JEDEC J-STD-033D-2018 Handling Packing Shipping and Use of Moisture Reflow and Process Sensitive Devices.pdf

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1、IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033D April 2018Supersedes IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033C-1August 2014Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture, Reflow, and Process Sensitive DevicesJOINTINDUSTRYSTANDARDNoticeFor Technical Information Contact:JEDECSolid State Technology Association3103 North 10th Street, Suite 240-SArli

2、ngton, VA 22201-2107Tel 703 907.0026Fax 703 907.7501IPC3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 105NBannockburn, Illinois60015-1249Tel 847 615.7100Fax 847 615.7105Please use the Standard Improvement Form shown at the end of thisdocument.Copyright 2018. JEDEC Solid State Technology Association, Arlington, Virginia

3、, and IPC, Bannockburn, Illinois, USA. All rights reservedunder both international and Pan-American copyright conventions. Any copying, scanning or other reproduction of these materials withoutthe prior written consent of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited and constitutes infringement under

4、 the Copyright Law of the UnitedStates.JEDEC and IPC Standards and Publications are designed to serve the publicinterest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers andpurchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products,and assisting the purchaser in selecting and

5、 obtaining with minimum delaythe proper product for his particular need. Existence of such Standards andPublications shall not in any respect preclude any member or nonmemberof JEDEC or IPC from manufacturing or selling products not conformingto such Standards and Publications, nor shall the existen

6、ce of such Standardsand Publications preclude their voluntary use by those other than JEDECand IPC members, whether the standard is to be used either domesticallyor internationally.Recommended Standards and Publications are adopted by JEDEC andIPC without regard to whether their adoption may involve

7、 patents on articles,materials, or processes. By such action, JEDEC and IPC do not assume anyliability to any patent owner, nor do they assume any obligation whateverto parties adopting the Recommended Standard or Publication. Users are alsowholly responsible for protecting themselves against all cl

8、aims of liabilitiesfor patent infringement.The material in this joint standard was developed by the JEDEC JC-14.1Committee on Reliability Test Methods for Packaged Devices and the IPCPlastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group (B-10a)IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033DHandling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture,

9、Reflow, and Process Sensitive DevicesA joint standard developed by the JEDEC JC-14.1 Committee on Reliability Test Methods for Packaged Devices and the B-10a Plastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group of IPCUsers of this publication are encouraged to participate in the development of future revisions.

10、 Contact: JEDEC Solid State Technology Association 3103 North 10th Street, Suite 240-S Arlington, VA 22201-2107 Tel 703 907.0026 Fax 703 907.7501IPC 3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 105 N Bannockburn, Illinois 60015-1249 Tel 847 615.7100 Fax 847 615.7105Supersedes:IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033C-1 - August 2014IPC/J

11、EDEC J-STD-033C - February 2012IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033B.1includes Amendment 1 - January 2007IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033B - October 2005 IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033A - July 2002IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033 - April 1999JEDEC JEP124IPC-SM-786A -January 1995IPC-SM-786 - December 1990This Page Intentionally Left BlankApril 2018 IPC/

12、JEDEC J-STD-033DiiiAcknowledgmentAny document involving a complex technology draws material from a vast number of sources across many continents. While the principal members of the Plastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task Group (B-10a) of the Packaged Electronic Components Committee (B-10) are shown below

13、, it is not possible to include all of those who assisted in the evolution of this standard. To each of them, the members of the IPC extend their gratitude.In MemoriumThe Joint Committee would like to especially acknowledge Jack T. McCullen and Richard L. Shook for their outstanding contributions an

14、d leadership in the development of J-STD-033.Plastic Chip Carrier Cracking Task GroupChairman Steven R. Martell Nordson SonoscanJEDEC JC 14.1 CommitteeChairman Ife Hsu Intel CorporationJoint Moisture Classification Working Group Members Joseph Kane, BAE Systems Platform SolutionsMudasir Ahmad, Cisco

15、Robert DiMaggio, ClariantMark Reese, Clariant Francis Classe, CypressChris Brigham, Evans Analytical GroupMark Burns, Global FoundriesShi Dan Bing, HuaweiGuo Fujan, HuaweiJiao Huifang, HuaweiRuss Lewis, Hewlett-PackardCurtis Grosskopf, IBM CorporationAndreas Preussger, InfineonDennis Cerney, Infineo

16、nIfe Hsu, Intel CorporationAlan Lucero, IntelGautam Verma, IntelKen McGhee, JEDECPerry Keller, KeysightAsh Kumar, MicrochipDongie Xie, NvidiaBob Knoell, NXP SemiconductorsNicholas Lycoudes, NXP SemiconductorsStevan Hunter, On Semi Mumtaz Bora, Peregrine SemiconductorRichard Iodice, Raytheon CompanyJ

17、inhwan Kim, SamsungHeon Sang Lim, SamsungMian Quddus, SamsungMichelle Ogihara, Seika Machinery Inc.Steven Martell, Sonoscan Inc.James Berry, Texas InstrumentsLarry Ting, Texas InstrumentsStephen Tisdale, Tisdale Environmental ConsultingBruce Hughes, US Army Additionally, we would like to express our

18、 appreciation to the JEITA members for their support in improving J-STD-033 rev D.This Page Intentionally Left BlankApril 2018 IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033DvTable of Contents1 FOREWORD .11.1 Purpose 11.2 Scope 11.3 Assembly Processes .11.3.1 Mass Reflow.11.3.2 Localized Heating 11.3.3 Socketed Devices 11.3.4

19、 Point-to-Point Soldering11.3.5 Aqueous Cleaning 11.4 Reliability.21.5 Terms and Definitions .21.5.1 Active Desiccant .21.5.2 Bar Code Label 21.5.3 Bulk Reflow .21.5.4 Carrier .21.5.5 Desiccant .21.5.6 Floor Life .21.5.7 Humidity Indicator Card (HIC) 21.5.8 Manufacturers Exposure Time (MET) 21.5.9 M

20、oisture-Barrier Bag (MBB)21.5.10 Moisture-Sensitive Identification (MSID)21.5.11 Moisture-Sensitivity Level (MSL) .21.5.12 Rework 21.5.13 Process-Sensitivity Level (PSL) .21.5.14 Shelf Life (of a device in a sealed MBB).21.5.15 SMD .31.5.16 Solder Reflow31.5.17 Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR) 3

21、2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS (Normative) . . . . . . . . . . . 32.1 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).32.2 Electronic Industries Alliance (ECIA, JEDEC) 32.3 IPC Standards32.4 Joint Industry Standards32.5 Department of Defense 33 DRY PACKING .33.1 Requirements 33.2 Drying of SMD Packages an

22、d Carrier Materials Before Being Sealed in MBBs.43.2.1 Drying Requirements - Levels 2a - 5a .43.2.2 Drying Requirements for Carrier Materials .43.2.3 Drying Requirements 43.2.4 Excess Time Between Bake and Bag43.3 Dry Pack43.3.1 Description 43.3.2 Materials43.3.3 Labels 63.3.4 Moisture Barrier Bag S

23、ealing73.3.5 Dry-Pack Precautions73.3.6 Shelf Life .84 DRYING .84.1 Post Exposure to Factory Ambient.104.1.1 Any Duration Exposure .104.1.2 Short Duration Exposure 104.2 General Considerations for Baking 114.2.1 High Temperature Carriers.114.2.2 Low Temperature Carriers .114.2.3 Paper and Plastic Co

24、ntainer Items .114.2.4 Bakeout Times 114.2.5 ESD Protection114.2.6 Reuse of Carriers 114.2.7 Solderability Limitations 115 USE 115.1 Incoming Bag Inspection 115.1.1 Upon Receipt .115.1.2 Device Inspection125.2 Floor Life 125.3 Safe Storage 125.3.1 Dry Pack.125.3.2 Shelf Life 125.3.3 Dry Atmosphere C

25、abinet 125.4 Reflow 125.4.1 Opened MBB .125.4.2 Reflow Temperature Extremes125.4.3 Additional Thermal Profile Parameters .135.4.4 Multiple Reflow .135.4.5 Maximum Reflow Passes135.5 Drying Indicators 135.5.1 Excess Humidity in Dry Pack 135.5.2 Floor Life or Ambient Temperature/Humidity Exceeded . 13

26、5.5.3 Level 6 SMD Packages .136 BOARD REWORK.136.1 Device Removal, Rework and Remount 136.1.1 Removal for Failure Analysis.146.1.2 Removal and Remount146.2 Baking of Populated Boards14viIPC/JEDEC J-STD-033D April 20187 DERATING DUE TO FACTORY ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS14APPENDIX A Test Method for Reve

27、rsible (Type 1) RH Spots on a Humidity Indictor Card (HIC) used with Electronic Device Packaging 16APPENDIX B Derivation of Bake Tables17APPENDIX C Desiccant Unit Absorption Capacity Test Method for Verification 18APPENDIX D Changes in J-STD-033D19FiguresFigure 3-1 Typical Dry-Pack Configuration for

28、 Moisture-Sensitive SMD Packages in Shipping Tubes.4Figure 3-2A Humidity Indicator Card (HIC) Type 1 .5Figure 3-2B Humidity Indicator Card (HIC) Type 2 .5Figure 3-3 Moisture-Sensitive Identification Label (Examples).6Figure 3-4A Caution Label (Examples with MSL only) 7Figure 3-4B Caution Label (Exam

29、ples with MSL and PSL).7Figure 3-5 MBB with No Evacuation (Example) 8Figure 3-6 MBB with Recommended Light Air Evacuation (Example) .8Figure 3-7 MBB with Too Much (Full) Evacuation (Example) .8Figure A-1 Photo of Testing Apparatus .16TablesTable 3-1 Dry-Packing Requirements 4Table 3-2 Typical Revers

30、ible (Type 1) HIC Spot Compliance 6Table 4-1 Reference Conditions for Drying Mounted or Unmounted SMD Packages9Table 4-2 Supplier Bake: Default Baking Times Used Prior to Dry Pack 10Table 4-3 Resetting or Pausing the Floor-Life Clock at User Site .10Table 5-1 Moisture Classification Level (MSL) and

31、Floor Life per J-STD-020 12Table 7-1 Recommended Equivalent Total Floor Life (days) 20 C, 25 C the replacement of an attached device; or the heating and repositioning of a previously attached device. 1.5.13 Process-Sensitivity Level (PSL) A rating used to identify a device that is solder-process-sen

32、sitive because the device cannot be used in one or more of the base solder process conditions defined in J-STD- Shelf Life (of a device in a sealed MBB) The allowable time that a dry-packed moisture or reflow-sensitive device can be stored in an unopened moisture-barrier bag (MBB). April 2

33、018 IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033D31.5.15 SMD Surface mount device.Note: For the purpose of this standard, SMD is restricted to include only plastic-encapsulated SMDs and other packages made with moisture-permeable materials.1.5.16 Solder Reflow A solder attachment process in which previously applied solder o

34、r solder paste is melted to attach a device to a printed circuit board.1.5.17 Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR) A measure of the permeability of plastic film or metallized plastic film material to moisture.2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS (Normative)2.1 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)1AST

35、M F 1249 Standard Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and Sheeting Using a Modulated Infrared Sensor.ASTM F 392 Standard Test Method for Flex Durability of Flexible Barrier Materials2.2 Electronic Industries Alliance (ECIA, ESDA, JEDEC) ANSI/ESD S541 Packaging Material

36、 for ESD Sensitive Items 2ANSI/ESD S541 Packaging Material Standards for ESD Sensitive ItemsJESD625 Requirements for Handling Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESD) DevicesJEP160 Long Term Storage Guidelines for Electronic Solid State Wafers, Dice, and DevicesJESD22-A113 Preconditioning of Non-herm

37、etic Surface Mount Devices Prior to Reliability TestingJESD22-A120 Test Method for the Measurement of Moisture Diffusivity and Water Solubility in Organic Materials Used in Integrated Circuits2.3 IPC Standards3IPC-7711/21 Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies2.4 Joint Industry Sta

38、ndards4J-STD-020 Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Solid State Surface Mount DevicesJ-STD-075 Classification of Non-IC Electronic Components for Assembly Processes2.5 Department of Defense5MIL-PRF-81705 Type I - Barrier Materials Flexible. Electrostatic-free. Heat SealableM

39、IL-D-3464 Type II - Desiccant, Activated, Bagged, Packaging Use and Static Dehumidification3 DRY PACKING3.1 Requirements Dry-packing requirements for the various moisture sensitivity levels are shown in Table 3-1. The levels are determined per J-STD-020, J-STD-075, and/or per JESD22-A113 plus reliab

40、ility testing. As a minimum all materials used in dry packing should conform to ANSI/ESD S541.1. 2.;; 3. 4.;; 5. http:/ 4IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033D April 2018Table 3-1

41、 Dry-Packing RequirementsLevel Dry Before Bag MBB With HIC Desiccant MSID Label Caution Label1 Optional Optional Optional Not Required Not Required if classified at 220 C 225 C Required* if classified at other than 220 C 225 C2 Optional Required Required Required Required2a-5a Required Required Requ

42、ired Required Required6 Optional Optional Optional Required RequiredSocket OnlyNot Applicable Not ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Required Not RequiredNote: * A Caution label is not required if level and reflow temperature are given, in human readable form, on the barcode label attached to the lowest le

43、vel shipping container.3.2 Drying of SMD Packages and Carrier Materials Before Being Sealed in MBBs3.2.1 Drying Requirements - Levels 2a - 5a SMD packages classified at Levels 2a through 5a must be dried (see Clause 4.) prior to being sealed in MBBs. The period between drying and sealing must not ex

44、ceed the MET less the time allowed for distributors to open the bags and repack parts. If the suppliers actual MET is more than the default 24 hours, then the actual MET must be used. If the distributor practice is to repack the MBBs with active desiccant, then this time does not need to be subtract

45、ed from the MET.3.2.2 Drying Requirements for Carrier Materials Carrier materials, such as trays, tubes, reels, etc., that are placed in the MBB can affect the moisture level within the MBB. Therefore, the effect of these materials must be compensated for by baking or, if required, adding additional

46、 desiccant in the MBB to ensure the calculated shelf life of the SMD packages.3.2.3 Drying Requirements Suppliers may use the drying effect of normal in-line processes such as post mold cure, marking cure, and burn-in to reduce the bake time. An equivalency evaluation is recommended to ensure that h

47、igh temperature processing maintains moisture weight gain to an acceptable level. The total weight gain for the SMD package at the time it is sealed in the MBB must not exceed the moisture gain of that package starting dry and then being exposed to 30 C/60% RH for MET hours (less the time for distri

48、butors).3.2.4 Excess Time Between Bake and Bag If the allowable time between bake and bag is exceeded, the SMD packages must be dried again per Clause 4.3.3 Dry Pack3.3.1 Description Dry pack consists of desiccant material and a Humidity Indicator Card (HIC) sealed with the SMD packages inside a Moi

49、sture Barrier Bag (MBB). A representative dry-pack configuration is shown in Figure 3- Materials3.3.2.1 Moisture Barrier Bag (MBB) The moisture barrier bag shall meet MIL-PRF-81705, TYPE I requirements for flexibility, ESD protection, mechanical strength, and puncture resistance. The bags shall be heat sealable. The Water Vapor Transmission Rate (WVTR) shall be 0.0310 g/m20.002 g/100 in2 in 24 hours at 40 C after flex testing per condition EASTM F 392. The WVTR is measured using ASTM F 1249. Desiccant The desiccant material shall meet MIL-D-3464

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