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2、for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements AS01 Property Management MPR 4000.2 Revision: C Date: January 30, 2009 Page 2 of 19 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/ VERIFY THAT THIS IS T

3、HE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE DOCUMENT HISTORY LOG Status (Baseline/ Revision/ Canceled) Document Revision Effective Date Description Baseline 9/7/00 This document replaces Chapters 1 and 2 of MM 4000.1. Revision A 10/4/2004 Added Property Management Assistant to definitions and responsibilities. De

4、leted requirement to maintain a stores stock catalog. Deleted Supply and Equipment Management Officer (SEMOs) responsibility to determine nice to have items. Added Property Support Assistant (PC) responsibility to report equipment no longer meeting guidelines to be controlled, para. 2.4.16. Para 2.7

5、 changed $1,000 to $5,000. Minor editorial changes. Draft 2 revisions: Added definitions of personal property and real property to definition section. Added 2.1.4 liability statement. Change 2.2.9 to provide training on an as needed basis instead of annually. Remove 2.2.11, 2.2.15, 2.2.18. Move para

6、 2.3.7 to fit between 2.3.2 and 2.3.3. Reword 2.4.2. Delete 2.4.3, 2.4.5, 2.4.11, 2.4.12. Delete “(see MWI 4300.1) from 2.9.2.” Delete 2.9.6. Delete last two sentences of 2.10.10 that read “Ensure the use of Standard Form 114 series. Serve as the Centers Sales Contracting Officer, as appropriate.” D

7、elete 2.11.3, 2.11.6, 2.11.7, 2.11.8, 2.11.9, rewrite 2.11.10, and 2.11.11. Delete Rewrite Delete Delete all but first sentence of Delete and 2.11.12. Delete, Rewrite and Rewrite 2.12.3, and Del

8、ete,,,, and Add the ability to make a contractor employee a property custodian and para 3.2.1. Include requirement to send a copy of the designation of Organizational Property Manager (OPMs) to the SEMO. Changed records section to “None.” Revised to brin

9、g document in compliance with the HQ Rules Review Action (CAITS: 04-DA01-0387). Revision B 9/17/2007 Extensive rewrite included: Removed requirement for Property Disposal Officer (PDO) to have appointment letter from the SEMO to be the Precious Metals and Critical Materials Coordinator. Updated org.

10、 codes. Changed Property Support Assistants to Property Managers. Updated authority documents, applicable documents, and references. Updated acronyms and definitions. Revised responsibilities (rearranged the order). Replaced “will” with “shall” for requirements. Added flow diagrams. Added statement

11、in section 2.4 to read: “Property Office personnel can be advisors to the board at the request of the board chairman.” Revision C 1/30/2009 Revised applicability statement and updated references and PP (b) negotiated sale at fixed-price of surplus or exchange/sale property of $25,000 or more; and (c

12、) competitive bid sale of $100,000 or more (reference Federal Property Management Regulations, 41 CFR Part 101-45.304-6). 2.6.16 Interfacing with the Center Information Technology Security Manager and Organization Computer Security Official to ensure that copyrighted software licensed to NASA is tra

13、nsferred in accordance with any restrictions of the license or copyright. 2.6.17 Ensuring that storage media are erased by overwriting of media to prevent software and information with release restrictions from being released outside NASA. 2.7 The Onsite Property Administrator shall be responsible f

14、or the following: 2.7.1 Administering contract requirements and obligations relative to onsite Government property. The Property Administrator, an authorized representative of the CO, is an individual duly designated by the IPO. 2.7.2 Evaluating the contractors management and control of Government p

15、roperty. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements AS01 Property Management MPR 4000.2 Revision: C Date: January 30, 2009 Page 12 of 19 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/

16、ves.htm VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE 2.7.3 Ascertaining whether the contractor is effectively complying with the contract provisions pursuant to Government property. 2.7.4 Advising the CO of any contractor noncompliance with approved procedures and other significant problems. N

17、ote: The property administrator cannot resolve any action but can make recommendations. 2.7.5 Participating in pre-award surveys/post-award orientations whenever significant amounts of Government property are involved in order to reveal and resolve property management problems early in the acquisiti

18、on cycle. 2.8 The CCPM at MSFC and at MSFCs MAF shall be responsible ensuring an annual (quarterly if required) analysis of the SAP/BW financial system material groups 58, 59, 66, 67A, 74, 75, and 77 (includes all sensitive items lists). The CCPM verifies that property purchased through the Governme

19、nt purchase card system has been identified and tagged within PP&E. 2.9 The AACC shall be responsible for coordinating the assignment, maintenance, and surveillance of activity address codes used by NASA Installations and contractors to acquire supplies from Government supply sources. 2.10 The Contr

20、acting Officer shall be responsible for the following if the CO does not delegate: 2.10.1 Administering contract requirements and obligations relative to onsite Government property. 2.10.2 Evaluating the contractors management and control of Government property. 2.10.3 Ascertaining whether the contr

21、actor is effectively complying with the contract provisions pursuant to Government property. 2.10.4 Documenting and advising the IPO of any contractor noncompliance with approved procedures and other significant problems 2.11 The Department/Office Managers shall be responsible for the following: 2.1

22、1.1 Ensuring the use, care, and protection of property assigned to their personnel comply with the policies and procedures at MSFC/MSFCs MAF. 2.11.2 Ensuring that controls are instituted to prevent property losses in their organization. 2.11.3 Determining and appointing the departments approving off

23、icials for property management matters utilizing guidance from the directorate manager. 2.11.4 Providing the PMO with a listing of the recommended department approving officials. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Req

24、uirements AS01 Property Management MPR 4000.2 Revision: C Date: January 30, 2009 Page 13 of 19 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/ VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE 2.11.5 Accomplishing walk-through inspections to review the condition a

25、nd usage of property within their organization. 2.11.6 Reviewing and submitting survey reports. 2.11.7 Acting on personnel administrative actions recommended by the MSFC/MSFCs MAF Property Survey Board and Property Survey Officer. 2.11.8 Ensuring requests for property loans are valid and for authori

26、zed purposes. 2.12 The PCs shall be responsible for the following: 2.12.1 Performing a complete physical inventory or executing a waiver accepting the listed property by the losing PC in lieu of a complete physical inventory of all assigned property and reconciling all discrepancies with the PMO pri

27、or to acceptance of responsibility for a property management account. 2.12.2 Keep information records current within the PP&E for all controlled Government personal property managed by PC. 2.12.3 Assisting scan teams in performing an annual inventory of all property and assisting in any follow-up ac

28、tions. 2.12.4 Assisting the SEMO in conducting physical inventories. 2.12.5 Accompanying department/office manager in conducting the annual property walk-through inspection. 2.12.6 Assisting in the initiation of adjustment action for components removed from or added to assigned equipment. 2.12.7 Ass

29、isting in the preparation of survey reports to account for lost, damaged, destroyed, or stolen property. 2.12.8 Ensuring that a temporary or new PC is designated if they are to be absent for a period of 30 days or more. 2.12.9 Notifying the appropriate department/office manager of the identity of th

30、e temporary or new PC. 2.12.10 Reporting untagged controlled equipment (including fabricated equipment) found in assigned area to the PMO and assisting the owning organization in the research to identify the circumstances relating to untagged items found on station. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo r

31、eproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements AS01 Property Management MPR 4000.2 Revision: C Date: January 30, 2009 Page 14 of 19 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/ VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VE

32、RSION BEFORE USE 2.12.11 Assisting the owning organization in reporting to the PMO any equipment that is not being used to the maximum extent possible. Consider turning in equipment that is used on a part-time basis. 2.12.12 Notifying the SEMO or designee when employees improperly use or fail to saf

33、eguard assigned property. 2.12.13 Reporting equipment no longer meeting guidelines to be controlled, assisting the user in detagging the equipment, and updating the PP&E. 2.13 The PMA Property Managers shall be responsible for the following: 2.13.1 Overseeing property management activities within th

34、eir organization. 2.13.2 Acting as liaison between department/office managers, the PMO, PCs, and organizational users of property within their organization. 2.13.3 Assisting department/office managers in providing oversight of property assets within their organization. 2.13.4 Assisting department/of

35、fice managers in resolving property questions that arise in their organization. 2.13.5 Assisting department/office managers in ensuring that equipment meeting control criteria is tagged and that equipment no longer meeting control criteria is detagged. 2.13.6 Assisting department/office managers in

36、ensuring that property is used for authorized purposes only. 2.13.7 Assisting the department/office manager in conducting the annual property walk-through inspection. 2.13.8 Providing guidance/direction regarding property management policy and regulations. 2.13.9 Assisting the assigned directorate/o

37、ffice with resolving property issues and training. 2.14 The PP&E Equipment Manager or designee shall be responsible for the following: 2.14.1 Ensuring Center compliance with the Federal property management regulations to maximize equipment reutilization and to minimize procurement of new equipment.

38、The Center PP&E Equipment Manager is appointed by the Centers SEMO and serves as the key interface among the equipment-using organizations and the PCs and equipment users. 2.14.2 Establishing appropriate controls, maintaining adequate records, and cataloging functions for all equipment at the Center

39、. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements AS01 Property Management MPR 4000.2 Revision: C Date: January 30, 2009 Page 15 of 19 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/

40、 VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFORE USE 2.14.3 Controlling approved global changes to the PP&E. 2.14.4 Controlling record data changes. A record data change amends one or more data elements in a single record. Ensuring proper use of standard codes in establishing and maintaining the PP&E

41、 and for processing and maintaining PP&E data. 2.14.5 Ensuring the cyclic and sensitive item inventory schedules as needed. 2.14.6 Ensuring the reconciliation and adjustment of equipment records as a result of inventory actions. 2.14.7 Ensuring that inventory results are documented for submittal by

42、the SEMO to Center Management. 2.14.8 Conducting a semiannual reconciliation of PP&E equipment records with the equipment-type accounts maintained by the OCFO. 2.14.9 Assisting designated property management personnel and equipment users in the proper procedures and documentation of the following eq

43、uipment actions: Loans, transfers, turn-ins, excess, repairs, storage, calibration, replacement, modification or cannibalization, fabrications, found on station, and survey reports for lost, damaged, destroyed, or stolen equipment. 2.14.10 Ensuring that controlled equipment is transferred from aband

44、oned buildings before the building is demolished. 2.15 NASA Contractors and Contracting Officers shall be responsible for the following: 2.15.1 NASA contractors are responsible for equipment and other property as set forth in the FAR, the NFS, and the applicable contract. 2.15.2 COs are responsible

45、for ensuring that Government-furnished equipment or contractor-acquired equipment is managed pursuant to the provisions of the contract. In authorizing contractors purchase or use of Government equipment, COs ensure that: Requirements are verified by the appropriate project office.

46、 CO written consent is obtained pursuant to FAR 52.244-2. Written determinations are executed by the appropriate Center official pursuant to FAR 45.3 and NFS 1845.302-1. Existing Government assets are screened pursuant to NFS 1852.245-70. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproductio

47、n or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Marshall Procedural Requirements AS01 Property Management MPR 4000.2 Revision: C Date: January 30, 2009 Page 16 of 19 CHECK THE MASTER LIST at https:/ VERIFY THAT THIS IS THE CORRECT VERSION BEFO

48、RE USE 2.15.3 NASA requirements for property management by contractors are included in the property administration/plant clearance delegation instructions to other agencies (i.e., Defense Contract Management Agency) for offsite contractor accountable contracts. 2.15.4 Individuals are delegated, as n

49、eeded, to perform the duties of property administration for onsite contracts. 2.16 The Individual User shall be responsible for ensuring the following: 2.16.1 Proper use, care, and protection (safeguarding) of all Government property under their custody and control. 2.16.2. Property is used for authorized and intended purposes only. 2.16.3 The sale, gift, loan, exchange, shipment, or other di

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