NASA NACA-RM-L58C18-1958 Effects of vertical location of the wing and horizontal tail on the static lateral and directional stability of a trapezoidal-wing airplane model at Mach n.pdf

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NASA NACA-RM-L58C18-1958 Effects of vertical location of the wing and horizontal tail on the static lateral and directional stability of a trapezoidal-wing airplane model at Mach n.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-RM-L58C18-1958 Effects of vertical location of the wing and horizontal tail on the static lateral and directional stability of a trapezoidal-wing airplane model at Mach n.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-RM-L58C18-1958 Effects of vertical location of the wing and horizontal tail on the static lateral and directional stability of a trapezoidal-wing airplane model at Mach n.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-RM-L58C18-1958 Effects of vertical location of the wing and horizontal tail on the static lateral and directional stability of a trapezoidal-wing airplane model at Mach n.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-RM-L58C18-1958 Effects of vertical location of the wing and horizontal tail on the static lateral and directional stability of a trapezoidal-wing airplane model at Mach n.pdf_第5页
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3、L AND DIRECTIONAL STABILITY OF A TRAPEZOIDAL-WING AIRM MODEL AT MACH NUMBERS OF 1.41 AND 2.01“ By Ross B. Robinson SUMMARY An investigation has been conducted to determine the effects of vertical location of the wing and horizontal tail on the static lateral and directional stability at various comb

4、ined angles of attack and side- slip for a supersonic airplane configuration at Mach numbers of 1.41 and 2.01. The wing had a trapezoidal plan form with an aspect ratio of 3.00, a taper ratio of 0.25, and 4-percent-thick circular-arc sec- tions. The horizontal tail was also a trapezoid with an aspec

5、t ratio of 4, a taper ratio of 0.6, and NACA 65006 airfoil sections. The configurations investigated were a high-wing, a midwing, and a low-wing arrangement, in combination with horizontal-tail positions varying from a location 0.208 wing semispan below to 0.556 semispan above the body center line.

6、Tests were made both with and without the horizontal tail, vertical tail, and wing. The investigation was con- ducted in the Langley 4- by des- ignated the low tail position) to two positions on the vertical tail (0.382b/2 and 0.556b/2; designated the high and tip tail positions, respectively). Prov

7、ision was made for varying the incidence angle of the horizontal tail. The wing position could be varied to provide high-, mid-, or low- wing configurations. The angles of incidence and dihedral were zero for all wing positions. Force and moment measurements were made through the use of a six- compo

8、nent internal strain-gage balance. Base pressures were measured by a tube placed just inside the base of the model. The model was mounted on a rotary sting to permit testing at combined angles of attack and side slip. TESTS, CORRECTIONS, AND ACCURACY The conditions for the tests were: Mach number .

9、1.41 2.01 Stagnation temperature, OF . 100 100 Stagnation pressure, lb/sq in. abs . 10 10 Reynolds number based on c . 2.23 x lo6 1.84 x lo6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6 NACA RM L58C18 The, stagnation dewpoint was maintained at -

10、25 F or less so that no significant condensation effects were encountered in the test section. Tests were made through combined angles of attack and sideslip to about ljo at M = 1.41 and to about 28 at M = 2.01. The angles of attack and sideslip were corrected for deflection of the balance and sting

11、 under load. Base pressures were measured, and the axial force measured by .the balance was adjusted to a base pressure equal to the free-stream static pressure. The Mach number variation in the test section was less than tO.015 and the variation of the flow angles in vertical and horizontal planes

12、did not exceed about *O .lo. Estimated errors in the individual measured quantities are as follows : M = 1.41 M = 2.01 cL . ko.0036 ko .0069 . +0.0005 fo .0006 cy . +O.o02l +o .0015 cm f0.0022 +o ,0027 CA “1 . f0.0002 +0.0001 . kO.0010 +o .0005 Cn, w it, deg P, dei3 a, M = 2.01 Effect of wing positi

13、on on the sideslip derivatives. Complete model; M = 1.41 Effect of wing position on the sideslip derivatives. Complete model; M = 2.01 Effect of wing position on the contribution of the vertical tail to the sideslip derivatives. Horizontal tail off . Effect of wing plan lorm on the sideslip derivati

14、ves. Horizontal tail off; M = 1.41 Effect of wing plan form on the sideslip derivatives. Horizontal tail off; M = 2.01 Effect of wing plan form on the contribution of the vertical tail to the sideslip derivatives. Horizontal tail off . Effect of wing plan form on the contribution of the wing to the

15、sideslip derivatives. Vertical and horizontal tails off, Effect of horizontal-tail position on the sideslip deriva- tives. Complete model with high wing; it = Oo; M = 2.01 . . Effect of wing position onthe contribution of the horizon- tal tail to the sideslip derivatives. Complete model; 5t=0 O. Hor

16、izontal tail off; M = 1.41 Figure 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-8 NACA RM 5818 Figure Effect of wing position on the contribution of the horizon- tal tail to the sideslip derivatives. Complete model; it

17、 = 0; M = 2.01 18 Complete model; M = 1.41 19 Effect of wing position on the contribution of deflection of the horizontal tail to the sideslip derivatives. Effect of wing position on the contribution of deflection of the horizontal tail to the sideslip derivatives. Complete model; M = 2.01 20 Effect

18、 of horizontal-tail plan form on the sideslip derivatives. Wing off; it = 0; M = 2.01 21 Effect of vertical-tail airfoil section on the sideslip derivatives. Complete model with high wing and low horizontal tail; it = Oo; M = 2.01 . 22 All the sideslip characteristics (Cn, Cz, and Cy) and sideslip d

19、erivatives ( Mach Numbers of 1.41 and 2.01. NACA RM L57J25a, 1957. 21. Foster, Gerald V.: Investigation of the Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Trapezoidal-Wing Airplane Model With Various Vertical Positions of Wing and Horizontal Tail at Mach Numbers of 1.41 and 2.01. NACA FN L58AO7, 1

20、958. 22. Spearman, M. Leroy: Some Factors Affecting the Static Longitudinal and Directional Stability Characteristics of Supersonic Aircraft Configurations. NACA RM L57E24a, 1957. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-18 TABU! I.- MODEL DIM

21、WSIONS NACA RM L58c18 wing: Unswept Area. sq in . 192 Span. in . 24 . 12.80 Tip chord. in 3.20 %per ratio . 0.25 Aspectratio 3.00 Mean geometric chord. in 8.96 Spanwise location of M.G.C., in . 4.80 Incidence. deg . 0 Sweep of leading edge. deg . 30 . 97 Sweep of 0.E-chord line. deg 0 S

22、weep of 0.B-chord line. deg Section 4-percent circular arc “_ . Horizontal tail: Area. sq in . Span,in Tip chord. in Aspect ratio Taper .ratio Sweep of quarter-chord line. deg Sweep of leading edge, deg . Section . NACA . . Vertical tail (excluding ventral fin) : Area to body center lin

23、e, sq in . Span from body center line. in Rootchord,in . Tipchord,in Taper ratio Aspectratio Sweep of leading edge, deg . Section (slab) . Section (airfoil) Ventral fin: Exposed area, sq in . Tip chord, in . Sweep of leading edge, deg . Section . Body: Diameter (maximum). in Length. in Diameter (bas

24、e). in . Length-diameter ratio 28.6 10.73 3.35 2.01 0.6 4 65004 10.62 _“ 45 Swept 144 24 10 2 0.20 4.00 6.89 4.67 49.40 0 “_ NACA 65A M = 1.41 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 20 623.09 -2.02 19 623.09 a00 18 623.30 2.02 17 623.30 4.03 16

25、 623.30 6.04 15 623.09 8.08 14 623.30 10.09 13 623.30 12.14 12 623.30 14.14 22 623.09 -2.01 23 623.09 “01 24 623.30 2.01 26 623.30 6.05 25 623.09 4.02 27 623.09 8.09 78 623.09 10.11 29 623.09 12.14 30 623.30 14.14 3.9 623.09 -2.04 37 623.09 2.03 38 623.09 e00 36 623.09 4.03 35 623.09 6.06 33 623.09

26、10.25 34 623.52 8.07 32 622.01 12.12 31 623.95 14.15 40 623.74 -2.01 41 623.30 -e02 42 623.09 1.99 43 623.09 4.02 h4 623.30 6-06 45 623.09 8.09 46 623.09 10.10 18 622.66 -2.04 17 622.66 -00 I6 622.87 2.03 14 622.66 6.06 15 622.66 4.05 12 621.14 10.25 13 622.22 8.07 11 623.09 12.12 10 621.14 14.15 19

27、 622.87 -2.01 20 622.44 a00 23 622.66 4.04 71 622.44 2.01 25 622.66 8.08 14 622.66 6.06 26 622.66 10.10 .OO .OO .OO .OO .OO .oo .OO .OO .OO 4.02 4.03 4.03 4.02 4.03 4.04 4;06 4.07 4.05 8.07 8.05 8.08 8.08 8.07 8.07 7.90 8.09 8.08 12.10 12.12 12.10 12.14 12.12 12.12 12.11 8.07 8.06 8.08 8.08 8.07 8.0

28、7 7.90 8.09 8.08 12.09 12.11 12.09 12.12 12.12 12.11 12.11 -0063 -0068 -0066 a0071 0062 .0067 .0073 -0069 .0077 .0141 .0127 -0096 .Olll -0119 -0109 a120 -0133 -0146 -0191 .0179 a0191 -0191 .O202 e0192 .0211 .228 a0258 60345 0334 a0336 -0334 -0353 -0354 .0385 .O212 .02oo -0199 .O222 .0212 a0234 -0240

29、 -0258 e0293 e0361 e0371 a0363 -0361 -0380 -0381 -0413 .OO62 a0062 -0068 .0071 e0074 -0074 -0075 e0073 -0072 -0094 0096 .0113 -0099 .0102 -0099 .0106 .0102 a0095 .0160 -0157 -0163 -0163 a0165 .0217 .0221 .0227 e0242 -0215 -0213 a0213 -0213 -0219 -0219 a0227 ,0104 ,0107 -0106 .0106 0107 .I02 -0107 .0

30、108 ,0109 -0154 a0152 -0151 ,0151 e0153 e0153 a0158 -.0022 -.0024 -a0026 -e0029 -00028 -so032 -a0035 -e0031 “0036 a0106 ,0107 a0109 .0099 -0093 .COB6 -0083 ,0082 a0083 ,0217 a0215 .0211 -0206 e0200 -0197 e0189 -0196 a0186 -0307 0308 -0303 -0302 -0299 -0309 -0298 0213 ,0213 .O210 .O202 .0193 00186 a0

31、179 .3180 -0189 0304 -0304 e0301 a0300 0295 ,0303 a0291 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 ,0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0001 -.0002 .0000 -a0003 -.0005 -e0007 -.0006 .-.0008 -.0010 -.0001 ,0002 -moo04 -.0007 -e0009 -.0012 -e0014 -10018 -.0020 a0003 -.0001 -so009 -so005 -.0013 -.0018 -.0022 -.0001 .0002 -a000

32、4 -.0007 -e0009 -e0014 -io012 -.0018 -.0020 0003 -.0001 -so005 -.0010 -e0014 -.0018 -.0021 .0001 -0026 -a0025 -a0048 -a0068 -a0085 -.0101 -.0120 -e0143 e0019 -.0004 -a0027 -a0048 -e0068 -00085 -a0119 -.0102 -a0143 -.0007 e0015 -e0026 -a0047 -e0965 -a0083 “.0102 -00125 -.0138 e0013 -a0005 -e0043 -.OO

33、Zi -a0084 -moo63 -.0101 -.0007 -0015 -.0028 -a0047 “0066 -.0084 -a0103 -a0138 -a0126 a0014 -.0007 -a0046 -a0025 -.OO64 -e0085 -.0100 -a0009 0023 -e0033 -a0065 -a0113 -a0 76 “0354 -e0453 -A54 e0026 -.0008 -so038 -.0082 -.0121 -a0191 “0272 -so361 -a0467 -.0001 -0036 -a0044 -.0101 -a0151 “0216 -a0312 -

34、.038b “0513 -0048 -.0010 -.0122 -a0062 -.ole8 -e0263 -.0348 ,0036 -.0001 -10043 “0094 -.0144 “0209 -e0297 “0385 “0509 -.0002 a0048 -e0062 -a0114 -.0180 “0256 “0349 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA RM 5818 TABLE Ill - Continued AER

35、ODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS IN SIDESLIP FOR VARIOUS ANGLES OF ATTACK. STABILITY AXES; M = 1.41 Run PI. q 5242 -5191 -5174 a5141 -5115 -5083 .4893 ,4925 .a788 7486 -1450 -7432 ,7403 ,7365 ,7280 “0348 -e0310 -.0273 “0233 -.Q186 -a0140 -80105 -.0518 -.0013 -e0739 -.0728 “0715 -a0703 -.Ob70 -.Ob25 “0522 “0

36、551 -e0493 -.1143 -.1139 -01135 -.1128 -e1113 -01084 -.lo35 -so985 -e0053 -.0040 -e0033 -a0030 -a0034 -a0040 -so054 “0115 -a0073 -e0173 -.0211 -a0238 -60235 -.07 “0059 -.0088 -80115 -e0141 “0183 -e0165 a0029 -e0007 .0010 -e0024 -e0046 -.0068 -so089 “0119 -a0044 -a0032 -.002O -.0009 a0002 -0013 0024

37、-0036 e00b0 a0083 e0105 .0128 a0152 -.0017 ,0002 a0015 a0027 80042 e00bl .0100 ,0080 .0124 -.or312 .0002 ,0011 ,0020 .003? a0048 e0068 .0087 .0110 ,0007 .0001 a0015 -0023 no032 a0046 80024 ,0012 -.0013 .0000 “0025 -a0037 -10048 -a0069 -e0105 -.0121 -e0139 -.ooa7 -a0003 .0007 -.0016 -a0032 -00049 -.o

38、m8 -e0067 -e0109 -a0136 -“GO04 .0008 -a0015 -.0028 -e0043 -00063 -a111 -so086 “0123 .0020 a0005 -e0004 -e0013 -a0030 -e0047 -.QObb -.0078 0034 a0023 .0012 ,0001 -a0010 -e0032 -.0022 -e0043 -e0063 -.0081 -.0100 -a0139 -.012O 0024 -a0006 -a0032 -e0058 “.0080 -.0100 -a0115 -.0128 -e0138 a0023 -a0009 -a

39、0041 -.OOLb “0092 -.0110 -so125 -00133 -a0133 -a0045 -.0014 -e0073 -a0097 -.0122 -a0138 21 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-22 NACA RM 5818 TABLE III - Continued AERODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS IN SIDESLIP FOR VARIOUS ANGLES OF ATTACK. STA

40、BILITY AXES; M = 1.41 Run Pt. q adeg a,deg CL cb Cm CI,S Cn,w CY 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 8 8 8 0 8 8 0 8 8 8 e 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 e 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 d 8 8 8 8 8 8 25 623.52 -1.01 24 623.52 a00 73 623.52 1.02 12 623.30 2.01 71 623.30 4.02 20 623.52 6.06

41、 19 623.30 8.08 18 623.09 10.09 17 623.09 12.13 16 622.44 14.15 29 623.30 -4.18 70 623.30 -2.14 31 623.30 “01 I6 624.82 -3.94 25 624.39 -1.98 ?4 623.52 -.99 73 623.09 “01 22 624.82 a99 21 623.95 1.91 “0 623.95 3.94 19 625.25 5.91 10 625.25 7-90 17 625.03 9.88 16 624.39 11.87 31 624.11 14.11 .OO .OO

42、.OO .OO . 00 .OO . 00 .OO . 00 .OO .OO .OO 4.18 4 28 4.34 4.27 4.18 4.11 4.10 4.08 4.08 4.01 8.58 8-66 8.69 8-67 8.51 8.48 8.39 8.13 8.29 8.22 12.95 13.00 13.04 12.99 12.96 12.86 12.16 12.66 -05 .O1 .OO .OO .OO .OO .OO .OO .Ol .OO .OO 4.15 4.28 4.36 4.26 4.13 4.05 4.02 4.01 4.00 3.99 8.56 8-67 8.69

43、8-66 8.55 8.30 8.42 8.01 8.16 0.09 12.96 13.03 13.05 13.00 12.93 12.82 12.68 12.55 “0155 -a0164 -so163 -e0160 -so158 “0157 “0152 -e0161 -a0169 -a0163 -.0156 -a0204 -2664 2619 -2561 -2411 -2435 .?414 a2434 -2386 -2349 .2309 ,5145 -5086 -5038 a5018 -5035 .4999 -4963 -4813 .4852 4158 1413 1312 -7329 .7

44、313 a1285 1300 07217 el124 -.0193 “0225 -a0206 “0219 -.2Zb -a0219 “0229 -.0221 “0225 -e0224 “0237 -2631 a2518 e2521 -2432 a2359 e2392 -2370 e2364 7328 .2 279 a5082 -5016 -4910 -4947 .4941 .4938 -4906 -4761 a4811 a4126 e7332 1213 e1225 -7245 -7224 .1214 ,7166 .lo94 .01b3 .Dl56 60156 .0160 ,0156 -0158

45、 -0160 -0164 SO162 -0163 e0165 e0160 -0359 -0353 e0353 a0349 -0344 -0341 0341 -0342 -0337 ,0332 .osal a0930 ,0926 0922 ,0915 -0909 a0891 e0867 -0850 a0849 -1846 ,1847 -1843 m1832 -1830 .1811 -1781 .1148 -0308 -0317 .0311 -0309 .0210 -0312 e0306 e0296 -0303 .0281 a0700 -0491 -0493 e0495 -0405 -0475 a

46、0469 a0460 ,0455 a0438 .433 a1060 -1050 e1056 e1051 1035 ,1017 -0999 -0946 -0959 -0937 1963 -1959 .I961 a1951 e1932 e1904 ,1871 ,1828 -0029 0030 a0031 -0032 e0031 -0031 a0031 a0032 e0035 a0031 .ooze e0030 “0415 “0398 “0389 -a0365 -so356 -a0354 -e0356 “0339 -e0350 -a0321 -.OB44 -.0814, -so803 -.0801

47、-.OB10 -.o01o -.0193 -so131 -e0152 -.0108 -a1231 -.1210 “1196 -.1199 “1215 -.I208 “1166 -.I126 -0160 -0152 0151 ,0155 a0153 -0157 .0166 -0164 .0151 -0148 0141 “0314 -a0295 -.0287 -a0264 -a0256 -a0255 -e0266 -.0210 “0259 -e0236 -a0150 -a0717 -e0105 -a0105 -.0121 -.0130 “0723 -e0690 -.Ob81 -.Ob57 -.11

48、40 -e1109 “1105 “1095 -a1136 -.1130 -.I114 -.IC81 -.0013 -.0014 -e0015 -moo16 -.0015 -a0016 -so017 -e0017 -.0011 -e0016 -.0011 -.0013 -a0005 -.0007 -.0010 -.0021 -.ooze -a0032 -a0038 -so034 -.0042 -.0042 -.000b -.0001 -.0010 -a0016 -.0020 -a0026 -e0031 -a0032 -a0038 -a0039 -so003 -.0001 -.0011 -a001

49、6 -a0019 -a0023 -10028 -a0031 a0013 .0041 -.0001 -.0014 -.0021 -e0041 -e0069 -moo95 -a0145 -.0121 -a0169 e0026 .0001 -e0014 “0039 -.00bl -.0081 -e0098 -so116 -e0132 “0144 .0001 -.0010 -e0004 -.0018 -.ooze -so038 -a0048 -80058 -.0061 -a0062 -.0021 -e0016 -.0011 -.0001 -.0001 .0001 “0001 a0002 , .0021 a0041 .0011 .0000 -.0010 -.0022 -.0041 -e0058 -moo74 -a0089 -

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