MSFC NASA MPR 1280 8 REV D-2009 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION (Formerly NASA MPG 1280 8)《客户满意度(原美国国家航空航天局 mpg 1280 8)》.pdf

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MSFC NASA MPR 1280 8 REV D-2009 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION (Formerly NASA MPG 1280 8)《客户满意度(原美国国家航空航天局 mpg 1280 8)》.pdf_第1页
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MSFC NASA MPR 1280 8 REV D-2009 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION (Formerly NASA MPG 1280 8)《客户满意度(原美国国家航空航天局 mpg 1280 8)》.pdf_第2页
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MSFC NASA MPR 1280 8 REV D-2009 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION (Formerly NASA MPG 1280 8)《客户满意度(原美国国家航空航天局 mpg 1280 8)》.pdf_第3页
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MSFC NASA MPR 1280 8 REV D-2009 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION (Formerly NASA MPG 1280 8)《客户满意度(原美国国家航空航天局 mpg 1280 8)》.pdf_第4页
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MSFC NASA MPR 1280 8 REV D-2009 CUSTOMER SATISFACTION (Formerly NASA MPG 1280 8)《客户满意度(原美国国家航空航天局 mpg 1280 8)》.pdf_第5页
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2、r ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements CS01 Customer Satisfaction MPR 1280.8 Revision: D Date: April 14, 2009 Page 2 of 9 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/ VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE

3、CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE DOCUMENT HISTORY LOG Status (Baseline/ Revision/ Canceled) Document Rvision Effective Date Description Baseline 8/13/01 New document to address customer satisfaction in accordance with ISO 9001:2000. Revision A 10/7/2004 Changed “MPG” to “MPR” and “Marshall Procedures and

4、Guidelines” to “Marshall Procedural Requirements” throughout document; Revised text in sections 2, 3, and 4 to use “shall” to state requirements; Updated font Revision B 4/20/2006 Revised to reflect the new external customer survey process by the Business Development Office and remove the internal c

5、ustomer survey process. P.1 Purpose: changed to read “.top-level external customer satisfaction.“; P.2 Applicability: Changed to read “The focus of this MPR applies”; deleted “shall provide the Business Development Office with the name of the customer and contact, and shall use this procedure for co

6、nducting the survey and reporting the results“ and added “.conduct external or internal customer surveys, they may use this procedure as a guide, but they shall process complaints in accordance with paragraph of this MPR“; Deleted “This MPR also applies to setting objectives and reporting on

7、 metrics for internal customer satisfaction by each Directorate/Office.“; P.4 Applicable Documents: deleted item b, MSFC Annual Report Process; Added definition 1.1 for customer; Section 1.3, deleted last sentence beginning with “Customers include“; changed 1.3 to read “been fulfilled and the relati

8、onship maintained or enhanced”; changed definition for external customer to read “Any non-MSFC entity that is an MSFC customer”; added 1.5 definition for internal customer; changed definition for service to read “Work performed to meet customer needs”; Section 2, changed 2.1 to read “.satisfaction m

9、etrics, and concurring with the customer survey process.“; Deleted 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5 (responsibilities for Deputy Director, Associate Director, Directorate/Office Management, and MSFC Customer Satisfaction Coordinator); Renumbered 2.6 to 2.2 and changed to read “.customer feedback from a subset

10、 of the customer list and report to the SPC“; added section 2.3 Other Directorates/Offices; Changed 3.1.1 to read “.reporting, and concur with customer survey process.“; Changed to read “Report customer satisfaction survey results to the MSFC SPC and provide to the MSFC Scorecard.; changed 3

11、.1.2.6 to read “customer to determine if their issues and concerns have been addressed”; Deleted 3.1.3,, and ; Deleted section 3.2, Internal Customer Satisfaction Process; Changed 4.1 to read “customer list(s) for 7 years. After 7 years.”; Changed 4.2 to read “The Business Developme

12、nt Office shall.documentation for 7 years from“; Deleted section 4.3.; Updated flowchart to correspond with procedure section; Appendix: Under “Perform the Survey“, first bullet read “How would you characterize the nature of the job we are doing/did for you: critical-path, moderately important, opti

13、onal.“; changed third bullet to read “why you rated us at _ (5,4,3,2,1) and what”; Added fourth bullet that reads “How would you evaluate our responsiveness to your needs and attitudes toward getting the job done?“; updated bullet on the script to read “Survey a subset of the customer list every 3 m

14、onths”; and updated bullet number 2 under the script section “Perform the Survey (phone call or in person) to read “On a scale from 1-5 where 5 is exception, 4 is good, 3 is satisfactory, 2 is fair, and 1 is unacceptable.” Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

15、license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements CS01 Customer Satisfaction MPR 1280.8 Revision: D Date: April 14, 2009 Page 3 of 9 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/ VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE Revision C 6/27/2007 Revised

16、to reflect new external customer survey process by the Office of Strategic Analysis and Communications. Revised the process flow chart to make it consistent with the revised customer satisfaction process. Deleted the Appendix, “Customer Survey Script.” Revision D Revised P.2 Applicability statement

17、to address applicability to Michoud Assembly Facility. Clarified steps in 3.1.7 and 3.1.8. Made minor grammatical corrections/changes. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements CS01 Customer Satisfaction MPR 128

18、0.8 Revision: D Date: April 14, 2009 Page 4 of 9 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/ VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface P.1 Purpose P.2 Applicability P.3 Authority P.4 Applicable Documents P.5 References P.6 Can

19、cellation Document Content 1. Definitions 2. Responsibilities 3. Procedure 4. Records 5. Flow Diagram Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements CS01 Customer Satisfaction MPR 1280.8 Revision: D Date: April 14, 2

20、009 Page 5 of 9 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/ VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE PREFACE P.1 PURPOSE This Marshall Procedural Requirements (MPR) document defines the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) customer satisfaction process

21、 that helps measure the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the Centers products and services. It also provides the process for senior management to set and monitor critical, top-level external customer satisfaction objectives (reviews or ratings). P.2 APPLICABILITY a. This MPR applies to th

22、e personnel, programs, projects, and activities at MSFC and MSFCs Michoud Assembly Facility, including contractors and resident agencies to the extent specified in their respective contracts or agreements. (“Contractors,” for purposes of this paragraph, include contractors, grantees, Cooperative Agr

23、eement recipients, Space Act Agreement partners, or other agreement parties.) b. This MPR applies to all MSFC personnel involved in the customer satisfaction process. The focus of this MPR applies to gathering and processing customer satisfaction feedback from predominantly-external customers by the

24、 Office of Strategic Analysis and Communications. It does not preclude Directorates/Offices from conducting customer surveys. If Directorates/Offices conduct external/internal customer surveys, they may use this procedure as a guide, but they shall process complaints in accordance with paragraph 3.1

25、.7 of this MPR. P.3 AUTHORITY MPD 1280.1, “Marshall Quality Management System Manual” P.4 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS a. NPR 1441.1, “NASA Records Retention Schedules” b. MPR 1280.1, “Management Review” c. MPR 1280.4, “MSFC Corrective Action System” d. MWI 1280.2, “MSFC Customer Feedback (CF) Processing Th

26、rough The Corrective Action System (CAS)” e. MSFC Form 4306, “MSFC Customer Feedback” P.5 REFERENCES Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements CS01 Customer Satisfaction MPR 1280.8 Revision: D Date: April 14, 20

27、09 Page 6 of 9 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/ VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE None P.6 CANCELLATION MPR 1280.8C dated June 27, 2007 Original signed by Robert M. Lightfoot Acting Director Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproducti

28、on or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements CS01 Customer Satisfaction MPR 1280.8 Revision: D Date: April 14, 2009 Page 7 of 9 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/ VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFOR

29、E USE DOCUMENT CONTENT 1. DEFINITIONS 1.1 Customer. Any direct recipient of an MSFC-supplied product or service. 1.2 Customer Feedback. An MSFC customers communication (e.g., rating, complaint, observation, or compliment) regarding delivered MSFC products and services as documented on MSFC Form 4306

30、, “Marshall Space Flight Center Customer Feedback,” customer surveys, or another tool that meets the intent of this MPR. 1.3 Customer Satisfaction. Customers perception of the degree to which the customers requirements have been fulfilled and the relationship maintained or enhanced. 1.4 External Cus

31、tomer. Any non MSFC entity that is an MSFC customer. 1.5 Organization Representatives. Individuals within Center organizations identified as having customer satisfaction monitoring responsibilities. 1.6 Product. The result of activities or processes that are delivered to the customer. 1.7 Service. W

32、ork performed to meet customer needs. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 The Center Director shall be responsible for defining the target Center-level customer satisfaction rating , monitoring critical customer satisfaction metrics, and concurring with the customer survey process. 2.2 The Office of Strategic A

33、nalysis and Communications shall solicit customer feedback from a subset of the customer list and report to the Strategic Planning Council (SPC) and the Center organization representatives on a quarterly basis. 2.3 Other Directorates/Offices. If a Directorate/Office chooses to conduct internal or ex

34、ternal customer surveys, it shall process complaints in accordance with paragraph 3.1.7 of this MPR and take corrective action as appropriate. 3. PROCEDURE Actionee Shall (action) 3.1 Customer Satisfaction Center Director 3.1.1 Define MSFCs target customer satisfaction rating, monitor metrics, and c

35、oncur with the customer survey process. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements CS01 Customer Satisfaction MPR 1280.8 Revision: D Date: April 14, 2009 Page 8 of 9 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/repository.msf

36、 VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE Center Organization Representatives 3.1.2 Identify/list customers to be surveyed and preferred mode of survey delivery (email or interview) and provide this information to the Office of Strategic Analysis and Com

37、munications. Office of Strategic Analysis and Communications 3.1.3 3.1.4 Determine subset of customers to be surveyed (quarterly). Unless survey to be conducted in-person, forward preaddressed cover letter and letter containing link to survey questions to organization representatives for distributio

38、n to identified customers (quarterly). Center Organization Representatives Office of Strategic Analysis and Communications 3.1.5 3.1.6 Distribute survey link to customers (quarterly). Conduct in-person survey interviews as requested. Collect customer surveys and report customer satisfaction

39、results to the MSFC SPC (MPR 1280.1 Management Reviews) and to Center organization representatives (quarterly). Send significant negative comments or problems reported by external customers to S&MA in accordance with MWI 1280.2 to be screened for input to the corrective action system (refere

40、nce MPR 1280.4). Conduct follow-up with the organization representatives and customers (who responded, with a fair rating 2 or below, on a customer satisfaction survey question) to ensure that customer issues and concerns have been addressed. Center Organization Representatives 3.1.7 Provide

41、 updates to customer list to the Office of Strategic Analysis and Communicaitons, as required. Office of Strategic Analysis and Communications and Center Organization Representatives 3.1.8 Use feedback as input for process improvements. 4. RECORDS 4.1 The Office of Strategic Analysis and Communicati

42、ons shall retain the customer list(s) for 7 years then discard in accordance with NPR 1441.1, Schedule 1/26.5. 5. FLOW DIAGRAM (on following page) Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements CS01 Customer Satisfac

43、tion MPR 1280.8 Revision: D Date: April 14, 2009 Page 9 of 9 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/ VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE 3.1.1Define MSFC Customer Satisfaction Objectives, Select Metrics for Monitoring and Reporting and Concur

44、 with the Customer Survey Process3.1.2Identify/List of Customers to be Surveyed(email / interviewed).3.1.3Determine Subset of Customers to be Surveyed (quarterly).3.1.4Forward Survey to Organization Representatives for Distribution (quarterly)3.1.5Distribute Survey Link to Customers (quarterly)3.1.6

45、Report Customer Satisfaction Results to MSFC SPC (quarterly)3.1.8Use Feedback as Input for Process Improvements.3.1.7Provide Updates to Customer List, as needed3.1.6.2Follow-up with Organizational Representatives3.1.6.1Process any Significant Agency Negative Comments or Problems in Accordance with MWI 1280. requested interviewsProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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