KS C IEC 62342-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control systems important to safety-Management of ageing《核电站 安全测量控制系统 老化管理》.pdf

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KS C IEC 62342-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control systems important to safety-Management of ageing《核电站 安全测量控制系统 老化管理》.pdf_第1页
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KS C IEC 62342-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control systems important to safety-Management of ageing《核电站 安全测量控制系统 老化管理》.pdf_第2页
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KS C IEC 62342-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control systems important to safety-Management of ageing《核电站 安全测量控制系统 老化管理》.pdf_第3页
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KS C IEC 62342-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control systems important to safety-Management of ageing《核电站 安全测量控制系统 老化管理》.pdf_第4页
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KS C IEC 62342-2012 Nuclear power plants-Instrumentation and control systems important to safety-Management of ageing《核电站 安全测量控制系统 老化管理》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKS KSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS C IEC 62342 KS C IEC 62342:2012 2012 12 12 http:/www.kats.go.krKS C IEC 62342:2012 : ( ) ( ) () ( ) : () () ( ) () () () ( ) () () : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2012 12 12 2012-0698 : :() ( 02-509-7270) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS C IEC 62342:2

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3、30 34 1 .7 B.1 25 B.2 .28 1 9 B.1 22 KS C IEC 62342:2012 iii . . , , . , , . KS C IEC 62342:2012 iv 2007 1 IEC 62342, Nuclear power plants Instrumentation and control systems important to safety Management of ageing . KS C IEC 62342:2012 Nuclear power plants Instrumentation and control systems impor

4、tant to safety Management of ageing 1 1.1 , . , , , . . 1.2 ( ) . ( , ) . . ( , , ) . 1.3 . 2 . . ( ) . KS C IEC 61513, 3 . KS C IEC 62342:2012 2 3.1 (accuracy of measurement) 1 “ ” . 2 “ ” “ ” . IEV 394 40 35 3.2 (ageing) , , , . . IAEA Safety Glossary, 2006 3.3 (calibration) . IVM 6.11 IEV 394 40

5、43 3.4 (channel) . (: ) (identity) . IAEA Safety Glossary, 2006 3.5 (cross-calibration) (outlier) (: ) . “ ” , . KS C IEC 62385, 3.6 3.6 (design life) IAEA Safety Glossary, 2006 KS C IEC 62342:2012 3 3.7 (I&C life cycle) 3.8 (in situ test) KS C IEC 62385, 3.9 3.9 (installed life) . . , 40 . 40 . KS

6、C IEC 60780, 3.10 3.10 (modernization) . , . 1 , , , . (IAEA TECDOC 1066). . . 2 . . 3.11 (monitoring) . IEV 393 18 40 3.12 (operating conditions) , 3.13 (performance limits) (: , , , ) / , , . KS C IEC 62342:2012 4 3.14 (predictive maintenance) , (indicator) . , . . IAEA Safety Glossary, 2006 3.15

7、(preventive maintenance) , , , 1 , . 2 . IAEA Safety Glossary, 2006 3.16 (qualified life) , , , IAEA Safety Glossary, 2006 3.17 (response time) IAEA Safety Glossary, 2006 3.18 (time constant) (first order) , 63.2 % . (higher order) “ ” . KS C IEC 62397, 3.9 3.19 (trending analysis) (: ) (: / ) KS C

8、IEC 62342:2012 5 3.20 (upgrading) / . , , . 4 , . . . a) b) ( ) , , . . . . , ( ) , , . . . 5 5.1 . 5.2 . . . , . a) b) ( ) KS C IEC 62342:2012 6 (: , ) . . . . , , , . 3 . a) ( ) . (6. ). b) , , , (7. ). c) , , , (8. ). . , , . (“ ”) , . , , , . , “ ” , . 5.3 5.2 . , . , ( ) . 1 . . 1 . KS C IEC 62

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