2、boratoryLangleyField,Va. “ NAiX “”WASHINGTONNACA WARTIME REPORTS are reprints of papers originally issued to provide rapid distribution ofadvance research results to an authorized group requiring them for the war effort. They were pre-viously held under a security status but are riow unclasstiied. S
3、ome of these reports were not tech-nically edited. All have been reproduced without change in order to expedite general distribution.L- 666 LIn b n LliXN-!lXLANGLEYMEMOilIALAE20NAUTIMLABORATORYLangley Fieki.,VLwD-TRiILI?7G-ED9EFLAPS OF0.20, 0.30 AND 0.40 AIRFOIL CHORDFores tests in two-i:nensional f
4、low have been madein the NA.CA4- by 6-foot vertical tunnel to determinethe aerodynanic ch.aracteristics”of an NA!3A0(209airfoiljitjqapsilavi,n,zcb.orcls%0, 30, and 40 percent of the.?L.ZfOfCklOZd sheet rubber gluedto the nose of the flap and to the airfoil ahead ofthe flap.For a few tests, the trans
5、ition point on the air-foil was fixed by the addition of a strip 2 inches wide.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-,“1.at the nose cn each surface of tti.eairfoil. The roughstrip was composed of No. 60 carborundu.mfastened tothe leading e
6、dge along the full span of the mpdel.Wme tests were readsat a dynamic pressure of15 pounds per squar foot, which corresponds to avelocity of about 76 riilesper hour at sta:ndardsa-level conditions. lee.fj?ectiveReynolds number forthese tests was approximately 2,760,000. (Rffecti.veReynolds number =
7、Test Reynolds number X Turbulencefactare The tu”bulencef.ctorfor t?i ITACA4“ bY6-footvertjcal tunneg is 1.93.)For the rest of the tests the dymuni-cpressure =was reduced to 11.25 pounds per square foot becauseinsuffcj.etOlierIJasathble for coll”irll.ousopr also referred to asbevel angle.,.Provided b
8、y IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-5Subscripts:1? airfoil-contour plain flapb beveled.flap for 11.6The subscripts outside the parentheses represent thefactors held coilstantduring the measurement of tkeparameters.PrecisionThe maximum error in angl
9、e ofattack appears tobe *0.2. The sfialamount of lift obtained at anangle of attack of 0 for all tests with flap neutralindicates some inaccuracy in model construction orinstallatioil. Flap deflecto,nswere set within,Ooo.Tunnel corrections experimentally determined in theNTACA4- by 6-foot vertical t
10、unnel were applied onlyto lift. The hfu.gemoments are probably slightlyhi23r ihan would be obtained in free air. Theincrements of profile-drag.coefficient are believed tobe accurate within tO.OCl for slflallflap deflectionsand within 10.003 for large.flap efletions and shouldbe reasonably independen
11、t of tunnel effect although theabsolute value is subject to an U.k-nOlIVncrrectorltPresentation of DataThe aerodynamic section characteristics of theNACA 0009 airfoil with tke various flap arrangementtested are presented in,figures 2 to 140 The lift,hi.rige-moment,and pltcking-momsntparameters are g
12、iveni.ntable 11. The flap lift effectiveness cqj is venas a .fu.nction0.?flap ctordratio for the alqiostrailing-ede angles in iiu.re15.The data presented in fl,gures15 to 18 show flapsection Mnge-moment coeffici.entas a functio-nofairfoil section lift coGffici.entresulting from thedeflection ofthe 0
13、.20c, 0.30c, and 0.40c flaps atO = 00. The effects of gap, trailing-edge angle,and leading-edge roughness are shown in Darts (a), (b),and (c), respectively The variation o+ flap sectionhinge-moment parameters with flap trailing-edge angleis given in figures 1.9and 20 for the O?20C, 0.30c,and 0.40c f
14、laps with gaps sealed.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-e:6increments of airfoil section profile-drag coefii-clent caused by flap deflection for the 0.20c, 0.30c,t!nd0.40c beveled flaps with various trailing-edge.?.n,glesand gap condltl
15、c,nsare shown in figures 21 to 23.Increments of profile-drag coefficient for the 0.30c plainfl.aofreference G are includad in figure 22 for com-par.san.The hinge-moment characteristicsof the flaps With0.0CJ2Cand.sealed gapz may be compared from figure 24 foran airfcil with a smodth leadin,ged.g. Sin
16、ilar datafor airfoils with smooth.nd rouh leading edgas aregiven .nfure 25 for flaps with sealed gaps to showtllaeffect cffixing the transj.tic:noint.Lift. - As is to be expec%d fro.mrefererces1 and 2,.the slope of the lif curve et,(t.11.e11) was mate-?iallreduced by increasing the ar.gleat the trai
17、ling;dge from 20 to 300; however, as $ was increasedfrom 300 to 400$ this decrease was less.rlarked. The .vriation of flap chord from 0.2Gc t 0,40c for constant , -trailing-edgeangle decreased Cta. This decraasewas probably due to the thickened flap profile.The lift curves (figs. 2 to 4) show that,
18、forpositive angles of attack, the O.Zc beveled flapsgave greater lift and smaller hinge moments at flapdeflections of 200 and 300 than the plain or airfoil-contour flap of reference 7, The 0.30c beveled flap(figs. 6 to 8) also qve greatsr lift end smaller hingemoments for a flap dcf-lectionof 300 th
19、an the plainflap ofreference 6. !Ikaincreased lift at thasei“lapdeflections is contrary ta that shown by the air-foil of reference 2, for similar conditions.The size of the trailing-ede aile had littleeffectn the angle of attack at which the airfilstall occurred, but the increassd flap chord decreas
20、adfiheang.eof stall from 13 for the 0.20c flap to11.Ofor ths G.40c fla,p. .*.(!ONFIDE2VTIiLLProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.-,.Iigu.re15 shows that,for a given flap chord, theflap lift-effecj-v-ellessparafietava was decreasedas the i
21、ncluded angle at the t.m.ilingedge was increaseda.r.dhence was less then foithe correspondingplcin flap.Thevalue of w:,chi.smainly.afunction of flapchord, increas$wih flap chord in shout the s,mep-ro,portionjsfor a co:stantc.ngle as fora plain flap.T%e control-free lift parameter Cz given infreetabl
22、e 11 is valid only at a. = bf = OO. Increfisingthe traili.ng-stlgeangle i.nci:easetithe slope of thecontrol-free .iftcurve. The effect was qu.alitatlvelythe sane as that noted in ueference I,“Hingemoment,- An i.ns)ection of the hinge-moment-.coeffent curves (iis2 to 14) indicates thatl.ineari,ty wit
23、h angle of ettack is restricted to thecurves for the 200 beled trailing edge at flapdeflections ofOO.to .). Othehinge-moment-coefficientcurves are less Iinem thaicorresponding curves for theplain Flaps.!llmhinge .-.momantc.oaffIci,sntswere generally smallerfor the 0.20c and 0.30c beveled.fla?st?anfo
24、r the corre-sponding plain flaps for a given lift at U. = 0 (,fifls,16and 17. Likewise, the flaps fiiththe ZOo beveledtrailing edge generally gave smaller hinge moments fora given lift than the flaps with the 200 beveled trailingedg:s,The 20 and 30 bevels were effsctivein reducinghinge moments for t
25、he tb.reeflaps tested as is shown bythe hinge-moment parameters plotted as a function Oftrailing-edgsangle in f,qure19.RePhC-ng the 300bevel by a 40 bevel ch.anpedthe bin-momsnt charac-teristics of the 0.25c flap only slightly in comparisonTjitllcorraspon-di-ngrchanp3son the 0.30c and 0.40c flaps.On
26、 the 0.30c and 0.40c flaps,Cha and chb were mademore positive by the 4,00bevslclflap. A comparisonof the hinge-moment-coefficientcurves indicatss that,as the flap cb-ordwas i-creased,the bevel angle thatgave the greatast rsduciion of hirgemcmmnts was i.ncreasad.The data fron the orosent investigatio
27、n do notappear to agree well INht results of the beveled-trailing-ed!ecorreation of reference 4, The pointsin figure 20 representing the hinge-moment parametersCOHFIDRNIlAL ,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-t? CC)WZDWTISL NACA ACR NO.
28、L4D12from the iesein series of tests are considerable scatteredfrom the results sst forth in reference 4. Data onbeveled cantrols obtained from various sources sines thecorrsiati.on was mada show some disazreeimentand Indicatethat more factors ShOUld be taken ifitoconsiderationtl-:.a:nieregiven in t
29、he colqrelationin refeuence 4.(table 11) Efve the position of the aerodynamic centerofthe airfoil with respect to the quartei=-chordpoint.Increasing the trailinc-edgeangle shifted forward thecenter of the lift“causedby angle of attack or by flapdeflections. This shift was in the sam direction aswas
30、noted for the NACA 0009 airfoil cireference 1 andthe NJ.CA66(215)-014 airfoil of reference 20Qraq.- Incr:smentsof airfoil section profile-drag,coefflnt Acdc, ic:the C,20C, 0.30c, and 0.40c bev-d flaps (figs. 21 t:j23) were obtairiedb daductingthe drag .fGrthe flaw-neutral conditton at an angle ofatt
31、ack -6, OO,.o; 6 from the drag tor the flap-deflectsd ccndition at the same an:leof attack.TIm 30 and 40 bevld flaps in 5eneral producadsmal”larincremnts ofdrag than the 20 btivalsdflap forangles of attack of 0 and 6. Tinedifferences in dragfor “bhevarious beveled flaps at a. = f = 0 werewithin the
32、experimental accurac”claimed for small flapdeflections. The profile-drag coefficient for Gf = 0was aFproxirl,ately0.0196$ 0.0112, and 0.018S fora. = -Go, 00,and 60, respectively.Wfect of Gap at Nose of FlapAn indication of the effect of a C!.002Cap at thenose of the flap on the aerodynamic character
33、isticsofa flap with a beveled trailing eCeangle Renerall.y/:flvea more pcsiti.veslcpe to the rate of change ofhinge-moment coefficient itki anrle of attack and withflap deflection. The hinge-moment characteristicsalsoshowed that, as tb.eflap chord was i.-ncreased,tha bevelangle tkatgave tha greatest
34、 reduction cf hinge momsntswas increased.d Aerodynamic centers of llftthat result iromvaryi the angle ofattack and varyins t.hsflap deflec-tion were generally shifted forward by an increage ofthe trailing-edgean.f;le.5. Openinthe gaps at ths nse cf the flaps witha 30 bevelecitiailin.qedge decreased
35、the slope of thecontrol-fixedlift curve and decreased the flap effect-iveness. The slopes of the cmves of hinge-momentcoefficl.entagainst anle of attack and flap deflectionare more positive for the fla with open an than withthe sealed gap. !hedrag was “generallyhilierforflaps with open tlmn with sea
36、led gaps.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.5* l?f.xi.ngthe transition at the leading edge ofteaj.Pfol.lby the add,iti.onof .roughneSS had an effeCton the li!tand.Einge.mofient.similar to that causedby opening the gap, lhsmaximum lift w
37、as reduced byadditicn ofthe rough leading edge. ,v,* The asymstr: o flap with 20 bevel on the u.ppeisurface and 10 bevel on the lower surface gave negativehinge womsnts at zero angle of attack and zero flapdeflection. The hinge-,noment-coefficient curve as afuncticn of angle of attack at zero flap d
38、eflection ada OSt7 S10j6 nea”titineangles of attack and anegative slope at positive angles or attack gratethan 3.Lan. eyMemorial Aeronautical Laboratory,National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,Langley Yield, Vs.:Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license
39、 from IHS-,-,-1.rL.5.7.Jories, RobertT., antiAi71eS, Milton B., rs: !fird-P.umelInvestigationofCcrltrolSurfaceC!harac-t3Pistic3. V- The Use ofa Bewl,sd TrailingEdge to fieCucathe Hinge Xomen.t02 a ControlS-urface. NACA 4UIR,Harch 19.42.Purser PailE., and Riehe, John M.: Yfind-TunnelInvestigationof C
40、orLtrol-SurfaceCharacteristics.XJ-Various Contour Kodiflcaticns of a 0.30-Airfoi.l-ChO1dPl Viind-TunrelInvestigationafControl-SnrfaceCharacteristics. 1- SffbctofGap on the Aeiodynami.c CharacteristicsaianNK.A 0u09 Airfoil with a 30-Parcant-Chord PlainFlap, NACA 1510 3.51 ,*(?l20 4.3025 4.46o.4.50(j
41、4e3550 ?.9760 3“4270 2.7580 109790 1.09i% (f:,Ij(-jI 0.L.E. radius: 0.8S-“iProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-, tPABLE11. - PAUTERS FOR NACA0009 AIRFOIL WITS BEVELED-TRAILING-EDGEFLAPSf%uwaeters rncmsured oveF small range .f .n.lattack a
42、nd flap deflectionwhere CUPV.8 are nearly lines,.Because of general nonlinearityof curves , parameters should be used Only with figs. 2 to 14.of c% llmlted to range of a from -3 to 3; ch6 to range of 6f from -5 to 5 MeasmmementsDescription of model I I I Parameterszo.Trailing- Condition ofedge airfo
43、il Gap ateat (%)6, ($?)cl (*),ree (2)5, (%)! (%), (%)%Figure Reynoldsangle. # L.E. flap nose(deg) numberall.62030%30,Smooth-do-clo-do-RoughSmooth0.20c flap, - .-do-O*OO2C-2.76x10G0.
44、.0035.0030.0051.0047-0.0115-.0079-.0044-.0042-.0035-.0022-0.190-.184-.180-.179-.180234352:762.762.762.76n 10.30c flapall.62030403030b;:Smooth-do-do-do-Rough-do-Smooth-do-Sealed-do-do-do-do-0.002C-do-Sealed-678791:*51-.50-.50-.54-*-
45、 1n-0.0145 - -.0109 0.033 -0.113-.0049 .050 -.096-.0026 .063 -.095-.0036 .057 -.090-.0025 .049 -
46、.1070.40c flapT- 0.0982.39x106 .0942.76 .0882.39 .0862.76 .0842.76 .085m-0.0101-.0048.0006.0035.0022.0019all.620E3030-0.68-.68-.64-.62-.62-.56-e- -, I nm.FOr airfoil-contourplaln flap from rererehoeAsymmetric flap.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permit
47、ted without license from IHS-,-,-., a71 a13.40C Cover plates Eiif .30= )-S?ra/.!2o.rIPuixl.I-JProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.NACA ACR No. L4D12 Fig. 2aProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3“A.*NACA ACR Noe L4D12 Fig. 2b.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,