KS C IEC 61968-2-2007 Application integration at electric utilities-System interfaces for distribution management-Part 2:Glossary《电气设备的应用集成 分布式管理用系统接口 第2部分 术语汇编》.pdf

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KS C IEC 61968-2-2007 Application integration at electric utilities-System interfaces for distribution management-Part 2:Glossary《电气设备的应用集成 分布式管理用系统接口 第2部分 术语汇编》.pdf_第1页
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KS C IEC 61968-2-2007 Application integration at electric utilities-System interfaces for distribution management-Part 2:Glossary《电气设备的应用集成 分布式管理用系统接口 第2部分 术语汇编》.pdf_第2页
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KS C IEC 61968-2-2007 Application integration at electric utilities-System interfaces for distribution management-Part 2:Glossary《电气设备的应用集成 分布式管理用系统接口 第2部分 术语汇编》.pdf_第3页
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KS C IEC 61968-2-2007 Application integration at electric utilities-System interfaces for distribution management-Part 2:Glossary《电气设备的应用集成 分布式管理用系统接口 第2部分 术语汇编》.pdf_第4页
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KS C IEC 61968-2-2007 Application integration at electric utilities-System interfaces for distribution management-Part 2:Glossary《电气设备的应用集成 分布式管理用系统接口 第2部分 术语汇编》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS C IEC 60269 1 1: KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 2009 2 9 http:/www.kats.go.krKS C IEC 60269 1:2009 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 2002 9 30 : 2009 2 9 2009-0052 : : ( 02-509-7294) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 i . iii .1 1

2、1 1.1 .1 1.2 .2 2 .2 3 9 3.1 (Ta).10 3.2 .10 3.3 10 3.4 .10 3.5 .10 3.6 , .10 3.7 11 3.8 11 3.9 .11 4 11 5 .11 5.1 11 5.2 12 5.3 12 5.4 (6.1 6.2 ) .13 5.5 .13 5.6 13 5.7 15 5.8 I 2t .16 6 17 6.1 .17 6.2 .17 6.3 17 7 18 7.1 18 7.2 .19 7.3 , 19 7.4 .20 7.5 21 KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 ii 7.6 (cut-off curr

3、ent) .22 7.7 I2t 22 7.8 22 7.9 .23 7.10 .25 7.11 .25 7.12 25 7.13 25 7.14 .25 8 25 8.1 .26 8.2 31 8.3 .33 8.4 36 8.5 .40 8.6 46 8.7 I2t .46 8.8 .46 8.9 46 8.10 47 8.11 .47 A( ) 60 B( ) “gG”, “gM”, “gD”, gN” I2t alc I2t .63 C( ) - - .64 D( ) .68 KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 69 KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 iii . ,

4、, . , , . KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 1: Low-voltage fuses Part 1: General requirements (KS) (IS) 2006 4 IEC 60269 1, Low-voltage fuses Part 1: General requirements , . 1 1.1 1 000 V 1 500 V 6 kA . . IEC 60947 3 - . 1 “a” (2.2.4 ) . 2 ( , ) . 3 . IEC 60127 . ( , , ) . , . / - I2t( ) KS C IEC 60269 1:2009

5、2 1.2 . . ( ) . KS C IEC 60050 441, 441: , KS C IEC 60269 2, 2: ( ) KS C IEC 60269 3, 3: ( ) KS C IEC 60269 4, 4: KS C IEC 60364 5-52, 5-52: KS C IEC 60529, (IP ) KS C IEC 60584 1, 1: KS C IEC 60664 1, 1: , , KS C IEC 60695 2-1-0, 2: 1 / 0: KS C IEC 60695 2-1-1, 2: 1 / 1: KS X IEC 60617 1, 1: , , IE

6、C 60038: 1983, IEC standard voltages IEC 60269 5, Low-voltage fuses Part 5: Guidance for the application of low-voltage fuses IEC 60364 3, Electrical installations of buildings Part 3: Assessment of general characteristics IEC 60695 2-1/2: 1994, Fire hazard testing Part 2: Test methods Section 1/she

7、et 2: Glowwire flammability test on materials IEC 60695 2-1/3: 1994, Fire hazard testing Part 2: Test methods Section 1/sheet 3: Glowwire ignitability test on materials ISO 3: 1973, Preferred numbers Series of preferred numbers ISO 478: 1974, Paper Untrimmed stock sizes for the ISO A Series ISO prim

8、ary range ISO 593: 1974, Paper Untrimmed stock sizes for the ISO A Series ISO supplementary range ISO 4046: 1978, Paper, board, pulp and related terms Vocabulary Bilingual edition 2 KS C IEC 60050 441 . 2.1 2.1.1 , , . . IEV 441 18 01 KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 3 2.1.2 (fuse-holder) (fuse-base) (fuse-car

9、rier) . IEV 441 18 14 “ ” , , . (fuse-base) (fuse-mount) IEV 441 18 02 , . (fuse-carrier) IEV 441 18 13 2.1.3 (fuse-link) IEV 441 18 09 2.1.4 (fuse-contact) 2.1.5 (fuse-element) IEV 441 18 08 . 2.1.6 ( ) IEV 441 18 17 2.1.7 (striker) , IEV 441 18 18 KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 4 2.1.8 (ter

10、minal) ( , , ) ( , , ) . 2.1.9 (dummy fuse-link) 2.1.10 (test rig) 2.1.11 (gauge-piece) 2.2 2.2.1 , IEV 441 18 12 2.2.2 IEV 441 18 10 2.2.3 “g” ( , ) 2.2.4 “a” ( , ) - ( 2 k2In) “a” . 2 k2In , . KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 5 2.2.5 (Ta) ( 1 m ) (Te) ( , ) . Ta ( , ) Te . Te Ta . (T

11、) ( , ) (T) 2.2.6 , , ( ) , 2.2.7 , , 2.2.8 . , . 2.2.9 . . IEV 441 18 34, ( 12 13 ). 2.2.10 ( ) (5.7.1 ) , . 2.2.11 ( ) , KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 6 1 . 2 IEC 60364 3 BA 4 “ (instructed)”1)BA 5 “ (skilled)”2) 2.2.12 ( ) , . 2.2.13 IEV 441 18 33 2.3 (Characteristic quantities) 2.3.1 , IEV 441 18 36 , ,

12、 , , . r.m.s. , . . 2.3.2 ( ) , , r.m.s. . IEV 441 17 01, , I2t - (8.5.7 ). 2.3.3 (gate) - 1) : ( ) 2) : ( ) KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 7 2.3.4 IEV 441 17 08, 2.3.5 2.3.6 - (cut-off current) , 2.3.7 - (cut-off current characteristic, let-through current characteristic) - IEV 441 17 14 , - . - . 2.3.8 ( )

13、 - - . 2.3.9 (melting time) IEV 441 18 21 2.3.10 IEV 441 17 32, 2.3.11 IEV 441 18 22 2.3.12 I2t (Joule) =10d22tttitI IEV 441 18 23 KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 8 1 I2t I2t . 2 I2t I2t . 3 1 A2s I2t . 2.3.13 I2t I2t ( I2t I2t) 2.3.14 I2t I2t I2t 2.3.15 (In) 2.3.16 0.1 , . IEV 441 17 13 2.3.17 2.3.18 (Inf) (

14、conventional non-fusing current) IEV 441 18 27 2.3.19 (If) (conventional fusing current) IEV 441 18 28 2.3.20 “a” “a” ( 2 ) 2.3.21 IEV 441 18 38, KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 9 , r.m.s. . 2.3.22 IEV 441 18 39 2.3.23 IEV 441 17 25, . ( ) , ( ) . (TRV) IEV 441 17 26 1 . (shif

15、t) . 2 . , . IEV 441 17 27, . 2.3.24 IEV 441 18 30 2.3.25 (isolating distance) IEV 441 18 06 3 , KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 10 . 8. . 3.1 (Ta) Ta( ) 40 , 24 35 1 . 5 . 1 - 20 . - 30 . 2 , , . D 3.2 2 000 m . 3.3 40 50 % . , 20 90 % . , . 3.1 3.2, 3.3 , . . 3.4 110 % . , 110 %, 5 % 9 % . 6

16、90 V , 105 % . ( ). 3.5 7.4 7.5 . 3.6 , 3.6.1 KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 11 , . 3.6.2 , 20 . 3.6.3 , 21 . 21 . , . 3.7 . . 3.8 ( “gG” ) 5.7.1 . 3.9 0.1 2 3 . “gG” “gM” I2t 7 , I2t . . 4 5. . 5 5.1 , . 5.1.1 a) (5.2 ) b) (5.3.2 ) c) , (5.4 ) d) (5.5 ) e) f) KS C IEC 60269 1:2009 12 g) 5.1.2 a) (5.2 ) b) (5.3.1 ) c) , (5.4 ) d) (5.5 ) e) - (5.6 ) f) (5.7.1 ) g) (5.7.2 ) h) - (5.8.1 ) i) I2t (5.8.2 ) j) 5.1.3 KS C IEC 60529 5.2 , 1 . 1 I V II V 230*400*500 690*120*208 240 277*415*480*600 * IEC 60038 . . . 110* 125* 220* 250* 440* 460 500 600* 750

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