NASA NACA-TN-1113-1947 Collection and analysis of hinge-moment data on control-surface tabs《操纵面伺服片铰链力矩数据的采集和分析》.pdf

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NASA NACA-TN-1113-1947 Collection and analysis of hinge-moment data on control-surface tabs《操纵面伺服片铰链力矩数据的采集和分析》.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-TN-1113-1947 Collection and analysis of hinge-moment data on control-surface tabs《操纵面伺服片铰链力矩数据的采集和分析》.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-TN-1113-1947 Collection and analysis of hinge-moment data on control-surface tabs《操纵面伺服片铰链力矩数据的采集和分析》.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-TN-1113-1947 Collection and analysis of hinge-moment data on control-surface tabs《操纵面伺服片铰链力矩数据的采集和分析》.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-TN-1113-1947 Collection and analysis of hinge-moment data on control-surface tabs《操纵面伺服片铰链力矩数据的采集和分析》.pdf_第5页
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1、,.b.r*-.-. . n“ *. . ,.,. ,. a71NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEEFOR AERONAUTICSfykQ%JvTECHNICAL NOTENo. 1113COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF HINGE -MOMENT DATAON CONTROL-SURFACE TABSBy Paul E. Purser and Charles B. C.oka71Langley Memorial Aeronautical LaboratoryLangley Field, Va.WashingtonApril 1947Provided by

2、 IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6-a.,r.,n.37f760 73(30-/206-1-*NATIONAL ADVISORY COMKtTiEE FOIi AERONAUTICS”TECENICAIJ NOTE NO. 1113CGLL3CTION AND AR4.LYSIS93HZNGE-I?OMENTDATAON CONTROL-SURFACE TABSBy Paul E, Purser and Oharles il.CookSUMMARYVar

3、ious wind-tu,nneldata on ik,ehinge-mor.entcharac-teristics Of control-surface tabs have been col,lecedaridanalyzed, The data, all of which me for pl.inUnbalancedtabs were obtained from force tsts of models in two-.-and three-dirne-nsional.tIowand from prssule-distrilltionmeasurements on,models in tw

4、o-di.mnsiontilflow. Some datah. that show the effects of Maoh number on tab hinge momentsfor representative conventional and NACA 6-series airfoilsections are presented,Tcdagainsi contvo.-su.facedoflec-ti3ncjl5. were found to depend upon the ratio of tabchord to ccntrol-surfac chord Ct/cf$ upon the

5、ratio ofcontrol-surface chord to airfilchord cf/c, UPOllthocontrol-surface antiupon thoProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.condition of the gaps at the tab and control-surface hingelines, An analysis of approximate aspect-

6、ratio correc-tions (clerivedfrom lifting-line thery) for correctingthe section values of chtlm to iinite-spanvalues indic-ated that the correction depenied upon c#c and ct/cfas well as upoq aspect ratio.The data available were not sufficient to allow accu-rate determinations of all the various facto

7、rs affectingthe differences between section and finite-span values ofthe tab hi,nge-momentparameters; thus the desirability ofobtaining more tab hinge-moment data on finite-span modelsat larger values of Mach number and of obtaining morecomplete aspect-ratio corrections to tab hine-momentcharacteris

8、tics is indicated.Zn an effort to provide satisfactory ,methodsorpredicting control-surface characteristics, the NACA hasundertaken a program of summarizing, analyzing, and corre-lating the results of various experimental investigationsofaiplane control surfaces. This profiramhas providedcollections

9、 of aileron and tail-surface test data (refer-ences 1 and 2), analyses and correlations of the hinge-moment characteristics of contrcl surfaces with internalbalances, plain-overhang and Fr5,sebalances, beveledtrailin edges, shielded and ufishieldadhorn bnl.antesandta;os(references 3 to 8) , and WI a

10、nalysis of the lifteffectiveness of control surfaces (reference ).,A. .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN NO. 1113t. -. .clichfihf4 Cht41%whereLhfHfht,Ht “qcJcfCOEFFICIENTS AND SYMBOLSai.ricilsection lift coefficient (2/qc)flap s

11、ection hinge-moment coefficient (hf/Wf2)flap hinge-moment coefficient (Hf/qbf6f2)tab section hinge-moment coefficient (Wls are sted in the followifig table: Type testISectionpressuredistributionSectionforcerFinite-spanforceSeetable.111111-t 1-4-“- -.” - -p-.,2,41 1.001 Airfoil+ ct/cf hickness0010 0,

12、10 0.09Cto to to0.50 1.00 0.16C0.18 o.20 O009Cto0:;0 0% 0.18C0.17 !0.20 o.o/3cto, to .I-Uo,O.hlo,hl 0.M3cMETHODS OF ANALYSISGeneral Approach , ., ,“, ,.Derivation of chta and ch5t*- Inorder to deter-.mine m.e lo,gic.alapproacnto the problem,.of correlatingtab hinge,-tiomentcharacteristics, a study w

13、,asmade ofa,.previously derived analys,isof Cha and chf5f (“refer-ence 24.). It was found exteqd the analysisof reference 24 to chord ratios small enough to includetab hinge-moment characteristics (Cht and Chtbt)”The results of the analysis of reference 24 (whichsuper- ;sedes that of ref

14、erence ) indicated that chord ratio cf/c(or et/c) and trailing-edge angle were the primarygeometric parameters affecting chfa (or chta) and Chfbt(or cht5t)0 The results can be expressed by the followingformulasProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

15、IHS-,-,-8orandorwithIleri.vationof chtf.- The analysis af Cn4-Um(1)(2)begana study of vaiues of %af derived fror.the experi-mental data of references 13 to-16 (corrected for turinel-wall effect) and siinilardata derived from Glauerts thinairfoil theory (reference 25) as extended b:fPerr%rig(referenc

16、e 26). Tb.ederiatioriswere made by personnelof the Langley Stability Tunnel Section for use in pre-paring reference 27. The study indicated tht a seriesof straight lines would resultif Chtf were plottedend point. Such plots permitted derivation of the forfilula() %bf = chf5f +kl-fi CfJ.“where k was

17、a constant for a givm value of cf/c andwas about 10 percer,tlower far the experimental NAGA OQO “-.airfoil data than for tkethin-airfoil-theory data.:,.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-., . .9Specific ApproachPressure-distribution data

18、.- The pressure-distributiondata 5?763?3rences 13 to 18 and unpublished data taken atthe Langley .abOratOrywere plotted,in terms of the pres-sure slopes Pa, PbfY and Pat against pressure ventlocations x/ca71 The plots of Pa were integrated aboutvarious chor”dwiseaxes to give values of chfa (or cha)a

19、nd plots of P were integrated about the flap (or tab)hinge axes to give values of (hfDf r cht ) forvarious values of cf/c (or et/c). The values of Chffl(or ht) and chfbf r chtbt were then plotted -against trailing-,edge ane Iort-he,givenvaluesof cf/c (or et/c) awiithe resulting curves extra-polated

20、to = O to obtainand %fb(g=o ) (or Chttl(g=owere also measured to obta5.n(or ?$ whereas with th+ pressure-distrfbution data, as many as ten test paints were some-times available.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-10Finite-span data.- The

21、finite-span data from.refer-ence and sorieunpublished data were used to provideieasuredvalues of Chta and Cht5t with which tc com-pare calculated values. The calculated.values of chaand Cht5t were obtained from the follcwingempiricallyl-cerived.equations:and. .where values of ChtaLS can be obtained

22、from refer-ence 27; aqg=o) can be obtained fram reference $, andthe other factors can be obtained fromthe present report.The finite-span data were also used to obtain valuesQf chff and Cht6f frolwhich to derive vlUes of Kfor use in the formula(6)It should. be noted that rnadels13, 14, and 16 oftable

23、 111 had balanced flaps. pc.rt;esemodels Chffifwas computed bsubtracting frorlthe test data an incre-ment in Chf5f caused by the balance as computed by use.-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ITACATN NOe 1113 11ofreference 4 for models 1

24、5 and 1,4and from measuredbalance-chamber pressures for model 16.So few finite-span data were available that, in anattempt to extend the usefulness of the data, aspect-ratiocorrections were derived by means of theoryto permit conversion of the section k to finite-span K.The formula for

25、 tlieconversion wasAP-E+ 2K=k+ af (Chta - chfa) (7)Ztl- f1which indicates that K varies with aspect ratio and tabchord; whereas k varid with flap.chcrd and trailing-.k. edge angle. This effect of tab chord means that theclrvesofChtbf plotted against c#cf are not straightlines as,were the curves of W

26、ltb against-. ct/cf and.fthat K rather than being the slope of the curve (aswas k) is the slope of a straiht line drawn from ChfbfCtat - 1.0 and intersecting the curve at the valueT -of ct/cf under consideration.RESULTS AND DISCUSS1ONCorrelation of Section DataValues of chta and %tet a71 - The resul

27、ts of thecorrelations of- clta (or Chfa) and Chtbt “for ChfGf)are resented in figure 1 as plots of /%dChta “d,Ch:a;f: Ch%t(d ) and dhtbtf against et/c a71=The datafrom which figure 1 was derived were obtainedunder a variety of conditions;but in all cases the tab-and flap gaps were sealed and in most

28、 cases the combina-tion of Reynolds number, surface condition, and streamturbulence was such that boundary-layer transition was,*quite probably located at or ahead or 0,30c, The resultingProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-scatter c.fdata

29、 was such.tlmt, in reference 2.,the x,eancurves from which figure 1 was derived were within *C).GO1of the experimental values of chfc and Chff in mostcases. Although few data were available far the chord.ratios usual for tabs the data in fi;ure1 SLOUICIallowirfiiarlyaccurate esti.ationsofclt. or cht

30、tshwever, sufficient data were noc available for such anext.ension,but it is believed that tb.enlethodof refer-ence 2 may be used as a guide for additional analysisus ,moretab data become available.Values of chtr.- Values of k required in com-,.T3utincj wltf from equation (3) are presented i.nfigure

31、 2as plots of k against cf/c ftrvarious trailing-edgeangles and flap and tab-an conditions, These data snows.considerable amount of.scatter; cofisequentlyvalues .of k for given values of c-f/c and cndltions of .ga;os 4,were plotted against trailing-edge angle .$From thesecross plots were

32、lues of naybe derivedfar these derivatives. Some data are available and havekeen presented concerning Mach number effects on tab hingemoments but they are so limited as to be practically use.15ss for design purposes; consequently, it appears quite+,. .,.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction o

33、r networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-“.a71.NACA NV hTo. 1113 -K-)Langley Memorial Aeronautical LaboratoryNational Advisory Committee for Aero.nauti.csLangley Field.,Va.:,/Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1. Rogallo, P.M.

34、: Collection ofMlanc.ed-Aileron TestDsita. NACA ACR 0.1$1111,1944.,2. .eaps$ Hickard 1.: Wind-!l?unnelData on the Aeroansor,Robert S., and piidd.y,. LaTrerne: Lifting-Suface-Th.eor”yValues of the Damping in Roll wdof tke Parameter Used in Estimating Ailern StickForces. NACA ARR No. L5F.23, 1945.,Pro

35、vided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-19NACA TN No. 1113.TABLE 1.- INFOPA!ATIONREGARDING PREBSURE-DISTRIBIITION-TESTMODELS IN TNO-DIMSNS1ONAL FLOIV!alw)ooooo.planfomFlaPcf/cgap.10 to 0.50 00.20 0 and0.0055($(degj11.6Air-flowchmacterlstlcsUblis

36、bed,eferenoe,dal ymbolElEL.-43.-rl-.-R a75 1.77 X 106M = 0.09T= 1.93R= 2,8x16to 6.7 X 102hl= 0.20 to 0.477+1.00NACA0009 0 to 0.50 13 to 1617120d o to 0.20XACA66(2151-21 9.3“.-T0,20 0.00j5C0.225 0.0050(R= 2.8x16tO 6.7 x 10tM = 0.20 to 0.47r+ 1.00R = 6.0 X 106M a75 0.147+1.00o NACA230123 L5.5 o to 0.2

37、0NACA6-series4 11.0 Oto 0.225 .-.-T.0.30 0 and0.0050R a75M2:7; ;.106T= 1:9325.4and30.5NACA00095 0 to 0.30 18A. -. -NATIONAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS,.,r,.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-20 NACA TN NO. 1113.,TASLS 11. - lHEOXA

38、?lW R20ARDIKG FURCE-12ST K)2+,Ls lHT,i.)-mM6ifsro MAL FIa*/c pp =wq Cutar.18 0 Q . y 0, rJo20.29 0 -O:;: -o .oag 0.0;10. : mmlg -: dog?,30 0 -0. 00EiJ -0.0010,20 0 -0.0100 -0.0075,30 0.00500 .O.ola -0 .Lx15 0 :3%1-0.008000!36-.0086- JJ37-0 .00b5- .00b5t%ar %ot0.0030 -I0.00z0 0.00611-.0011 -.0063+%”+

39、-r+=M2;3; . a#67T. 1.6. 2.76 x 106U=o. zl741.00s1 t la. rm.w . ;.106T = 1.6 “-GMAT30XAL AMT?031Ycainmu mn ummmmcaProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.o“4O* .* T NATIONAL ADVISORY(a) Angle-of-attaokelope,.CWHITTEE FORAERMAU7KSFigure1.- Eff

40、ectof tabor flapohordon thshlng6-monentpammeterm derivedfrom varioustuo-dimensionalpremur-distributionandforoe-teatdata.; “.3. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.: . . ,.o .04 .08 .12 .16 .20 .24 .2$ .32 .36 .40O* of NATIONAL ADVISORY.7

41、 or 7 COUUlEE FOR.AERONAUTICS(b)Tabosflap-defl.otim6101w.igure1.-Conoludod.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a71 020.016a71 012ka71Oog.0040A OSA 05A:_ 0sThin-airfoil theoryConditionS BothgapeeealedasOne gap openand onegafisealedo Bothga

42、peopen.32 .36 ,40 .44 .48 ,p Cf NATIONAL ADVISORY gT COUHITTEE FORAERONAUTICS *Figure2.- Varlatlonof tab eeotionhinge-monentconstant k withf= various combinationsof flap and-tabgap. Symbolsrefer tatablee I and 11.Offlap ohord ratio zmodels hated in .bi .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction o

43、r networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a71 02aCondition 6s016 so .00022 Bothgapeopen,012,00s,0040.00 .12 .16 620 .24 a71 21i .32 .36 .40. “NAT16NAL ADVISORYCONMITTEE FORAERONAUTICSPlgure 3.- %riation of tab seotionhinge-moaentoonotantat 0 trdllng-edgeanglek(=o) with flap-ohordratio forV

44、WiOUO oomblnationaof flapand tab gap.Symbolsreferto modelshated In tabloeI andII.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.012.Oog.004%5 f o-.004-, Ool!f-.012.I I I I I Flap gap sealed.I-I4”Lo .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 a717 a71S a719 1.0Ct NATIONAL AD

45、VISORYq COMMITTEE FORAERONAUTICSFigure4.- Effectof traillng-edgeangle 4 on the v&iationfor plain sealed- and open-gap 0.300 flaps on an NACA 0009Symbols refer to models listed in table I.airfoil seotlon.!23a71.3 ./.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license

46、from IHS-,-,-a71 a13a55 a15a12nu.4CY!o.Oogo-.012-.CW -.004 0 .004 -.012 -*CW -.004 0chtt (eoqxated)%ta (computed)Figure 5.- Gomparieon of measured and maputed values of hta and htt*Symbols refer to models In table III.NATIONAL ADVISORYCWMIT?EEFORAERONAUTICSProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproductio

47、n or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-K. 04 a71 0s .12 .16 .20& .2J# a712g .32 .36Figure 6.- Measuredvlues of finite-span0tab hinge-momentconstant K plotted againstflap-chordtable III.ratio for illustrativepurposesonly. Symbolsrefer to models incNATIONAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEEFW AERONAUTICS* . . . .Provide

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