KS E 3086-2012 Method for determination of aluminium in chromium ores《铬矿石的氧化铝量测定方法》.pdf

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KS E 3086-2012 Method for determination of aluminium in chromium ores《铬矿石的氧化铝量测定方法》.pdf_第1页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS E 3086 KS E 3086:2012 2012 12 7 http:/www.kats.go.krKS E 3086:2012 : ( ) ( ) () ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :1992 12 31 :2012 12 7 2012-0685 : : ( 02-509-7274) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS E 3086:2012 i 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 .1 5 1 5.1 .1 5.2 .2 5.3

2、 .3 5.4 .3 5.5 .4 5.6 .5 5.7 .5 KS E 3086:2012 Method for determination of aluminium in chromium ores 1 . . 2 . . ( ) . KS E 3056, KS M 8001, 3 KS E 3056 . 4 (EDTA) . 1.5 % 20 % . (III) . 5 5.1 , . (灰化 ) . . KS E 3086:2012 2 . pH , EDTA EDTA . 5.2 . 5.2.1 5.2.2 (1 1, 1 100) 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 (

3、1 1) 5.2.7 5.2.8 (200 g/L, 10 g/L) 5.2.9 (20 g/L) pH(7.0 8.0) . 5.2.10 (40 g/L) 5.2.11 5.2.12 500 g 1 L 30 mL . pH pH (5.5 5.9) . 5.2.13 EDTA KS M 8001 5.5 c) . 5.2.14 0.05 mol/L KS M 8001 5.5 a) . 5.2.15 (1 g/L) KS M 8001 5.4 8 . KS E 3086:2012 3 5.3 0.25 g 0.1 mg . KS E 3056 4.3 . 5.4 , . . , . 5.

4、4.1 . a) (300 mL) 30 mL 5 mL , (III) (VI) . . b) (10 15) mL , (III) (VI) , . . c) 10 . . 50 mL . (5 B) (300 mL)1) . ( ) . d) (1 100) (12 15) 2 . 200 mL . . 5.4.2 . a) 5.4.1 d) (30 ) 800 900 . (1 1) (3 5) . 5 mL 800 900 . b) 2 g . . c) 5.4.1 d) . 1) . KS E 3086:2012 4 5.4.3 . a) 5.4.2 c) pH pH (7.5 8

5、.0) . 2 (2 3) . . (5 A) (5.2.9) (5 6) . . b) (300 mL) , (1 1) 20 mL (300 mL) . (1 100) (7 8) (300 mL) . c) (200 g/L) 10 mL (3 5) . . . d) (5 B) (500 mL) . (300 mL) (10 g/L) (7 8) (500 mL) . e) d) b) c) . f) e) (5 B) d) (500 mL) . (300 mL) (10 g/L) (7 8) (500 mL) . . g) (1 1) pH . 200 mL . 5.4.4 . a)

6、 8 % 1) 5.4.3 g) EDTA (5.2.13) 25 mL . 2) pH (200 g/L) (1 1) pH (5.2 5.9) (5.2.12) 15 mL . (5.2.15) 10 0.05 mol/L (5.2.14) . 3) 40 mL (2 3) . . 0.05 mol/L (5.2.14) , 0.05 mol/L (5.2.14) . b) 8 % 1) 5.4.3 g) 250 mL . 100 mL (500 mL) 200 mL EDTA (5.2.13) 25 mL . 2) a) 2) 3) . 5.5 KS E 3086:2012 5 5.4.

7、1 5.4.4 . 5.6 5.6.1 . a) 5.3 . ()%100349001.0Al21=BmVV Al : ( %) V1: 5.4.4 a) 3) b) 2) 0.05 mol/L (mL) V2: 5.5 0.05 mol/L (mL) m : (g) B : 8 % B 1, 8 % B 0.4 b) 5.3 . ()%100349001.0Al221= KBmVV Al : ( %) V1: 5.4.4 a) 3) b) 2) 0.05 mol/L (mL) V2: 5.5 0.05 mol/L (mL) m2: (g) K : KS E 3056 4.4.3 B : 8

8、% B 1, 8 % B 0.4 5.6.2 (III) (III) . Al2O3 Al1.889 5 % Al2O3: (III) ( %) Al : 5.6.1 ( %) 5.7 1 . KS E 3086:2012 6 . 1 , . 1 : % 3.58 7.76 0.027 8(Al) 0.017 0.010 8(Al) 0.267 1 (Al) ( %) . 2 KS E 3056 4.8( ) 153787 1 92 3(13) (02)26240114 (02)262401489 http:/ Korean Agency for Technology and Standards http:/www.kats.go.kr KS E 3086:2012KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS SKS KSKS SKSKS KSKSKS Method for determination of aluminium in chromium ores ICS 71.040.40

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