NASA NACA-TM-1176-1948 Test Report on Three- and Six-Component Measurements on a Series of Tapered Wings of Small Aspect Ratio《在一系列小展弦比锥形机翼上3和6组分测量的试验报告》.pdf

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NASA NACA-TM-1176-1948 Test Report on Three- and Six-Component Measurements on a Series of Tapered Wings of Small Aspect Ratio《在一系列小展弦比锥形机翼上3和6组分测量的试验报告》.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-TM-1176-1948 Test Report on Three- and Six-Component Measurements on a Series of Tapered Wings of Small Aspect Ratio《在一系列小展弦比锥形机翼上3和6组分测量的试验报告》.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-TM-1176-1948 Test Report on Three- and Six-Component Measurements on a Series of Tapered Wings of Small Aspect Ratio《在一系列小展弦比锥形机翼上3和6组分测量的试验报告》.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-TM-1176-1948 Test Report on Three- and Six-Component Measurements on a Series of Tapered Wings of Small Aspect Ratio《在一系列小展弦比锥形机翼上3和6组分测量的试验报告》.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-TM-1176-1948 Test Report on Three- and Six-Component Measurements on a Series of Tapered Wings of Small Aspect Ratio《在一系列小展弦比锥形机翼上3和6组分测量的试验报告》.pdf_第5页
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2、N“Prufburicht uber 3- and 6-Komponentenmessungenan der Zuspitzungsreihe von Flugeln kleinerStreckung (Teilbericht: Dreieckfl“ugel)“Deutsche Luftfahrtforschung, Untersuchungen and Mitteilungen Nr. 1023/N AC kr,e yWashingtonMay 1948Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted w


4、1 to 4 on wings ofsmall aspect ratio are cont:1.nued. The present roport deals with theresults of the three- and six-component measurements and the flowpictures of the triangular wing series with the aspect ratioA = 3 to A = 1.Rolling moment : xe-axis = line of i nte. sect ion of the verticalplane o

5、f synm-etry of the body and the horizontalplane of the wind tunnel (positive toward flowdirection).r Pitching moment: ye-,axis = lateral a:is (along the wing)(positiveleftward seen in flow directioll.2Yawing moment: ze-axis = normal axis (to wind direct ion) (posit ivedownwash).Ali moments viei!ed i

6、n direction of their positive axes ofrotation are positive for cloa:kwse rotation.The coefficients of the forces Lnd moment,.s are:A lift (kg)W drag (kg)Q lateral force (kg)L rolling moment (mrg)“Prtifbelicht aber 3- and 6-Komponentenmessungen ander Zuspitzungsreihe von FlUgoln kleinor Strock ,;.ng

7、(Toilbericht:Dreiecl;.fliigel).“ Zentrale Dix w ssenscha tlicres Lericht wesen UberLuftfahrtforschung des Generalluftzeu meisters (ZZ), Derlin AdlerUhof,Unter.suchungen and 1.4itteilungen Nr. 1023/5, Sept. 27, 1943.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license

8、from IHS-,-,-2 NACA TM No. 1176M pitching moment (mkg)N yawing moment (mk)Aca - - lift coefficienta q x FWcw = - drag coefficientq x Fcq Q F J_atera? -force coefficientqcL = - L - b - rolling-moment coefficientgxbx2hicM = - - - pi.tchin,?-moment coefficientq xFx LmcN = N- yawing-moment coefficientg

9、x F x 2Anglesa = angle of attack angle between wing-fixed longitudinal axisand xeax-s at rotation about the ye-axisp - angle of yaw angle between wind.-fixe(t long-itudinal axisand xe- ti._i.s rotation about the zc axi-sThese angles viewed in direction of the positive axes ofrotationz are positive f

10、or clockwise rotation_.Reference quantities;F w-ng area (m2)b wing span (m)Zm = b mean chord (reference chord (m)aProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TM No. 117 3n = P .1 dynamic pressure (kg/m2)2Model dimensions:i Wing FD I Wing ED

11、I ink; DD I Wing CD!JA 3 IA=2 rl = - I =1 F = o .75 m2 r = C .75 rr2 _ = 0 75M - - - I F - 0 .75 m2 ib =1.500m j b =1.225m b =1m b-=o. 866 mZm= b = 0.5 m U1 =b = 0.6125 m Z. - = 0 .75 m j Zm - F = 0. 8,66 m fMST=The results are consolidated in table A of this report, fromwhich the curves and tables

12、relatin;? to the different wings can betaken.In ;eneral, it was found that on the wings with aspectratio A = 3 the flow conaitions are radically different from thoseon wings of great aspect ratio. According to the measurements thelower 14 r_it lies at aspect ratio A = 3, which undovbtcdly still belo

13、ngsto the wings for which Frand.tls air foil theory is applicable.(a) Three -c monent mea.-prements . - The results are representedin the charts 1, 7, 13, and 119 as ca = f (a), ca = f (cw) .and ca = f(cM). The effectiveness cQ decreases, as expected, withdecreasing aspect ratio and increasing sweep

14、uac:. For the wingswith li = 4 and A = 1, ca starts to increase from ca = 0.4 on.JThis is due to the fact that in the rear part of the wind; toward thetips a strong lateral flow is developed (see flow photographs)which results in lift-increasing low pressures.The neutral point for all tirngs lies bo

15、fore the selected momentreference point, which lies 3/!qm ahead of the trailing edge . WhiledcMfor wing FD. A=- 3 the is constaait over the entire ca range,ac,e.the wings ! 2 exhibit a marked backward displacement of the neutralpoint. The ca-value at which this backward shift begins, decreasesProvid

16、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 NACA TM No. 1176with decreasing aspect ratio and increasing sweepback. The cause ofthu stabilization is likewise attributable to thu cited lateral flowat tho rear part of the wing. Thu ca increases with dec

17、reasingmaxaspect ratio and increasing sweepback, with acx being almostconstant. The wing FD .iii = 3 falls, cutsidn tri p clapsificatior_.Lb). Sixxcomnonen-t ,.me.asurement. - Lift, drag, and pitching mcmentreferred to yawed flow, vary very little. Only at great angles ofattack a slight decroasc is

18、to be noted. The noutra.l point travelsslightly backward. For lataral force, rolling and yawing momentwith respect to aspect ratio and sweepback, no particular systemi-zation texas to be found. A substantial effect on the .lateral forceand the rolling mcmont is certainly exerted by the provicuslymen

19、tioned lift-increasing lateral flew. Tho yawing; moment is largelydependent upon the body drag of the wing leading edge end increasecconsiderably with the sweepback.FURTEER REPORTS OF THE SERIES UN lNo .Trapezoidal wind _ ) 1023/1Trapezoidal wing with fuselage 1023/2Elliptical wing 16 = 2 + 1 10231/

20、3Elliptical wing with fuselage 1023/4Triangular wing with fuselage 10236The entire test data with regards to the theory of a wing withsnail aspect ratio is being readied bj Voepcl.Translated by J. Vc.nierNational Advisory Committeefor AeronauticsProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networ

21、king permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TM No. 11765TARLE ASURVEY OF 1M THREE5 - IM SIX -COATONENT NZASURE ITTSON THE SEP,Z S 0-0 U Ph-TaD -v, IYG (TRIANGULAR WING)Symbol E- - _ Ang3.e _Chart ofao , (3 curves TableI Three-component i Variable 0 1 1t measurement IFD I Six-component 0.39 Vari

22、able 2 2A = 3 sooA- 7B6QFA O, RfmzlJl/ 94 Qf!o0a o 3 t -z s0002 s- F= O, Jm z1JT JI e LLJ 0aJL I ros000 -1000F=o,sz F=o,s,e4161l hT%q Figure 1.-b I to - /y ;ZO3 rt e .ornfi%NflCf7 00. 3 866 1000 Apgp0eProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-0

23、0u 4 3 u I, 4 I, u B N.I O.OV a,jV.O wl j 1, Zv ao oG,3a 3 , 333(:F,A3 0,695 moment(JAY em) referencepointa0,5625 momentreferencegym) pointtia9momentreferencepointaNa70375- momentreferencey, point4n0Figure 2,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from I

24、HS-,-,-ED!1 = 2:y9NACA TM No. 1176FDA = 3Figure 3. - Suspension of the wing in wind tunnel.Figure 4. Suspension of the wing in wind tunnel.Provided by IHS Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Page intentionally left blank Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo

25、reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-11NACA TM No. 1176Figure 5.- DDA = 4/3.Circular rod for arrangement Figure 6. - CDA = 1.of the frontal suspension points.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Page intentiona

26、lly left blank Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TM No. 1176 13Flow photographs on the triangular wing - DD,A = 4/3 of the taperseries.a=0 0c =5 0C=7a=9 0 10 a=11or = 12 oa= 130 a = 1tProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

27、 networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Page intentionally left blank Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TM No. 1176 15Flow photographs on the triangular wing - DD,A = 4/3 of the taperseries.cX=15 a=16 a=18a = 20 a - 25 a

28、= 30a = 350 a = ito0Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Page intentionally left blank Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TM No. 1176 17Flow photographs on the triangular

29、wing - CD,A = 1 of the taper series.a -0 a=5 OC=7a = 9OC = 10 a=11a= 12 a = 13 of =1*0Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Page intentionally left blank Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license f

30、rom IHS-,-,-NACA TM No. 1176 19Flow photographs on the triangular wing - CD,A = 1 of the taper series.0( = 5 ac ; 16 asi80a = 20 a=25 OC = 30 of = 35 0OC = y0Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Page intentionally left blank Provided by IH

31、SNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TM No. 117621Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-22 NACA TM No. 1176T.T, fit+, -COI TOTEINT 1 EASTMEIIMETTTS OF A SER=+ S OF TAPERED WUTGS(TriangLila

32、r Wing)TAIBIX TTO. 1 TO CHART 1ID 1! = 3o if C i C47 + C-5.65 -0.2830 0-0195 -o .0285.02 j -.0152 .0068 , .0002 5.69 I .2561 .0157 i .031111.37 ! .5115 .0534 i .o647I 17.11 .72;5II .1529 i .098022.92 I .8843 1 .3200 .1102i25.82 .9152 .4o8:1Ii .106+ j 28.92f I.8830 4 .4689 .0881i32.02 .8042 ; .4921 ,

33、 .073035.07 7587 5090 j .0733 141.20 .6525 ! .5246 I .0391.02 -.0156 .Oo68 .000Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-cCQxxo CQ f ax Ca f (No Ca f (cM-_- - - - - _x-10 1.0 20 30 aC 0125 0.25 0.5 0,5 CW 1,01-0.1 0.2 0,3 Cry 0,-05C0Chart 1.- 3

34、-component measurement of a series ofTable 1. - tapered wings - triangular wings.c.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-24 NACA T.M No. 1176SlY -CCMPOPTFT7T PTA SURLNNTS OF A SERIFS OF TAPERED WINGS(Triangular Wing)TABLE NO. 2 TO CHARTS 2,

35、3FD1, =3cCL = 0.39- -ao - - oa-c -;- - cw - cL1- - rz - I -I-cN 1-4 0.008 -0.0033 0.0073 0.0012 1 0.0028 0.0012-2 007 ; -.0027 .0068 ooM ! oo-)i ! 0004 !o .007 -.0013 1 .001-, I7 I .0006 .0027 0 Ii 2 .OGB 0 0068 0012 .0024 I -.0010.008 1 .0013- .0071 I .0013 .0024 i - .00131 6 .007 .0027 .O073 .0007

36、 I .0027 -.0014to I .007 .004o I .0083 0007 ! .007 -.0018j 15 I .006 .co6c I .o095 0009 ! .0004 I-.0018 iI 20 .000 .0080 .0109 I .0009 .0024 -0018,Ia. = 6.630c g 1 W CL 1 01 M i-4 I o . 304 ; -0. 00027 1 0 .0200 ;-o .0054 1 0.0373 0.0027-2 ! 304 0013 I .0198 ; -.0050 1 .0376 .00100 305 0 0198 -.0006

37、 ! 0369 .00012 I 305 I 0013 ; 0201 ; .0037 ! .0369 1 -.00l54 I .304 I .0027 .0201 i .0076 1 .0363 I -.00236 I 302 ( .0027 .02.03 .0125I 03621 - .003110 i .294 .0033 .0206i 0207 .0358 I -.005015 I .281 .0046 0213 I 0300 .035?_ -.006920 264i0060 021.8I.0394 .0331 i -.0080Provided by IHSNot for ResaleN

38、o reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TM No. 1176 2b, CgCM CW LCNo Cao 9 o.r o,5 005o c,yX CwCYV1 7110 10 20 0D -1 = 3a=0.39 0Chart 2.- 6-component measurement of a series ofTable 2. - tapered wings - triangular wings.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

39、 networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Page intentionally left blank Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TM No. 1176 27CQ cgw N0.2 1.0 0,1 Qo Cq Cq 0 1 0.5 a 05x Cwo CMNCro 020FD -A 30Chart 3.- 6-component measurement of

40、a series ofTable 2.- tapered wings - triangular wings.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-28 NACA 1M1M No. L176SIX-CONU-IONENIT lvlEASLMMENTS OF A SERIES OF TAPERED WINGS,(Triap3ular Wing)T13LL NO . 3 TO CHARTS 41 5F,.D A = 3:a = 13.5600

41、ca cq cw 0L cm cN-4 0 06 1201 O.00 0.0716 -o.ol56 0.0794 0.00422 .611 .0020 .0 -1723 _.OiO0 -079T - 00130 611- i .0020 j .0734 -.0037 .0796 oo162 .611 .0020 .0739 .0031 .0796 -.0o434 610 .001 .0737 .0091 .0795 _M686 - 603 .0727 o161. .0793 -.009510 .5QO .0)013 .0706 .02eO .0778 015015 . 56o .0040 .

42、0687 o4li _3 .0743 -.019820 12- 5 3 -.00 67 . 07 00 .0598 .068700 c a eq c w c L C m c N-4 i 0 , 897 i 0.0020 0.1290 0.0062 0.1118 1 -0.001.2- 8c)g . 0020 - 3331 0 1117 .000“00. 903 .0013 .3361 .0031 i .1116 .0016I9011 0013 a .3311-7 0087 i . 1112 00434 896 .0013 -3324 0125 .1082 1 .006381 0013 320

43、.01bg .1074 .007410 i .879 .0073 i .3126 -.0226 i -209CI .006015 I .836 ., 0133 i .28733 - o,-_,64 0851. - .004220 .765 .0113 .2637 -.0096 .0767 0081Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TM No. 1176 29Chart 4.- 6-component measurement of a series ofTable 3. - tapered wings - triangular wings.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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