KS A ISO 18589-6-2012 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment-Soil-Part 6:Measurement of gross alpha and gross beta activities《环境放射性测量 土壤 第6部分 净阿尔法活性和总贝它活性》.pdf

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KS A ISO 18589-6-2012 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment-Soil-Part 6:Measurement of gross alpha and gross beta activities《环境放射性测量 土壤 第6部分 净阿尔法活性和总贝它活性》.pdf_第1页
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KS A ISO 18589-6-2012 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment-Soil-Part 6:Measurement of gross alpha and gross beta activities《环境放射性测量 土壤 第6部分 净阿尔法活性和总贝它活性》.pdf_第2页
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KS A ISO 18589-6-2012 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment-Soil-Part 6:Measurement of gross alpha and gross beta activities《环境放射性测量 土壤 第6部分 净阿尔法活性和总贝它活性》.pdf_第3页
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KS A ISO 18589-6-2012 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment-Soil-Part 6:Measurement of gross alpha and gross beta activities《环境放射性测量 土壤 第6部分 净阿尔法活性和总贝它活性》.pdf_第4页
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KS A ISO 18589-6-2012 Measurement of radioactivity in the environment-Soil-Part 6:Measurement of gross alpha and gross beta activities《环境放射性测量 土壤 第6部分 净阿尔法活性和总贝它活性》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS A ISO 18589 6 6: KS A ISO 18589 6:2012 2012 12 12 http:/www.kats.go.krKS A ISO 18589 6:2012 : ( ) ( ) () ( ) : () ( ) () ( ) () () () () ( ) () () : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2012 12 12 2012-0698 : :() ( 02-509-7270) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . K

2、S A ISO 18589 6:2012 i ii . iii 1 1 2 1 3 , .1 4 2 5 .2 6 2 6.1 2 6.2 .3 6.3 .4 6.4 .4 6.5 .4 7 .4 7.1 .4 7.2 5 7.3 .6 7.4 .6 7.5 .7 8 .7 A( ) 239 .9 A.1 .9 A.2 .9 A.3 .9 A.4 .9 A.5 9 A.6 10 11 KS A ISO 18589 6:2012 ii . , , . , , . KS A ISO 18589 6:2012 iii 2009 1 ISO 18589 6, Measurement of radioa

3、ctivity in the environmentSoil Part 6: Measurement of gross alpha and gross beta activities , . . KS A ISO 18589 6:2012 6: Measurement of radioactivity in the environment Soil Part 6: Measurement of gross alpha and gross beta activities 1 / . , . , , . 2 . . ( ) . KS A ISO 18589 1, 1: KS A ISO 18589

4、 2, 2: , KS A ISO 80000 10, 10: KS I ISO 11074, KS Q ISO/IEC 17025, 3 , KS A ISO 18589 1, KS I ISO 11074 KS A ISO 80000 10 . m (kg) a (bq/kg) A, A (bq) tg ( ) t0 ( ) ts, ts ( ) rg, rg r0, r0 KS A ISO 18589 6:2012 2 rs, rs , - (%) u(a) (bq/kg) U (bq/kg), U k u(a) k 1, 2, a* (bq/kg) a# (bq/kg) a, a (b

5、q/kg) 4 / (planchette) 1,2,3. / , / . / . 5 5.1 5.2 10 g/L Parlodion1) 5.3 5.4 , 0.1 mg 5.5 (: ) / 6 6.1 . a) (5.1) (5.3) . b) KS A ISO 18589 2 m 20 mg/cm2 . c) . d) . 1) Parlodion . , ISO . KS A ISO 18589 6:2012 3 e) (: 130 mm Parlodion10 mL ) ( ). (film) . / . . , . , . 6.2 6.2.1 4,5,6 . a) (metro

6、logical bodies) b) . / 2 % . 241Am 239Pu . 239Pu , 241Pu . 90Sr90Y . Unat 40K . A . . (desiccator) . - 0 . - . - - . 6.2.2 . a) 6.1 . b) . c) 104 ts . d) . e) 0 (compatible) . f) (1) , . KS A ISO 18589 6:2012 4 ( )= Arr /0s (1) . a) 6.1 . b) . c) 104 ts . d) . e) - (2) . =srr /s (2)

7、sr . f) (3) , . = Arr /)(0s (3) 6.3 , . (m) . . 6.4 . r0, r0 . 6.5 / . , , . , . rg, rg , rg - . 7 7.1 7.1.1 a (4) . wrrmmrra =)()(0g0g(4) KS A ISO 18589 6:2012 5 )(1mmw=7.1.2 a (5) . wrrrrmmrrrra =)()()(0g0g0g0g(5) )(1mmw=- 0 , (5) (4) . 7.2 7.2.1 ISO/IEC Guide 98 , a (6) . )()/()()()()(2rel200gg22

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9、 )/()()()(00gg2220gtrtrurrT+= (11) . KS A ISO 18589 6:2012 6 w (12) . )()()(2rel2rel2relmumuwu += (12) (13) . )()/()/()()()(2rel20s00ss2rel0s2rel2rel +=+= AurrtrtrAurrumu (13) (14) . )/()1()(ss += tru (14) (KS A ISO 11929 ) (15) 7a () . () )()(/)(/ 2rel200g00g2wuaTtrtrrrwawau += (15) - 0 , (10) (15)

10、 (6) (9) . 7.3 7.3.1 0 , a (9) , (16) (KS A ISO 11929 ). 00g011/)0(trtrwkuka+= (16) 0.05, k1 1.65 . 7.3.2 0 , a (15) (17) (KS A ISO 11929 ). )(/)()0(00g00g11 Ttrtrrrwkuka += (17) 0.05, k1 1.65 . - 0 , (17) (16) . 7.4 7.4.1 #a (KS A ISO 11929 ) (18) . () ( ) () )(/ 2rel2#00g0#21#1#wuatrtrwawkaaukaa +

11、=+= (18) 0.05, k1 1.65 . (18) #a , #a 2a .KS A ISO 18589 6:2012 7 , k1 k1 k (18) (19) . ()(1/22rel2g2#wuktwkaa+= (19) 7.4.2 #a (KS A ISO 11929 ) (20) . ( )() )()(/)(/2rel2#00g00g#21#1#wuaTtrtrrrwawkaaukaa+=+= (20) 0.05, k1 1.65 . (20) #a , #a 2a .- 0 , (20) (18) . , k1 k1 k (20) (21) . ()(1/22rel2g2

12、#wuktwkaa+= (21) 7.5 a a (22) (23) . )2/1();( = paukaap (22) 2/1);( =+= qaukaaq (23) y/u(y) , . a4 u(a) , 1 , (24) . a, ak1 /2 u(a) (24) 0.05, k1/2 1.96 . 8 KS Q ISO/IEC 17025 , . a) b) c) d) : k au(a) aU KS A ISO 18589 6:2012 8 . , ,(1 ) . a (KS A ISO 11929 ), a* . a (KS A ISO 11929 ), a# . , . KS

13、A ISO 18589 6:2012 9 A ( ) 239 A.1 239Pu . . A.2 (spiked sample) . a) KS A ISO 18589 2 . b) ( 5 g) B1 . c) (10510) C 1 (desiccator) . m1 . d) 10 mL 1 . e) 239Pu (known quantity), Ath 1 . f) . g) (10510) C . h) 200 m . . A.3 . a) m2 . b) KS A ISO 18589 4 , Aexp . A.4 . . a) B1 . b) 4 M . c) - 239Pu A

14、res . A.5 . a) 6.1 m3 . . b) . KS A ISO 18589 6:2012 10 c) . , (6.1 ). A.6 (A.1) , (A.2) . Aexp Ath Ares (A.1) =Arr )(0s (A.2) A Aexp m3/m2KS A ISO 18589 6:2012 11 1 NF M 60-790-5, nergie nuclaire Mesure de la radioactivit dans lenvironnement Sol. Partie 5:mthode de mesure de lindice de radioactivit

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17、L 300, 1999 6 AKU, Recommendations for the surveillance of environmental radioactivity (in German), Loseblattsammlung des Arbeitskreises Umweltberwachung (AKU) des Fachverbandes fr Strahlenschutz e.V., WINTER M., NARROG J., KUKL W., VILGIS M. (eds.), ISSN 1013 4506, 1999 7 WEISE, K., HBEL, K., MICHE

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19、 8 KS A ISO 11929( ), 9 ISO/IEC Guide 98 3, Uncertainty of measurement Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement(GUM:1995) 10 KS A ISO 18589 4, 4: (Pu238, Pu239 240) 6: 153787 1 92 3(13) (02)26240114 (02)262401489 http:/ Korean Agency for Technology and Standards http:/www.kats.go.kr KS A


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