KS X ISO 19137-2008 Geographic information-Core profile of the spatial schema《地理信息 空间模式的核心轮廓》.pdf

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KS X ISO 19137-2008 Geographic information-Core profile of the spatial schema《地理信息 空间模式的核心轮廓》.pdf_第1页
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KS X ISO 19137-2008 Geographic information-Core profile of the spatial schema《地理信息 空间模式的核心轮廓》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS X ISO 19137 KS X ISO 19137:2008 2008 12 30 http:/www.kats.go.krKS X ISO 19137:2008 : ( ) ( ) () () ( ) : (IS O/TC211) () ( ) ( ) ()GIS : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 2008 12 30 2008-0988 : :(ISO/TC211) ( 025097262) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS X

2、ISO 19137:2008 i ii .1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 , , , .1 5 .1 5.1 .1 5.2 3 5.3 .3 5.4 3 5.5 (association) .3 5.6 GM_Position .5 5.7 GM_CurveSegment5 5.8 GM_CurveInterpolation 5 5.9 GM_SurfaceInterpolation5 5.10 GM_SurfacePatch 6 5.11 GM_Polygon.6 5.12 GM_CompositeCurve .6 6 .6 A( ) 7 A.1 .7 A.2 7 B( ) 8 B.1 0

3、.8 B.2 1 .8 B.3 2 .8 C( ) .9 C.1 .9 C.2 9 C.3 3 9 C.4 GM_CurveSegment 10 D( ) .11 D.1 ExampleCurve 11 D.2 ExampleSurface .11 13 KS X ISO 19137:2008 14 KS X ISO 19137:2008 ii . KS X ISO 19137 . A( ) B( ) C( ) D( ) KS X ISO 19137:2008 Geographic information Core profile of the spatial schema 2007 1 IS

4、O 19137, Geographic information Core profile of the spatial schema . 1 KS X ISO 19106 KS X ISO 19107 . . ( A ). 2 (abstract test suite) B . 3 . . ( ) . KS X ISO 19107, KS X ISO 19111, 4 , , , KS X ISO 19107 , . 5 5.1 1 KS X ISO 19107 . KS X ISO 19107 KS X ISO 19137:2008 2 1 . 5.2 5.12 . . 1: 1 (segm

5、ent) 1 SC_CRS GM_Object GM_Primitive 0n CRS 01 0 0 0 1n 1n GM_Point : GM_OrientablePrimitive: : /: 01 GM_OrientableCurve GM_OrientableSurface GM_SurfaceInterpolation1n GM_CurveSegment GM_Curve GM_Surface numDerivativesAtStart0: numDerivativesInterior0: numDerivativesAtEnd0: Interpolation: GM_CurveIn

6、terpolation 1 1 1 1 GM_SurfacePatch interpolation: GM_SurfaceInterpolation=“ ” numDerivatiesOnBoundary0: GM_Polygon boundary: GM_SurfaceBoundary spanningSurface0: GM_Surface GM_CurveInterpolation GM_LineString controlPoint: GM_PointArray GM_PointArray column1n: GM_Position GM_Position 1: 0: GM_Point

7、Ref GM_Complex GM_Composite GM_Boundary GM_CompositeCurve GM_PrimitiveBoundary GM_SurfaceBoundaryGM_Ring0n 1 0n0Generator.CRS.isEmpty CRS.isEmpty 0 0KS X ISO 19137:2008 3 KS X ISO 19107 1 2 . KS X ISO 19107 . , GM_Ring GM_Object . 2 5.2 KS X ISO 19107 . KS X ISO 19107 . 5.3 . 5.3 KS X ISO 19107 . :

8、GM_Object(KS X ISO 19107, 6.2.2), GM_Boundary(6.3.2), GM_PrimitiveBoundary (6.3.4), GM_Primitive(6.3.10), GM_OrientablePrimitive(6.3.13), GM_Complex(6.6.2), GM_Composite(6.6.3) : GM_Ring(KS X ISO 19107, 6.3.6), GM_SurfaceBoundary(6.3.7), GM_Point(6.3.11), GM_Curve(6.3.16), GM_Surface(6.3.17), Direct

9、Position(6.4.1), GM_PointArray(6.4.6), GM_LineString(6.4.10) KS X ISO 19107 , KS X ISO 19111 SC_CRS . 5.4 KS X ISO 19107 , . GM_OrientableCurve(6.3.14), GM_OrientableSurface(6.3.15), GM_CompositeCurve(6.6.5) 5.5 (association) GM_Object SC_CRS 0n CRS01 GM_Point :GM_LineString controlPoint: PointArray

10、 GM_PointArray column1n: GM_Position GM_Position 1: DirectPosition : GM_Curve 1 11 1 1 0nGM_Surface 0n GM_SurfaceBoundary GM_Ring GM_Polygon boundary: GM_SurfaceBoundary 1 KS X ISO 19137:2008 4 5.5.1 KS X ISO 19107 . (KS X ISO 19107,, GM_ CompositeCurve GM_OrientableCurve(KS X ISO 19107, 2

11、8) “ (composition)” . 5.5.2 GM_Curve GM_CurveSegment GM_Curve GM_CurveSegment(KS X ISO 19107, . “ ” 0,1 1 , “ ” 1n 1 . GM_CurveSegment GM_Curve . GM_CurveSegment: :curve 1 : Reference (0,1 ) 5.5.3 GM_Surface GM_SurfacePatch GM_Surface GM_SurfacePatch(KS X ISO 19107, . “ ” 0,1 1 .

12、” GM_SurfacePatch GM_Surface . GM_SurfacePatch: :surface 1 : Reference (0,1 ) 5.5.4 DirectPosition:coordinateReferenceSystem DirectPosition(KS X ISO 19107, coordinateReferenceSystem 0,1 1 . , GM_Object:CRS . . DirectPosition:coordinateReferenceSystem 0 : KSXISO19111:SC_CRS (0,1 ) 5.5.5 GM_S

13、urfaceBoundary:exterior GM_SurfaceBoundary(KS X ISO 19107, exterior 0,1 1 . “ ” . GM_SurfaceBoundary: :exterior 1 : GM_Ring (0,1 ) 5.5.6 Interior to( ) GM_Primitive(KS X ISO 19107, “coincidentSubelement” “superElement” 0 . GM_Primitives . GM_Primitive: :coincidentSubelement0 : GM_

14、Primitive (0n ) GM_Primitive: :superElement0 : GM_Primitive (0n ) KS X ISO 19107 “coincidentSubelement” “superElement” , KS X ISO 19107 8 “containedPrimitive” “containingPrimitive” KS X ISO 19137:2008 5 . 5.5.7 GM_Complex(KS X ISO 19107, “subComplex” “superComplex” 0 . GM_Complexes . GM_Com

15、plex: :subComplex0 : GM_Complex (0n ) GM_Complex: :superComplex0 : GM_Complex (0n ) 5.5.8 GM_Primitive GM_Complex(KS X ISO 19107,, “ ”) “element” “complex” 0 . , . GM_Primitive:complex0 : GM_Complex (0n ) 5.5.9 GM_Primitive GM_Composite(KS X ISO 19107, 25, “ ”) “ ” “ 0 . , . GM_Primitive:com

16、posite0 : GM_Composite (0n ) 5.6 GM_Position GM_Position(KS X ISO 19107, 6.4.5) : “ ” 1 “ ” 0 . ( ) . . GM_Position:direct1 : DirectPosition (0,1 ) GM_Position:indirect0 : GM_PointRef (0,1 ) 5.7 GM_CurveSegment GM_CurveSegment:numDerivativesAtStart numDerivativesInterior numDerivativesAtEnd(KS X ISO

17、 19107, 0,1 0 . . GM_CurveSegment:numDerivativesAtStart0 : Integer (0,1 ) GM_CurveSegment:numDerivativesInterior0 : Integer (0,1 ) GM_CurveSegment:numDerivativesAtEnd0 : Integer (0,1 ) 5.8 GM_CurveInterpolation GM_CurveInterpolation(KS X ISO 19107, 6.4.8) “ ” . , , . 5.9 GM_SurfaceInterpola

18、tion KS X ISO 19137:2008 6 GM_SurfaceInterpolation(KS X ISO 19107, 6.4.32) “ ” “ ” . . 5.10 GM_SurfacePatch GM_SurfacePatch:numDerivativesOnBoundary(KS X ISO 19107, 0,1 0 . . GM_SurfacePatch:numDerivativesOnBoundary0 : Integer (0,1 ) 5.11 GM_Polygon GM_Polygon:spanningSurface(KS X ISO 1910

19、7, 0,1 0 . . GM_Polygon:spanningSurface0 : GM_Surface (0,1 ) 5.12 GM_CompositeCurve GM_CompositeCurve(KS X ISO 19107, 6.6.5) . GM_CompositeCurve (KS X ISO 19107 ) . GM_CompositeCurve: CRS.isEmpty generator.CRS.isEmpty 6 KS X ISO 19107 . . . , . KS X ISO 19107 D . KS X ISO 19137:2008 7 A (

20、) A.1 . . “- (profile-compliant)” . . , KS X ISO 19107 GM_Clothoid , . . A.1 . A.1 KS X ISO 19137 A.2 . . ALKIS, Working Committee of the Surveying Authorities of the States of the Federal Republic of Germany (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Vermessungsverwaltungen der Lnder der Bundesrepublik De-utschland)

21、, 2003 DGIWG and IHO, Profile(s) of ISO 19107 that support two-dimensional topology. Digital Geographic Information Working Group and International Hydro-graphic Bureau, 2003 GeoWin, Chinese Association for Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography, 2002 INTERLIS, Swiss National Standard SN 612031. As

22、sociation Suisse de Normalisation, 2003 KS X ISO 19136, OpenGIS Simple Features, OpenGIS Consortium, 1999 SOSI Coordinated approach for spatial data Norwegian standard, part 1 Geometry model KS X ISO 19137 KS X ISO 19137:2008 8 B ( ) B.1 0 a) : GM_Object GM_Point . b) : . c) : KS X ISO 19107 A.1.1.1

23、 d) : B.2 1 a) : B.1 GM_Curve GM_LineString . b) : . c) : KS X ISO 19107 A.1.1.2 d) : B.3 2 a) : B.2 GM_Surface GM_Polygon . b) : . c) : KS X ISO 19107 A.1.1.3 d) : ISO 19107 (Abstract test suite) A.1.1.3 GM_Primitive:InteriorTo ( . , 0 . KS X ISO 19137:2008 9 C ( ) C.1 KS X ISO 19107 . . .

24、 . , . , (KS X) ISO . KS X ISO 19106 , . C.2 , , . , . C.1 . C.1 , . GM_Point , GM_Point . , . GM_MultiPoint GM_MultiCurve KS X ISO 19107 . . C.3 3 3 ( ) 3 0 1 2 . , GM_SurfacePatch 3 GM_LineStrings . , “ ” . “ ” . : GM_Point : : GM_Point : KS X ISO 19137:2008 10 GM_Conic GM_Sphere , . C.4 GM_CurveS

25、egment , GM_LineString GM_CurveSegment . GM_Arc GM_Clothoid GM_BSplineCurve KS X ISO 19107 . GM_CurveSegment . KS X ISO 19137:2008 11 D ( ) D.1 ExampleCurve D.1 GM_LineString GM_Curve . D.1 “ExampleCurve” GM_LineString GM_Curve D.2 “ExampleCurve” UML . D.2 “ExampleCurve” UML D.2 ExampleSurface D.3 G

26、M_Polygons GM_Surface . KS X ISO 19137:2008 12 Patch A GM_Curve “C1” GM_Ring “R1” . Patch B (“C2” “R2”) (“C3” “R3”) . D.3 “ExampleSurface” GM_Polygons “Patch A” “Patch B” GM_Surface D.4 “ExampleSurface” UML . line strings , . D.4 “ExampleSurface” UML “ ”ExampleSurface:GM_Surface “ ”:SC_CRS CRS PatchA:GM_Polygon PatchB:GM_Polygon “ ” A “ ” B A: GM_SurfaceBoundary A: GM_SurfaceBoundary R1:GM_Ring R2:GM_Ring R3:GM_Ring C1:GM_Curve C2:GM_Curve C3:GM_Curve :GM_LineString :GM_LineString :GM_LineString


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