KS B ISO 10934-2-2011 Optics and optical instruments-Vocabulary for microscopy-Part 2:Advanced techniques in light microscopy《光学和光学仪器 显微镜学词汇 第2部分 光显微镜学的先进技术》.pdf

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KS B ISO 10934-2-2011 Optics and optical instruments-Vocabulary for microscopy-Part 2:Advanced techniques in light microscopy《光学和光学仪器 显微镜学词汇 第2部分 光显微镜学的先进技术》.pdf_第1页
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KS B ISO 10934-2-2011 Optics and optical instruments-Vocabulary for microscopy-Part 2:Advanced techniques in light microscopy《光学和光学仪器 显微镜学词汇 第2部分 光显微镜学的先进技术》.pdf_第2页
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KS B ISO 10934-2-2011 Optics and optical instruments-Vocabulary for microscopy-Part 2:Advanced techniques in light microscopy《光学和光学仪器 显微镜学词汇 第2部分 光显微镜学的先进技术》.pdf_第3页
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KS B ISO 10934-2-2011 Optics and optical instruments-Vocabulary for microscopy-Part 2:Advanced techniques in light microscopy《光学和光学仪器 显微镜学词汇 第2部分 光显微镜学的先进技术》.pdf_第4页
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KS B ISO 10934-2-2011 Optics and optical instruments-Vocabulary for microscopy-Part 2:Advanced techniques in light microscopy《光学和光学仪器 显微镜学词汇 第2部分 光显微镜学的先进技术》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKS KSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS B ISO 109342 2: KS B ISO 109342 :2011 2011 1 14 http:/www.kats.go.krKS B ISO 109342:2011 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2011 1 14 2011-0005 : : ( 02-509-7274) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS B ISO 109342:2011 2: Optics and optical inst

2、rumentsVocabulary for microscopy Part 2:Advanced techniques in light microscopy 2007 1 ISO 109342, Optics and optical instrumentsVocabulary for microscopyPart 2:Advanced techniques in light microscopy , . 1 . 2 . 2.1 (acousto-optical modulator) 2.2 (acousto-optical tunable filter) AOTF 2.3 (aliasing

3、) (, Nyquest ) . , . 2.4 (auto-focus) . . KS B ISO 109342:2011 2 2.5 (axial resolution) 2.6 (background subration) . 2.7 (binning) 2.8 (confocal) , (spot) , (diffraction disk, Airy disk) 2.9 (channel) 2.10 - (co-localization) 2.11 (confocal microscope) , (spot) , (diffraction disk, Airy disk) 1 . 2

4、. 2.11.1 (laser-scanning confocal microscope) (2.11) 2.11.2 (multi-beam confocal microscope) (spot) (2.11) 2.11.3 (Nipkow disk confocal microscope) ( (2.11) (Nipkow disk) KS B ISO 109342:2011 3 (Tandem-scanning confocal microscope) (2.11.3) 2.11.4 (spectral confocal micros

5、cope) (2.11) 2.11.5 (theta confocal microscope) 2 ( ) (2.11) 2.11.6 (white light confocal microscope) (2.11) 2.11.7 (confocal point spread function) (2.11) 2.11.8 (confocal volume) (2.11) 2.11.9 4 pi (4 pi confocal microscope) 2 (2.11). (2.5) . 2.12 (deconvolution) (blind deconvolution) . 2.13 (digi

6、tally enhanced contrast) 2.14 (digital image) (code) 2.15 (electronic image) KS B ISO 109342:2011 4 2.16 (extended depth of field microscopy) . . 2.17 (extended focus image) (image stack, 2.28.1) 2 2.18 (fluorescence correlation microscopy) (2.11.8) 2.19 (fluorescence in-situ hybridization microscop

7、y) FISH (in-situ) (hybridization) 2.20 (fluorescence life-time imaging) FLIM 2.21 (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching) FRPF , 2.22 (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) (Frster resonance energy transfer) FRET 2.23 (frame average) . 2.24 (image intensifier) (dynamic range) KS B ISO 109342:

8、2011 5 2.25 (linear array sensor) 2.26 (maximum intensity image) (image stack, 2.28.1) 2 2.27 MCP (micro channel plate) 2 2.28 (multidimensional image data set) (:3-, , , ) 2.28.1 (image stack) 3 (2.28) 2.28.2 (focus seris) Z stack (2.28.1) 2.29 (multi-mode fibre) 1 2.30 (multi-photon fluorescence)

9、2.30.1 (multi-photon fluorescence microscopy) (2.30) 2.31 (optical section) (2.5) 2.32 (opticalbleaching) . . KS B ISO 109342:2011 6 2.33 (pinhole) . . 2.34 (point detection) . 2.35 (point spread function) 2.36 (Raman microscopy) 2.37 (ratio image) 2.38 (real time image) . 2.39 (region of i

10、nterest) ROI 2.40 (scan rate) 2.41 (scanned field) 2.42 (scanning) , , . 2.42.1 (descanning) (beam) KS B ISO 109342:2011 7 2.42.2 (line scanning) (2.42) 2.42.3 (non-descanning detection) NDD (2.42.1) . 2.42.4 (point scanning) (2.42) 2.42.5 (raster scanning) (2.42) 2.42.6 (slit scanning) (2.42) 2.42.

11、7 (stage scanning) (2.42) 2.43 (scanning microscope) (2.42) 2.43.1 (disk scanning microscope) (2.43) 2.43.2 (laser scanning microscope) (2.43) 2.43.3 (scanning near field microscope) (Airy disk) (2.49) . 2.44 2 (second harmonic generation microscopy) 2 KS B ISO 109342:2011 8 2.45 (shading correction

12、) (label) 2.46 (single-mode fibre) 1 2.47 (spectral imaging microscopy) 2.48 (structured illumination microscope) . . 2.48.1 (grating image microscope) 2.49 (super-resolution) 2.50 (time course imaging) 2.51 (total internal reflection flurescence microscopy) TIRFM 2.52 (white balencing) (level) 2.53

13、 3D (3D reconstruction) 3 2 . KS B ISO 109342:2011 9 KS B ISO 109342:2011 . 1 1.1 , ISO 109432, Optics and optical instrumentsVocabulary for microscopyPart 2:Advanced techniques in light microscopy . 1.2 ISO 109432, Optics and optical instrumentsVocabulary for microscopyPart 2 : Advanced techniques

14、in light microscopy ISO . 2 . 2: 153787 1 92 3(13) (02)26240114 (02)262401489 http:/ KS B ISO 109342 :2011 KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS SKS KSKS SKSKS KSKSKS Optics and optical instruments Vocabulary for microscopy Part 2 :Advanced techniques in light microscopy ICS 01.040.37;37.020 Korean Agency for Technology and Standards http:/www.kats.go.kr


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