KS X 6047-6-2011 Document Object Model(DOM) level 2 HTML《文档对象模型(DOM)级别2 HTML规范》.pdf

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KS X 6047-6-2011 Document Object Model(DOM) level 2 HTML《文档对象模型(DOM)级别2 HTML规范》.pdf_第1页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS X 6047 6 (DOM) 2 HTML KS X 6047 6:2011 2011 12 30 http:/www.kats.go.krKS X 6047 6:2011 : e- ( ) ( ) () () ( ) : () () DRM ( ) KS X 6047 6:2011 : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2011 12 30 2011-0689 : e- : ( 02-509-7262) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS X

2、 6047 6:2011 i ii iii 1 1 2 1 3 .2 4 (DOM) HTML3 4.1 .3 4.2 CoreDOM HTML .4 4.3 XHTML HTML DOM.5 4.4 .5 4.5 HTML 7 4.6 HTML .10 A( ) 53 A.1 DOM 1 DOM 2 .53 B( ) IDL .55 C( ) .67 D( ) ECMAScript 92 KS X 6047 6:2011 .115 KS X 6047 6:2011 ii . , , . , , . DOM . DOM XML HTML programmatic interface , . D

3、OM Level 2 . DOM Level 2 Core DOM Level 2 Views DOM Level 2 Events DOM Level 2 Style DOM Level 2 Traversal and Range DOM Level 2 HTML DOM Level 2 HTML . KS X 6047 6:2011 iii World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) 2003 Document Object Model(DOM) Level 2 HTML 1.0 , . DOM Level 2 Core HTML (HTML 4.01) XHTML (X

4、HTML 1.0) API , , , HTML . KS X 6047 6:2011 (DOM) 2 HTML Document Object Model(DOM) level 2 HTML 1 FORM HTML 4.01 XHTML 1.0 DOM 2 HTML . DOM 2 DOM Level 2 Core DOM 1 HTMLDOM Level 1 . 2 . . ( ) . DOM Level 2 Core Document Object Model Level 2 Core Specification, A. Le Hors, et al., Editors. World Wi

5、de Web Consortium, 13 November 2000. This version of the DOM Level 2 Core Recommendation is http:/www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Core-20001113. The latest version of DOM Level 2 Core is available at http:/www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core DOM Level 2 Style Sheets and CSS Document Object Model Level

6、 2 Style Sheets and CSS Specification, C. Wilson, P. Le Hgaret, V. Apparao, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 13 November 2000. This version of the Document Object Model Level 2 Style Sheets and CSS Recommendation is http:/www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Style-20001113. The latest version of Do

7、cument Object Model Level 2 Style Sheets and CSS is available at http:/www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style ECMAScript ECMAScript Language Specification, Third Edition. European Computer Manufacturers Association, December 1999. This version of the ECMAScript Language is available at http:/www.ecma.ch/ec

8、ma1/ STAND/ECMA-262.HTM HTML 4.01 HTML 4.01 Specification, D. Raggett, A. Le Hors, and I. Jacobs, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 17 December 1997, revised 24 April 1998, revised 24 December 1999. This version of the HTML 4.01 Recommendation is http:/www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224. The

9、latest version of HTML 4 is available at http:/www.w3.org/TR/html4 IETF RFC 2396 Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax, T. Berners-Lee, R. Fielding, L. Masinter, Authors. Internet Engineering Task Force, August 1998. Available at http:/www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt IETF RFC 2965 HTTP Sta

10、te Management Mechanism, D. Kristol and L. Montulli, Editors. Internet Engineering Task Force, October 2000. Available at http:/www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2965.txt KS X 6047 6:2011 2 Java The Java Language Specification, J. Gosling, B. Joy, and G. Steele, Authors. Addison-Wesley, September 1996. Available

11、at http:/ OMG IDL “OMG IDL Syntax and Semantics” defined in The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification, version 2, Object Management Group. The latest version of CORBA version 2.0 is available at http:/www.omg.org/technology/documents/formal/corba_2.htm XHTML 1.0 XHTML 1.0: The

12、 Extensible HyperText Markup Language, S. Pemberton, et al., Authors. World Wide Web Consortium, 26 January 2000, revised 1 August 2002. This version of the XHTML 1.0 Recommendation is http:/www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xhtml1-20020801. The latest version of XHTML 1.0 is available at http:/www.w3.org/TR/x

13、html1 DOM Level 1 DOM Level 1 Specification, V. Apparao, et al., Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 1 October 1998. This version of the DOM Level 1 Recommendation is http:/www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-DOM-Level-1-19981001. The latest version of DOM Level 1 is available at http:/www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Leve

14、l-1 DOM Level 3 Load and Save Document Object Model Level 3 Load and Save Specification, J. Stenback, A. Heninger, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, July 2002. This version of the DOM Level 3 Load and Save Specification is http:/www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-DOM-Level-3-LS-20020725. The latest version of

15、DOM Level 3 Load and Save is available at http:/www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-LS DOM Level 2 Style Sheets and CSS Document Object Model Level 2 Style Sheets and CSS Specification, C. Wilson, P. Le Hgaret, V. Apparao, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 13 November 2000. This version of the Document Obje

16、ct Model Level 2 Style Sheets and CSS Recommendation is http:/www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Style-20001113. The latest version of Document Object Model Level 2 Style Sheets and CSS is available at http:/www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style DOM Level 2 Traversal “Document Object Model Traversal” in D

17、ocument Object Model Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification, J. Kesselman, J. Robie, M. Champion, P. Sharpe, V. Apparao, L. Wood, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 13 November 2000. This version of the Document Object Model Level 2 Traversal and Range Recommendation is http:/www.w3.org/TR/2000/

18、REC-DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range-20001113. The latest version of Document Object Model Level 2 Traversal and Range is available at http:/www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range IETF RFC 2616 Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1, R. Fielding, J. Gettys, J. Mogul, H. Frystyk, L. Masinter, P. Leach,

19、 T. Berners-Lee, Authors. Internet Engineering Task Force, June 1999. Available at http:/www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt 3 . 3.1 . API . . KS X 6047 6:2011 3 3.2 . 3.3 DOM 0 “DOM 0” Netscape Navigator Version 3.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 3.0 HTML ( .) . , “DOM 0” . 3.4 HTML HyperText Markup

20、Language(HTML) FORM . HTML SGML . HTML 4.01 3.5 IDL . , IDL . 3.6 live live , . 3.7 XML ( , CDATA ) . . . 4 (DOM) HTML 4.1 HTML HTML 4.01 XHTML XHTML 1.0 DOM 2 Core API DOM 2 Core . , (functionality) , , . HTML . HTML DOM API . HTML DOM 0 HTML KS X 6047 6:2011 4 DOM HTML DOM HTML . , DOM , DTD . DTD

21、 HTML 4.01 XHTML 1.0 DTD . HTML 4.01 XHTML 1.0 DTD . , HTML . Document HTMLDocument . HTMLDocument HTML . Element HTMLElement . HTMLElement HTML . HTMLElement HTML . HTMLElement HTML (Specializations) . DOM 2 CSS HTML . . DOM DOMImplementation hasFeature(feature, version) “HTML” “2.0” . “HTML” , “XH

22、TML” ( “2.0”) XHTML( “XML” “HTML” .) . DOM 2 Core “Core” . DOM 2 Core DOM 2 Core . DOM DOMImplementation hasFeature . “HTML” “2.0” . , Document Object 2 CoreDOM 2 Core “Core” . XHTML 1.0 HTML 4.01 . . HTMLAppletElement, HTMLFrameElement, HTMLFrameSetElement, HTMLIFrameElement, HTMLImageElement, HTML

23、LinkElement, HTMLObjectElement, HTMLParamElement, HTMLScriptElement . 4.2 CoreDOM HTML 4.2.1 HTML DOM , , , , . . KS X 6047 6:2011 5 . , , “fileDateCreated” . ECMAScript . get set . Non-HTML 4.0 HTML 4.01 Recommendation , . , HTML 4.01 ( , ). HTML 4.01 . , DOM 0 . 4.3 XHTML HTML DOM

24、DOM HTML 1 APIDOM Level 1 HTML 4.01 HTML 4.01 . API XHTML1.0XHTML 1.0 , HTML Working Group . DOM , HTML 4.01( ) XHTML 1.0 , HTML 4.01 . HTML DOM HTML API . , HTML , ( ). XHTML XML , XHTML . HTML XHTML . , , . , HTML getElementsByTagName() namedItem() , . HTML 4.01 XHTML 1.0 , XHTML . 4.4 HTMLCollect

25、ion HTMLCollection . name id . HTML DOM (live) . IDL KS X 6047 6:2011 6 interface HTMLCollection readonly attribute unsigned long length; Node item(in unsigned long index); Node namedItem(in DOMString name); ; length unsigned long . item . ( - ). index unsigned long Node . 0 namedItem Node . HTML 4.

26、01 , id Node . Node name Node . HTML 4.01 Nodes id . HTML , XHTML . name DOMString Node Node name id Node. null ( ) HTMLOptionsCollection(DOM 2 .) HTMLOptionsCollection HTML . name id . HTML DOM (live) . IDL / DOM 2 .: interface HTMLOptionsCollection attribute unsigned long length; / raises(DOMExcep

27、tion) on setting Node item(in unsigned long index); KS X 6047 6:2011 7 Node namedItem(in DOMString name); ; length unsigned long . item . ( - ). index unsigned long Node . 0 Node Node. null namedItem Node . HTML 4.01 , id Node . Node name Node . HTML 4.01 Nodes id . HTML , XHTML . name DOMString Node Node name id Node. null ( ) 4.5 HTML HTMLDocument HTMLDocument HTML . , . BODY . alinkColor background bgColor fgColor linkColor vlinkColor DOM 2 getElementById Document . KS X 6047 6:2011 8 IDL interface HTMLDocument : Do

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