NACE TM0193-2000 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Below 93 Degrees C (200 Degrees F)《在温度低于93℃(200F)下静态化学清洗剂的实验室腐蚀测试 项目编号.pdf

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NACE TM0193-2000 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Below 93 Degrees C (200 Degrees F)《在温度低于93℃(200F)下静态化学清洗剂的实验室腐蚀测试 项目编号.pdf_第1页
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NACE TM0193-2000 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Below 93 Degrees C (200 Degrees F)《在温度低于93℃(200F)下静态化学清洗剂的实验室腐蚀测试 项目编号.pdf_第2页
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NACE TM0193-2000 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Below 93 Degrees C (200 Degrees F)《在温度低于93℃(200F)下静态化学清洗剂的实验室腐蚀测试 项目编号.pdf_第3页
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NACE TM0193-2000 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Below 93 Degrees C (200 Degrees F)《在温度低于93℃(200F)下静态化学清洗剂的实验室腐蚀测试 项目编号.pdf_第4页
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NACE TM0193-2000 Laboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static Chemical Cleaning Solutions at Temperatures Below 93 Degrees C (200 Degrees F)《在温度低于93℃(200F)下静态化学清洗剂的实验室腐蚀测试 项目编号.pdf_第5页
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1、StandardTest MethodLaboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in StaticChemical Cleaning Solutions at TemperaturesBelow 93C (200F)This NACE International standard represents a consensus of those individual members who havereviewed this document, its scope, and provisions. Its acceptance does not in any

2、respectpreclude anyone, whether he has adopted the standard or not, from manufacturing, marketing,purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not in conformance with this standard.Nothing contained in this NACE International standard is to be construed as granting any right, byimplicatio

3、n or otherwise, to manufacture, sell, or use in connection with any method, apparatus,or product covered by Letters Patent, or as indemnifying or protecting anyone against liability forinfringement of Letters Patent. This standard represents minimum requirements and should in noway be interpreted as

4、 a restriction on the use of better procedures or materials. Neither is thisstandard intended to apply in all cases relating to the subject. Unpredictable circumstances maynegate the usefulness of this standard in specific instances. NACE International assumes noresponsibility for the interpretation

5、 or use of this standard by other parties and acceptsresponsibility for only those official NACE International interpretations issued by NACEInternational in accordance with its governing procedures and policies which preclude theissuance of interpretations by individual volunteers.Users of this NAC

6、E International standard are responsible for reviewing appropriate health,safety, environmental, and regulatory documents and for determining their applicability in relationto this standard prior to its use. This NACE International standard may not necessarily addressall potential health and safety

7、problems or environmental hazards associated with the use ofmaterials, equipment, and/or operations detailed or referred to within this standard. Users of thisNACE International standard are also responsible for establishing appropriate health, safety, andenvironmental protection practices, in consu

8、ltation with appropriate regulatory authorities ifnecessary, to achieve compliance with any existing applicable regulatory requirements prior to theuse of this standard.CAUTIONARY NOTICE: NACE International standards are subject to periodic review, and maybe revised or withdrawn at any time without

9、prior notice. NACE International requires that actionbe taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date ofinitial publication. The user is cautioned to obtain the latest edition. Purchasers of NACEInternational standards may receive current information on

10、all standards and other NACEInternational publications by contacting the NACE International Membership ServicesDepartment, P.O. Box 218340, Houston, Texas 77218-8340 (telephone +1 281/228-6200).Approved 2000-06-16Approved December 1993NACE InternationalP.O. Box 218340Houston, Texas 77218-8340+1 (281

11、)228-6200ISBN 1-57590-104-8 2000, NACE InternationalNACE Standard TM0193-2000Item No. 21223TM0193-2000NACE International i_ForewordThis standard was written to address a number of testing parameters involved in the laboratorycorrosion testing of clean metal test specimens in static chemical cleaning

12、 solutions at temperaturesbelow 93C (200G71F). Specifically, this standard addresses those parameters not covered in ASTM(1)D 3263,1including surface-to-volume ratio, inhibitor handling, localized corrosion and pitting, andthe reporting procedure, and is for use specifically by those involved in the

13、 industrial cleaningindustry. The intent is that these factors will make the reported corrosion rates more useful forcomparing chemical cleaning solutions and inhibitors.Because chemical cleaning solutions are used over a wide range of applications, no universal testmethod to cover all cases is poss

14、ible. This standard is intended to be used to obtain data relevantto the cleaning of industrial equipment, such as boilers, heat exchangers, piping systems, and tanks.Note that these tests use clean coupons in a clean solution and that the severity of corrosionobtained in these tests will not be the

15、 same as if actual deposits were present.This NACE standard test method was originally prepared in 1993 by NACE Task Group T-3M-5, acomponent of Unit Committee T-3M on Chemical Cleaning, and was revised in 2000 by T-3M. It ispublished by NACE International under the auspices of Group Committee T-3 o

16、n Corrosion Scienceand Technology.In NACE standards, the terms shall, must, should and may are used in accordance with thedefinitions of these terms in the NACE Publications Style Manual, 3rded., Paragraph Shalland must are used to state mandatory requirements. Should is used to state that

17、which isconsidered good and is recommended but is not absolutely mandatory. May is used to state thatwhich is considered optional._(1)American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.TM0193-2000ii NACE International_NACE InternationalStandard

18、Test MethodLaboratory Corrosion Testing of Metals in Static ChemicalCleaning Solutions at Temperatures Below 93C (200F)Contents1. General. 12. Test Equipment and Apparatus 13. Test Solution. 14. Test Specimen Preparation 25. Test Procedure . 36. Test Specimen Handling After Test. 3References 5Append

19、ix A 5_TM0193-2000NACE International 1_Section 1: General1.1 This standard describes a simple method formeasuring the relative corrosiveness of solutions used forchemical cleaning in a static system at temperaturesbelow 93G71C (200G71F). The tests described are conductedwith corrosion test specimens

20、 in the clean condition (i.e.,no deposits). The tests consist of exposing metallic testspecimens to cleaning solutions typically for 6 hoursunder controlled conditions. The test specimens areweighed before and after the test and the corrosion rate iscalculated from the mass loss. Localized corrosion

21、 suchas pitting is also evaluated. Procedures for test specimenhandling and reporting the results for a better comparisonof data among laboratories are also included.1.2 Measurements of corrosion rates in cleaningsolutions obtained by this method should not beextrapolated directly to predict corrosi

22、on rates for metalsurfaces in an operating system. A number of variablesencountered in the chemical cleaning of industrialequipment, such as the nature and amount of deposit,are not readily controlled and can affect corrosion of thematerials exposed to the chemical cleaning solutions.The tests descr

23、ibed in this standard are designed toexclude the variables that can occur when duplicatingfield conditions because these conditions are difficult toreproduce in the laboratory and can make agreementamong different laboratories difficult to obtain. Inlaboratory tests, care should be taken to ensure t

24、hat testconditions can be controlled and fully described, thusenabling them to be repeated in different laboratories.The measurements described in this standard give thecorrosion rate of the metal under the conditions tested.Corrosion rates are useful for comparison of resultsamong laboratories._Sec

25、tion 2: Test Equipment and Apparatus2.1 A versatile and convenient apparatus should beused; it should consist of a test vessel of suitable size(such as a beaker, test tube, or reaction flask), a refluxcondenser, and a constant-temperature bath. The choiceof test vessel is dependent on the purpose an

26、d conditionsof the test.2.2 At elevated temperatures, a reflux condenser isdesirable to prevent loss of solution by evaporation. Theuse of a reflux condenser limits the choice of test vesselto a test tube, reaction flask, or another type of vesselthat can be sealed and then fitted with a condenser.2

27、.3 For tests at or near room temperature, beakers aresatisfactory. The condenser can be connected to a watertrap and then to a water seal to permit tests to beconducted under controlled cover gases.2.4 Test vessel size should be based on the testspecimen size and the specific test specimen surface-a

28、rea-to-solution-volume (S/V) ratio that is to bemaintained for the test. For comparative results, the S/Vratio should be 0.35 cm2/cm3. Other S/V ratios may beused to match the S/V ratio of a test to a specificapplication for which the cleaning solution is intended.For example, chemical cleaning solu

29、tions may also betested at a typical S/V ratio of 0.6 cm2/cm3for drumboilers or 1.3 cm2/cm3for once-through boilers. S/Vratios for specific equipment can be calculated by theinvestigator. It is important, however, that the test S/Vratio be recorded and maintained during the test.2.5 These suggested

30、components can be modified,simplified, or made more sophisticated to meet thespecific needs of a particular investigation. Thesuggested apparatus is basic, and the apparatus islimited only by the judgment of the investigator. Theprimary purpose of the apparatus is to meet and maintainthe proper expo

31、sure conditions for the test._Section 3: Test Solution3.1 Reagent grade chemicals and distilled or deionizedwater should be used in all tests. Distilled water shallconform to Type III reagent water of ASTM D 1193.2Unless otherwise indicated, all reagents shall conform tothe specifications3of the Com

32、mittee on AnalyticalTM0193-20002 NACE InternationalReagents of the American Chemical Society (ACS),(2)when such specifications are available. Some of thechemicals, such as inhibitors, are not available in reagentgrade. These chemicals or solvents should be used inthe grade in which they are availabl

33、e for chemicalcleaning.3.2 Many of the chemicals used for chemical cleaningare hazardous. Laboratory safety practices must beenforced when conducting the tests. Reference to themanufacturers safety data sheets will aid in maintaininglaboratory safety.3.3 The composition of the test solution shall be

34、controlled so that it can be described completely andaccurately when the results are reported. The type ofunits used for reporting the results may be determined bythe investigator. Appendix A provides examples of thecommon means used to describe the chemicalcomposition of cleaning solutions. The tes

35、t solution shallbe analyzed for major solution constituents at thebeginning of the test to verify that the solution was madeto the proper composition. The spent test solution shouldbe analyzed at the end of the test to determine the extentof composition change and also for corrosion products.3.3.1 O

36、nly one type of material shall be exposed in agiven test unless the effect of galvanic couples isunder investigation. If several different materials areexposed in the same solution, the corrosion productsfrom one material may affect the rate of attack onanother material, even without electrical cont

37、actbetween test specimens. If multiple test specimensare used in a single test vessel, they shall beexposed in a manner to ensure that they areelectrically insulated from one another, unless thetests are designed specifically to investigate galvaniccorrosion. In all cases, the material to be testeds

38、hall be completely identified. Chemicalcomposition, fabrication data, and metallurgicalhistory are required for meaningful results._Section 4: Test Specimen Preparation4.1 Test Specimens4.1.1 A thin, flat, rectangular test specimen withdimensions 13.0 x 100 x 3.00 mm (0.500 x 4.00 x0.125 in.) should

39、 be used for this test. Other shapesand sizes of test specimens are acceptable, providedthe total area is about 1,900 mm2(3.0 in.2) orgreater. The principal requirement is to keep the flat(major) surface area large when compared with theedge area. For comparative results within a series oftests and

40、laboratories, a standard type and size oftest specimen must be selected and maintainedthroughout the test series.4.1.2 For reproducible results, the orientation of thetest specimens (with respect to the original material)shall be recorded and maintained throughout a testseries. For example, test spe

41、cimens cut parallel tothe rolling direction of a plate steel may not give thesame results as those cut perpendicular to the rollingdirection. The major surface of the test specimenshall simulate as closely as practical the surfacesthat will come in eventual contact with the cleaningsolution during o

42、peration.4.2 Test Specimen Preparation4.2.1 Test specimens shall be manufactured inaccordance with ASTM G 31.4Final surfacetreatment of the test specimens shall be defined andreported. A nominal finish may be with No. 120abrasive paper or cloth of the equivalent grit unlessotherwise reported. A pres

43、ervative oil or a vapor-phase corrosion inhibitor, used in a closed container,may be used to protect carbon steel fromatmospheric corrosion prior to final cleaning. Ifpreservative oil is not used, the test specimensshould be stored in a desiccator.4.2.2 Prior to testing, the preservative must beremo

44、ved from the test specimens. To remove thepreservative, the prepared test specimens shall beimmersed and ultrasonically cleaned in a suitablesolvent for approximately 5 minutes. After removalfrom the solvent, the test specimens shall be rinsedfirst with deionized water and then acetone.4.2.3 The tes

45、t specimens shall then be cleaned byusing bleach-free abrasive powder and/or phosphate-free detergent and scrubbing with a nylon brush orplastic scouring pad. The cleaned test specimensshall be rinsed with distilled water (ASTM D 1193Type III reagent water) followed with an acetonerinse. A detergent

46、 soap containing phosphates thatcan leave a film shall not be used; this film is verydifficult to remove and can alter the test results. Theuse of ultrasonics may be employed with any of thecleaning agents mentioned above to aid in thecleaning process. After the test specimens havebeen rinsed in ace

47、tone, they shall be oven dried at_(2)American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St. NW, Washington, DC 20003.TM0193-2000NACE International 3about 105G71C (221G71F) for approximately 15 minutes.4.2.4 The clean and dry test specimens shall bestored in a desiccator or other suitable storagecontainer to cool prior to use. A suitable dryingagent such as silica gel shall be used. Care must beexercised to be sure that the drying agent maintainsits effectiveness for the entire storage period.4.2.5 After cleaning, the test specimens shall behandled only with clean tweezers, forceps, lin

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