KS D 1804-2003 Determination of carbon in iron and steel《钢铁中碳含量的测定方法》.pdf

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KS D 1804-2003 Determination of carbon in iron and steel《钢铁中碳含量的测定方法》.pdf_第1页
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KS D 1804-2003 Determination of carbon in iron and steel《钢铁中碳含量的测定方法》.pdf_第2页
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KS D 1804-2003 Determination of carbon in iron and steel《钢铁中碳含量的测定方法》.pdf_第3页
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KS D 1804-2003 Determination of carbon in iron and steel《钢铁中碳含量的测定方法》.pdf_第4页
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KS D 1804-2003 Determination of carbon in iron and steel《钢铁中碳含量的测定方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 2003 4 30 KS D 1804 KS D 1804: 2003 D 1804: 2003 ( ) ( ) KIST ( ) ( ) POSCO ( ) : : 1964 7 4 : 2003 4 30 03 412 : : ( ) ( 02 509 7252) . 7 5 , . ICS 77.080.20 KS D 1804: 2003Determination of carbon in iron and steel 1. . 2. . . KS D 1801 KS M 0014 3. 5 . a)

2、 0.05 % . b) 0.05 % . c) 0.001 % . d) 0.001 % . e) 0.001 % . 4. 4.1 4.1.1 , . 4.1.2 a) () b) (99.5 % ) c) (16 60 ) . 1 g 0.1 mg . 4.1.3 KS M 0014 2.1.1( ) . 4.1.4 a) 4.1.3 (1) (2) , 200 mL 20 . , 0.5 mg (3). b) (4) (5) 0.5 g . 200 mL 2 . c) D 1804: 2003 2 . d) 300 mL 10 15 . e) . f) , (6). SWW 27.3C

3、(%)12= W1: (g) W2: (g ) S: ( g ) (1) 1 200 1 350 , 1 300 1 350 . , . 1 200 1 300 . (2) , 0.1 % (5 %) 2 . (3) . (4) 1 . 1 % g 0.05 0.2 3 0.2 1 2 1 2 1 2 0.5 (5) (20 ), (16 60 ) , . (6) , . 4.2 4.2.1 , , 4.1 . 4.2.2 a) (12) b) (110) c) d) (10 %) e) f) 4.2.3 4.1.3 . 4.2.4 D 1804: 2003 3 a) (7) (200 mL)

4、 , (8) 1 2 , 0.5 mL 0.3 g . 8 10 . b) (9) , , , . . c) , 130 15 , 1.0 g . 4.1 (10) . (7) 2 . 2 % g (1 2) mL 0.05 0.5 2 50 0.5 1.0 1 25 1.0 2.5 0.5 15 2.5 0.2 15 (8) (1 2) (1 1) 2 . (9) 1 000 . (10) 900 . 4.3 4.1 4.2 , . 5. 5.1 5.1.1 , , . 5.1.2 a) (99.5 % ) b) (20 ), (16 60 ), (16 60 ) , 1 g 0.2 mL

5、. 5.1.3 KS M 0014 2.1.2( ) . 5.1.4 a) 5.1.3 (11) (12), (13) . 2 . . b) , . c) D 1804: 2003 4 , . d) 30 200 mL , . 1 . e) , , 1 , . f) e) , , (14). SFAV =C(%) V: (mL) F: (15) A: 0.050 3, 0.050 1 . S: (g) (11) 4.1 (1) . (12) 4.1 (2) . (13) 3 . 3 % g g 0.3 2.0 0.5 0.3 1.0 1.0 0.5 (14) , , . (15) F . a)

6、 tbBF+=2.2738385.0 b) tbBF+=2.2735387.0 B: (mmHg) b: t (mmHg) t: ( ) F KS M 0014 1 2 . 5.2 4.2.4 , 1.0 g . 5.1 . D 1804: 2003 5 5.3 , . 6. 6.1 6.1.1 , . 6.1.2 a) (0.0040.005 mol/L) 40 g L 1 mol/L , . ( 1 M ) (0.004 0.005 mol/L) , . 6.1.3 KS M 0014 2.1.3( ) . 6.1.4 a) (16). . b) 2 L/min 10 . 3 (17),

7、. c) , . . , . d) . e) c) d) . , . f) . 100C(%) =RSKBA )( A: B: K: (18) R: S: ( g ) (16) . 1/10, 1/25, 1/50 . (17) 10 , . (18) 6.1.4 c)d) , . D 1804: 2003 6 100)0000(CBARWK = K: A0 B0 (g ) A0: B0: C0: (%) R: W0: ( g ) 6.2 4.2.4 , 1.0 g 6.1 . 6.3 6.1 6.2 , . 7. 7.1 7.1.1 , , pH pH . 7.1.2 a) ( ) . 25

8、 g 100 mL , 10 15 mL 500 mL . b) . 10 25 g 100 mL . c) . 25 g, 15 g 200 mL , 10 15 mL 500 mL . 7.1.3 KS M 0014 2.1.4( ) . 7.1.4 a) (19). . b) ( 150 mL/min) , (20). c) pH 9.0 10.5 (21). d) . . e) . f) d) e) , (22). . g) . D 1804: 2003 7 100C(%) =RSKBA )( A: B: K: (23) R: S: (g) (19) 6.1 (l6) . (20) .

9、 , . (21) pH , pH . (22) pH . (23) 7.1.4 d)e) , . 100)0000(CBARWK = K: A0 B0 (g) A0: B0: C0: (%) R: W0: (g) 7.2 4.2.4 , 1.0 g 7.1 . 7.3 7.1 7.2 , . 8. 2 . 8.1 8.1.1 , . a) b) c) , KS M 0014 ) . D 1804: 2003 8 a) , (24). b) , . c) (25). d) . , . e) (26) . f) ,

10、 c)e) , . 100C(%) =SKBA )( A: B: K: (27) S: (g) (24) 6.1 (16) . (25) , . . (26) . (27) c)e) , . 1000000CBASK = K: A0 B0 (g) A0: B0: C0: (%) S0: (g) 8.1.2 4.2.4 , 1.0 g 8.1.1 . 8.1.3 8.1.1 8.1.2 , . 8.2 8.2.1 , , D 1804: 2003 9 . KS M 0014 ) . a) , (28). b) . c) , . .

11、 d) . , . e) . f) , c)e) , . 100C(%) =SKBA )( A: B: K: (29) S: ( g ) (28) 6.1 (16) . (29) c)e) , . 1000000CBASK = K: A0 B0 (g) A0: B0: C0: (%) S: (g) 8.2.2 4.2.4 , 1.0 g , 8.2.1 . 8.2.3 8.2.1 8.2.2 , . 2003 5 25 135 513 701 7 (02)6009 4567 (02)6009 4887 8 http: /standard.ksa.or.kr 607 822 1 11( 10 )

12、 (051)557 1239 702 012 2 1741( 3 ) (053)384 1562 4 402 714 989 1( 11 ) (032)420 0120 3 442 270 111 8( 9 ) (031)259 7000 9 200 041 1 9( 4 ) (033)252 9423, 254 9423 361 802 1508 1( 6 ) (043)236 2451 3 305 343 23 14( 5 ) (042)864 2301 3 561 841 1 337 2( 7 ) (063)214 2235 7 506 301 621 15( 5 ) (062)953

13、1435 7 641 740 7 4( 501 ) (055)266 4744 6 683 804 758 2( 2 ) (052)289 6601 3 425 852 773 9( 4 ) (031)492 5780, 8451 2 730 350 92 30( 8 ) (054)473 6954 480 848 2 487 6( 3 ) (031)829 8182 4 KOREAN STANDARDS ASSOCIATION KSKSKSSKSKS KSKS SKS KSKS SKSKS KSKSKSKS D 1804: 2003 Determination of carbon in iron and steel ICS 77.080.20

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