KS X ISO TS 8000-130-2013 Data quality-Part 130:Master data:Exchange of characteristic data:Accuracy《数据质量 第130部分 主数据 特性数据的交换 准确性》.pdf

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KS X ISO TS 8000-130-2013 Data quality-Part 130:Master data:Exchange of characteristic data:Accuracy《数据质量 第130部分 主数据 特性数据的交换 准确性》.pdf_第1页
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KS X ISO TS 8000-130-2013 Data quality-Part 130:Master data:Exchange of characteristic data:Accuracy《数据质量 第130部分 主数据 特性数据的交换 准确性》.pdf_第2页
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KS X ISO TS 8000-130-2013 Data quality-Part 130:Master data:Exchange of characteristic data:Accuracy《数据质量 第130部分 主数据 特性数据的交换 准确性》.pdf_第3页
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KS X ISO TS 8000-130-2013 Data quality-Part 130:Master data:Exchange of characteristic data:Accuracy《数据质量 第130部分 主数据 特性数据的交换 准确性》.pdf_第4页
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KS X ISO TS 8000-130-2013 Data quality-Part 130:Master data:Exchange of characteristic data:Accuracy《数据质量 第130部分 主数据 特性数据的交换 准确性》.pdf_第5页
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1、 KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK KSKSKS KSKSK KSKS KSK KS KS X ISO TS 8000 130 130: : :KS X ISO TS 8000 130: 2013 2013 1 11 http:/www.kats.go.krKS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 : ( ) ( ) ( ) : (ISO/TC184/SC4) () () ( ) : (http:/www.standard.go.kr) : :2013 1 11 2013-0012 : : (ISO/TC184/SC4) ( 02-509-7262) (http:/www.kats.g

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3、ISO TS 8000 130:2013 130: : : Data quality Part 130: Master data: Exchange of characteristic data: Accuracy 1 KS X ISO TS 8000120 . 1 KS X ISO 8000 110 . KS X ISO TS 8000 120 . . . ISO/TS 22745 40 . . . 2 , , , . . KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 2 . 2 . . ( ) . KS X ISO 8000102, 102: : : KS X ISO TS 8000

4、120, 120: : : 3 KS X ISO 8000102 . 4 . ASC Accredited Standards Committee( ) UML Unified Modeling Language( ) URL Uniform Resource Locator( ) XML Extensible Markup Language( ) 5 (7. ) (8. ) . 6 6.1 . ISO_6523_identifierKS X ISO TS 8000 120 date_and_timeKS X ISO TS 8000 120 property_value_assignmentK

5、S X ISO TS 8000 120 6.2 UML 1 . KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 3 1 UML property_value_assignment . 6. . 6.3 accuracy_event accuracy_event . : details: accuracy_event 1 . event_type: accuracy_event . y representation: . y warranty: . method: accuracy_event accuracy_method organization_ref: KS X ISO/IEC 65

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7、escription: accuracy_method name: accuracy_method : accuracy_method accuracy_event . accuracy_event 0 accuracy_method . 7 . . a. . 1 KS B ISO 10303 49 . 2 ISO 18629 (automated reasoning) . 3 KS I ISO TS 14048 . KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 5 b. 4 ISO 10303 59 . 5 X1213 863 . c. 8 . . 1 “ (express)” “ (

8、implied)” . . . a. b. c. d. . 2 . . a. 3 . b. c. 9 . . y . 1 XML XML . KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 6 : . ABC Company warrants that this data is accurate. : . ABC Company warrants that this data is accurate. y . 2 XML XML . : . . ABC Company warrants that this data is accurate. : KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2

9、013 7 . . ABC Company warrants that this data is accurate. 1 . KS X ISO TS 8000 120 . 2 C . 3 XML . 4 . (KS X ISO 8000 110 ). . 10 . KS X ISO TS 8000 120 . KS X ISO TS 8000 120 KS X ISO 8000 110 . 9. . KS X ISO 8000 110 . . . . 11 KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 8 assertion attribute column , conformance

10、data set dictionary enclosure entity entry fasteners header high-level identifier item manufacturer property qualifier reference row semantic units term transaction version warranty of merchantability KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 9 A ( ) iso standard 8000 part (130) version (1) . KS X ISO/IEC 88241 KS

11、B ISO 103031 . KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 10 B ( ) . KS X ISO 8000110 . B.1 . B.1 0161-1#02-015007#1 0161-1#07-000435#1 0161-1#07-185586#1 1 ECCMA (eOTD: ECCMA Open Technical Dictionary) . KS X ISO 8000 110 . B.2 . B.2 0161-XYZQW IM1 0161-ABCDE ABC Company 0161-BCDEF XYZ Company 2 eOTD . KS X ISO/IEC

12、 6523 . 3 KS X ISO/IEC 6523 1 . IM1 (ISO-MS:Item of Supply Management System) . B.3 . KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 11 B.3 JPS3642 John P. Smith IM1 ROLLINS1 William F. Rollins ABC Company BAKER2 Catherine A. Baker ABC Company DOE1 Jane E. Doe ABC Company 4 “0161-ABCDE”, “0161-BCDEF” “0161-XYZQW” (dummy

13、) . 1998-12-01 . 1998-12-01T08:41:36.118 . . . KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 12 C ( ) C.1 (FTC:Federal Trade Commission) (http:/www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/products/pro17.shtm) . . . C.2 . . . , . . . ? . ? . ? , , . ? . . . “ (consequential damage)” ? . . ? . . . KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 13 . .

14、, . “ ” . / . , . . . . “ (warranty of merchantability)” . . “ (warranty of fitness for a particular purpose)”. . 0 0 . “ (as is)” . “ ” . . 4 . . . . . . . . . (Better Business Bureau) . KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 14 . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , , ( ). . . . . . . . 750 . , , . . . . . FTC , ,

15、, , . . FTC (Consumer Sentinel Network) . ( ) ( , , ) () ( ) () () KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 15 ( ) (, , ) () () ( )() (). (, , ) . ( ) () ( ). ( ) . (, , , , , , ) ( ) . 3 ( ) . ( ) . . ( ) ( ) KS X ISO TS 8000 130:2013 16 1 KS Q ISO 3534 2:2009, 2: 2 KS X ISO TS 8000 1, 1: 3 KS X ISO 8000 100, 100: : : 4 KS X ISO 8000 110, 110: : : , , 5 KS B ISO 103031, 1: 6 KS B ISO 1030349, 49: : 7 ISO 1030359, Industrial automation systems and integrationProduct data representation and exchangePart 59:Integrated generic resourceQuality of product sha

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