KS D 0078-2008 Test method for determination of impurity concentrations in silicon crystal by photoluminescence spectroscopy《硅晶体中混杂物浓度测定方法 光致发光分析测定法》.pdf

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KS D 0078-2008 Test method for determination of impurity concentrations in silicon crystal by photoluminescence spectroscopy《硅晶体中混杂物浓度测定方法 光致发光分析测定法》.pdf_第1页
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KS D 0078-2008 Test method for determination of impurity concentrations in silicon crystal by photoluminescence spectroscopy《硅晶体中混杂物浓度测定方法 光致发光分析测定法》.pdf_第2页
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KS D 0078-2008 Test method for determination of impurity concentrations in silicon crystal by photoluminescence spectroscopy《硅晶体中混杂物浓度测定方法 光致发光分析测定法》.pdf_第3页
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KS D 0078-2008 Test method for determination of impurity concentrations in silicon crystal by photoluminescence spectroscopy《硅晶体中混杂物浓度测定方法 光致发光分析测定法》.pdf_第4页
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KS D 0078-2008 Test method for determination of impurity concentrations in silicon crystal by photoluminescence spectroscopy《硅晶体中混杂物浓度测定方法 光致发光分析测定法》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS S KS D 0078 KS D 0078:2008 (2013 ) 2008 6 30 http:/www.kats.go.kr KS D 0078:2008 : ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 1998 12 30 : 2008 6 30 : 2013 10 31 : 2013 0584 : ( 02-509-7274) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS D 0078:2008 (2013 ) Test

2、 method for determination of impurity concentrations in silicon crystal by photoluminescence spectroscopy 1 . (B), (Al), (P) (As) , 11011 51015atoms/cm3(0.002100 ppba) . FZ . 2 . . ( ) . KS D 0256, 4 KS M ISO 6353 2, 2 : 1 KS M ISO 6353 3, 3 : 2 3 . 3.1 (photoluminescence: PL) , . 3.2 (exciton) (Cou

3、lomb) , KS D 0078:2008 2 (free exciton: FE) ( ) (bounded exciton: BE) . (bounded multiple exciton complex:BMEC) . (n 1) BMEC “bn” . BMEC bn b , “bn” . 3.3 (phonon) , . . (trans-verse acoustic: TA) , (longitudinal acoustic: LA) , (transverse optical: TO) , (longitudinal optical: LO) . , (no-pho-non:

4、NP) . 4 4.1 . a) 5 mm10 mm , PL . b) 5 mm5 mm , 1 mm . , KS M ISO 6353 2 (HNO3) KS M ISO 6353 3 (HF) HNO3: HF = 5: 3 12 . , PL . 4.2 . a) FZ 60 mm (191) mm , FZ . FZ , , 1(a) . KS M ISO 6353 3 , HNO3: HF=4: 1 2 2 . b) FZ 1 000 Wcm , (1216 mm)1 mm 1(b) . c) mm . d) , , n . KS D 0256 , (暗 ) 4 KS D 007

5、8:2008 3 , 1) 10 mm , . 2 S1, S2, ., Sn , r0, r1, ., rn . L: a) FZ l: b) 1 FZ 2 (Sn) (Cn) e) (r) n (C)(ppba) 1 350 cm2/V s . r93=C r0, rl rn C0, C1, ., Cn , C0 C1, C1 C2, ., Cn 1 Cn , C1, C2, Cn . 1) l 1 . 121122222121122222112222 )(3)(3)( ldddddlDDDDdLLLdDl +-+-= KS D 0078:2008 4 Cave . n21nn2211av

6、e SSSSCSCSCC+=LL rave . aveave93C=r f) PL d) FZ PL . 5 mm5 mm 1 mm , , HNO3: HF = 5: 3 12 . , PL . 5 3 , ( ), . . a) 514.5 nm 500 mW . b) ( ) 4.2 K PL , , , PL . , , . 3 PL c) , , PL , . PL , . d) . 1) , . 1.076 mm PC ( ) ( ) KS D 0078:2008 5 (1.152 eV, 294 cm 1)2) 1.142 mm(1.086 eV, 8 757 cm 1) , 0

7、.05 nm (0.06 meV, 0.5 cm 1) . 2) 1 m , 1 mm, 600 mm 1 . 3) SI pin . 4) ( ) . , , . , . 6 6.1 ( ) , . 6.2 6.3 . PL 6.4 6.5 . 6.2 .3) 1525 1 60 % . 6.3 (duty) 50 % . 50 mW, 2.5 mm . 6.4 . a) 0.2 nm(0.25 meV, 2 cm 1) . b) , 0.05 nm(0.06 meV, 0.5 cm 1) . , 0.1 nm(0.12 meV, 1 cm 1) . 2) l(mm), E(eV) (cm

8、1) . l85 239.1=E ln000 1= 3) , . KS D 0078:2008 6 6.5 . a) . TO : 1.1421.125 mm(1.0861.102 eV, 8 7578 889 cm 1) NP : 1.0821.076 mm(1.1461.152 eV, 9 2429 294 cm 1) b) . NP : 1.077 41.079 0 mm(1.150 71.149 0 eV, 9 2819 267 cm 1) 7 7.1 6. PL 4 5 . . 1 XTO(BE) . X , (B), (P), (Al) (As) . . . X I (intrin

9、sic) . 2 (BE) NP TO XNP(BE),XTO(BE) (FE) TO ITO(FE) 1 . 1 (BE) (FE) TO NP E(eV) l(mm) n (cm 1) E(eV) l(mm) n (cm 1) 1.092 6 1.134 7 8 812.6 1.150 7 1.077 4 9.281.3 1.091 9 1.135 5 8 806.8 1.150 0 1.078 1 9.275.4 1.091 5 1.135 9 8 803.4 1.149 6 1.078 5 9.271.8 1.091 2 1.136 2 8 801.0 1.149 3 1.078 8

10、9.269.4 (FE) 1.097 1.130 8 847 7.2 ITO(FE) , XTO(BE) , . 4 , . , 5 . 1 XNP(BE) 0 . 2 XNP(BE), XTO(BE), ITO(FE) . KS D 0078:2008 7 . , ( : 9.91013atoms/cm3, : 8.01012atoms/cm3) 4 4.2 K PL , . NP PL 0.5 ( : 7.71013atoms/cm3, : 2.81012atoms/cm3) 5 4.2 K PL a) ITO(FE) 1.101 eV a ITO(FE) BLO(BE) b ab . b

11、) BTO(BE) b BTO(b1) BTO(b2) e be . c) b) , be BTO(BE) BTO(b1) d bd . d) c) , BLO(BE) ITO(FE) ITO(FE) BTO(BE) c d cd . eV eV P L ( ) P L ( ) KS D 0078:2008 8 7.3 , ( 6 7) . PL (FE)I (EB)BTOTO : , (FE)I(EB)PTOTO : . 6 PL (FE)I (BE)AlTOTO : , (FE)I(BE)AlTOSTO : . 7 (FE)I(BE)XTOTO cm 3 P L P L cm 3 KS D

12、 0078:2008 9 , , NB, NP, NAl NAS( : atoms/cm3) 6 7 . =(FE)I(BE)B101.0NTOTO13B (NB 1013 ) 5 1.087TOTO13B (FE)I(BE)B101.0N = (NB 1013 ) =(FE)I(BE)P102.128NTOTO13P (NP 1013 ) 2 1.142TOTO13P (FE)I(BE)P102.371N = (NP 1013 ) =(FE)I(BE)Al102.3NTOTO13Al (3) =(FE)I(BE)As103.2NTOTO13As (4) 7.4 NP /TO XNP(BE)

13、. a) XNP(BE) XTO(BE) r(X) . (BE)X(BE)Xr(X)NPTO= (5) b) XNP(BE) r(X)(BE)X(BE)X NPTO = (6) XTO(BE) . XTO(BE) , 7.3 . 1 XTO(BE) XNP(BE) , , r(X) . r(X) . 2 7.3 XTO(BE) ITo(FE) , . , , , XTO(BE) , XNP(BE) . XNP(BE) XTO(BE) , . 7.5 7.5.1 (2) (1) (FE)I(BE)XTOTOKS D 0078:2008 10 BTO(BE) PTO(b1) , 0.01 meV(0.01 nm, 0.1 cm 1) , . PTO(b1) PTO(BE) 10 % , BTO(BE) PTO(BE) 10 % BTO(BE) . PTO(b1) , . 7.5.2 , , BE 1 , 6.3 . , , . . a) NP IM . b) , BE PNP(BE): AlNP(BE): ASNP(BE)= a: b: c , a, b, c m . c) . MNP I ma(BE)P = (7) MNP I mb(BE)Al =


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