1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS A ISO 7753 KS A ISO 7753:2012 2012 11 23 http:/www.kats.go.krKS A ISO 7753:2012 : ( ) ( ) () ( ) : () () ( ) () () () () ( ) () : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2006 12 22 :2012 11 23 2012-0633 : :() ( 02-509-7270) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS A ISO
2、 7753:2012 i ii . iii 1 1 2 .1 3 1 3.1 .1 3.2 2 3.3 .2 3.4 .2 3.5 .2 4 3 4.1 .3 4.2 3 4.3 3 4.4 .3 4.5 .3 4.6 .3 A( ) 5 B( ) .8 B.1 .8 B.2 .8 C( ) 10 C.1 .10 C.2 10 C.3 10 C.4 10 C.5 10 C.6 10 C.7 10 C.8 10 C.9 .11 12 KS A ISO 7753:2012 ii . , , . , , . KS A ISO 7753:2012 iii 1987 1 ISO 7753, Nuclea
3、r energy Performance and testing requirements for criticality detection and alarm systems . , . . 3 . A , B , C . KS A ISO 7753:2012 Nuclear energy Performance and testing requirements for criticality detection and alarm systems 1 , , 233, 235 , . . . , , . IEC . . , . 2 . 2.1 (criticality accident)
4、 2.2 (minimum accident of concern) 3 3.1 . KS A ISO 7753:2012 2 . 3.2 3.2.1 , 235U 700 g, 233U 520 g, 450 g 450 g (1 ). . , , 10 cm , 50 g/m2 . 3.2.2 0.12 Gy . 21019 . 3.3 . 3.4 3.4.1 , . . 3.4.2 . . 3.4.3 . 3.4.4 , . . 3.4.5 . 3.5 3.5.1 . , 2 . 4.2 . . 3.5.2 . KS A ISO 7753:2012 3 3.5.3 , . 3.5.4 1
5、03Gy/h . . 4 4.1 2 . 4.2 . , 60 2 m 0.2 Gy 1). , . . 4.3 , 1 ms . . 4.4 , 4.2 . . 4.5 . . B . 4.6 4.6.1 . . , . . 4.6.2 . 3 1) A , . KS A ISO 7753:2012 4 . . . 4.6.3 . 4.6.4 . 4.6.5 . KS A ISO 7753:2012 5 A ( ) , . “ ” , 1 , 2 m 0.2 Gy . 9 2 . . , . , . . , , . , . , . , . ( ) “ ” . , 9 A.1 . , . A.
6、1 . 3 , 9 4 . 2 , 4 2 m 10 Gy . . KS A ISO 7753:2012 6 A.1 A.1 6.2 kg . . , 21015 , 10 . , 1016 31015 . 1 . , . , . . , 40 cm 11 Gy 4 . 2 m 0.56 Gy . . , . , 1 10 . . (Los Alamos) 2 . “ (Godiva)” , . 3.610 3dollars/ 2), 300 . . 51016 , 2 m 7.5 Gy . “ (Parka)” 0.91 m, 1.37 m 100 mm . , . , 2) 1 dolla
7、r(100 cents) . KS A ISO 7753:2012 7 . , ( 70 ) 21018 2 m 15 Gy . , “ ” , “ ” . 6.2 kg . , 2 10 8 10 4 , 1 dollar 1.20 dollar . , 60 cm3 (joules) . , , (6 L) 1 1017 . Section Exprimentale dtudes de Criticit de Valduc CRAC 5, 10 . . 30 cent 60 cent . 7.81014fissions/s 7.41015fissions/s . 1014fissions/
8、s 1015fissions/s . . Valduc SILENE 6, 11 . cent , , 1012fissions/s 1013fissions/s . 7 cent 11 cent SHEBA7 1013fissions/s . 2 (Los Alamos 1958 Wood River 1964) 1017 0.5 m 100 Gy , 1015 2 m 0.06 Gy . CRAC 81015fissions/min , 2 m 0.5 Gy/min . 5 33 cent , 60 2 m 0.2 Gy cent . . . SILENE . . . KS A ISO 7
9、753:2012 8 B ( ) B.1 . . a) 60 , 2 m 0.2 Gy (4.2 ). b) . c) . d) 1/2 500 ( 8 ). 1 ms . e) . 3 ( ). f) 12 ( 2 239Pu 2 ). 31015 1.8 m 0.51 Gy , 0.051 Gy 4. 239Pu 12 . , 2 m 0.2 Gy 0.185 Gy 0.015 Gy ( 1.861015 ). g) 0.30 . Y-12 42 9.51012fissions/s . 1.9 m 0.47 Gy 0.30 ( 9). , 2 m 0.2 Gy 0.047 Gy 0.153
10、 Gy ( 2.21015 ). B.2 , ( ) . , r Tr . =air21draDTr& D&: a (gray/millisecond) a 2 m r : KS A ISO 7753:2012 9 dair: (dair 3, B.1 ) : (50021= , B.1 ) 510 4Gy/h , . 50021312106.3015.0105264=r , r 240 m B.1 . B.1 : m( : feet) 510 4Gy/h 240(790) 766(2 530 156(520) B.1 , . , ( B.1 ). . (510 4Gy/h ) 150 m .
11、 B.1 , m, mGy/h KS A ISO 7753:2012 10 C ( ) C.1 . , . . C.2 . . . C.3 . C.4 . C.5 , . , . . . C.6 . , . C.7 . . C.8 . KS A ISO 7753:2012 11 C.9 . . KS A ISO 7753:2012 12 1 CLARK, H.K. Effect of Distribution of Fissile Material on Critical Mass. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 24, 1966: p. 133. 2 ST
12、RATTON, W. R. A Review of Criticality Accidents. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-3611, 1967. 3 PAXTON, H.C. Criticality Control in Operations with Fissile Material. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-3366 (rev.), 1972. 4 HANKINS, D.E. and HANSEN, G.E. Revised Dose Estimates for th
13、e Criticality Excursion at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, May 21, 1946. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-3861, 1968. 5 LECORCHE, P. and SEALE, R.L. A Review of Experiments Performed to Determine the Radiological Consequences of a Criticality Accident. Oak Ridge Y- 12 Plant Report Y-CDC-12, 1973. 6 BARBRY, F. Fuel Solution Criticality Accident Studies with the SILENE Reactor: Phenomenology, Consequences and Simulated Intervention. International Seminar on Criticality Studies Programs and Needs, Dijon, France, Sept. 1983, supplemented by 11. 7 MALENFANT,