KS C IEC 61183-2001 Electroacoustics-Random incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level meters《电声学 声级计的无规定射声场及扩散声场的校正》.pdf

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KS C IEC 61183-2001 Electroacoustics-Random incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level meters《电声学 声级计的无规定射声场及扩散声场的校正》.pdf_第1页
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KS C IEC 61183-2001 Electroacoustics-Random incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level meters《电声学 声级计的无规定射声场及扩散声场的校正》.pdf_第2页
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KS C IEC 61183-2001 Electroacoustics-Random incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level meters《电声学 声级计的无规定射声场及扩散声场的校正》.pdf_第3页
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KS C IEC 61183-2001 Electroacoustics-Random incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level meters《电声学 声级计的无规定射声场及扩散声场的校正》.pdf_第4页
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KS C IEC 61183-2001 Electroacoustics-Random incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level meters《电声学 声级计的无规定射声场及扩散声场的校正》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 2001 12 8 KS C IEC 61183 KS C IEC 61183: 2001 (2006 )(IEC 61183: 1994, IDT) KS C IEC 61183:2001(IEC 61183:1994) 1 1. .1 2. .1 3. .2 3.1 2 3.2 (reference direction) 2 3.3 (random incidence sound field) .2 3.4 (diffuse sound field) 2 3.5 (random-incidence sen

2、sitivity level) .2 3.6 (diffuse-field sensitivity level) 2 3.7 (free-field sensitivity level) .2 3.8 (pressure sensitivity level) .2 4. 2 5. 4 A() .6 A.1 .6 A.2 8 A.3 G F 9 A.4 .9 A.5 G RI 10 A.6 G RI 10 B() .11 B.1 11 B.2 4. A G D 11 B.3 G F, ref ref , G D 11 B.4 G P, ref DP , , G D .12 B.5 B.1 12

3、14 ICS 17.140.50 KS C IEC 61183: 2001(2006 )(IEC 61183: 1994, IDT)Electroacoustics Random incidence and diffuse-field calibration of sound level meters 1994 1 IEC 61183, Electroacoustics Random incidence and diffusefield calibration of sound level meters . “ ” . 1. 1.1 , . 1.2 . . 1.3 . . , . 1.4 .

4、2. . ( ) . KS A 3006 IEC 60050(801) International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Chapter 801: Acoustics and electroacoustics . KS C 1502 IEC 60651 Sound level meters . KS C 1505 IEC 60804 Integrating Averaging sound level meters . IEC 61094 1 Measurement microphones Part 1: Specifications for laborator

5、y standard microphones IEC 61260 Electroacoustics Octave band and fractional octave band filters ISO 266 Acoustics Preferred frequencies for measurements , 1997 Acoustics preferred frequencies . ISO 3741 Acoustics Determination of sound power levels of noise sources Precision methods for broad band

6、sources in reverberation rooms(KS ) C IEC 61183:2001 2 ISO 3745 Acoustics Determination of sound power levels of noise sources Precision methods for anechoic and semi anechoic rooms(KS ) 3. 3.1 KS A 3006(IEC 60050 801) . 3.2 (reference direction) 3.3 (random incidence sound field) ( ) , , 3.4 (diffu

7、se sound field) ( ) , , 3.5 (random-incidence sensitivity level) ( ) , , , . (dB) 1. 3.5 3.8 , ( , , 20 ) . 2. , , . 3.6 (diffusefield sensitivity level) ( ) , , . (dB) 3.7 (freefield sensitivity level) ( ) , , . (dB) 3.8 (pressure sensitivity level) ( ) , . (dB) 4. 4.1 ( ) GRI . GRI GF 10 log (dB).

8、(1) : , (全指向, omnidirectional) . GF: , Lrd L0(dB) C IEC 61183:2001 3 Lrd: (reference direction) (dB) L0: (dB) 4.2 GF Lrd L0 , . 4.3 . X . rr ( 1 ). 4.4 . =drLLs)(1.0rd104r(2) L( rr): rr (dB) Lrd: (dB) d: rr (sr) . 1 4.5 2 X X . . ddLLsin104),(1.0020rd=.(3) 4.6 . (近傍 ) . rr C IEC 61183:2001 4 4.7 L(,

9、 ) , m n , 2/m /n (3) . ),(1.011rd10),(1jiLLjinjmiK=(4) K(i, j) ddjjiisin)4/1(2/2/2/2/+(5) (5) , K(i, j) sin , , . K(i, j) | (/4)cos(i /2) cos(i /2) |(6) i 0 i . K(i, j) (2/4)1 cos(/2)(7) 1. i j . 2. K(, ) , . 4.8 K() . . 4.9 A (4) . 2 4.10 ISO 3745( A ) . . ISO 266 , 1/3 ( 3.5 ). IEC 61260 0 1 . 4.

10、11 , 1/3 G F 8 . (rms) . 5. (, ) C IEC 61183:2001 5 5.1 ( .) . . 4. ( ) ( , B B.1 ) 5.2 GD . GD LD LD,ref(dB)(8) LD: (dB) LD,ref: (dB) 5.3 4. , GD . GD GD GRI,ref(dB).(9) GRI,ref: (dB) 5.4 , ( B.1 ) , . GD GD GF,ref 10 log10 ref(dB)(10) GF,ref: , Lrd,ref L0(dB) ref: (dB) 5.5 , ( B.1 ) , . GD GD (GP,

11、ref DP) (dB)(11) Gp,ref: (dB) DP: (dB) 5.6 ISO 3741( A ) . . 1/3 . 0.05 dB . 5.7 IEC 61260 0 1 . 5.8 B . C IEC 61183:2001 6 A() A.1 A.1.1 . . A.1.2 . A.1.3 A.1 . , . . A.1.4 A.1 X Y X Z . (4) 90 . , ( ) X Y X Z . A.1.5 X Y A.2 ( ) . X Z X Y 90 ( A.3 ) . A.1.6 ( A.1 ). . . . 3 % . X Y X Z . . 3 . A.1

12、 , X C IEC 61183:2001 7 X , . A.2 XY 90 , h , v . A.3 90 , A.2 XY XZ A.1.7 , . . 10 , 70 . 2.2 % , 3 % (A.1.6 ) . (A.1) (A.2) X Y X Z 10 K() A.1 . C IEC 61183:2001 8 A.1 / 2 (90) K() K () 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 180 170, 160, 150, 140, 130, 120, 110, 100, 270 190, 200, 210, 220, 230,

13、240, 250, 260, 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 0.000 95 0.003 78 0.007 45 0.010 89 0.014 01 0.016 69 0.018 87 0.020 47 0.021 46 0.021 79 10 . A.1.8 K() . K() / 2(90) (6) . / 2 0 / 2 180 . K() (1/8)cos( / 2) cos( / 2)(A.1) (7) 0 180 . K(0) K(180) (1/4)1 cos( / 2).(A.2) K(): : () : () , . . 38 0, 90 1

14、80 , 2.6 % . 0, 32.6, 50.8, 65.1, 77.9, 90, 102.2, 114.9, 129.2, 147.4, 180, 212.6, 230.8, 245.1, 257.8, 270, 282.1, 294.9, 309.2, 327.4, 0 180 . A.2 A.2.1 GF , . ( ) , ( A.2 ). . . (supporting system) . A.2.2 , 0.3 m 1 dB . A.2.3 . 20 dB . C IEC 61183:2001 9 . GF . A.2.4 . A.3 G F A.3.1 ( ) . A.3.2

15、 , . . L0 (4. ). A.3.3 . Lrd (4. ). A.3.4 Lrd L0 . GF (4. ). KS C 1502 KS C 1505 , L0 74 dB 94 dB . A.4 A.4.1 ( ) . A.4.2 ( A.2 ). A.4.3 X ( A.2 ). A.4.4 . Lrd (4. ). A.4.5 360 , 10 . . L(, h) . A.4.6 90 ( A.3 ). A.4.5 . L(, v) . A.4.7 10 . 1v),(1.03500h),(1.03500rdrd10)(10)(=+=LLLLKK(A.3) Lrd: (dB)

16、 L(, h): X Y (h X Y ) , (dB) L(, v): X Z (v X Z ) , (dB) K(): (10 A.1.8 A.1 ) L(0, h) L(0, v) L(180, h) L(180, v) , 1 . 1. , A.4.5 . . C IEC 61183:2001 10 1h),(1.03500rd10)(2=LLK(A.4) 2. 38 (A.1.8 ), . 1(n)1.0381rd10)38/1(=LLnn.(A.5) A.5 GRI GRI . GRI GF 10 log10 (dB).(A.6) A.6 GRI GRI . 1. 4.11 2. , 45 4 ( 2 ). 2 90 4 45 ( A.3 ). K() , A.1 . C IEC 61183:2001 11 B() B.1 B.1.1 1 . , . 1 . B.1.2 IEC 61094 1 LS2aP/LS2F LS2bP . LS2aP/LS2F DP B.1 . B.1 LS2aP/LS2F DP . B.1.3 .


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