1、ACR No. 308 NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTlCS iJPIA L?l?RARY ORIGINALLY ISSLlED December 1943 as Advance Confidential Report SO8 WIND-“ DATA Cn TBE AXROI)“.AMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF AIRPIJIVE CC“0L SURFACES By Richard I. Sears Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory Langley Field, Va. -r WA
2、SHINGTON NACA WARTIME REPORTS are reprints of papers originally issued tu provide rapid distribution of advance research results to an authorized group requiring them for the war effort. They were pre- viously held under a security status but are now unclassified. Some of these reports were not tech
3、- nically edited. All have been reproduced without change in order to expedite general distribution. L - 663 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
4、-,-,-nrIouL ADVISORY COILITLIEB FOR AEXOWAUTICS AJVA13CE COiWXDEWTIAL REPORT - IIXD-TUXLEL DATA ON THE AERODYNALIIB CHARACTBBISTICS C 0 B T R 0 L SJilFd c 3 s B collectian of wind-tnnnel data on t3e lift and hinge-momen t chnrac t eris t ics of various types of airplane control snrface is presented.
5、 These da,ta, most of which have been previously 2uclished, inclzde a mrtjor ?art 01 tLe results of both t-vo- aiid three-dimonsioiial-f low con- trol-;urfa,;e tests t.hat, have bee: rcale in the LUiL 4- by ;-foot vsrtical tunnel an3 the LXAL 7- ky 10-foot tunnel. Dirta are iacluded for contrcl surf
6、aces cf vnriou airfoil sections both wifhcut aerodynamic balance a3d rrith aero- dj-na.mi c ba1r:nce oi th3 overhang (inse t-i-iinga) , nQrr, in- tornill, an4 beveled-tl.sili!-edge type?, Tho cogtrol surfaces dealt ith in this ps.por are micly of the vide- cborr3 tspe scitable fox- ue 2s elevat3rs o
7、r rudders. A suromrzr:; of diita Fcrtaii,i.ng to narrom-chord f iaps is to bo prooectei in tj.nothor pa2er dealing Tith aileron c ha ru c t B r i s t i c s These msic ctata, sug2lemenfed 3y additional data ,lot included ir: talis paper, nave bcen used to doternine cii.rvos corrolatinq tno reaults of
8、 man;r tests of the various typcs of uero5;mamic balance. A very limited diccussion of tnc characteristics of sevcral ty-pcs of balanced control surfaccr is incl?rded. A method of apply- ing ction data to coaputc tk-e ncrodynsmic characteristics of finite control surfLCas is briofly outlined ani! di
9、scussed. The NiCa has bcan conducting an extensi-Je vind- tunnel investigation to determine tho aerodynamic charac- tcristics of variocs types of air2lane control s-Jrface in or3cr to suppiy data for desirn purposes. This investi- ,?ation Las bcen conducted primarily with two-diaonsional- flov uodel
10、s in thi L:dL 4- by 6-foot vertical tunsel. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3 v Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networki
11、ng permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-5 The syribol used in this paper are: c?.ir:oj.l soctioii lift
12、 c o e I“ f i c i en t a t Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-7 -3 3 1 T d I L I 9 i) s C Cb 6 s 2. ;7 G 11 t I o 1- sur f8 c e d c f 1 e c t i o 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from
13、 IHS-,-,-8 h t tl!ckr.oPs oi control syzrf.tco nt Iii;ee 3 t e I; t !IC j-n o 1d s iiwb cr n s p c c t rn t i o rp.tc of chcge of rcction lift cocfficiect Fith CbL3 angl: cf ,ittrLc-.: of tntirc fini te-sp.-Ii ving C rc!t,L 02 ch*i;c 02 section lift coefficicnt nith dcflcctiqr. of oiitire flap oli f
14、inite-spen .rir,g IS3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-9 Cnr dk,aAL-load 3- distribution factors defined by sqw.tion (12) cZ i a1 c f I.ap t i, R b e e 1 eva t o r r rudder s control stick n jascri;?ts o7J.tsid.e the pr4ronthoses aroun
15、d the Fartial 3erivntives indicate the variables held constant when t?e derivatiues are takexi. The tsrn 1fla-p“ is used as n goner:,?“ expression for any movajle control surface such a.3 2 radder, eievatcr, aileron, or ta.b. The tern “control. stickf1 is us23 as a gcnsrel expression for the pil.ot1
16、s control-siirface-actuatin device “nether it be a sti.ck, i; heel, or pedals. A r,as?mry of infornation for convenience in locating t!ie data is Sresente3 in tnblcs I to III. Lift a23 flap hinge-moncnt characteristics are pre- sontd as functions 02 aazle of attack (or angle 02 yai) :tt various flap
17、 deflecticns for the control-surface ar- ra,r,ge:nsi:ts previously discussed (figse 1 to 139), Inso- Tar as has been iractical, the same sjrnbcls for each flap doiloction and tbe saae scales have beon used on each Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license f
18、rom IHS-,-,-10 f5g;vrc. In some CPQCS, i-io-ver, it has keen necessary to ;AL,IVC ti: sc; It; of orii;,ntos or nosciss;as i,i orler to bo a,lb to inclndc a7.1 tnr: data. p;,ra.notcrs PR 2.1: 3 i Tiiese dist-ibntions acre cxperi- i,b a n4or.tally deteraincd in the fmc-dimcnsiocal-flow pressure- iistr
19、i-ijv.ti.m in-rostigstions rcportcd in r2fcrencss 1 to 3. cffccivenoss pramctsrs aaurod from the same series 3P te;JiF: anc pl.ot;cd. ir figures 141 and 142 CLS functions oi th.2 ratio 02 flzp c;iorZ to airfoil chord. A fen points fros orc rccecb icrc:? tests hayre also been plotted on thesc c-Lrvus
20、 aci ch ar?d t2io lift- Chn 6 !iingc-.noLicnt peramr; tcrs Figures 143 to 116 pertain to tile overhang (inset- i?irce) typs cf aero3p;:mic Emlance, The hinge-moment and lift 2aramotcrs ?lotted as iunctiorls of overhang vere meas- ucd froffi scme O t:e deta presoilted in fiqcres 1 to 139. ?re -1o5es
21、77ei-3 .afxi-xed at zero flap deflcctioa Pnd hence ti- -.-elues tlre v:,li3 only at t1ie.e potnts ucless the curves art? lIxle?r, The oriyiral data, tliel-eCore, rather than the ensured slopes, houl.1 be used Lor dusigz Furposes; the curve3 02 Iiqure.: 143 to 146 zr- r?eroly isdicetive of the relati
22、ve mori ts of a3rious arranscme:lts or“ aerodynamic ba la9cc s a 3iguz.e 3.49, fietved from unpublished data, prescnta pressure-distributiox characteristics ty2ical of beveled- trdilfng-edqe coiitr JI surfaces. Pi :ure lSC, besed on the correlation presccted in reference 26, sunmarizes avail- aole d
23、ata fro3 references 1.1, 16, 27, and 28 and unpub- lisLicd da5a on tl3 l;-inge iiozents GL flaps Tith beveled Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-11 trai.linc; edges. The increments of an ci caus sci Cha Ci16 b7 the be,vels are plotted. a
24、s functions of the included A-iTle at the trailing ed+:e of tlie airfoil, Fik,urea 151 ai:d 152, taken ?on! refereilce 29: sum- i;.ize ave,ilable oxpe?inental data f roil ref erencec: 30, 31, 2nS. 22 an:eornetric dimensions of the balancing plato and. of the flap to bo balancad. I- GI FiFures 153 ax
25、id 154, adapted froln reference 35, pcrtain to thc. norr, typt. of aerodynamic balance. Incro- mtrcs of C, ann CnE frolii tiic data of figuros 123 to 123, supglaacnted by othor test data from reforonccs 33 to 39, rc plotted in figure 154 as a function of thc square root of thc ratio of horn aroa tim
26、es mean horn elicr4 to controi area times moan control ciiord. n D 1 s cu s s I ON - ?uncol . -._-.-.-L-U-.-.- corroctions to scction data.- Tlrc section da,ta pscscntcd iit-ivc bcez partly correctcd for tiinnol of- - fczts, An cxpzrinontallg dtcriinel correction has bccn aplied only to lift, Rcccct
27、 thcorctical analysis of tho corrections for tkc streawlinc curvature caiised by tno tun ii e 1 v a 1 2- s i I? d i ca, t c s t ha t t 11 e e xp e r i m e 11 t a 1 c o r T e c t i on apslied. $9 c is in reasonable agreewent with the ca.1- 7% culated .raiue, Tke ca,lcnlated correction to o va s less
28、thzn that actuslly applied, which fact indicates that tlie -r;jlues oI“ 1x6 presented may be about 5 percent too small, b The tunnel correction that should be ar,plied to hinge monents is de2ezdent on the chord of the flap c?nd the size 2nd type 02 aero2ynamSc balance enployed, The cori-ecti9ii may
29、be 0i;Jressed as Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-14 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-11 traj liliq ed;:es. TFe increments of c and caused hd Cnd b7 the bfdvels are 9lott
30、cd as functions of the included arlcyle at tne trailing ed$:e of the airfoil, Figures 151 arid 152, taken frorr! rofereiice 23, sum- ia:yiZs r,vaiiable expo-inental data f raid ref erencos 30, 31, 2nL 22 an2 un?lAblished data on thc characteristics ol flaps witr internal aerodynamic balance. Valucs
31、of h c- a1.d AC. are plotted ccs a function of parameters clef iziuk- tlic i.eornctric dimeasions of the balancing plat0 :?ad. of the flap to be balanced. 1, - Cl Fifxires 153 and 154, adapted from reference 33, ncrtair: to lic iiorr, type of aerodynamic balance. Incro- frolo ttie dcternjne4 correct
32、ion bas Secn ap,lici oly to lift, Reccrt thsorctical analysis of tho corrections for tkc streawlinc curvature caiised by tho tunnel alls indicatcs that the experimental correction ap5lled $9 is in reasonable agreewent with the cal- Ch ccldtod .iaiue, Tke ca,lcllated correction to o va s t6 less thzn
33、 that actuzl1.y aplied, which fact indicates that the -7:jlues of 1x6 presented may be about 5 percent too small. The tunnel correction that should be arJplied to hinge noseuts is de2e;ideiit on trie chord of the flap and the size ;LEtei !n ficure !.:IS. The increments of slope to be - El?.ic fL:=.-
34、 The lift chcractcristlcs of plain zlrps on tie variqua airfoils tcstcli zrc coarly indopendoLt 02 the airfoil s$;:.pc, but the flap Irizgc noEonts vary nnrlrcdly with iLirioi1 thickness. A plain flap 03 tiio NACA 0915 airfoil :nvs s-al.3 of ;,-3d values of C; that vere 1.5iit oae-third of the cor-
35、respoz,ti:?g vulues for a sizilcLr rlap On the BACA 00G9 sirfoil (cf. I“il;s. 5 an:! 59). These resnits indicate that there A.oiist be a.uite diffore?.ce i-il the distribution of pressure over the region 1;e?,r the trailixg edge of the ty7 o .?. i r f o 4 1 s , Pxrt of tlis differe:,ce may be cttrib
36、uted to the greater included :.:igle 2,t the tr.I.ilin3 cdEe of the t h i cker ?, i r f o i I. clL6 t sli t ic r o n b out t TJ o - th i rd s i Reccr.t ui:!ublished tosts :z,de 53: thi: NACA and tests by the Sritish (reference 41) icdicnto tiic9-t tilo turbGlence iri tke :fr strcar, the bound:ry-lay
37、er ti-iicknesa, ,?,nd tho location of tht) trnusition region have considerable effect cpoc slopes of 50th the Lift cr6 ningo-aouent curves. The slo2es of tbesu curves lecrensad progresnively 2s the tran- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-
38、,-13 -7 i t 1; 6 t I1 i; 7.r i t 12 i n = *loo. - -5;. g;rng.i i ca 1 tn t op,rn t i on o E pr e s sur e -di s t r i bu t i on dn ta (rcierances 1 to 3) tnc v:,rir.tion of -ith flap chord nns obtained for plain sonlcd flaps on the NBSx GO09 nisioil (fi,yqe 141 -lid l-L2)o These Riguros, dsrivcd fron
39、 ti-e snue prcssurc-distribution data 2s fig- urcc 1 and 2 or rcfcrenco 4, have 2lottcd on them tho cxpcri:xcntally det2rcil;cd parunc tcr values tht def ine the cv.rv: Tlicsc dtr,ta indicate tn?.t, octr?ce? the linits spccif Lod, tlic r;arancters vary in tbe folloving magner -r.liti ratio ol flap c
40、liord to airfoil chord: ciIa, ch6, zni? as 0.59 “(s, (-I (C,/C) for O,C .ey tire dopenclext 11,301i the distribution is iell as cpon tho oagnitude of resilta:it Fressure. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-22 Provided by IHSNot for Resal
41、eNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AirToil sacti22 . XACX COO9 .As;?Cct retio 5 “7 c TarJer ratj.0 (r:ui:lsfi tips) . . , , , . , , . . 2: 1 s e /S Oe41 3l.uxt-fic)se
42、ovcrim:.: . 0.10 Gap, 0.065 (:Lee. r 137 c 01: s t a:- t per c e i*. ta PE: or 3 o 1 e va t or ) Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-25 casqed., TF a-jciliel to tLiv hin:e-sorient parainotor (ch ) . cz s “5 0.060 1 -.?O Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-C 3 .:C Lii 3 i i:G Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-