KS C IEC 62325-502-2007 Framework for energy market communications-Part 502:Profile of ebXML《能源市场流通体制 第502部分 ebXML的轮廓》.pdf

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KS C IEC 62325-502-2007 Framework for energy market communications-Part 502:Profile of ebXML《能源市场流通体制 第502部分 ebXML的轮廓》.pdf_第1页
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KS C IEC 62325-502-2007 Framework for energy market communications-Part 502:Profile of ebXML《能源市场流通体制 第502部分 ebXML的轮廓》.pdf_第2页
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KS C IEC 62325-502-2007 Framework for energy market communications-Part 502:Profile of ebXML《能源市场流通体制 第502部分 ebXML的轮廓》.pdf_第3页
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KS C IEC 62325-502-2007 Framework for energy market communications-Part 502:Profile of ebXML《能源市场流通体制 第502部分 ebXML的轮廓》.pdf_第4页
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KS C IEC 62325-502-2007 Framework for energy market communications-Part 502:Profile of ebXML《能源市场流通体制 第502部分 ebXML的轮廓》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KS C IEC 62325 502KSKSKSKSSKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 502:ebXML KS C IEC 62325 502: 2007 2007 11 30 http:/www.kats.go.krKS C IEC 62325 502: 2007 : () ( ) () ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2007 11 30 2007-1123 : : ( 02-509-7294) (http:/www.kats.go.kr ). 10 5 , . KS C IEC 62325 502: 2007 i

2、ii 1 1 2 1 3 .1 3.1 1 3.2 .1 4 3 4.1 .3 4.2 BPSS 3 4.3 CPP/A 7 4.4 .10 5 10 A( ) .11 B( ) 24 . 26 1 ebXML 3 1 , BPSS . 5 2 5 3 6 4 , 7 5 CPP/CPA 8 6 S/MIME v3 . 10 7 OpenPGP/MIME . 10 B.1 . 24 KS C IEC 62325 502: 2007 ii (standard, ) (KS) (IS) 2005 2 1 IEC/TS 62325 502, Framework for energy market c

3、ommunications Part 502: Profile of ebXML . . , , , , . , , . , . , . EDIFACT X12 , HTML XML . (ebXML) UN/CEFACT OASIS , ISO 15000 . ISO 15000 ebXML . ebXML TCP/IP, HTTP, SOAP, XML, SOAP . 25 EDI ebXML . ebXML EDI XML emerging class . ebXML EDI (EDIFACT, X12) XML . ebXML , . KS C IEC 62325 502: 2007

4、502: ebXML Framework for energy market communications Part 502: Profile of ebXML 1 ISO 15000 . . 2 . . ( ) . ISO/TS 15000 1: 2004, Part 1: (ebCPP) ISO/TS 15000 2: 2004, Part 2: (ebMS) UN/CEFACT, ebXML , v1.10 UN/CEFACT, ebXML , v1.04 IEC 62325 , (IETF) RFC( ) (W3C) (OASIS) . 3 . 3.1 3.2 A2A Applicat

5、ion-to-Application( ) AES Advanced Encryption Standard( ) B2B Business-to-Business( ) BDS Business Document Specification(instance) ( ) KS C IEC 62325 502: 2007 2 BDSS Business document Specification Schema( ) BIE Business Information Entity( ) BOV Business Operational View( ) BPMS Business Process

6、Management System( ) BPSS Business Process Specification Schema( ) BSI Business Service Interface( ) CC Core Component(based on BIE)( ) CIM Common Information Model( ) CPA Collaboration Protocol Agreement( ) CPP Collaboration Protocol Profile( ) DSO Distribution System Operator(of power system) ( )

7、DUNS Data Universal Numbering system (North America) ( ( ) EAN European Article Numbering(Europe) ( ( ) ebXML electronic business XML( XML) EDI Electronic Data Exchange( ) EAI Enterprise Application Integration( ) EMS Energy Management System( ) ERP Enterprise Resource Planning( ) FSV Functional Ser

8、vice View( ) FTP File Transfer Protocol( ) HTTP Hypertext Transport Protocol( ) ICT Information and Communication Technology( ) ISO Independent System Operator( ) IT Information Technology( ) MIME Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions( /MIME) MIS Market Identification Schema( ) MOM Message-or

9、iented middleware( ) MSH Message Service Handler( ) PKI Public Key Infrastructure( ) QoS Quality of Service( ) RPC Remote Procedure Call( ) RR Registry/Repository( / ) SAML Secure Assertion Mark-up Language( ) SCADA Supervision, Control, and Data Acquisition( , ) SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(

10、) SO System Operator( ) SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol( ) TLS Transport Layer Security( ) TSO Transmission System Operator(of power system)( ) UML Unified Modeling Language( ) UMM UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology(UN/CEFACT ) VPN Virtual Private Network( ) WS Web Service( ) WSDL Web Services Defini

11、tion Language( ) XML eXtensible Mark-up Language( ) XKMS XML Key Management Specification(XML ) KS C IEC 62325 502: 2007 3 4 4.1 ebXML , XML (CPA) (Trading Partner Agreements) (e-business) . , (CPP) CPA . . , CPA , . , ebXML . ebXML , . BPSS “ ” , CPP/CPA “ ” “ ” . 4.2 4.4 , 1 . CPP/CPABPSS XML (MIM

12、E) (, ) (, ) 1 ebXML 4.2 BPSS ebXML BPSS KS C IEC 62325 502: 2007 4 . BPSS . CPA BPSS , . 1 . . #1 . #2 ( ) ( ) ( , TLS, IPsec) . #3 , ( ) . #3 . #4 (authorization) . #3 #4 , . BPSS MSH 0, 3, 16 21 . MSH 16 21 . , . . (end-to-end) . MSH , . BPSS . BPSS . , 1 BPSS . . XML . . KS C IEC 62325 502: 2007

13、 5 1 , BPSS #1 #2 #3 #4 MSH 0 3 16 21 NA NO YES YES ( )a X X X X ( ) X X X X ( ) xb ( )a Xb ( ) X ( , SAML) X ( (keyed digest) X X ( ) Xa X X ( Xa X X aMSH b , , . . 2 . true , . 1,2,3,4: true , 2 m/o BusinessTransaction/ m isGuaranteedDeliveryRequired “true“ RequestingBusinessActivity m 0, e.g. “P2

14、H“ isIntelligibleCheckRequired “true“ timeToAcknowledgeReceipt m 0, e.g. “P2H“ timeToAcknowledgeAcceptance m 0, e.g. “P4H“ RespondingBusinessActivity isIntelligibleCheckRequired m “true“ timeToAcknowledgeReceipt m 0, e.g. “P2H“ BusinessTransactionActivity timeToPerform m 0, e.g. “P1D“ m/o (mandatory

15、)/ (optional) . KS C IEC 62325 502: 2007 6 , , . , . 3 . , . 1,2,3 : “false” 4: “isNonRepudiationRequired” “isNonRepudiationOfReceiptRequired” “true” “isLegallyBinding” “true” . “ture” , . 3 m/o BusinessTransaction/ m RequestingBusinessActivity isNonRepudiationRequired o “false” “true” ( , ) isNonRe

16、pudiationOfReceiptRequired o “false” “true” ( ) RespondingBusinessActivity isNonRepudiationRequired o “false” “true” ( , ) isNonRepudiationOfReceiptRequired o “false” “true” ( ) BusinessTransactionActivity isLegallyBinding o “true”, “false” m/o (mandatory)/ (optional) . , . 4 . . 1: isAuthorizationR

17、equired “false” “none” . 2: “isConfidential” “Authenticated” “transient” 3: “isConfidential”, “isAuthenticated” “isTemperProof” “persistent” 4: isAuthorizationRequired “true” “persistent” KS C IEC 62325 502: 2007 7 4 , m/o BusinessTransaction/ m RequestingBusinessActivity isAuthorizationRequired o “

18、false” “true” RequestingBusinessActivity/ DocumentEnvelope isTamperProof o “none” “persistent”( )isConfidential o “none” “transient”, “persistent” isAuthenticated o “none” “transient”, “persistent” RespondingBusinessActivity isAuthorizationRequired o “false” “true” RespondingBusinessActivity/ Docume

19、ntEnvelope isTamperProof o “none” “persistent”( )isConfidential o “none” “transient”, “persistent” isAuthenticated o “none” “transient”, “persistent” m/o (mandatory)/ (optional) . 4.3 CPP/A CPP version 2.0 5 . “PartyInfo” , “PartyID” . . (Market Identification Schema) . PartyID . . “PartyRef” Xlink

20、. ( ) . . . () “DeliveryChannel” “Characteristics” , BPSS . , BPSS (4.2) “true” . , “DocExchange” “NonRepudiation” “DigitalEnvelope” . () “DeliveryChannel” “Characteristics” , BPSS . . , “Transport” “TransportSecurity” . KS C IEC 62325 502: 2007 8 5 CPP/CPA n m/o 1m PartyID mPartyRef o PartyInfo Cer

21、tificate o 1mProcessSpecification m BBSS . Role mBPSS ServiceBinding m , channelID m packageID m Service ( ) n m 1 CollaborationRole Override o 1m channelID m ServiceBinding . transportID m Transport docExchangeID m DocExchange Characteristics (overrides BPSS!) m synchReplyMode o “none” nonrepudiati

22、onOfOrigin o “true” “false” nonrepudiationOfReceipt o Empty “true” “false” secureTransport o Default “false” confidentiality o Empty “true” “false” authenticated o Empty “true” “false” DeliveryChannel Document level security authorized o Empty “true” “false” nm id m ServiceBinding ProcessingCapabili

23、ties parse m “true” generate m “true” SimplePart n id m mimitype m mimiparameters o NamespaceSupported o CompositeList 1 Packaging Composite (id, mimetype) n m KS C IEC 62325 502: 2007 9 5 CPP/CPA ( ) n m/o Transport n m transportID SendingProtocol 1 version m protocol(HTTP SMTP, ) m “HTTP” “SMTP” R

24、eceivingProtocol 1 version m protocol(HTTP SMTP, ) m “HTTP” “SMTP” TransportSecurity 1 o Protocol(version, type) o e.g. version 3, “SSL” “TLS” Protocols and Transport level security if no message level security is defined CertificateRef(certID) o DocExchange n docExchangeID m ebXMLBinding m version

25、m ebXML , e.g. “2.0” ReliableMessaging m idempotency m “true” ( ) deliverySemantics m “OnceAndOnlyOnce” messageOrderSemantics m Retries ( ) m RetryInterval ( ) m PersistentDuration ( ) m e.g. “P40D” 40 NonRepudiation o BPSS Protocol m “application/signature+xml” HashFunction m “SHA-1” SignatureAlgor

26、ithm m“DH”(Diffie-Hellman, ANSI X9.42) ith DSS CertificateRef m DigitalEnvelope o BPSS Protocol m “application/encryption+xml” EncryptionAlgorithm m “AES-128” with CBC CertificateRef m NamespaceSupported o Location m Message level security (replaces transport level security) Version mm/o (mandatory)

27、/ (optional) . 6 7 . SSL TLS . , XML AES-128( 128 ) XML . KS C IEC 62325 502: 2007 10 6 S/MIME v3 . “multipart/signed” “mime/application-pkcs7” . 6 S/MIME v3 DocExchange n m/o DigitalEnvelope o Protocol m S/MIME v3 EncryptionAlgorithm m TripleDES(DES EDE3 CBC)CertificateRef m NamespaceSupported o location mversion mm/o (mandatory)/ (optional) . 7 O

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