KS X 6803-2011 Geocoder service specification《地理信息系统 地理编码服务规范》.pdf

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KS X 6803-2011 Geocoder service specification《地理信息系统 地理编码服务规范》.pdf_第1页
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KS X 6803-2011 Geocoder service specification《地理信息系统 地理编码服务规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS X 6803 KS X 6803:2011 2011 12 29 http:/www.kats.go.krKS X 6803:2011 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2002 8 30 :2011 12 29 2011-0659 : : (ISO/TC211) ( 02-509-7262) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS X 6803:2011 i ii . iii 1 1 2 1 3 1 3.1 ( )

2、3 3.2 ( ).6 4 ( ) 7 4.1 .7 4.2 12 4.3 .15 4.4 .17 A( ) .19 A.1 .19 A.2 (Abbreviation) 26 A.3 (Quality of Service: QoS) .27 A.4 .29 B( ) GeocodingEntryType .33 B.1 GeocodingEntryType GeocodingEntryType 33 B.2 GeocodingEntryGILSType( )33 C( ) 36 C.1 GeocodingEntryType 36 C.2 36 C.3 geocoder: .36 37 KS

3、 X 6803:2011 .38 KS X 6803:2011 ii . KS X 6803 . A() B() GeocodingEntryType C() KS X 6803:2011 iii 2001 OGC 01 026r1, Geocoder Service , . KS X 6803:2011 Geocoder service specification 1 . . 2 . . ( ) . OGC, Basic Service Model OGC, Filter Encoding Specification OGC, Abstract Specification Spatial R

4、eference Systems OGC, Geography Markup Language (GML) Implementation Specification 3 (Geocoder Service) , (幾何 ) . . , . . . (news clipping) . . . KS X 6803:2011 2 , . (thesaurus) (pattern matching) ( ) . “ ” . , IP . ( ) . . GML . GML OGC (Spatial Reference System) XML . GML , “ ” . (interoperabilit

5、y) . . , . , 4. . a) GeocodingEntryType “ ” . . “street” “street address” . “GeocodingEntryType” QoS( , Quality of Service, QoS) . b) (Quality of Service, QoS) ( .) . , 0.0 1.0 . , . c) ( )(namespace). . XML , “geocoder” ( ) . OGC . , ( ), , XML . GML . d) (Type of Match Operation) . , ( , ZIPCode I

6、P ). , . . . e) (Constraints) . “ ” (exact match) . , “ ” (loose search) “ ” (fuzzy search) . KS X 6803:2011 3 . . . f) OGC GetCapabilities(OGC GetCapabilities Interface) . OGC . GeocodingEntryTypes . SRS, . g) OGC DescribeFeatureType(OGC DescribeFeatureType interface) . GeocodingEntryType . h) (Geo

7、coding Request) . . , (semantics) . . . 1) OGC GetFeature . GetFeature . GetCapabilities / DescribeFeatureType . “type of match” . GetFeature . “USAddress” , . “where Street like 123 Main Street and City New York and ; Country US” US, North Main Street, 123 and S. Main Street 123 . . 2) GeocodeFeatu

8、re . ( ) . GeocodingEntryType . . , “Street”, “PostCode”, “Organization”, “Landmark” . 4. . . (web page form) . . OGC ( ) , . 3.1 ( ) , . KS X 6803:2011 4 (point), IP (IP address) , , (map numbers) OGC (feature hierarchies search) . . 1 . . 2 184 Milton Street Rose Street Annandale 15037 NSW 152,-33

9、 StreetNumberRange Unambiguous address, calculated location from street number 100 , . . , (status message) . . , (actual street frontage locations) . , QoS . 3 . . , 100 km . KS X 6803:2011 5 4 . . . 911- . . 1 , . “ . . ?” . (cleaned) . 5 (Map Locations) . . 2 (form) . 3 KS X 6803:2011 6 (mapping)

10、 (point feature) . 3.2 ( ) 3.2.1 (engine) . A , , . 3.2.2 (Interface Compatibility) OGC BSM(Basic Service Model) . A , , GeocodingEntry Types . ( ) . 3.2.3 (Filter based geocoding) . (virtual store) . . OGC Filter Encoding ( ) . GeocodingEntryType GML- . (GeocodingEntryType ) . . . “=” , . “

11、like” , (loose search) (fuzzy search) . . “where Street like 123 Main Street and City= New York and Country=US ” “New York” “US” . . (Collection based geocoding) ( ) . . , . GeocodingEntryType KS X 6803:2011 7 (directive)( ) . (GeocodingEntryType ) . ( ) . ( ) . . ( SQL WHERE ). (direct sear

12、ch) (fuzzy search) . . . 3.2.4 . GetCapabilities DescribeFeatureType GetFeature GeocodeFeature GetCapabilities DescribeFeatureType , GetFeature GeocodeFeature . 4. . 3.2.5 (Query Constraints) . . OGC Filter Encoding . URI : (Geolinks, XLINK .) , GML 2 . 4 ( ) . GetCapabilities DescribeFeatureType ,

13、GetFeature GeocodeFeature . OGC (transactional interface) (lock interface) . . GetCapabilities . 4.1 KS X 6803:2011 8 4.1.1 (primary common reference) BSM(Basic Service Model) . ( ) . 4.1.2 GetCapabilitiesRequest.xsd v0.2 2001-02 WFS interface schema. Copyright (c) 2001 OGC, All Rights Reserved. 4.1

14、.3 ( ) GetCapabilities DTD . KS X 6803:2011 9 KS X 6803:2011 10 onlineResource . HTTP . . ) 4.1.4 . 4.1.5 (BSM) GeocodingEntryTypes . GeocodingEntryType Geocoding EntryType . BSM , Geocoding EntryType . (Capabilities) “ ” . BSM , . . OGCGeocoder Oslo Geocoder Server Oslo Street Server http:/TESTER/O

15、SLO? 4.2 4.2.1 KS X 6803:2011 13 . , WFS OGC . . 4.2.2 . XML OGC BSM . GetFeatureRequest.xsd v0.2 2001-02 WFS interface schema. Copyright (c) 2001 OGC, All Rights Reserved. KS X 6803:2011 14 GetFeature . . Query . , , ( , ) . Filter . (spatial constraints) (non-spatial constraints) OGC (OGC

16、Filter Encoding Specification) . PropertyName (enumerate) . , . outputFormat (format) . GML 2.0 . maxFeatures . maxFeatures , . 4.2.3 KS X 6803:2011 15 OGC , . a) “EditFields” , “YES” . b) “PropertyIsEqualTo” . “ExactMatch” . “PropertyIsLike” , . , “PropertyIsEqualTo” , . c) “relaxToPostcode” . , , ( ) . , . , , . 4.2.4 ( )

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