KS E ISO 11441-2011 Lead sulfide concentrates-Determination of lead content-Back titration of EDTA after precipitation of lead sulfate《硫化铅的浓缩物 铅含量的测定 硫化铅沉淀后乙二胺四醋酸(EDTA)的反滴定》.pdf

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KS E ISO 11441-2011 Lead sulfide concentrates-Determination of lead content-Back titration of EDTA after precipitation of lead sulfate《硫化铅的浓缩物 铅含量的测定 硫化铅沉淀后乙二胺四醋酸(EDTA)的反滴定》.pdf_第1页
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KS E ISO 11441-2011 Lead sulfide concentrates-Determination of lead content-Back titration of EDTA after precipitation of lead sulfate《硫化铅的浓缩物 铅含量的测定 硫化铅沉淀后乙二胺四醋酸(EDTA)的反滴定》.pdf_第2页
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KS E ISO 11441-2011 Lead sulfide concentrates-Determination of lead content-Back titration of EDTA after precipitation of lead sulfate《硫化铅的浓缩物 铅含量的测定 硫化铅沉淀后乙二胺四醋酸(EDTA)的反滴定》.pdf_第3页
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KS E ISO 11441-2011 Lead sulfide concentrates-Determination of lead content-Back titration of EDTA after precipitation of lead sulfate《硫化铅的浓缩物 铅含量的测定 硫化铅沉淀后乙二胺四醋酸(EDTA)的反滴定》.pdf_第4页
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KS E ISO 11441-2011 Lead sulfide concentrates-Determination of lead content-Back titration of EDTA after precipitation of lead sulfate《硫化铅的浓缩物 铅含量的测定 硫化铅沉淀后乙二胺四醋酸(EDTA)的反滴定》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS E ISO 11441 EDTA KS E ISO 11441:2011 2011 10 6 http:/www.kats.go.krKS E ISO 11441:2011 : ( ) ( ) () ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2011 12 31 :2011 10 6 2011-0128411 : : ( 02-509-7274) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS E ISO 11441:2011 i iii 1 1 2

2、1 3 1 4 2 5 .5 5.1 .5 5.2 5 5.3 5 5.4 .5 5.5 5 5.6 5 5.7 .5 6 5 6.1 5 6.2 6 7 6 7.1 6 7.2 6 7.3 .6 7.4 6 7.5 .8 8 .8 9 9 9.1 9 9.2 ( B ) .9 9.3 .9 9.4 (trueness) 10 10 .10 A( ) 12 A.1 .12 A.2 .12 A.3 .12 A.4 12 A.5 12 A.6 13 B( ) .14 KS E ISO 11441:2011 ii C( ) 15 C.1 .15 C.2 15 C.3 .15 C.4 15 KS E

3、ISO 11441:2011 iii 1995 1 ISO 11441, Lead sulfide concentrates Determination of lead content Back titration of EDTA after precipitation of lead sulfate , . KS E ISO 11441:2011 EDTA Lead sulfide concentrates Determination of lead content Back titration of EDTA after precipitation of lead sulfate 1 ED

4、TA . 10 80 %( ) . 2 . . ( ) . KS A ISO Guide 35, KS E ISO 9599, , KS L ISO 385 1, 1: KS L ISO 648, KS L ISO 1042, KS L ISO 4787, 3 3.1 3.4 . 3.1 3.2 , 3.3 (EDTA) EDTA KS E ISO 11441:2011 2 3.4 EDTA 4 , . 4.1 (Pb), 99.99 % (1 9) (4.10) 1 , , 50 . 4.2 , 99.99 % (1 9) (4.10) 1 , , 50 . 4.3 4.4 4.5 , (2

5、0 1.70 g/mL) 4.6 4.7 , 95 %( ) 4.8 (20 1.15 g/mL) . , . 4.9 (20 1.83 g/mL) 4.10 (20 1.42 g/mL) 4.11 (20 1.16 1.19 g/mL) 4.12 (4.5) 50 mL 100 mL (4.6) 2 mL ( ). 4.13 (1 1) (4.9) 500 mL 500 mL . KS E ISO 11441:2011 3 4.14 (1 1) 50 mL, (4.7) 100 mL 200 mL . 4.15 (KOH) 200 g . 1 L . . 4.16 (1 1) (4.10)

6、500 mL 500 mL . 4.17 (ZrOCl2 8H2O) 3.53 g (4.10) 20 mL . 10 , 1 L . 4.18 (4.15) 50 mL 1 L . 4.19 500 g 1 L . 4.20 4.21 (EDTA) 0.1 mol/L 2Na EDTA 37.22 g 1 L . 4.22.2 EDTA . 4.22 . 4.22.1 , 0.1 mol/L (99.99 % ) 6.537 g 25 mL (4.10) 20 mL . . 700 mL . (4.20) pH 5.5(pH ) . 1 000 mL . . KS E IS

7、O 11441:2011 4 600 mL EDTA (0.1 mol/L)(4.21) 25 mL (4.15) 25 mL . 350 mL . (xylenol orange) (0.5 %) 0.3 mL , (4.19) 5 mL . 7.5 . EDTA t t1, t2, t3 . 11ZE1VVt =(1) 22ZE2VVt =(2) 33ZE3VVt =(3) VE: (25 mL) (0.1 mol/L) EDTA (mL) VZ: (mL) t . t1, t2, t3 0.001 . 4.22.2 EDTA 1 . . (4.1) 0.1 0.8 g

8、3 (5.3) . m1, m2, m3 . 2 . 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 . EDTA f1, f2 f3 . )(/11ZB11VVtmf =. (4) )(/22ZB22VVtmf =.(5) )(/33ZB33VVtmf =.(6) m1, m2, m3: (g) t : EDTA KS E ISO 11441:2011 5 VB: EDTA (mL) VZ: EDTA (mL) EDTA f . f1, f2, f3 0.000 02 g/mL . 4.23 100 mL (xylenol orange) 0.5 g . 5 5.1 5.2 KS L ISO

9、385 1, KS L ISO 648, KS L ISO 1042 KS L ISO 4787 A 5.3 30 35 mL 5.4 30 35 mL 5.5 , 30 50 mm, 0.45 0.65 m 5.6 30 50 mm, 0.45 m. EDTA PVC . 5.7 30 50 mm 1 L (Buchner) 6 6.1 KS E ISO 9599 , . ( A ). KS E ISO 11441:2011 6 6.2 . 1 g 0.1 mg . KS E ISO 9599 . , A . 7 7.1 , . , . 7.2 . . . 7.3 (5.3) (5.4) (

10、4.3) 2 g , 3 g . . 2 3 ( ) . 600 mL 125 mL . , (4.12) . (4.8) 3 mL , 10 (4.5) 20 mL . , 10 mL . 7.4 (4.13) 50 mL , . 250 mL , (4.7) 150 mL . 1 2 , (5.5) . (4.14) , . KS E ISO 11441:2011 7 . , . . (4.9) 50 mL (4.5) 2 mL (4.10) 5 mL . 20 mL . 1 , . 100 mL , 50 mL . 5 . (4.7) 100 mL . 1 . (4.7) (5.6) .

11、 (4.14) . , , . . 2 PVC . 1 (4.15) 25 mL EDTA (4.21) . 1 EDTA %( ) EDTA mL 10 60 60 80 50.00 70.00 . . 170 mL . (4.23) 3 4 , (4.16) ( 10 mL ). 3 . KS E ISO 11441:2011 8 4 0.05 %( ) . (4.17) 5 mL (4.15) 5 mL . 5 30 . 5 . (4.7) (5.6) . (4.18) 5 . 600 mL . (4.16) . 6 , . 7.5 (4.4) 2 3 g , , 3 . 350 mL

12、, (4.19) 5 mL . (4.16) (4.20) pH 5.50.1 (pH ). (4.22.1) . 8 wPb , . HfVtVVtVw=100100100)()(0121Pb , HfVVtw=100100100)(20Pb. (7) V0: EDTA (mL) V1: EDTA 0.1 M (mL) V2: EDTA (mL) t: f: 4.22.2 (g/mL) KS E ISO 11441:2011 9 H: ( H 0 ) . 9 9.1 . 0079.0001.0r+= Xs(8) 4049.0002.0L+= Xs.(9) X : sr: s

13、L: C 9.2 ( B ) X1 X2 , B . 2/)(21XXX += . (10) 0079.0001.0r+= Xs (11) r8.2 sr =(12) 9.3 . . . 2/)(212,1 +=(13) 4049.0002.02,1L+= s. (14) 0079.0001.02,1r+= s. (15) )2/(8.22r2LssP += . (16) 21 =E(17) 1: 1 KS E ISO 11441:2011 10 2: 2 E P . 9.4 (trueness) (CRM) . 7. . (Ac) . . CA |cc. (18) , . CA |cc.(1

14、9) , . (18) (19) . c: Ac: C: 9.4.1 9.4.1 (CRM) (RM) KS A ISO Guide 35 . /( ) C (9.4 ) . )/(2c22r2LAsnssC +=.(20) s2Ac: n: C (9.4 ) . )/(222r2LnssC +=.(21) CRM . 10 . KS E ISO 11441:2011 11 a) b) , KS E ISO 11441 c) d) e) KS E ISO 11441:2011 12 A ( ) A.1 . 0.05 2 % . A.2 (1055) . . .

15、A.3 A.3.1 , . A.4 A.4.1 0.1 mg A.4.2 , (3 g ) . 20 g . A.4.3 (1055) . A.5 A.5.1 (A.4.2) (A.4.3) (1055) 1 KS E ISO 11441:2011 13 . (A.3.1) . A.5.2 (A.5.1) , . . A.5.3 (A.4.3) (1055) 2 . 2 , . , 0.1 mg (m4). . 0.1 mg (m5) . (1055) 2 , 0.1 mg(m4) . (m4 m4) 0.5 mg . . A.6 m6(g) . m6 m4 m5(A.1) m4: (g) m

16、5: (g) , . KS E ISO 11441:2011 14 B ( ) r: 9.2 . x1, x2 x3, x4 |x1 x2| r |x1 x2| 1.2r x1, x2, x3 1.2r x3 221xxx+=3321xxxx+=x1, x2, x3, x4 1.3r44321xxxxx+=x4 x1, x2, x3, x4 x KS E ISO 11441:2011 15 C ( ) C.1 7 12 . 13 74 %( ) 5 . KS A ISO 5725 2 . C.2 . ( ) , 2 . C.3 5 . C.1 . C.4 C.1 . C.2 . (sr, sL

17、, r, P) C.2 . C.2 . KS E ISO 11441:2011 16 C.1 89 4 89 5 89 6 89 7 89 9 Cu Pb Zn Au Ag S As Sb Sn Bi Fe SiO2Al2O3CaO MgO Co Ni Cd Se %( ) %( ) %( ) %( ) g/t g/t %( ) %( ) %( ) %( ) %( ) %( ) %( ) %( ) %( ) %( ) %( ) %( ) g/t 0.6 70 4.7 0.7 1 290 16.1 0.04 0.24 0.02 0.005 1.8 1.8 0.5 0.2 0.23 0.014 0.017 0.023 0.005 1.4 65 4.0 1.4 540 15.9 0.1 0.13 0.02 0.02 3.9 1.6 0.3 0.2 0.14 0.018 0.014 0.016 0.005 0.2 50 4.6 1 310 21.7 0.04 0.14 0.01 0.005 13.0 1.6 0.4 0.2 0.4


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