KS X ISO IEC 14845-2008 Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-Private Integrated Services Network-Secification functional model and infervi.pdf

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KS X ISO IEC 14845-2008 Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-Private Integrated Services Network-Secification functional model and infervi.pdf_第1页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS X ISO/IEC 14845 , , KS X ISO/IEC 14845:2008 2008 10 31 http:/www.kats.go.krKS X ISO/IEC 14845:2008 : ( ) ( ) () ()SJ ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : : 2003 12 29 : 2008 10 31 2008-0734 : : ( 025097262) (http:/www.kats.go.kr). 10 5 , . KS X ISO/IEC 1484

2、5:2008 i .1 1 1 2 1 3 2 4 2 4.1 3 4.2 4 5 4 6 SS-CI 1 5 6.1 .5 6.2 .5 6.3 ANF .10 6.4 .13 6.5 SDL13 7 SS-CI 2 21 7.1 22 7.2 25 7.3 .46 7.4 .49 7.5 .75 7.6 75 KS X ISO/IEC 14845:2008 , , Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Private Integrated Services Net

3、work Secification, functional model and information flows Call intrusion supplementary service 1996 1 ISO/IEC 14845, Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Private Integrated Services Network Sepecification, functional model and information flows Call intr

4、usion supplementary service . 1 (SS-CI) , (PISN) . KS X 4304 . (SS-CI) B 3 ( C) (busy) ( B) . CCITT Rec. I.130 3 . SS-CI 1 2 . 1 (6.) PISN . 2 (7.) . 2 B PINX . B PINX . 2 3 PISN . KS X ISO/IEC 14845:2008 2 3 6.( 1) 7.( 2) . 3 . . ( ) . KS X 4304, 64 kbit/s , (ISO/IEC 11574 : 1994, Information techn

5、ology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Private Integrated Services Network Circuit-mode 64 kbit/s bearer servicesService description, functional capabilities and information flows) KS X 4307, (ISO/IEC 11571 : 1994, Information technology Telecommunications and information

6、exchange between systems Numbering and sub-addressing in private integrated services networks) KS X 4309 1, 1: ISO/IEC 11579 1: 1994, Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Private Integrated Services Network Part 1: Reference configuration for PISN Exchan

7、ges(PINX) KS X ISO/IEC 13863: 2008, , , KS X ISO/IEC 13864: 2008, , , KS X ISO/IEC 13865: 2002, , KS X ISO/IEC 13866: 2002, , KS X ISO/IEC 13872: 2003, , KS X ISO/IEC 14136: 2003, , KS X ISO/IEC 14841: 2003, , KS X ISO/IEC 14842: 2008, , , CCITT Rec.I.112: 1988, Vocabulary of terms for ISDNs(Blue Bo

8、ok) CCITT Rec.I.130: 1988, Method for the characterization of telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and network capabilities of an ISDN(Blue Book) CCITT Rec.I.210: 1988, Principles of telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and the means to describe them(Blue Book) CCITT Rec.I.221:

9、 1988, Common specific characteristics of services, Definition of par. 3 “busy” in an ISDN(Blue Book) CCITT Rec.Z.100: 1988, Specification and Description Language(Blue Book) 4 . KS X ISO/IEC 14845:2008 3 4.1 . (basic service) (CCITT Rec. I.210) (calling party name) (KS X ISO/IEC 13864) (connection)

10、 (CCITT Rec. I.112) (ISDN) (CCITT Rec. I.112) (name) (KS X ISO/IEC 13864) (network determined user busy) (CCITT Rec. I.221) (number) (KS X 4307) (PISN) (KS X 4309 1) (PINX) (KS X 4309 1) (service) (CCITT Rec. I.112) (signalling) (CCITT Rec. I.112) (subaddress) (KS X 4307) (supplementary service) (CC

11、ITT Rec. I.210) (user) (KS X 4304) (user determined user busy) (CCITT Rec. I.221) KS X 4304 (FEs) . Call Control (CC) Call Control Agent (CCA) KS X 4304 FE . r1 r2 r3 KS X 4304 . / / / / / KS X 4304 . (destination number) (connection type) KS X ISO/IEC 14136 . (originating number) (originating subad

12、dress) KS X ISO/IEC 14845:2008 4 4.2 a) (busy) b) , B C . . c) (consultation) SS-CI d) (consultation timer) SS-CI . . e) (established call) f) (forced release) g) (immediate invocation) SS-CI h) (impending intrusion state) B i) (impending intrusion notification) B j) (implementation option) k) (intr

13、uding call) SS-CI l) (intrusion state) B , SS-CI m) (intruding call connected notification) B n) (isolation) C , o) (path retention) (SS-CI ) CC CC p) (served user) SS-CI q) (time to intrusion) r) B s) C t) (wait on busy state) B , B 5 ANF Additional Network Feature CC Call Control(functional entity

14、) CCA Call Control Agent (functional entity) CCBS Call Completion to Busy Subscriber CCNR Call Completion No Reply CD Call Deflection CFB Call Forwarding Busy CFNR Call Forwarding No Reply CFU Call Forwarding Unconditional CI Call Intrusion CICL Call Intrusion Capability Level CIPL Call Intrusion Pr

15、otection Level KS X ISO/IEC 14845:2008 5 CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation CLIR Calling/Connected Line Identification Restriction CNIP Calling Name Identification Presentation CNIR Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction CO Call Offer COLP Connected Line Identification Presenta

16、tion CONP Connected Name Identification Presentation CT Call Transfer DND Do Not Disturb DNDO Do Not Disturb Override FE Functional Entity ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network NDUB Network Determined User Busy PINX Private Integrated Services Network Exchange PISN Private Integrated Services Net

17、work SDL Specification and Description Language SS Supplementary Service TE Terminal Equipment UDUB User Determined User Busy WOB Wait On Busy 6 SS-CI 1 6.1 6.1.1 (SS-CI) B 3( C) ( B) . C B ( ) B . B C (CIPL) (CICL) . . , C , 6.1.2 SS-CI KS X 4304 . 6.2 6.2.1 / SS-CI . KS X ISO/IEC 14845:2008 6 SS-C

18、I PISN . PISN PISN (6.1.2 ) PISN . (CICL) . (CIPL) PISN B C , (PISN ) . CICL CIPL . CICL ( ) 1 ( ) 3 . CICL . CIPL ( ) 0 ( ) 3 . CIPL 0 3 , 1 2 . CIPL . CIPL . CIPL . PISN . . SS-CI( ) . 2 . . SS-CI . , . SS-CI , SS-CI . 6.2.2 / / / SS-CI , . . SS-CI SS-C

19、I 2 . PISN . . a) , SS-CI ( ) . b) SS-CI . KS X ISO/IEC 14845:2008 7 . B PISN ( CICL ) PISN B . SS-CI . , SS-CI . 2 . PISN B . . PISN CIPL CICL , CIPL CIPL CICL . . B (10 ) . . B C (in-band) . . B . ( 1 10 , ) , B . B C . SS-CI . 6.2.2.

20、2.3.3 B C . SS-CI B , . , B C KS X ISO/IEC 14845:2008 8 B ( ) . B, C C , B . . . . 3 (in-band) ( ) . C , B C . . B , . C . 1 C . 2 . , . B C . B , . C . B C . C B . B . C . C . , B C . B , . C ( ) . KS X ISO/IEC 14845:2008 9 B . B . , . B C C . . , , B C , B , . . B . C . B SS-CI . B B SS-CI , B . B . , ( ) . 6

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