1、 KSKSKSKS KSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS 2006 11 29 http:/www.kats.go.krKS H ISO 2920 () KS H ISO 2920: 2006 (2011 ) H ISO 2920: 2006 : ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 2001 12 22 : 2006 11 29 : 2011 12 29 2011-0652 : : ( 02-509-7273) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . ICS 67.100.30
2、KS () H ISO 2920: 2006(2011 ) Whey cheeseDetermination of dry matter content(Reference method) 1974 1 ISO 2920 Whey cheese Determination of dry matter content (Reference method) . ISO 2920 ISO/TC 34 , 1972 8 . FAO/WHO (IDF) (AOAC) . FAO/WHO( , B 11), IDF(IDF 58) AOAC(Official Methods of Analysis) .
3、1. . 2. . . KS H ISO 707 ISO 565 Test sieves Woven metal wire cloth and perforated plate Nominal sizes of apertures 3. . 3.1 , . . 4. (882) . 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 ( ). 5.4 (882) . 5.5 , 20 mm, 6080 mm . 5.6 1 cm 10 , 1 cm 40 . 500 m , 180 m (ISO 565 ) , . 5.7 . H ISO 2920: 2006 2 6. KS H ISO 707 . 7. 7.1
4、(5.1) . , ( ). . , 1 . 7.2 7.2.1 (5.7) (5.5) (5.6) 20 g (9. ). 7.2.2 (5.4) . 7.2.3 (5.3) 0.000 5 g . 7.2.4 3 g 0.000 5 g . 7.2.5 . 7.2.6 (5.4) 4 . 7.2.7 (5.3) 0.000 5 g . 7.2.8 (5.4) 1 , (5.3) 0.000 5 g . 7.2.9 0.001 g . 7.3 . 8. 8.1 (%) . 0102mmmm100 m0: , (g)(7.2.3) m1: (g)(7.2.4) m2: (g)(7.2.9) (8.2 ) . 8.2 100 g 0.2 g . 9. . 10. . . ( ) 153787 1 92 3(13) (02)26240114 (02)2624 01489 http:/ KSKSKSSKSKS KSKS SKS KSKS SKSKS KSKSKSKS H ISO 2920: 2006 Whey cheeseDetermination of dry matter content(Reference method)ICS 67.100.30 Korean Agency for Technology and Standards http:/www.kats.go.kr