KS I ISO 15682-2006 Water quality-Determination of chloride by flow analysis(CFA and FIA) and photometric or potentiometric detection《水质 用流量分析(CFA和FIA)法和光度或电势检查法测定氯化物》.pdf

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KS I ISO 15682-2006 Water quality-Determination of chloride by flow analysis(CFA and FIA) and photometric or potentiometric detection《水质 用流量分析(CFA和FIA)法和光度或电势检查法测定氯化物》.pdf_第1页
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KS I ISO 15682-2006 Water quality-Determination of chloride by flow analysis(CFA and FIA) and photometric or potentiometric detection《水质 用流量分析(CFA和FIA)法和光度或电势检查法测定氯化物》.pdf_第2页
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KS I ISO 15682-2006 Water quality-Determination of chloride by flow analysis(CFA and FIA) and photometric or potentiometric detection《水质 用流量分析(CFA和FIA)法和光度或电势检查法测定氯化物》.pdf_第3页
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KS I ISO 15682-2006 Water quality-Determination of chloride by flow analysis(CFA and FIA) and photometric or potentiometric detection《水质 用流量分析(CFA和FIA)法和光度或电势检查法测定氯化物》.pdf_第4页
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KS I ISO 15682-2006 Water quality-Determination of chloride by flow analysis(CFA and FIA) and photometric or potentiometric detection《水质 用流量分析(CFA和FIA)法和光度或电势检查法测定氯化物》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 2006 10 31 http:/www.kats.go.krKS I ISO 15682 (CFA FIA) KS I ISO 15682: 2006 (2011 )I ISO 15682: 2006 : ( ) ( ) KIST ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2001 12 18 :2006 10 31 :2011 12 26 2011-0623 : : ( 02- 509-7270) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . ICS 13

2、.060.50 KS I ISO (CFA FIA) 15682: 2006(2011 ) Water qualityDetermination of chloride by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and photometric or potentiometric detection 2000 1 ISO 15682 Water quality Determination of chloride by flow analysis(CFA and FIA) and photometric or potentiometric detection . . 1. .

3、. a) 3.: b) 4.: 1 mg/L 1 000 mg/L ( ) . . 1 000 mg/L . . . . . 2. . . . IEC ISO . KS M ISO 3696: 2005 3. (FIA CFA) 3.1 FIA , (carrier) . CFA (carrier) . . (III) mercury thiocyanate iron(III) nitrate solution . (III) 4, 5, 6 (III) . . 3.2 . a) (: ) , (bromide) (iodide) I ISO 15682: 2006 2 30 mg/L . ,

4、 (3.7). b) (: ) ( ) 100 mL 0.5 mL (3.3.7) , 5 . c) (in-line dialysis) . 100 m(: ) . . pH pH 3 pH 10 . (3.6.5) . (3.4.1 3.4.2). ( ) (3.7 ) . (2)(3.7) . 3.3 . 3.3.1 KS M ISO 3696 1 . 3.3.2 (thiocyanate) ( II) Hg(SCN)2 . 3.3.3 CH3OH . 3.3.4 I HNO3, 1.4 g/mL, (mass fraction) 65 % 3.3.5 (III) 9 Fe(NO3)3

5、9H2O 3.3.6 NaCl, (1055) 3.3.7 H2O2, 1.11 g/mL, 30 % 3.3.8 (polyethyleneglycol dodecyl ether, HO CH2CH2 O C12H25) 3341 , , 30 % . 3.3.9 ( B.1 B.4 R) a) 31 g (III) (3.3.5) 500 mL . b) 150 mL (3.3.3) 0.62 g (3.3.2) 1 000 mL . 100 mL (3.3.1), 3.4 mL I(3.3.4) . (3.3.1) . 2 . 3 . c) 10 , ( ) . 3.3.10 I, 1

6、0 000 mg/L (3.3.1) (16.500.05) g (3.3.6) 1 000 mL . 1 . 3.3.11 II, 100 mg/L 500 mL 5 mL I(3.3.10) . . 3.3.12 FIA (carrier) ( B.1 B.2 C1) (3.3.1). I ISO 15682: 2006 3 3.3.13 CFA (carrier) ( B.4 C2 C3) C2: 1 000 mL 900 mL 8 mL I(3.3.4) . 1 mL (3.3.8) . C3: 1 000 mL 900 mL 4 mL I(3.3.4) . 1 mL (3.3.8)

7、. 3.3.14 I II(3.3.10 3.3.11) . 5 . , 6 IIII . a) III(1 mg/L10 mg/L) 1 mL, 3 mL, 5 mL, 6 mL, 8 mL 10 mL II(3.3.11) 100 mL . . 1 mg/L, 3 mg/L, 5 mg/L, 6 mg/L, 8 mg/L 10 mg/L . 1 . b) II(10 mg/L100 mg/L) 10 mL, 30 mL, 50 mL, 60 mL, 80 mL 100 mL II(3.3.11) 100 mL . . 10 mg/L, 30 mg/L, 50 mg/L, 60 mg/L,

8、80 mg/L 100 mg/L . . c) I(100 mg/L1 000 mg/L) 1 mL, 3 mL, 5 mL, 6 mL, 8 mL 10 mL II(3.3.10) 100 mL . . 100 mg/L, 300 mg/L, 500 mg/L, 600 mg/L, 800 mg/L 1 000 mg/L . 3 . 10 . 3.4 3.4.1 (FIA) ( B.1 B.2 ). (low) 20 L 100 L ( 0.50.8 mm), minimum dead volume T 3.4.

9、1.6 450480 nm (: strip chart recorder, integrator / ) . 3.4.2 (CFA) ( B.3 B.4 ). . , , . I ISO 15682: 2006 4 ( , 150 mm), (flow cell) , 450480 nm (: strip chart recorder, integrator / ) . B.3 B.4 2 mm( ) . 1 mm ( ) . 3.4

10、.3 100 mL, 200 mL 1 000 mL 1100 mL 3.5 . (ISO 5667 3 ). 3.6 3.6.1 a) (3.4.1, 3.4.2 B.1 B.4) (FIA CFA) . b) , C1 C3(3.3.12, 3.3.13) (3.3.9) . 10 . 0 . c) . 3.6.3 3.6.4 . 3.6.2 (calibration solution)(3.3.14) 0.032.0 . . (10 mg/L, 100 mg/L 1 000 mg/L) . 95 % . 3.6.3 (3.3

11、.9) 0.3 . . . 3.6.4 3.3.14 . . 0 . . . (3.6.5). (ISO 8466 2 ) (1) . y c2 b a.(1) I ISO 15682: 2006 5 y: ( ) : a: b: (L/mg) c: (L2/mg2) 3.6.5 FIA CFA(3.4.1 3.4.2) . . , 20 . . 3.7 (1)(3.6.4) 3.6.5 . . . (2) . (b/2c) (b/2c)2 (a y)/c21.(2) 3.6.4 (1) . . 4. (FIA CFA) 4.1 FIA . CFA (carrier) . (carrier)

12、. 7, 8, 9, 10 ( ) . 4.2 (Br, I, S2) (CN, S2O32) . 100 mL 0.5 mL (3.3.7) . 5 . Br, I, CN 0.1 g/L , 14.4 g (4.3.3) 76 mL II(4.3.4) 1: 2 1 000 mL . 10 . 4.3 4.3.1 3.3.1 . 3.3 “ ” . 4.3.2 KNO34.3.3 KBrO34.3.4 II c(HNO3) 1 mol/L 4.3.5 I III FIA ( B.5 C4) (4.2 ) (carrier) C4 . (4.2 ) , (carrier) C4 . 1 00

13、0 mL 7.2 g (4.3.3) 38 mL II(4.3.4) 800 mL . . . I ISO 15682: 2006 6 4.3.6 FIA( B.5 P1) (ISA) FIA ISA (4.2 ) a) III II (1 mg/L10, 10 mg/L100mg/L ) 1 000 mL 3 mL II(4.3.4) 10.1 g (4.3.2) 800 mL . . . b) 1 (100 mg/L 1 000 mg/L) 1 000 mL 50.5 g (4.3.2) 3 mL II(4.3.4) 800 mL . . . (4.2) F

14、IA ISA (1 mg/L1 000 mg/L Cl) 1 000 mL 7.2 g (4.3.3) 38 mL II(4.3.4) 800 mL . . . 4.3.7 CFA( B.6 P2) (ISA) (1 mg/L1 000 mg/L ) (4.2) CFA ISA 1 000 mL 50.5 g (4.3.2) 3 mL II(4.3.4) 900 mL , 1 mL (3.3.8) . . (4.2) CFA ISA 1 000 mL 38 mL II(4.3.4) 7.2 g (4.3.3) 900 mL , 1 mL (3.3.8) . .

15、4.4 4.4.1 (FIA CFA) 3.4.1 3.4.2 ( B.5 B.6 ). (high impedance inlet)( 1 M) . 4.4.2 3.4.3 . 4.5 3.5 . 4.6 4.6.1 10 (4.3.5, 4.3.6, 4.3.7) . . 4.6.2 a) I II 10 mg/L 100 mg/L, 100 mg/L 1 000 mg/L (3.3.14) 55 mV . b) III 1 mg/L 10 mg/L ( 25 mV . 4.6.3 (flow-through system)(4.4.1 ) , I ISO

16、15682: 2006 7 . (I, II III) (3.3.14) . . (3.3.1) . , . (3.6.5) . . (3) (4) . 10 mg/L 1 000 mg/L C . a) III(1 mg/L 10 mg/L ) y c2 b a.(3) b) I(100 mg/L 1 000 mg/L ) II(10 mg/L 100 mg/L ) y d lg e(4) y, , a, b, c: 3.6.4 e: (4) d: (4) (3.3.14) : , B.6 (b) (3) (4) . II(10100 mg/L) 1: 10 (3) . 4.6.4 (4.4

17、.1) . . , 20 . . 4.7 (3) (4)(4.6.3) 4.6.4 . . . (4.3.3) II(4.3.4) (4.2, 4.3.5 ) , (4.6.3, ) , y (3) (4) . (5) (6) . a) III(1 mg/L10 mg/L) 212/)()2/()c2/( cyacbb = . (5) b) I(100 mg/L1 000 mg/L) II(10 mg/L100 mg/L) lg (y e)/d 10(y e)/d(6) : , B.6 (b) , (5) (6) . 10 mg/L 1 000 mg/L C . I ISO 1

18、5682: 2006 8 4.6.3 (3) (4) . . 5. (mg/L) (g/L) . 17 mg/L 1.2 g/L 5.4102mg/L 6. , . a) b) c) d) e) (5. ) f) I ISO 15682: 2006 9 A() A.1 A.3 1996 11 (DIN) . . p n (outlier-free) o x RR sr CVr sR CVR (異形 ) A.1 KS A ISO 57252 (CFA) p n o % (4) mg/Lx mg/LRR % srmg/LVCr% sRmg/L VCR% 1 (1) 9 24 25 4.91 4.8

19、9 100 0.069 1.42 0.115 2.35 2 (2) 10 32 20 142.5 137.5 97 1.311 0.95 3.131 2.28 3 (3) 9 28 22.2 4 100 3 904 95 29.15 0.75 85.78 2.20 (1) KS M ISO 3696 1 (2) (3) ( ) (4) KS M ISO 10304 1 KS M ISO 10304 2 . A.2 KS A ISO 57252 (FIA) p n o % (4) mg/Lx mg/LRR % srmg/LVCr% sRmg/L VCR% 1 (1) 12 45 0 4.91 4

20、.886 100 0.117 2.4 0.236 4.82 2 (2) 10 34 10.5 142.5 136.1 96 1.087 0.80 3.279 2.41 3 (3) 11 36 0 4 100 3 893 95 25.6 0.66 68.99 1.77 (1) KS M ISO 3696 1 (2) (3) ( ) (4) KS M ISO 10304 1 KS M ISO 10304 2 . I ISO 15682: 2006 10 A.3 KS A ISO 57252 (CFA FIA) p n o % (4) mg/Lx mg/LRR % srmg/LVCr% sRmg/L VCR% 1 (1) 8 28 0 4.91 4.806 98 0.060 1.26 0.151 3.14 2 (2) 8 28 0 142.5 135.3 95 1.816 1.34 4.014 2.97 3 (3) 8 28 0 4 100 3 888 94.8 43.69 1.12 10


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