1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS Q ISO 13301 (3-AFC) , , KS Q ISO 13301:2009 2009 1 12 http:/www.kats.go.krKS Q ISO 13301:2009 : ( ) ( ) () () ( ) ( ) : ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 2003 9 30 : 2009 1 12 2009-0012 : : ( 02-509-7266) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS Q ISO 1
2、3301:2009 i ii .1 1 1 2 2 3 .2 4 3 4.1 3 4.2 4 5 .4 5.1 4 5.2 .5 5.3 6 5.4 6 5.5 6 5.6 7 6 9 6.1 , 9 6.2 (inspection) 10 6.3 (estimating) (maximum likelihood, ML).11 6.4 11 6.5 0.5 pd.12 6.6 (Best Estimation Threshold, BET) 13 6.7 13 A( ) 15 B( ) 16 28 KS Q ISO 13301:2009 ii “ (threshold)” , . . , .
3、 , . “ ” 19 (detect) 1 a) . a) b) 1 1) 1 b) , , . (momentary value) , 0.5 . (median effect level) . 1 102 103 ( 6, 10, 14 ). . Devos et al. 6 . 1) (3-AFC) , pd pd 1.5pc 0.5, pc . “ (guessing) ” . (psychometrics) , , 13 . , x , x, pd, pd KS Q ISO 13301:2009 iii . . (mechanics) . (3-AFC) . . (6.3 ). K
4、S Q ISO 13301:2009 (3-AFC) , , Sensory analysis Methodology General guidance for measuring odour, flavour and taste detection thresholds by a three-alternative forced-choice(3-AFC) procedure 2002 1 ISO 13301, Sensory analysis Methodology General guidance for measuring odour, flavour and taste detect
5、ion thresholds by a three-alternative forced-choice(3-AFC) procedure . 1 . (3-AFC, three-alternative forced-choice) , , , . (chemoreceptive senses) ( .) , , , , . . (flavour chemistry) (flavour of food) (gaseous effluents) , , KS Q ISO 13301:2009 2 , , (threshold value) . . (validity) . ; , . , . KS
6、 Q ISO 5492 (recognition threshold) . ( 9 ). 2 . . ( ) . KS Q ISO 5492, KS Q ISO 6658, KS Q ISO 8586 1, , , 1: KS Q ISO 8586 2, , , 2: KS Q ISO 8589, 3 KS Q ISO 5492 . 3.1 ( ) (sensation) 3.2 (stimulus, ) 3.3 (reference sample) 3.4 3.5 (3-AFC) KS Q ISO 13301:2009 3 , 2 , . 3.6 3.7 (threshold model)
7、( .) ( .) 3.8 (signal-detection model) . 3.9 (detection threshold) , 0.5 3.10 3.11 ( . , , , ) 3.12 4 4.1 . . . . . . , , . , . KS Q ISO 13301:2009 4 . (parameter) . , (experimental design) . 4.2 . ( ) ( ) . , . . 2/3 . 50 % . . (interpolate) . (maximum likelihood) (least square) . (location paramet
8、er) (shape parameter) . (stimulus continuum) . 50 % . 1 , , . 1 . . . 100 . . 5 5.1 5.1.1 (precautions) KS Q ISO 6658 . . / (off-flavour) . . KS Q ISO 8589 . . . . KS Q ISO 13301:2009 5 5.1.2 (PTFE) . , , . . PTFE (smoothbore) . 5.1.3 . , . . (dinonyl phthalate) . . , (micro-syringe) , . 5.1.4 , , .
9、 . (each aliquot) . 5.2 X . (error) X . (approximate studies) X 3 5 , X 2 . , . 45 % 90 % . , pd 0.18 0.85 . X . . X . . , . . 27 3 1 . KS Q ISO 13301:2009 6 5.3 5.3.1 (KS Q ISO 8589 ) KS Q ISO 6658 . , (: ) . , 3 AAB, ABA, BAA . . 5.3.2 8, 12 (olfactometer) . 5.3.3 (flavourless) . , 100 mL 1/4 . ,
10、( 4, 7, 11 ). , . 5.3.4 , . 5.4 , / , . . 1 2 . . , , (: ) . 2 . 3 5 2 3 . 5.5 KS Q ISO 13301:2009 7 5.5.1 KS Q ISO 8586 1 KS Q ISO 8586 2 . 5.5.2 (Individual threshold) , , / . , (hyperosmia), , . 5.5.3 (Distribution of thresholds) . , . . 6.7 . 5.5.4 , . . , , . . , . , 1 . 5.6 5.6.1 (the paramete
11、rs of the logistic) 45 % 90 % . . 1 . A . 1 (desired) 40 60 80 100 120 160 200 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1 . , 80 2.4 ppm(2.4 mL/m3) , 1.2 ppm 4.8 ppm . 200 . . . KS Q ISO 13301:2009 8 , . 5.6.2 5.6.1 . . (median) . 6. . 5.6.3 , . . . 3.9 . 6.5 B.2 B.4 . . , / (sensory taint) 5.6.1 . 2 . . , , /