KS C IEC 60244-2-2008 Methods of measurement for radio transmitters-Part 2:Bandwidth out-of-band power and power of non-essential oscillations《无线电发射机的测量方法 第2部分 带宽、带外功率和非本振功率》.pdf

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KS C IEC 60244-2-2008 Methods of measurement for radio transmitters-Part 2:Bandwidth out-of-band power and power of non-essential oscillations《无线电发射机的测量方法 第2部分 带宽、带外功率和非本振功率》.pdf_第1页
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KS C IEC 60244-2-2008 Methods of measurement for radio transmitters-Part 2:Bandwidth out-of-band power and power of non-essential oscillations《无线电发射机的测量方法 第2部分 带宽、带外功率和非本振功率》.pdf_第2页
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KS C IEC 60244-2-2008 Methods of measurement for radio transmitters-Part 2:Bandwidth out-of-band power and power of non-essential oscillations《无线电发射机的测量方法 第2部分 带宽、带外功率和非本振功率》.pdf_第3页
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KS C IEC 60244-2-2008 Methods of measurement for radio transmitters-Part 2:Bandwidth out-of-band power and power of non-essential oscillations《无线电发射机的测量方法 第2部分 带宽、带外功率和非本振功率》.pdf_第4页
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KS C IEC 60244-2-2008 Methods of measurement for radio transmitters-Part 2:Bandwidth out-of-band power and power of non-essential oscillations《无线电发射机的测量方法 第2部分 带宽、带外功率和非本振功率》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS C IEC 60244 2 2: , KS C IEC 60244 2:2008 2008 8 8 http:/www.kats.go.krKS C IEC 60244 2:2008 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2008 8 8 2008-0415 : : ( 02-509-7294) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS C IEC 60244 2:2008 i .1 1 1 2 1 1 3 .1 4 .3

2、 2 5 .6 6 .6 7 .8 8 11 3 9 .11 10 .12 11 .14 12 23 13 ( ) ( ) .24 1 ( ) / , , 27 2 28 3 28 4 .29 5 29 6 (NON-ESSENTIAL) 30 7 30 8 , 31 9 .31 10 .32 KS C IEC 60244 2:2008 2: , Methods of measurement for radio transmitters Part 2: Bandwidth, out-of-band power and power of non-essential oscillations 19

3、69 , 1974 IEC 60244 2, Methods of measurement for radio transmitters Part 2: Bandwidth, out-of-band power and power of non-essential oscillations . 1 . , . . . . , IEC (Technical Committee) (Sub-Committee) . IEC , . , (IEC 60244 1 3.). 2 (component) . . 1 3 KS C IEC 60244 2:2008 2 . 3.1 , . . , / .

4、, , / . , . , , . , , . , . , CCIR (ITU: International Telecommunication Union) (Radio Regulations) . . a) . , (keying filter) , . , TV , / . . b) . . . . , A 6 , , , (screening) . 3.2 , , (traffic) CCIR . , , . KS C IEC 60244 2:2008 3 CCIR . , ITU CCIR . , . 3.3 3.1 , . , , % . ( 2 ) . , (voice sim

5、ulating device) , (flat) (shaped) . IEC 60244 1 19.2.1 , “ ” . ( ) , , . , “ / ” . / (fidelity) , . , ( , ) . . / , KS C IEC 60244 4 . 1 . 4 4.2 4.6 . . 2 . 4.1 (necessary bandwidth) , CCIR , IEC 60244 2(1969)(Methods of Measurement for Radio Transmitters, Part 2, Bandwidth, Out-of-band Power and Po

6、wer of Non-essential Oscillations (Appendices) IEC 60244 2A B . 4.2 out-of-band component(or oscillation) (spurious components) , KS C IEC 60244 2:2008 4 (out-of-band radiation) (CCIR 1. IEC 60244 2A B ). 4.3 (out-of-band power) 1 . IEC 60244 1(Methods of Measurement for Radio Transmitters Part 1: G

7、eneral Conditions of Measurement, Frequency, Output Power and Power Consumption) 16.1 () , . 2 , IEC 60244 2A B CCIR 2. . 2 . 4.4 ( ) (occupied) bandwidth ( 1 ) . 1 . 4.3 1 . 2 , ( ) . 4.5 (non-essential oscillation) ( ) , , , , . a) ( ) harmonic (spurious) component ( ) b) - ( ) non-harmonic (spuri

8、ous) component 1) c) (parasitic component) 1) 1) IEC 60244 1 8.2 . KS C IEC 60244 2:2008 5 d) external intermodulation component (or product) ( ) , 2) , ( ) ( ) . , , . IEC 60244 6(Methods of Measurement for Radio Transmitters Part 6: Cabinet Radiation and Terminal Interference voltages) ( ) . 4.6 (

9、spurious output power), (power of a non-essential oscillation) , , , . , , . IEC 60244 2A F ITU , IEC 60244 2A C CCIR . 4.7 (flat random noise), (white noise), ( ) (uniform-spectrum random noise) 4.8 (shaped random noise), (coloured noise), (weighted noise) , (dependancy) . IEC 60244 2B, 60244 2 (Su

10、pplement) . , (psophometric noise) . , IEC 60244 3A: IEC 60244 3 (Methods of Measurement for Radio Transmitters Part 3: Wanted and Unwanted 2) , IEC 60244 1 3.2 . KS C IEC 60244 2:2008 6 Modulation(Appendices) . 2 5 , , IEC 60244 1 . , , . , ( E ), , CCIR ( B ). (aerial system) . , LF VLF , , . , .

11、6 IEC 60244 1 3.1 , . 6.1 6.1.1 1 . 6.1.2 , . , (band limiting filter) (limiting amplifier), (clipper), , . , ( , (distortion) ) . 6.1.2 (terminal load) . KS C IEC 60244 2:2008 7 a) (low-powered) b) (long-wave) (medium wave) , . , , . a) , . , . , , , , . . , . b) , . , , . , . , , . , . c) , . . 6.

12、2 , . 6.2.1 (telegraphy) (keying) , (modulation rate) , (build-up time) ( B 1.7 ). , ( KS C IEC 60244 2:2008 8 ). a) , - (on-off keying) ( A1), (frequency-shift) ( F1) , F1 . CCIR . A 4 . b) , ( A2) ( F2) . 6.2.2 ( ) . , . , , . , , / . , , . . , ( ) . , KS C IEC 60244 4 . IEC 60224 2B . , . 7 7.1 ( , ) , ( , (capacitive voltage divider) (inductive coupling device)( , (screened loop) 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3 .


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