
7、ntics activity continues. In addition, a glossary ofterms specific to each functional area should also be provided as indicated below.Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.332 3It should be emphasized that terminology harmonization refers to those phases of the methodology describedherein which are the responsibili
8、ty of the CCITT. It is not the intention of this recommendation, through its glossary orannexed examples, to recommend specific terminology for use at the actual man-machine interface. The present intentis rather that manufacturers and Administrations utilize the concepts, as here defined, that this
9、 terminology represents.They will select their own terminology to represent these concepts as applicable to their needs in specifying the actualinterface. A common understanding of the definitions of these concepts will improve the coherence of the set of CCITTRecommendations in MML function semanti
10、cs, as well as facilitate discussion concerning the capabilities of differentsystems with respect to the same as well as different functional areas.The output of each phase is to be listed in a series of documents based on the terminology of Figures 3/Z.332and 4/Z.332.Phases Name1 Document A List of
11、 Class B Functions and List of Jobs2.1 Document B Function Models2.2 Document C List of MML Functions3 Document D Information Structure of each MML Function4 Document E Specification of the man-machine interface5 Document F Verification and Validation Results1-5 Document G Glossary of terms.The appl
12、ication of the methodology to a specific functional area may vary. Documents A-G may be producedfor the functional area as a whole or the functional area may be divided into sub-areas and each treated separately. Theprimary rationale for the approach selected should be the coherence and maintainabil
13、ity of the total set of documentsprepared for the functional area. If the second approach is selected, its details, including an unambiguous description ofthe main area and the identified sub-areas, should be documented also.3.1 Phase 1: identification of needsPurposeTo identify the various Administ
14、ration needs in order to prepare a list of jobs to be performed by means ofman-machine communications and to prepare an agreed list of system independent functions which are expected to becontrolled by means of the MML (Class B functions). Terminology harmonization is essential.InputInputs to the pr
15、ocess of identifying Class B functions arise from three sources. First, CCITT Study Groups canprovide operations and maintenance models and lists of Class B functions which are embodied in those models.Second, Administrations can provide information on the jobs by which their systems are operated an
16、dmaintained. Some indication as to the relative importance or frequency might be helpful in the process of specifying theman-machine interface.The third input is the current version of Recommendation Z.331.OutputList Class B Functions and List of Jobs (Document A).These functions and jobs could be p
17、erformed at terminals associated with operations and maintenance systemsor SPC systems. A certain set of these functions and jobs might be able to be performed only at terminals associatedwith operations and maintenance systems or only at terminals associated with SPC systems.4 Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z
18、.332Tools and methodsIt will be necessary to take into account the following: directives from other Study Group experts; guidelines, as described in Recommendation Z.333; terminology harmonization guidelines, as described in Recommendation Z.333.Use of SDL is also recommended.3.2 Phase 2: MML functi
19、on identificationPurposeTo identify, using harmonized terminology, MML functions related to Class B functions. This phase is aniterative procedure involving the application of several tools to identify the list of MML functions, i.e. those functionsthat are described in sufficient detail to allow th
20、e derivation of the man-machine interface. A diagrammaticalrepresentation of this phase is shown in Figure 4/Z.332.InputList of Class B functions and a list of jobs, both obtained as output of phase 1.OutputList of MML functions.Other information (whenever applicable). Document C3.2.1 Sub-phase 2.1:
21、 modellingPurposeTo represent, using harmonized terminology, the various functions of those parts of telecommunicationssystems controlled by MML by means of models.InputList of Class B functions.OutputDescription of Class B functions by means of models. Other information (whenever applicable).Docume
22、nt BTools and methods At present informal modelling is available and there exists a need to identify and develop a formal methodof modelling. SDL could be used for parts of the modelling work. Terminology harmonization guidelines, as described in Recommendation Z.333.3.2.2 Sub-phase 2.2: MML functio
23、n decompositionPurposeTo identify, using harmonized terminology, each MML function considering both the model and the definedlist of jobs.Input List of jobs. List of system independent Class B functions.Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.332 5OutputList of MML functions.Other information (whenever applicable). D
24、ocument CTools and methods The use of SDL is applicable. In order to represent or derive the MML functions, the MML functiondecomposition method should be applied. Terminology harmonization guidelines, as described in Recommendation Z.333.3.3 Phase 3: information structure identificationPurposeTo id
25、entify, using harmonized terminology, the information structure of each MML function in order to providea clear picture of the associated semantics (action, objects, information entities and their interrelationships). Separatediagrams for the structure of information related to input functions and t
26、o those outputs whose significance is such thatbenefits would be gained by their standardization should be provided.The content of information structure diagrams should be limited to information related to such semantics. Otherinformation, such as information related to possible parameter values, if
27、 desired, may be listed separately or asfootnotes.A one-to-one correspondence between information structure diagrams produced in this phase and the associatedcommands and outputs to be produced in Phase 4 is not implied. More specifically, a single information structurediagram could lead to a multip
28、licity of inputs or outputs. Also, several information structure diagrams could lead to asingle input or output. Additionally, information structure diagrams should not be interpreted as a specification of anysoftware process required to implement the related inputs and outputs.InputList of MML func
29、tions.OutputInformation Structure Diagrams of eachMML function.Additional information ( a list ofpossible parameter values associated withInformation Structure Diagrams) Document DTools and methodsEach MML function derived in phase 2 is in essence an action upon an object (or set of objects). AnInfo
30、rmation Structure meta-language is used to produce the Information Structure Diagrams associated to each MMLfunction, as described in Recommendation Z.333.Terminology harmonization guidelines, as described in Recommendation Z.333.3.4 Phase 4: specification of the actual man-machine interfacePurposeT
31、o present each input and ouput as it might appear on a man-machine communication terminal in terms of therelated syntactic structure and to identify any related special actions. Also to select the appropriate dialogue proceduresrelated to the MML functions.The definition of inputs and outputs should
32、 be based on the type of interface to be derived, i.e. based on basicMML, or on extended MML or on both. In the latter case the consistency among commands and associated parametersshould be pursued. The definition of inputs and outputs for an interface based on extended MML comprises thedefinition o
33、f menus and forms. This task should be achieved using the guidelines for the design of menus and formscontained in Recommendation Z.323.6 Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.332Input The information structure representation of each MML function. Additional information.Output Specification of the man-machine inter
34、face:a) inputsb) outputsc) special actionsd) dialogue procedurese) interrelationships among a) to d).Tools and methods The structure of inputs, outputs or special actions can be identified using guidelines as described inRecommendation Z.323, Z.333. A formal method to describe the syntactic structur
35、e of each MML input and output is given inRecommendation Z.333. Recommendations Z.302, Z.314-Z.317, Z.323. The use of SDL to describe the interactive operating sequences is recommended.Note Z.300-Series Recommendations do not deal with phase 4.3.5 Phase 5: verification and validationPurposeTo verify
36、 whether the MML functions identified previously together with their associated information structurelead to suitable procedures by which the users needs can be satisfied.To verify whether the man-machine interface identified in phase 4 leads to suitable procedures.Input Information structure repres
37、entations of each MML function. Preliminary man-machine interface.OutputAn evaluation of the MML functions and their associated information structure.An evaluation of the preliminaryman-machine interfaceDocument FTools and methods Procedure description method. Guidelines as described in Recommendati
38、on Z.333.Note Z.300-Series Recommendations do not deal with phase 5.3.6 Tools and methodsMany tools and methods are available to provide assistance in reaching the goal of each phase described above.The applicability of each tool and method to a particular phase is dependent on the function being analysed. These toolsand methods are described in Recommendation Z.333.Examples of the use and application of these tools and methods for specifying functions are also included inRecommendation Z.333 and the Annexes to these Recommendations.Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.332 7 8 Fascicle X.7 - Rec. Z.332