KS V 7470-2012 Coatings and inspection guidelines for steel ships《船舶涂料与检查的通用指南》.pdf

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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS V 7470 KS V 7470:2012 2012 10 25 http:/www.kats.go.krKS V 7470:2012 : ( ) ( ) () () () ( ) : () () () () () () () STX() () () () () () KS V 7470:2012 : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2012 10 25 2012-0557 : : ( 02-509-7274) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , .

2、KS V 7470:2012 i 1 1 2 1 3 .1 4 .2 5 2 5.1 2 5.2 ( ) 4 5.3 .4 5.4 5 6 6 6.1 .6 6.2 1 8 6.3 2 / 8 6.4 9 6.5 .12 6.6 .13 7 .14 7.1 14 7.2 16 KS V 7470:2012 .18 KS V 7470:2012 Coatings and inspection guidelines for steel ships 1 IMO PSPC . 2 . . ( ) . KS M ISO 8501 1, 1: 3 . 3.1 (line quality controlle

3、r, line Q.C.) 3.2 (masking) , , 3.3 (shop coating) , , 3.4 (shop primer) (mill scale) , KS V 7470:2012 2 3.5 (etching primer) . 3.6 (abrasive) , 1 (steel shot ball) , 2 (steel grit) , (garnet) . 3.7 (sagging and running) (running) , (sagging) . 4 4.1 JSRA SPSS The Shipbuilding Research Association o

4、f Japan Standard for the Preparation of Steel Surface prior to painting( ) 4.2 JSTRA Japan Ship Technology Research Association( ) 4.3 KSPIP Korean Shipbuilders Painting and Inspection Practice( ) 4.4 PSPC Performance Standard for Protective Coatings( ) 4.5 SIS Swedish Standards Institute( SS: Svens

5、k Standard, ) 4.6 SSPC The Society for Protective Coatings , Steel Structure Painting Council( ) 5 5.1 KS V 7470:2012 3 1 . 1 1 ( ) 2 ( ) (pre-erection) . 6.2 . . . 2 6.3 . 6.4 . . ( ) 1 . .2 2 6.3 6.4 . (dock) 2 6.3 6.4 . 2 ( ) . KS V 7470:2012 4 5.2 ( ) 2 . 2 5.3 , 3 . , . 1 2 , ( 5.3 .) 1 , 1 2 1

6、 , (dock), . 2 . 3 . KS V 7470:2012 5 3 5.4 , (pipe duct) (pipes) (handrail) 4 . , . (pickling) ( ) ( ) (pickling) ( ) / a) b) , , KS V 7470:2012 6 4 1 2 U- 3 1 () U- , . 2 U- . 5 6 6.1 6.1.1 , . , , , . 1 2 3 1 , . 2 ( 5 ) . , . , . 3 . KS V 7470:2012 7 a) Sa 2( ) , ( , ), , , , . ( ) . b)

7、St 2( ) , ( , ), , , , . c) St 3( ) St 2 , . 1 . 1 KS M ISO 8501 1 SIS 05 59 00 SSPC Vis 1 Sa 2 ( ) Sa 2 ( ) SSPC SP 10 ( ) St 2 ( ) St 2 ( , , ) SSPC SP 2 ( ) St 3 ( ) St 3 ( , , ) SSPC SP 3 ( ) a) . b) . , . c) . 1) . 2) 58.1 cm2( 9 in2) 5 % ( , rust stain) . 3) ( ) . 4) . , . 6.1.

8、2 2 1 , KS M ISO 8501 1, SIS 05 59 00, SSPC Vis 1, JSRA SPSS . , JSRA 2 . , JSRA 2 , KS M ISO/SIS KS V 7470:2012 8 JSRA ( 2 ). 2 (KS M ISO/SIS JSRA ) KS M ISO/SIS JSRA B Sa 1, C Sa 1 (IH, IA, IF, ID, IR) Ss B Sa 2 (IH, IA, IF, ID, IR) Sd2 (blast cleaning) B Sa 3 (IH, IA, IF,

9、ID, IR) Sd3 (IH, IA, IF, ID, IR) Pt1 B St 2, C St 2 (IH, IA, IF, ID, IR) Pt2 / (hand or power tool cleaning) B St 3, C St 3 (IH, IA, IF, ID, IR) Pt3 6.2 1 6.2.1 1 30 m 50 m Sa 2 . , . 150 A , , , . . 150 A . , ( 150 A ) . . (blasting cell) 85 % 3 . 85 % ( ) . 6.2.2 6.

10、2.2.1 1 , , 1 (155) m . (compatibility) . 6.3 2 / 6.3.1 . KS M ISO( SIS) 2 KSPIP JSRA . KS V 7470:2012 9 (fume) . , . (blow hole) (putty) . , ( ) . 6.3.2 2 . , . (zinc salts) (disc sweeping), (sweep blasting) . 6

11、.3.2.3 . , . , . 6.3.3 2 ( ) (pre-erection and erection joints) . (damage) , (defect) . 6.4 6.4.1 (moisture) . ( ) , . , , , . , (spray gun) . KS V 7470:2012 10 (marking pen) , . 6.4.2 / a) (airless spray) , . b) , . c) 85 % 3 . , . d)

12、( ) . e) / . f) (zinc rich primer) 1 . g) . ( touch-up coating and stripe coating) a) , , . b) , . c) 2 , , . d) 3 . e) 1 (one coat system) 1 1 (one stripe coat) , 2 (two or more coat system) 1 2 (second or final) 2 (two stripe coat) . f) , 1 1 1 , 2 1 2 ( ) 1 . KS V 7470:2012 11 3 A 1 2 A 1

13、 A 1 2 NA (built-up section) NA ( ) NA , / / NA ( ) A 1 2 ( ) NA e), f) 1 A: . 2 NA: . 3 3 ( ) 6 . KS V 7470:2012 12 6 6.5 4 . KS V 7470:2012 13 4 / ( ) 1 1 1 1 ( , ) 1 / ( ) , 1 / ( ) ( ) ( ) , ( ) 1 / ( ) ( ) 1 / ( ) 1 / 1 , . 6.6 5 , . KS V 7470:2012 14 5 (blistering) 1) (scraper)

14、 . 2) . 1) (sand paper) (disc sander) . 2) . (blushing) 1) . 2) , , . 3) . (cracking) 1) . 2) . (peeling-off) 1) . 2) . / / (sagging/running/ wrinkling) 1) , . 2) , . 3) , . (bleeding) . 7 7.1 7.1.1 a) 6 ( ) . b) . , . ( ) 6 ( ) . KS V 7470:2012 15 a) ( ) 09 . b) . , . a) , . b) , . c) ,

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