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3、his Document To DTIC Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,- *4,ts-*4-, Hrt-“:-“-1- a*i“jVfr . Reproduced by AIR DOCUMENTS DIVISION i i HEADQUARTERS AIR MATERIEL COMMAND WRIGHT FIELD. DAYTON, OHIO “* “f,.S44kV, Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-ii f *- “ - *4wa *- Mimwi 11 WH 5 US GOVERNMENT IS ABSOLVED
5、tember 193 as Advance Confidential Report 3120 vrnawrorana, XHVKOTGATIOH OF A LOW-DRAO AIRFOIL EEOTIOII WI1H A DOUBLE SLOTOED FLAP By eynour M. Bogdonoff Lancley Memorial Aoronmitlcal laboratory Langley Field, Va. NACA V WASHINGTON NACA WARTIME REPORTS iro reprints of pipers originally Issued to pro
6、vide rapid distribution of advance research results t. an authorized group requiring them for the war effort. They were pre- viously h*l i und. r a security status tut are now unclassified. Seme of these reports were not tech- rJ-aily “J:-“i. All ia“ been re;r BUCK! without change In or lor t- exped
7、ite general distribution. L- 697 Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,- JttTICHAL AOTISCRT COMTTTFE FOB AZS0HAUFIC3 ABVAECE COIFIPIKTTA.L IffiPCET WiaD-T“F.P!X IflVEGTTGATIOn OF A LCW-ISAG AWOH, 3FCTT0;: WTTK A DCUBJ.E Tr.-OrHS FLAP By Soj-mour M. Bogdoiioff SUMMHY Teste of a O.JOT- clord doulilo-rlotto
8、d flnp on an KACA 63/3-113, a 1.0 ai-fon section htve been rmdo Jn tho HAOA two-dimenrional low-turtulcnco t-amel and tli3 UACA two- Ainensioncl low-iurbalcuco iTorsuro tunnel. The parpone of the ir.veo1:?.Rntion vis to determine tle Hit, f-rs.r.M end pitchlng- motaont chavaotrrintlcc for a r-ivv; o
9、f i.lap dcfj-uctloiis. The rerults indicate that th9 combination of a lov-dj-a(j aii-foll and a douVlo-slotted fir.? of viiich tlio tvo Tnrta roved on n single unit fTive hi-hor imximan lift coofflclentB than l-uve boon obtained with ple.in , pplit, or plotted flaps on low- drag airfoils. The maximu
10、m lift coefficients were almost as high es those obtained on conventional oirfoilo of about the some thii0-chord vonetinn-bllnd end double-clotted flrps. The pitching moments vero comparable to tlrooo obtained with othor hiU lift dovicep on conventional airfoile for similar lift coef/icionte. mrocro
11、ucTicH The IACA Las for some tiae ben investigating nirfoilo equipped with high lift devicor for the purpoce of improving the perfor.aano characteriiiticr of tlicso airfoils. The rcaulte of torts of loir-drag airfoils oquippod witli plain, aplit, or slotted flaps TOVO bon proconted in roicrenco 1. T
12、he rorults of roforencea a and 3 rhow that, on conventional air- foiln, tlio LlQliest lifts huvo been obtained rfitli largo-chord Tonetien-blind and double-slotted flpja. Tho probent Inves- tigation was nado to dotorralno the Hit, dra,3, and j.itchin- momeut charactorirtirc of a low-drar; airfoil wi
13、th a double- slotted flap at vcrious flap deflections. In addition, tho optimum position for maximum lift and tho flap path woro to be found. Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,- J Xhe tlrfoil section teted, on W.Ci.1 65,3-113, a 1.0 eoctloa, VM eil?po vlth a 0.309-cliorv. doutlo-alo .ted. flap. She v
14、ing SKI?1, t-oilt of vsod unl reinforced vlth steel ro.3, had a afc-lnch chord end vao palate 1 and 3-ndod to produce oerodTnuiically smooth surfacei. Kie elrfoll or flap via retracted. Ihe flap urrongenont end pivt. points are shorn in figure 1 for the flap retracted and deflected 650 2ho contour o
15、f the airfoil cut-out any to ottainel ty follovlns the flp outline rlong the flap path. TEST xnocEnnB1 Vo3ta vera mrido cf tho iaoel la.the TJJSk tvo-dineaslcnol lor- turtuleaco tunnel eni the E/.CA. tvo-dimsaslontl lov-turbulehce pressure tit-mel. Section lift coefficients.vero cttioliU: niunbor of
16、 (,C0,COO. Scale 01foct on raazintn lift waa found for a ranro of l!c; -ldo uu-iiborj fro* k,000,000 to 9,000,000. TEaLTC AKD UFTBCJOi; Tho reaulta of tho flip-positinn ourvey of the doublc-slottod flap Cor tho flap pojjtion that wouli* cvo BRsioiua lift ore pi-ojcntod in figure 2. Jiectlon lift oha
17、ractcristico for tho combination with the flap dolloctod thi-oui ;rc;icnt in maximum lift c b-sl“. of ivxlnua eocti voniticn van milted to tlnso position* t which U10 ilap could bo retracted without having tho foro flap protrude bojond tho eirfoil ma-fiico. Cho roar “lap and foro fltp woio then fixo
18、l tu the bot roOative position a.i 11 . deflection of 65. Section pltalilnf.-nonont .Liracti.ristics for tie nlnoil- flap combination for nil flap deflections tinted arc nrestnU-d In flGui* t). Ali.houf;h pltchlng-noinont coefficients woro Buitouix.il at a r.eynslds number of 4,500,00(1, lltMe chang
19、e In these elar- act.rlatlos Is exacted for otfc*! Itoyijolda munborra besau.ie previous trstn of elotted flV3 on low-drag villas (roferonco 1) hivo shown that, for llito bjlow maximum, seals cfiect 011 pitching moments lo very small. The double-slotted flep tosted gave a lift coefficient higher tha
20、n thoso obtained on the low -drac elrfolln with plain, split, or slotted flaps reported In reference 1. The O.3O9- chord double-plotted flap tested on rr. lS-porcent-thlcfc lew- drag airfoil gavo lifts almost or high as tho lifts obtilnod on conventional 1?- and 21-percen-*-thick airfoils with 0.10-
21、 chord Venetian blind and double-slotted flaps (rcferencos 2 and 3). The Increment In maximum lift wao 1.79 for the low- drag airfoil end approximately 2.00 for the conventional slrfolls. With tho flap retracted, tho double-elotted flap tested gave plain-wins section drag coefflclenta without tho ne
22、ed of folding doors to close gaps and slots. The pitching moments chown in fiffire 5 ore ef about tho oTito.ineu wj.th largor-chord vonetian-blind Jid doublo-clottoi. flips on conventional airf-jila of approxinntely tho onrao thickneaa as t-ie lov-fuwg ilrfoil te3o!+2. S. Wenzinger, C-J.-1 J., and H
23、arris, Thomcni.iaiv Wind -Tunnel InveQT.igitlon of an N.A.C.A. JflOlJ AirA.il viih Vririouj Arrangements of Voneti.in-Bllnd flaps HA.CA Bop. No. 63p, 19to. 3 Harris, Tho.Jiia A., and Bocant, Isidore O.: of HACA 2301?, 2;u21, and 23030 Airfoil: Chord Itiuhlo .Slotted Flaps. NACft Kep. K Winr1.-Tunnel
24、 Inve3i.igat.i0n Epuipoed wi.i-h Vj-torcent- . Y-?3, 19IH. Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-XABLE I CRD1HATES FOR OP* I“VCA 65,3-118, a - 1.0, AIHFOIL station and oi-dlrj.uu In percent of airfoil chord Upper eu-fare Lov surfnco Station J Oidlnato S+ati on Orc.lnate 0 0 0 0 .15.071 -7.61*5 89.9*2 9.
25、0?U 30.058 -8.08P 3*.95o 9.333 55 .OV* -8.353 29.971 9.y 89. XT -I.066 95.012 .650 9lf.B3 -.33* 100.000 0 l-.0.v.i.i 0 leading edce radius - 1.92 Slope - O.Ofc Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-TABLE II CSDIHATES FOR A 0.309-CHCBD DOUBLE-SLOTTED FLAP Oil AS IWCA 65,3-118, a 1.0 AIHFOIL Station anl c
26、rCiiiates in percent of airfoil chord. Torn flap Station siirtnno I surface 69.033 agg-lOt 69-167 65*. 375 6?.5P3 yC.OOO 70.833 7E.063 73.333 7t.5P3 75.206 75.J33 76A58 76.875 -3.1-5 -3.5 -S.UlY -3.721 -1.7!* -U.1C4 -l.t5R -i*.3j -.7)8 A, 500 .133 -fc.foS l.i“50 -.703 l.iA .9S 1.55* I.U3R 2.1*5 1.17
27、1 g.S5i- 2.C-U“ S.3.5 2.P92 2.1)30 5.HY Bear flrp Station 75.c/3 75.833 TJ.OO 77.0o2 78.105 79-167 81.850 83.-333 85.U17 87.5J SO.OPj 95.012 100.000 “Reference point for fir;. 2 Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-i t. i Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-rig. a I I ! 0/7 1- 15 g i * vrVi- Provided by
28、IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSt rig. 3 / * / / / J N i , V 1 T / V k r- f . 8 / / 7 / / S /, i : / r 3 7 20 / M / . / 1 I 1 / rv- W 4 I / / / 0, 0 I / . -i - - V , / , -1* 1 1 -it. -b o a is Section fcn.flc i ._ F “I cy i 6 i o o B 1 ( I K i T 4 t i
29、 “ fj r jL. 3“! n 1 V it* * i “ h_r: n s 1 / *? c 1 y/; / *“ fi - / / i / I / / 1 r If I t 1 1 1 + 1 1 ri(. s I. 5 - ii Is A 3“ ii ,h id V“ tuaioujaoo iou-ujuoiii ina| Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprodu
30、ction or networking permitted without license from IHSTITLE: Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Low-Drag Airfoil Section with a Double Slotted Flap AUTHORIS): Bogdonoff. S. M. ORIGINATING AGENCY: Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, Langley Fteld, Va. PUBLISHED BY: National Advisory Committee for A
31、eronauttcs, Washington; D. C. OTO-16394 (None) cmo.AOCY NO. ACR-3120 rasintOKa *e=4cr BO. (Same) Sept; 43 Unclass. U.S. Enl 12 tables, graphs, drwga ABSTRACT: Tests were made of an 0.309-chord double-slotted flap on an NACA 83, 3-118, a = 1.0 airfoil section to determine drag, lift, and pitching-mom
32、ent characteristics for a range of flap deflections. Results Indicate that combination of a low-drag airfoil and a double- slotted flap, of which the two parts moved as a single unit, gave higher maximum lift coefiictents than have been obtained with plain, split, or slotted flaps on low-drag air- f
33、oils. Pttchlng moments were comparable to those obtained with other high-lift devices on conventional airfoils for similar lift coefficients. DISTRIBUTION: Request copies of this report only from Publishing Agency DIVISION: Aerodynamics (2) SECTION: Wings and Atrfotls (8) ATI SHEET NO.: R-2-6-109 SU
34、BJECT HEADINGS: Atrfoils - Aerodynamics (07710); Flips, Slotted (37488); Flaps, Wing - Lift and drag characteristics (37330); Airfoils, Low drag (0B2S8) 1- Air DocumonM Division, Intolllnonco Department Air Material Command AIC1 TECHNICAL INDEX Wrlsht-Pottaroon Air Forco Baso Dayton, Onto Provided b
35、y IHSNot for Resale-,-,-TITLE: Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Low-Drag Airfoil Section with a Double Slotted Flap AUTHOR(S): Bogdonoff S. M. ORIGINATING AGENCY: Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory, Langley Field, Va. PUBLISHED BY: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Washington, D. C. F
36、U1USHINO AOCHCY NO. (Same) MT1 Sept 43 DOC. CUSS. Unclass. couwrr U.S. UNOiTAOS En:;. PAMS 12 ItlUSTVAnONS tables, graphs, drwgs Tests were made of an 0.309-chord double-slotted flap on an NACA 65, 3-118, a = i.O airfoil section to determine drag, lift, and pitching-moment characteristics for a rang
37、e of flap deflections. Results indicate that combination of a low-drag airfoil and a double- slotted flap, of which the two parts moved as a single unit, gave higher maximum lift coefficients than have been obtained with plain, split, or slotted flaps on low-drag air- foils. Pitching moments were co
38、mparable to those obtained with other high-lift devices on conventional airfoils for similar lift coefficients. DISTRIBUTION: Request copies of this report only from Publishing Agency DIVISION: Aerodynamics (2) SECTION: Wings and Airfoils (6) ATI SHEET NO.: R-2-6-109 *i7 SUBJECT HEADINGS: Airfoils - Aerodynamics (07710); Flaps, Slotted (37466); Flaps, Wing - Lift and drag characteristics (37550); Airfoils, Low drag (08258) Alf OocumonN 0( vision, Intolllgonco Department Air Mot*rial Command AIR TECHNICAL INDEX Wright-Pottorton Air Fore* Baso Dayton, Ohio Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-