KS X ISO 15628-2012 Road transport and traffic telematics-Dedicated short range communication(DSRC)-DSRC application layer.pdf

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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS X ISO 15628 (DSRC) DSRC KS X ISO 15628:2012 2012 12 31 http:/www.kats.go.krKS X ISO 15628:2012 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2005 6 24 :2012 12 31 2012-0842 : : ( 025097262) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS X ISO 15628:2012 i ii . iii 1

2、 1 2 2 3 .3 4 5 5 .7 6 .8 6.1 8 6.2 .8 6.3 .13 7 .21 7.1 21 7.2 .22 7.3 .24 8 .28 8.1 28 8.2 .28 8.3 .29 9 .30 9.1 30 9.2 30 A( ) .35 B( ) 41 C( ) .42 D( ) 45 E( ) 46 KS X ISO 15628:2012 52 KS X ISO 15628:2012 ii . KS X ISO 15628:2005 . . , , . , , . KS X ISO 15628:2012 . A( ) B( ) C( ) D( ) E( ) KS

3、 X ISO 15628:2012 iii 2007 1 ISO 15628, Road transport and traffic telematics Dedicated short range communication(DSRC) DSRC application layer , , 5.8 GHz . KS X ISO 15628:2012 (DSRC) DSRC Road transport and traffic telematics Dedicated short range communication(DSRC) DSRC application layer 1 (DSRC)

4、 (Tool) (Application Layer Core) . (Service Primitive) (Application Process) . (Application Data) (Application specific function) . 7 , . , OSI (Basic Reference Model) KS X ISO/IEC 7498 1 (Intermediate Layer) . 1 ( , , ) . KS X ISO 15628:2012 2 Application (2 ) (1 ) Application (2 ) (1 ) 1 KS X ISO/

5、IEC 7498 1 . 1 . (Framework) (Application) (Concatenation) (Chaining Procedures) (Abstract Syntax) ASN.1KS X ISO/IEC 8824 1 (Transfer Syntax) KS X ISO/IEC 8824 2 (Release) . . (Broadcast Pool) . 2 . . ( ) . KS X ISO/IEC 7498 1, 1: KS X ISO 15628:2012 3 KSX ISO/IEC 8824 1, 1(ASN.1) 1 : KSX ISO/IEC 88

6、25 2, ASN.1 : (PER) KS X ISO 14816, 3 . 3.1 (application) 3.2 (attribute) . GET( ) SET( ) . 3.3 (attribute identifier) . 3.4 (beacon service table) 3.5 (broadcast pool) 3.6 (chaining) 3.7 (concatenation) (separation) (deconcatenation) . 3.8 (element) . . 3.9 (element identifier) . KS X ISO 15628:201

7、2 4 3.10 (fragmentation) (ASDU) (LSDU) 1 KS X ISO/IEC 7498 1 (segmentation) . 2 (defragmentation) KS X ISO/IEC 7498 1 (disassembling) . 3.11 (head of the line) ( ). (Queue) . . , . 3.12 (management) . 3.13 (multiplexing) 3.14 (operation) 3.15 (profile) 3.16 -T-APDU (single-T-APDU fragment) - 3.17 T-

8、APDU (T-APDU fragment) ASN.1 T-APDU 3.18 (time) 1/1/1970 00:00(UTC) 3.19 (vehicle service table) KS X ISO 15628:2012 5 4 . 4.1 ADU Application Data Unit 4.2 AID Application Identifier 4.3 APDU Application Protocol Data Unit 4.4 ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Businesses 4.5 ASDU Application

9、 Service Data Unit 4.6 ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One KS X ISO/IEC 8824 1 1 4.7 ASTM American Society of Testing and Material 4.8 B-Kernel Broadcast Kernel 4.9 BST Beacon Service Table 4.10 CEN Comit Europen de Normalisation 4.11 DSRC Dedicated Short Range Communication 4.12 EID Element Identifi

10、er 4.13 EVENT-RT Event-Report 4.14 FCS Frame Check Sequence 4.15 ID Identifier 4.16 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers KS X ISO 15628:2012 6 4.17 IID Invoker Identifier 4.18 I-Kernel Initialisation Kernel 4.19 LID Logical Link Control Identifier 4.20 LLC Logical Link Control 4.21

11、LPDU LLC Protocol Data Unit 4.22 LSDU LLC Service Data Unit 4.23 L1 Layer 1 of DSRC (Physical Layer) 1 4.24 L2 Layer 2 of DSRC (Data Link Layer) 2 4.25 L7 Application Layer Core of DSRC 7 4.26 MAC Medium Access Control 4.27 NEN Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut 4.28 OBU On Board Unit 4.29 PDU Protoc

12、ol Data Unit 4.30 PPDU Physical Layer Protocol Data Unit 4.31 PSDU Physical Layer Service Data Unit 4.32 PER Packet Encoding Rules (KS X ISO/IEC 8825-2) KS X ISO 15628:2012 7 4.33 RSU Road Side Unit 4.34 RTTT Road Transport and Traffic Telematics 4.35 SDU Service Data Unit 4.36 T-APDU Transfer Appli

13、cation Protocol Data Unit 4.37 T-Kernel Transfer Kernel 4.38 VST Vehicle Service Table 5 (T-Kernel) (I-Kernel) (B-Kernel), . 2 . , , . 2 KS X ISO 15628:2012 8 6 6.1 , . 6.2.2 . A - (T-APDU) . 6.3 . 9. E DSRC (LLC) . 6.3 “” , . 6.2 6.2.1 . GET: GET . . SET: SET . , . ACTION: ACTION . ActionType (KS X

14、 ISO 14906 ), . . EVENT-REPORT: EVENT-REPORT . , . INITIALISATION: INITIALISATION . INITIALISATION . 6.2.2 6.2.1 . GET.request GET.indication GET.response GET.confirm SET.request KS X ISO 15628:2012 9 SET.indication SET.response SET.confirm ACTION.request ACTION.indication ACTION.response ACTION.con


16、(T-ASDU) 2 6 , 1 . 1 2 5 iid/eid . (indication) IID( ) EID ASN.1 , KS X ISO 15628:2012 10 2 GET / ASN.1 Invoker Identifier(IID) Dsrc-EID Link Identifier(LID) BIT STRING Chaining Boolean Element Identifier(EID) iid / eid Dsrc-EID Access Credentials OCTET STRING Attribute Id List(AttIdList) AttributeI

17、dList FlowControl INTEGER Attribute List(AttrList) AttributeList Return Code(Ret) ReturnStatus 3 SET / ASN.1 Invoker Identifier(IID) Dsrc-EID Link Identifier(LID) BIT STRING Chaining Boolean Element Identifier(EID) iid / eid Dsrc-EID Access Credentials OCTET STRING Attribute List(AttList) AttributeL

18、ist Mode Boolean FlowControl INTEGER Return Code(Ret) ReturnStatus 4 ACTION / ASN.1 Invoker Identifier(IID) Dsrc-EID Link Identifier(LID) BIT STRING Chaining Boolean Element Identifier(EID) iid / eid Dsrc-EID ActionType INTEGER(0127,.) Access Credentials OCTET STRING ActionParameter Container Mode B

19、oolean FlowControl INTEGER ResponseParameter Container Return Code(Ret) ReturnStatus KS X ISO 15628:2012 11 5 EVENT-REPORT / ASN.1 Invoker Identifier(IID) Dsrc-EID Link Identifier(LID) BIT STRING Chaining Boolean Element Identifier(EID) iid / eid Dsrc-EID EventType INTEGER(0127,.) Access Credentials

20、 OCTET STRING EventParameter Container Mode Boolean FlowControl INTEGER Return Code(Ret) ReturnStatus 6 INITIALISATION / ASN.1 Link Identifier(LID) (Private) BIT STRING Initialization Parameter (BST) (VST) BST / VST 6.2.4 . IID 1(ASN.1) “Dsrc-EID” , . . (IID) , (EID) . LID 7.3.2 (LID) . Chaining “Bo

21、olean” . (True) 6.3.6 “ ” . EID 1 “Dsrc-EID” , . / . , . AccessCredenials 1 “OCTET STRING” , . AttrIdList GET.indication . , GET.response GET.confirm GET.request . FlowControl . . FlowControl , KS X ISO 15628:2012 12 7 . (LLC) E 9. . 7 FlowControl , 1 . DL-UNITDATA.request 2 . DL-UNITDATA.request 3

22、DL-UNITDATA.indication 4 . DL-DATA-ACK.request 5 . DL-DATA-ACK.indication 6 . DL-DATA-STATUS.indication 7 . DL-REPLY.request 8 . DL-REPLY.indication 9 . DL-REPLY-STATUS.indication 10 . DL-REPLY-UPDATE.request 11 . DL-REPLY-UPDATE-STATUS.indication AttrList SET.request/SET.indication GET.response/GET

23、.confirm . , SET.indication AttrList AttrList . , GET.response/GET.confirm GET.indication GET.indication AttrIdList GET.request . Ret service.indication . Ret . noError: accessDenied: argumentError: , , . (Entity) Action Event-Report . complexityLimitation: processingFailure: processing: chainingError: 6.3.6 Mode Boolean . , service.indication service.response ( ). ActionType ACTION.indication . Ac


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