NASA NACA-RM-A7K24-1948 Wind-tunnel investigation of horizontal tails I - unswept and 35 degrees swept-back plan forms of aspect ratio 3《水平尾翼的风洞研究 I 展弦比为3的非后掠翼且后掠角为35的平面图》.pdf

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NASA NACA-RM-A7K24-1948 Wind-tunnel investigation of horizontal tails I - unswept and 35 degrees swept-back plan forms of aspect ratio 3《水平尾翼的风洞研究 I 展弦比为3的非后掠翼且后掠角为35的平面图》.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-RM-A7K24-1948 Wind-tunnel investigation of horizontal tails I - unswept and 35 degrees swept-back plan forms of aspect ratio 3《水平尾翼的风洞研究 I 展弦比为3的非后掠翼且后掠角为35的平面图》.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-RM-A7K24-1948 Wind-tunnel investigation of horizontal tails I - unswept and 35 degrees swept-back plan forms of aspect ratio 3《水平尾翼的风洞研究 I 展弦比为3的非后掠翼且后掠角为35的平面图》.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-RM-A7K24-1948 Wind-tunnel investigation of horizontal tails I - unswept and 35 degrees swept-back plan forms of aspect ratio 3《水平尾翼的风洞研究 I 展弦比为3的非后掠翼且后掠角为35的平面图》.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-RM-A7K24-1948 Wind-tunnel investigation of horizontal tails I - unswept and 35 degrees swept-back plan forms of aspect ratio 3《水平尾翼的风洞研究 I 展弦比为3的非后掠翼且后掠角为35的平面图》.pdf_第5页
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1、RESEARCH MEMORANDUw I -URWEP!PAIlDoswEET4ACFEPLANFORM3 C OF ASPECT RRTIO 3 By Jules B. Dads, Jr. Ames Aeronautical Laboratory Moffstt Field, Calif. ! ATiONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS WASHINGTON April 22, 1948 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lice

2、nse from IHS-,-,-To: Distribution FKUXP 1mA/security Claasificatlon of:fcer SUELTKCT: huthocity to Declaeaify NACWNAeA Docufuente Dated Prior to January 1, 1960 Bffective thie date, all arEified by thin Center prfox to aurry I, 1960, is daaluasificd. Thfa ootfon dote not include material dorivatiwlp

3、 clrrrifird at the Center Um inetruCtiOn8 from other Ageicf08. IrPmmdiate remarking ia not requiEsdi however, until material is ra-marked by lining through the cleeeifluti0U and ennotating With the fOll0wing:etatment, it nurt continue b be protected es if c!laarifiedr : . . Deolaaaified by authority

4、 of LaRE Security Cfaedfication Officer SCOJ lettu dated Juna 16, 1963, te-marking. and +a signature of person gsrforning the If rrinexking l luge eqmt of material is deeirable, but unduly burdenmune, cuetodiane mey follor the inatruatione contained in NRE 1640.4, subpart F, meetion 1203.604r paregr

5、aph (h). Tbie dcclaaslfiuatlan eotion eunpemnte earlier actions by the National Archfvee and Maorde Berviac (NICRS) and by the WA Security Cla86fficefion Offiaer wm). In Declaeeifioation %Q$eW Program 0070OP.1 NAM deolaa8iffed the Ccntera Re8euah AuthorimationlL tiles, whfch contein reports, Researc

6、h Authorizations, aorreepondencel photographs, and other dOOmentation. Earlier, in a 1971 latter, the WA sC0 declae_sified all-A forraal aerier dacumonta with the exception of tb* falloving reparts, vhich must z-in claerifiad: . Document No. Pfrrt Author . *51A30 NevY *s3020 Francisco E-53621 Johnno

7、n K-53Kl I however, the chord was measured perpendicular to the 0.2mhordline as indicated in figure l(b). In maintaining the same elevator chord ratio along the airfoil section line, the area ratios were of necessity different - 30 percent for the unswept model and 25.6 percent for the swept-back mo

8、del. t Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-EACARMWo.A7g24 3 . The tip shape for both mo-WE w-a61 forutad by rotating the tip airfoil section parallel to the undisturbed air stream about a lfne inboard of the tip a dfstence equal to the ma

9、xFmum tip ordinate, necessitating a short faing of the tip nose into the leading edge. Photographs showfng the modela mounted in the wind tunnel are given In figures 2 and 3. T5e location of the balance-chamber tubes is even In table II. Tke coefficients and sols as used throughout the report are de

10、finedas follow-s: CL QQ3 Cm 4/9 A a b H lift coefficient (LhS 1 elevator h-t coefficient (H/qback plan forms, indicate that: 1. X0 appreciable scale effect was encoun%ret w4ixo;oth- out eueepback for Reynolds numbers from 3.0 x 10 . . 2. The effect of standard leading+dge roughness was small with or

11、 without sweepback. 3. Removal of the elevator seal didnot affect Ch for either the unswept or the swept-back model. 4. The tail-effectiveness paremeter w was changed fram -0.71 for the unswept model to 4.53 for the Bweptrback model. 5. The change in ch, betweentheunsweptandthe swep% back models was

12、 frcHn -0.0010 to 4.0013, and Ch6 was changed fknil.0087t0-0*006g. c Ames Aeronautical Laboratory, Rational Advisory Cettee for Aeronautics, Moffett Field, Calif. Conversion Factors For Hvoment Coefficients Because eeveral method8 are in use for the reduction of hinge moments to coefficient form, ps

13、rticularly for swept-back lifting surfaces, conversion factors for the various methods are presented. To obtain the hinge+noment coefficients for one of the listed methods,multiplythe value of the hinge-mome nt coefficient of this report by the corresponding conversion factor in the following table!

14、 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-8 NACA RMNo. A7824 Method of computing hinge-moment coefficient8 1. Abbott, Ira H., van %z 4:280 4.610 station . 0 0 0.50 0.804 .75 .*9 1.25 1.225 2.50 1.688 7: 2.327 2 305 10.00 3-w 15.00 3 -813 20.00

15、 4.272 25.00 4.606 30.00 2% 45:oo g: 4.388 60.00 4.021 65.00 3.597 70.00 3 J27 75.oo 2.623 80.00 2.103 85.00 go.00 1-z 95.0 :541 100.00 .021 L.E. Radiu8 0.687% T.E. Badius 0.o231 4.oll 3.594 3.131, 2.637 2.120 1.595 1.071 -553 0 lsame for model ordinatee. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

16、 or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-10 NACARMNo. A7B;24 mBI;$II LOCATIOAOF 5URJY:z fo. 083ff. s R, 3.0 x 10. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. 4b NACA RM No. A7K24 36 I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I 32 .28 ./ 6 -./

17、6 1 11 1 -20 -/6 -1.2 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 . Angle of attuck, a;, deg (b) Hingd5momenf coeff/c/ent. figure 4 -confinued Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA RM No. A7K24. Fig. 4 . .24 ./ 6 -./ 6 -20 -/6 -/2 -8 -4 0 4 8 /2 /6 20 Angie

18、of uffock, a, deg 61 pitching moment coefficient. Figure. 4. -conchded. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. 5 NACA RM No. A7K24- $ .04 F 7 $0 s -.o 4 -.08 -24 -20 -/6 E/e vufof i-t +k R# 3.0 x IO. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo repr

19、oduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- Fig. 6b NACA RM No. A7K24 r7-rr -.4 0 -.4 -A0 0 -.4 -.6 I Angle of aftack, a, deg 0) I?, 3.010: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. 96 NACA RM No. A7K24 ./2 QJ .08 -./ 6

20、I I 1-1 I I I I I I i l+Ei -4 0 4 8 /2 /6 20 24 28 3 Angle of offack, a, deg . 2 (I) Hinge-fr?omenf coefficient. Figure. 9 -concluded. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA RM No. A7K24 Fig. 10s :6 I I d5!l?B%tm i i i i i i i i i i i i

21、 i i i i I -28 -24 -20 -/6 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 (aj Luff coefficienf. Angie of atfack, a, deg figure IO.- Lift hhge-momen and phhing-moment coefficients of the 35. swepf-bock ia/. Aspect rafj4 3; R, 3.0x/O. . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. 10b NACA RM No. A7K24 .24 .08 -./6 -28 -24 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 /6 20 24 28 Angle of affack, a, deg f&j Hinge-moment coeff/cieni. Fipure. IO. - continued. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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