KS X ISO 19139-2012 Geographic information-Metadata-XML schema implementations《地理信息 元数据 XML架构体现》.pdf

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KS X ISO 19139-2012 Geographic information-Metadata-XML schema implementations《地理信息 元数据 XML架构体现》.pdf_第1页
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KS X ISO 19139-2012 Geographic information-Metadata-XML schema implementations《地理信息 元数据 XML架构体现》.pdf_第2页
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KS X ISO 19139-2012 Geographic information-Metadata-XML schema implementations《地理信息 元数据 XML架构体现》.pdf_第3页
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KS X ISO 19139-2012 Geographic information-Metadata-XML schema implementations《地理信息 元数据 XML架构体现》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKS KSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS X ISO 19139 XML KS X ISO 19139:2012 2012 12 31 http:/www.kats.go.krKS X ISO 19139:2012 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2012 12 31 2012-0843 : : ( 02-509-7262) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS X ISO 19139:2012 i . iii 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 .2 5 .

2、2 5.1 .2 5.2 .3 5.3 UML 3 5.4 UML 4 6 4 6.1 gmd 5 6.2 5 6.3 .5 6.4 .6 6.5 XML 6 6.6 6 6.7 (Polymorphism) .6 6.8 7 7 KS X ISO 19100 UML 7 7.1 7 7.2 8 7.3 / .8 7.4 11 8 .17 8.1 .17 8.2 XML .17 8.3 XML Global element .20 8.4 XML Property .20 8.5 .22 8.6 XML 41 8.7 XML 41 9 .44 9.1 .44 9.2 XML .44 9.3 g

3、md .44 9.4 gss .51 9.5 gts 53 9.6 gsr .54 9.7 gco .55 KS X ISO 19139:2012 ii 9.8 gmx 65 9.9 XML .73 A( ) 75 A.1 75 A.2 .75 A.3 77 A.4 78 B( ) .79 B.1 .79 B.2 .80 B.3 codelist (enumeration) 90 C( ) XML .92 C.1 XML .92 C.2 XML 92 C.3 92 D( ) 94 D.1 94 D.2 95 D.3 Vector Smart Map Level 0101 D.4 112 D.5

4、 116 118 KS X ISO 19139:2012 iii 2007 1 ISO 19139, Geographic information Metadata XML schema implementation . KS X ISO 19139:2012 XML Geographic information Metadata XML schema implementations 1 KS X ISO 19115, XML XML(gmd) . 2 A . , , , KS X ISO 19105 . 3 . . ( ) . KS X ISO 639 2, 2: KS X ISO 8601

5、, KS X ISO 19103, KS X ISO 19105, KS X ISO 19107, KS X ISO 19108, KS X ISO 19109, KS X ISO 19110, KS X ISO 19111, KS X ISO 19115, ISO 19115: 2003/Cor. 1: 2006, Geographic information Metadata Corrigendum 1 KS X ISO 19117, KS X ISO 19118: 2005, KS X ISO 19136: 2006, ISO 3166( ), Codes for the represe

6、ntation of names of countries and their subdivisions ISO/IEC 10646, Information technology Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) W3C XML Name, Namespaces in XML. W3C (1999 1 14 ) W3C XML, XML Schema Part 1: Structures. W3C (2001 5 2 ) W3C XML, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes. W3C (2001 5 2

7、 ) KS X ISO 19139:2012 2 W3C XML, Extensible Markup Language(XML) 1.0(2nd Edition), W3C (2000 10 6 ) W3C XLink, XML XML Linking Language(XLink) 1.0. W3C (2001 6 27 ) 4 . 4.1 ( ) (namespace) URI , XML (element) (attribute) W3C XML 4.2 (package) element KS X ISO 19103 , , 4.3 (realization) Booch 1999

8、4.4 (polymorphism) , , , (property) . http:/ 5 5.1 UML Unified Modelling Language XCT XML Class Type XML XCPT XML Class Property Type XML property XCGE XML Class Global Element XML global element XML Extensible Markup Language Xpath XML Path Language XML XSD XML Schema Definition XML XSL Extensible

9、Style Language XSLT XSL Transformation XSL KS X ISO 19139:2012 3 5.2 , element . , URI . URI . . gco (Geographic COmmon extensible markup language) (http:/www.isotc211.org/2005/gco) gmd (Geographic MetaData extensible markup language)(http:/www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd) gmx XML (Geographic Metadata XML

10、 Schema) (http:/www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx) gss (Geographic Spatial Schema extensible markup language) (http:/www.isotc211.org/2005/gss) gsr (Geographic Spatial Referencing extensible markup language) (http:/www.isotc211.org/2005/gsr) gts (Geographic Temporal Schema extensible markup language) (http:

11、/www.isotc211.org/2005/gts) . gml (Geography Markup Language) (KS X ISO 19136 GML URI ) xlink XML (XML Linking Language) (W3C XLink XLINK URI ) xs W3C XML (W3C XML base schemas) (W3C XML -1 W3C XML -2 XML ) 5.3 UML KS X ISO 19103 (UML) . KS X ISO 19115 2 UML . KS X ISO 19103 KS X ISO 19115 UML 1 . 1

12、 UML ( 1 ) ( 1 ) ( ) . KS X ISO 19139:2012 4 5.4 UML UML UML (KS X ISO 19115). KS X ISO 19115 XML . 9. UML element XML . XML element, XML , UML attribute, UML (link)( ), UML . . a) : XML choice block , property choice element . b) : XML complex type c) : XML global element d) : XML simple type e) :

13、XML complex type attribute . f) : XML attribute property g) : name type XML element property() h) : built-in XML type XML simple type . property built-in simple type . i) : XML global element property() link . j) : ( ). XCT . k) : ( ). XCGE . l) : ( ). XCPT . m) : ( ). XML . n) : ( ). XML . include(

14、) . o) : ( ). XML . import() . . p) : XML q) : XML 6 KS X ISO 19139:2012 5 6.1 gmd KS X ISO 19115 UML UML . KS X ISO 19115 , . KS X ISO 19115 KS X ISO 19118 XML . XML , . element attribute XML . . URI , 5.2 . URI , , . http:/www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd gmd . XML . KS X ISO 19118 KS X ISO 19100 UML XML

15、 . KS X ISO 19118 , XML . 7., 8., 9. 3. KS X ISO 19100 KS X ISO 19115 UML UML XML . KS X ISO 19139 XML C D . , gmd . gmd capability, , . gmd KS X ISO 19100 , , , . 6.2 6.8 . 6.2 XML KS X ISO 19100 UML KS X ISO 19118 , 6.1 . , gmd KS X ISO 19100 , . , UML element , attribute, . , XML . 6.3 XML XML XM

16、L . KS X ISO 19100 , KS X ISO 19115 XML . KS X ISO 19115 UML XML ( ) . , KS X ISO 19115 UML XML . KS X ISO 19139:2012 6 gmd . gmd KS X ISO 19115 UML . 6.4 6.1 . gmd , , . gmd , . 6.5 XML XML . KS X ISO 19100 XML , gmd . gmd XML . XML , XML . , XML gmd . , XML KS X ISO 19100 , XML gmd . , XML 6.6 gmd

17、 . 6.6 element , . KS X ISO 19115 J element . . 7.3 9.8.6 , gmd . codelist . 6.7 , codelist . W3C XML . W3C XML “xml:lang attribute XML element attribute W3C XML.” . element 8. , xml:lang attribute element . 6.7 (Polymorphism) 4. . . , . KS X ISO 19115 . . KS X ISO 19115 CI_ResponsibeParty K

18、S X ISO 19139:2012 7 CharacterString individualName attribute , (: ). gmd individualName . gmd 8.4 property . 6.8 KS X ISO 19109 . : element : , . KS X ISO 19109 , attribute . MD_Metadata attribute (GF_MetadataAttributeType ) DQ_element attribute (GF_QualityAttributeType ) XML attribute XML . KS X I

19、SO 19136 XML 9.9.2 . KS X ISO 19109 , . , . KS X ISO 19115 (: ). , . , XML . . 7.4 “ ” . 7 KS X ISO 19100 UML 7.1 KS X ISO 19115 XML KS X ISO 19115 . , KS X ISO 19100 UML . , 6. . , , KS X ISO 19139:2012 8 . 7. UML KS X ISO 19115 XML KS X ISO 19100 . 7.2 XML KS X ISO 19103 . XML . 2 element . B.2.1

20、. class 2. typeText:CharacterStringMimeFileTyperoot,leaf+ type: CharacterStringFileNameroot,leaf+ src: URIAnchorroot,leaf+ href01: URI 2 Anchor KS X ISO 19115 RS_Identifier MD_Identifier . Anchor CharacterString , RS_Identifier MD_Identifier code attribute Anchor , . FileName property . fileName att

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