NACE RP0402-2002 Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints Application Performance and Quality Control (Item No 21096)《现场用环形焊接头熔接粘合环氧(FBE)树.pdf

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NACE RP0402-2002 Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints Application Performance and Quality Control (Item No 21096)《现场用环形焊接头熔接粘合环氧(FBE)树.pdf_第1页
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NACE RP0402-2002 Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints Application Performance and Quality Control (Item No 21096)《现场用环形焊接头熔接粘合环氧(FBE)树.pdf_第2页
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NACE RP0402-2002 Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints Application Performance and Quality Control (Item No 21096)《现场用环形焊接头熔接粘合环氧(FBE)树.pdf_第3页
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NACE RP0402-2002 Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints Application Performance and Quality Control (Item No 21096)《现场用环形焊接头熔接粘合环氧(FBE)树.pdf_第4页
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NACE RP0402-2002 Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld Joints Application Performance and Quality Control (Item No 21096)《现场用环形焊接头熔接粘合环氧(FBE)树.pdf_第5页
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1、StandardRecommended PracticeField-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) PipeCoating Systems for Girth Weld Joints:Application, Performance, and Quality ControlThis NACE International standard represents a consensus of those individual members who havereviewed this document, its scope, and provisions. It

2、s acceptance does not in any respectpreclude anyone, whether he has adopted the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing,purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not in conformance with this standard.Nothing contained in this NACE International standard is to be construed as gra

3、nting any right, byimplication or otherwise, to manufacture, sell, or use in connection with any method, apparatus, orproduct covered by Letters Patent, or as indemnifying or protecting anyone against liability forinfringement of Letters Patent. This standard represents minimum requirements and shou

4、ld in noway be interpreted as a restriction on the use of better procedures or materials. Neither is thisstandard intended to apply in all cases relating to the subject. Unpredictable circumstances maynegate the usefulness of this standard in specific instances. NACE International assumes noresponsi

5、bility for the interpretation or use of this standard by other parties and acceptsresponsibility for only those official NACE International interpretations issued by NACEInternational in accordance with its governing procedures and policies which preclude theissuance of interpretations by individual

6、 volunteers.Users of this NACE International standard are responsible for reviewing appropriate health, safety,environmental, and regulatory documents and for determining their applicability in relation to thisstandard prior to its use. This NACE International standard may not necessarily address al

7、lpotential health and safety problems or environmental hazards associated with the use ofmaterials, equipment, and/or operations detailed or referred to within this standard. Users of thisNACE International standard are also responsible for establishing appropriate health, safety, andenvironmental p

8、rotection practices, in consultation with appropriate regulatory authorities ifnecessary, to achieve compliance with any existing applicable regulatory requirements prior to theuse of this standard.CAUTIONARY NOTICE: NACE International standards are subject to periodic review, and may berevised or w

9、ithdrawn at any time without prior notice. NACE International requires that action betaken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of initialpublication. The user is cautioned to obtain the latest edition. Purchasers of NACE Internationalstandards may re

10、ceive current information on all standards and other NACE Internationalpublications by contacting the NACE International Membership Services Department, 1440 SouthCreek Drive, Houston, Texas 77084-4906 (telephone +1 281 228-6200).Approved 2002-02-17NACE International1440 South Creek Dr.Houston, Texa

11、s 77084-4906+1 (281)228-6200ISBN 1-57590-150-12002, NACE InternationalNACE Standard RP0402-2002Item No. 21096RP0402-2002NACE International i_ForewordThis NACE standard recommended practice provides the most current technology and industrypractices for the use of field-applied, fusion-bonded epoxy (F

12、BE) external pipe coating systems forgirth weld joints. This standard is intended for use by corrosion control personnel, designengineers, project managers, purchasing personnel, and construction engineers and managers. Itis applicable to underground steel pipelines in the oil and gas gathering, dis

13、tribution, andtransmission industries.This standard was prepared by NACE Task Group 249 on Fusion-Bond Epoxy Coatings for WeldJoints on Pipelines. This Task Group is administered by Specific Technology Group (STG) 03 onCoatings and LiningsImmersion/Buried. It is also sponsored by STG 04 on Protectiv

14、e Coatingsand LiningsSurface Preparation, and STG 35 on Pipelines, Tanks, and Well Casings. Thisstandard is issued by NACE International under the auspices of STG 03.In NACE standards, the terms shall, must, should, and may are used in accordance with thedefinitions of these terms in the NACE Public

15、ations Style Manual, 4th ed., Paragraph Shalland must are used to state mandatory requirements. The term should is used to state somethingconsidered good and is recommended but is not mandatory. The term may is used to statesomething considered optional._RP0402-2002ii NACE International_NAC

16、E InternationalStandardRecommended PracticeField-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) Pipe CoatingSystems for Girth Weld Joints: Application, Performance, andQuality ControlContents1. General 12. Definitions 13. Coating Systems . 14. Coating Material 15. Coating and Applicator Performance 26. Surface P

17、reparation of Pipe 37. Coating Application . 48. Inspection and Repair . 5References 5_RP0402-2002NACE International 1_Section 1: General1.1 This standard presents guidelines for establishing mini-mum requirements to ensure proper application and perfor-mance of a field-applied fusion-bonded epoxy (

18、FBE) coatingsystem to the external surfaces of pipe at girth weld joints.Included are methods for qualifying and controlling the qual-ity of FBE, guidelines for its proper application, and inspec-tion and repair techniques to ensure its long-term perform-ance.1.2 This standard is applicable to FBE c

19、oating systemsused to prevent corrosion in conjunction with cathodicprotection.1.3 All applicable safety and environmental codes, rules,and regulations must be followed when using this standard._Section 2: DefinitionsApplicator: The organization responsible to the purchaserfor the coating applicatio

20、n.Approved FBE Powder: A fusion-bonded epoxy powderthat meets the criteria in NACE Standard RP0394.1Coating Materials: Fusion-bonded epoxy powder (FBE).Cutback Area: Area of each section of line pipe that wasleft uncoated at the coating mill/plant to facilitate welding ofadjacent pipe joints.Field J

21、oint Area: Theareaofpipeoverwhichthecoatingisapplied in the field after welding of adjacent pipes.Holiday: A discontinuity in a protective coating that exposesunprotected surface to the environment.Inspector: The authorized agent of the purchaser.Purchaser: The owner company or the authorized agency

22、that has the authority over the pipe to which the coating is tobe applied.Repair Area: Area of original coating system that has beendamaged and is being repaired using the coating materials.Shelf Life: The maximum-allowable storage time for a coat-ing material prior to its use.Supplier: The manufact

23、urer and/or distributor of the coatingmaterial and its authorized technician._Section 3: Coating Systems3.1 The standard FBE required for normal conditions con-tains the following components:(a) FBE powder in accordance with NACE StandardRP0394._Section 4: Coating Material4.1 Coating Material Suppli

24、er Information4.1.1 Upon request, the coating material supplier shallfurnish the following information in writing to the pur-chaser and/or applicator:(a) Instructions for handling and storing the coatingmaterial;(b) Laboratory performance test results of the basicphysical properties of the coating m

25、aterials;(c) Batch certificates;(d) Material safety data sheets (MSDS); and(e) Any other technical information regarding theFBE powder that is normal and customary.4.2 Handling of Coating Materials4.2.1 Coating material batches shall be identified by abatch coding system devised by the supplier. The

26、batch code shall include a reference to the date ofmanufacture. Coating materials shall be shipped andstored according to recommendations from the sup-plier, and so that contamination or adverse effects onthe coating are avoided.RP0402-20022 NACE International4.2.2 Shelf Life: Any batch of coating m

27、aterial that hasexceeded the recommended shelf life may be rejectedby the purchaser. At the discretion of the purchaser, anybatch of coating material that has exceeded therecommended shelf life may be tested to verifythat it meets or exceeds the requirements as setforth herein or by other ind

28、ustry standards asagreed on by the purchaser and the applicator.The expense of such tests shall not be the respon-sibility of the purchaser. The purchaser shall notbe under any obligation to accept material that hasexceeded its shelf life. Any rejected coating material shall beimmediately rem

29、oved from the job site._Section 5: Coating and Applicator Performance5.1 Recommended characteristics, properties and perform-ance of an applied coating system are outlined in NACEStandards RP0394 and RP0169.25.2 The need for performance testing shall be determinedaccording to performance history. Th

30、ree categories shallbe used:5.2.1 Established FBE coating system to be used inthe established service or environment.5.2.2 Established FBE coating system to be used in anew service or environment.5.2.3 New FBE coating system with no service history.5.3 An FBE coating system that meets one or more of

31、 thefollowing criteria for a period of at least five years, withoutformulation change, shall be considered an establishedFBE coating system:5.3.1 No significant increase in the cathodic protectioncurrent density, attributable to deterioration of thecoating, required to maintain the pipe-to-soil pote

32、ntial inaccordance with NACE Standard RP0169.5.3.2 No significant decrease in the coatings effective-ness as a result of moisture transmission.5.4 An established FBE coating system to be used in theestablished service or environment shall not require addi-tional performance testing.5.5 Anestablished

33、FBEcoatingsystemtobeusedinanew service or environment may be required to have addi-tional performance testing.5.6 A new FBE coating system with no service history shallbe required to have additional performance testing and itshall be tested for the following properties as required byNACE Standard RP

34、0394:5.6.1 Electrical resistance;5.6.2 Dielectric strength;5.6.3 Coating adhesion (hot water soak);5.6.4 Water vapor permeability (perms);5.6.5 Maximum cathodic disbondment;5.6.6 Adhesion;5.6.7 Impact resistance; and5.6.8 Glass transition temperature.5.7 Applicator Performance5.7.1 Test rings are re

35、quired to qualify the applicator.Coating shall be applied to a test pipe according toSections 6 and 7 of this standard. Ring samples cutfrom test pipe should be approximately 30 cm (12 in.)long. After samples are cut from the ring, the appli-cator shall mark the date of coating application on theunu

36、sed portion of the ring sample. Testing of the sam-ples shall commence on the same day as the coatingapplication. Required tests are listed in Paragraphs5.6.1 to 5.6.8. Cutting and rebeveling shall be at theapplicators expense. Pipe used shall be provided atthe purchasers expense. When additional te

37、st pipesare sampled to reduce the size of the failed lot, allcosts except for the cost of the pipe sample shall beborne by the applicator. The purchaser may requireadditional test rings. The cost of pipe, coating, and cut-off for these test rings shall be borne by the purchaser.RP0402-2002NACE Inter

38、national 3_Section 6: Surface Preparation of Pipe6.1 The area to be coated (steel and mill coating) shall becleaned of all grease, dirt, dust, or any other foreign mat-erial according to SSPC(1)-SP 1.3This area should be atleast 30 cm (1 ft) on each side of the weld area. Visible oiland grease spots

39、 shall be removed by wiping the contam-inated area with an approved emulsifying detergent ornonresidual solvent.6.2 Prior to abrasive blasting, all weld spatter shall beremoved using a file or other acceptable method. NACEStandard RP01784provides a good representation of aproper weld area. Any blast

40、 profile with an altered(destroyed) area greater than 3 cm2(0.5 in.2) shall bereblasted prior to induction heating.6.3 All sharp edges of the weld bead or any raised portionof the weld crown shall be rounded by hand filing or a pur-chaser-approved method.6.4 Prior to abrasive blasting, preheating ma

41、y be neces-sary to bring the steel temperature above the dewpoint.6.5 On each side of the weld joint, the bare metal cutbackand a strip of mill-applied coating shall be prepared by abra-sive blasting. The mill-applied coating shall not be removedduring abrasive blasting, but cleaned and roughened(sl

42、ightly etched, feathered, or sugared) by brush blasting fora minimum of 5 cm (2 in.) with a taper toward the weldbead. The mill-applied coating may be hand abraded usingabrasive paper, pads, or wheels in lieu of abrasive blasting,according to the purchasers specification.6.6 The bare metal in the gi

43、rth weld area shall be abrasiveblasted to a minimum NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 105near-whitemetal finish. A photographic or visual standard, such asSSPC-VIS 1,6shall be used to verify that a near-white finishhas been achieved. The blast abrasive chosen should beselected to achieve a blast profile of 64 to 1

44、00 m(2.5to4.0 mils). This profile shall be verified in accordance withNACE Standard RP0287.7The purchaser may make stan-dards available for comparison with the anchor pattern.6.7 Water/oil traps and filters shall be used on all blast-cleaning apparatus. The water/oil traps and filters must bechecked

45、 and drained or replaced periodically as necessary.Any blast-cleaned surface contaminated with water or oilshall be cleaned and reblasted until the appropriate stan-dard of cleanliness has been achieved.6.8 The abrasive blast operation should be at least threewelds ahead of the coating application o

46、peration to prohibitcontamination of the powder application, but in no caseshall the abrasive blasted weld joints be allowed to visiblyrust prior to coating. If flash rusting does occur, the areashall be reblasted.6.9 If jagged or rough areas remain along the edge of themill-applied coating after bl

47、ast cleaning, or if any of thecoating has disbonded, these areas shall be removed untila sound coating has been obtained. The areas shall thenbe recleaned.6.10 File or abrasive sanders shall remove raised slivers,scabs, laminations, or bristles of steel remaining on thenewly cleaned surface. This cleaning operation shall notburnish or completely destroy the anchor pattern.6.11 During periods of inclement weather, cleaning andcoating operations shall be discontinued unless ten


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