KS K ISO 10722-2008 Geosynthetics-Index test procedure for the evaluation of mechanical damage under repeated loading-Damage caused by granular material《土工合成织物 重复载荷下机械损伤评定用索引试验程序 粒.pdf

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KS K ISO 10722-2008 Geosynthetics-Index test procedure for the evaluation of mechanical damage under repeated loading-Damage caused by granular material《土工合成织物 重复载荷下机械损伤评定用索引试验程序 粒.pdf_第1页
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KS K ISO 10722-2008 Geosynthetics-Index test procedure for the evaluation of mechanical damage under repeated loading-Damage caused by granular material《土工合成织物 重复载荷下机械损伤评定用索引试验程序 粒.pdf_第2页
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KS K ISO 10722-2008 Geosynthetics-Index test procedure for the evaluation of mechanical damage under repeated loading-Damage caused by granular material《土工合成织物 重复载荷下机械损伤评定用索引试验程序 粒.pdf_第3页
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KS K ISO 10722-2008 Geosynthetics-Index test procedure for the evaluation of mechanical damage under repeated loading-Damage caused by granular material《土工合成织物 重复载荷下机械损伤评定用索引试验程序 粒.pdf_第4页
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KS K ISO 10722-2008 Geosynthetics-Index test procedure for the evaluation of mechanical damage under repeated loading-Damage caused by granular material《土工合成织物 重复载荷下机械损伤评定用索引试验程序 粒.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS K ISO 10722 KS K ISO 10722: 2008 2008 5 1 http:/www.kats.go.krKS K ISO 10722: 2008 : () ( ) Gap Inc. FITI ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2008 5 1 2008-0207 : : ( 02-509-7278) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS K ISO 10722: 2008 Geosynthetics Index t

2、est procedure for the evaluation of mechanical damage under repeated loading Damage caused by granular material 2007 1 ISO 10722, Geosynthetics Index test procedure for the evaluation of mechanical damage under repeated loading Damage caused by granular material , . 1 . . . . 2 . . ( ) . KS K ISO 13

3、9, KS K ISO 9862, KS K ISO 10319, EN 933 1, Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates Part 1: Determination of particle size distribution Sieving method 3 . KS K ISO 10722: 2008 2 3.1 4 . , . (%) . . 5 5.1 KS K ISO 9862 . 5.2 , 1.0 m, 0.5 m 0.6 m 5 . , 0.25 m 0.3 m 2 . , . , KS K ISO 10319 . ,

4、. 6 KS K ISO 139 , (655) % (202) 2 0.25 % . . . 7 7.1 1 Hz (50010) kPa (50.5) kPa . 7.2 300 mm300 mm , 75 mm . KS K ISO 10722: 2008 3 . . 1 mm , . 1 . : mm 1 2 . 300 mm300 mm (min) 3 (1 Hz 5 kPa 500 kPa ) 4 (100 mm200 mm) 5 ( ) 6 ( , .) 7 a 1 7.3 100 mm200 mm , , KS K ISO 10722: 2008 4 . 7.4 1) , .

5、EN 933 1 , 10 mm 100 % , 5 mm 0 % . , 3 5 mm , . 20 . 8 8.1 . , 60 , (2002) kPa . , . , . , . . 75 mm . , (50.5) kPa . 1 Hz (1010) kPa (50010) kPa 200 . . . . 8.2 . KS K ISO 10319 . KS K ISO 12236, KS K ISO 12956 KS K ISO 11058 , . 1) . Explorer srl, Viale Regina Pacis, 11, I-41049 Sassuolo(MO), Ita

6、ly; Semanaz et Cie,107 Quai du Rancy, Portde Bonneuil, F-94388 Bonneuil-sur-Marne, Francer; Kuhmichel Abrasiv GmbH, Asikos Strahlmittel Gmbh, D-46535 Dinslaken, Germany. CEN ISO . KS K ISO 10722: 2008 5 , 60 (50010) kPa . . , . . 9 . =0100RRRd , Rd: R0 : R : ( ) R , . 10 . a) (: KS K ISO 10722 ) b)

7、, c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) KS K ISO 10722: 2008 6 1 KS K ISO 11058, 2 KS K ISO 12236, (CBR ) 3 KS K ISO 12956, 135513 7017 (02)60094114 (02)600948878 http:/ Korean Agency for Technology and Standards http:/www.kats.go.kr KS K ISO 10722: 2008KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS SKS KSKS SKSKS KSKSKS GeosyntheticsIndex test procedure for the evaluation of mechanical damage under repeated loading Damage caused by granular materialICS 59.080.70


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