KS X ISO IEC 13719-1-2007 Information technology-Portable Common Tool Environment(PCTE)-Part 1:Abstract specification《信息技术 可移植的公共工具环境(PCTE) 第1部分 抽象规范》.pdf

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KS X ISO IEC 13719-1-2007 Information technology-Portable Common Tool Environment(PCTE)-Part 1:Abstract specification《信息技术 可移植的公共工具环境(PCTE) 第1部分 抽象规范》.pdf_第1页
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KS X ISO IEC 13719-1-2007 Information technology-Portable Common Tool Environment(PCTE)-Part 1:Abstract specification《信息技术 可移植的公共工具环境(PCTE) 第1部分 抽象规范》.pdf_第2页
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KS X ISO IEC 13719-1-2007 Information technology-Portable Common Tool Environment(PCTE)-Part 1:Abstract specification《信息技术 可移植的公共工具环境(PCTE) 第1部分 抽象规范》.pdf_第3页
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KS X ISO IEC 13719-1-2007 Information technology-Portable Common Tool Environment(PCTE)-Part 1:Abstract specification《信息技术 可移植的公共工具环境(PCTE) 第1部分 抽象规范》.pdf_第4页
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KS X ISO IEC 13719-1-2007 Information technology-Portable Common Tool Environment(PCTE)-Part 1:Abstract specification《信息技术 可移植的公共工具环境(PCTE) 第1部分 抽象规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KS X ISO/IEC 137191 KSKSKSKS SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS (PCTE) 1: KS X ISO/IEC 137191 :2007 (2012 ) 2007 10 30 http:/www.kats.go.krKS X ISO/IEC 137191:2007 : ( ) ( ) SJ ( ) : (JTC1/SC 22) () ( ) Microsoft IBM : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :1997 12 9 :2007 10 30 :2012 12 28 : 2012-0798 : (JTC

2、1/SC2) ( 02-509-7262) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS X ISO/IEC 137191:2007 (2012 ) (PCTE) 1: Information technologyPortable Common Tool Environment(PCTE) Part 1:Abstract specification 1995 1 ISO/IEC 137191, Information technologyPortable Common Tool Environment(PCTE)Part 1:Abstract specificatio

3、n , , 8. . 1 , PCTE . . . PCTE (installation) . PCTE , PCTE . , . , (24. ). . PCTE . . . 2 2.1 . (mapping) , . (map)( ). KS X ISO/IEC 137191:2007 2 . (, , ) . 23. . , , 2.2 . 2.2 PCTE (modules) . (core) 8. 19.(13.1.6, 13.4, 13.5 ) 23. . (mandatory) 20. . (auditing) 21. . (accounting) 22. . (profilin

4、g) 13.1.6 13.4 . (monitoring) 13.1.6 13.5 . PCTE . PCTE 1 2 . 1 :20.1.6 2 : PCTE . PCTE , . PCTE (profiling) , (profiling) . PCTE , . , . . 1 :operation_A;operation_B;operation_F; 2 :operation_G;operation_H;operation_M; invocation KS X ISO/IEC 137191:2007 3 . 24. . . PCTE , PCTE . PCTE PCTE SDS SDS

5、PCTE 3 . . ( ) . KS X 1004:1977, ISO 2022:1986, Information processing systemsISO 7-bit and 8-bit Coded Character Sets Code Extension Techniques . KS X ISO 8601:2003, KS X ISO 88591:2001, 8 1: 1 ISO/IEC 106461:1993, Information technologyUniversal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) Part 1:Arch

6、itecture and Basic Multilingual Plane KS X ISO/IEC 11404:2001, , ISO/IEC 133031, Information technologyProgramming languages, their environments and system software interfaceVienna Development Method/Specification languagePart 1:Basic Language BS 6154:1981, Method of Defining Syntactic Metalanguage

7、4 4.1 , . VDMSL DDL (5. ) . , . VDMSL DDL A.3 B.9 . . 4.2 . 4.2.1 (implementation-defined) PCTE , PCTE KS X ISO/IEC 137191:2007 4 4.2.2 (implementation-dependent) PCTE , PCTE 4.2.3 (binding-defined) , 4.2.4 (datatype) 23., PCTE . 5 . , VDMSL . A . VDMSL . DDL . B . VDM SL DDL , . . C . BSI (BS 6154:

8、1981) VDMSL DDL , . 6 PCTE PCTE . . PCTE . (structural architecture) (functional architecture). 6.1 , PCTE PCTE . PCTE 6.2 . 6.1 PCTE PCTE . PCTE . PCTE , PCTE . PCTE , . KS X ISO/IEC 137191:2007 5 PCTE ( ) (volumes) . (), PCTE . , PCTE PCTE . PCTE PCTE PCTE . 6.2 PCTE . PCTE , PCTE OMS(Object Manag

9、ement System) . , PCTE PCTE . , , , . . , , . 6.3 OMS Entity Relationship , PCTE . (Entity Relationship sense). : : : . , , . . OMS . 6.4 , PCTE . PCTE (typing) . . , , . PCTE . , , (schema definition sets, SDSs) . , , , , SDS . KS X ISO/IEC 137191:2007 6 (type) . SDSs . SDS (type in SDS) . SDS . (w

10、orking schema) . SDSs . SDSs . SDSs (naming) . PCTE SDSs (global schema) . , . . . 6.5 SDSs PCTE . SDSs , . SDS system “process” . PCTE (self-representation) . , . , . (known) (, PCTE ). (unknown) . , PROCESS _CREATE “process” , OBJECT_CREATE . 6.6 (, ) . - . PCTE . ( logs ) PCTE . 6.7 PCTE . (run)

11、, (execution) . (process). , , , , , . (foreign systems) KS X ISO/IEC 137191:2007 7 . (foreign system) , , PCTE PCTE . 6.8 PCTE (debugging) . , (processor) 6.9 PCTE . . , (message queues) . (interprocess communication) . PCTE ( ). 6.10 PCTE . . 6.11 , . PCTE (atomic) . PCTE . . , . , PCTE . , KS X I

12、SO/IEC 137191:2007 8 . . . . , . PCTE , (nested activities) . , , . . 6.12 PCTE . PCTE , , . PCTE . . , . . . . . 6.13 PCTE , . , . . , , . 6.14 PCTE . , . ( ) . , , . . PCTE . . OMS . OMS (access KS X ISO/IEC 137191:2007 9 control lists) . , (discretionary access rights) . . (mandatory confidential

13、ity) (mandatory integrity) . . . ( , simple confidentiality) , ( , integrity confinement) . . ( , simple integrity), ( , integrity confinement) . 6.15 PCTE , , . , , , , , , SDSs . (log) . 6.16 PCTE PCTE . , PCTE . 7 6. PCTE , . 7. . PCTE 8. 24. A C . . ( ), ( SDS ) (8.). VDMSL ( A ). (9.22.). PCTE (11.22.). , . (Data Definition Language) DDL SDS B . KS X ISO/IEC 137191:2007 10 9. . , . (Object)


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