NASA NACA-TN-1293-1947 Tests of the NACA 64(SUB 1)A212 airfoil section with a slat a double slotted flap and boundary-layer control by suction《带有板条和双开缝襟翼和抽吸边界层控制的NACA 64(下标1)A212翼剖.pdf

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NASA NACA-TN-1293-1947 Tests of the NACA 64(SUB 1)A212 airfoil section with a slat a double slotted flap and boundary-layer control by suction《带有板条和双开缝襟翼和抽吸边界层控制的NACA 64(下标1)A212翼剖.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-TN-1293-1947 Tests of the NACA 64(SUB 1)A212 airfoil section with a slat a double slotted flap and boundary-layer control by suction《带有板条和双开缝襟翼和抽吸边界层控制的NACA 64(下标1)A212翼剖.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-TN-1293-1947 Tests of the NACA 64(SUB 1)A212 airfoil section with a slat a double slotted flap and boundary-layer control by suction《带有板条和双开缝襟翼和抽吸边界层控制的NACA 64(下标1)A212翼剖.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-TN-1293-1947 Tests of the NACA 64(SUB 1)A212 airfoil section with a slat a double slotted flap and boundary-layer control by suction《带有板条和双开缝襟翼和抽吸边界层控制的NACA 64(下标1)A212翼剖.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-TN-1293-1947 Tests of the NACA 64(SUB 1)A212 airfoil section with a slat a double slotted flap and boundary-layer control by suction《带有板条和双开缝襟翼和抽吸边界层控制的NACA 64(下标1)A212翼剖.pdf_第5页
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1、NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE -FOR AERONAUTICSTECHNICAL NOTE .No: 1293.-TESTS OF THE NACA f341A212 -Fo SECTION TH .A SLAT, A DOUBLE SLOTTED FLAP, AND BOC!NDARY-LAYER CONTROL BY SUCTION John H. Quinn, Jr.LangleyMemorial AeronauticalLalmratorygley Field,Va.WashingtonMay 1947-.fProvided by IHSNot for Res

2、aleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.-% .* , *-.-.rAnairfoilslottedNATIONALAIfVISORYCOMMSTPEEFOR AEROIWTICS .TECHNICALNom No. 1293-.msm or m NACA 641A212 mwo sic910N mmA SLAT, A D)UBLESLOTIZDFLAP,ANDBOUNMRY-LAYER CONTROLBY SUCTION By JohnH. Quinn,Jr.investigationh

3、asbeen conductedof theI?ACA641A212seetionequippedwitha leading-edgeslat,a doubleflap,anda,CQHoHb%xYEa.Rvsecticmliftcoefficientseotiontiagcoefficientairfoilspin,feetairfoilchord,feetfree-streamveloci, feetp9r secondquantityof airremovedthroughsuotionslo

4、t,cubic feetper secondflowcoefficientfree-streemtotal()Qv=w=-, pounds per squarefoottotalpressureinsi* wingduct,POis Fr sOuarefootfree-streamdynamicpreasum, poundsper squarefoot0-Hpressurecoefficient %)horizontaldistxmcepthereforetastsmaybe conductedat highReynoldsnumbersand lowMachnumbers.In bothth

5、esetunnelsliftsare obtainedby integratingthepressurereactionsalongthefloorandceilingof thetunneltestsection,anddragsare obtainedby thewake-surveymethod. Thetunnelsandmethodsof measurement are completely describedin reference3.Theairremovedfromtheboundarylayerwas ledthroughthesuctionslotintoa ductins

6、idethewing. Thequantityof airremovedwas determinedby meansof a Ventmi tubelocatedin thepipelineletweentheairfoiland theblowerusedto forceairflowr“.-.*.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-throu* the system. The totalpressureinsidethewingdu

7、ctwasobtainedby a flushpressureorifioein thewing dud on the endoppositethatat whichtheair was rezwved. For theno-flowcondttion,referredto as a flm mefficiientof zero,the suctionslotwfilledandfairedoverwithplasteklne.Tests were made at a Reyno3ds numberof 1.0 X 106 in theLTTtO -fhd.theeffectof Suctj.

8、on.slotlotion on me cacrstiosof the plainairfoil. Thewoodenmcdd.with We suotionslotat0.400was thenIM3difi.edto permitsurveysto findthe optimumlocationsof the slat,Y , - flapat Remolds numbersof2.0 x 106 or 1.5 x 10 . In maktngthe slatsurveysno intermediatesupportswereprovidedbetweenthewi and slat,an

9、dfittingsonQ2eendsof the slatfor changingthe slat posttionand deflectionwere reoeme in the *1 end platesso thatno disturbancesintheflowwerecreateiinear tieairfdl leadingedge.Oncethe optimumconfigurationsof theflapand slatweredekrmined,thetestswereextendedtoReynoldsnmbers of3.0x 06 ancI6.ox 106 in th

10、e TDT with thealumimunmodel.a71. For theseteststhe slatwas attachedto theairfoilby fourstruts,onsat eachend of themdel and one 8 inchesfromeachsideof themodelcenterMne layercontrol.2 esultsoftestsat Remolds numbersof 3.0x 10 and 6.ox 10 for theslatin itsopti.mumpositionarepresentedInfiguresn(b) and1

11、1(c)for themodelin thesmoothconditionand in figuren(d) for themodelwithleading-edgeroughnessat a Reynoldsnuaiberof 6“.0X 106.w maximumltitcoefficientsof 2.62,2.46,and2.26were obtaine X“ 6.0XI06 arepresentedin figurelk. Figure14(a)showsthatMttb ficreaseinthemaximumliftcoefficientwas obtainedwith%ound

12、sry-layercontrolat a Reynoldsnvmberof 1.5x 106. The maximumliftcoefficientfor a flow coefficientof O was 2.k8,anda flowcoefficientof 0.02broughtaboutan increasein them.ximwnliftcoefficientof only0.14,whichresultedin amximwa liftcoefficientof 2.62. The relativelylow maximum lift fora flowcoefficiento

13、f O and thepooreffectivenessofboundary-layercontrolareattribu%d to thelsxgebubbleoflaminarseparationoccurringcloseto theairfoilleadinGedge. AtReynoldsnumbersof 3.o x 106 and 6.o x 10, howevw, as shin figures14(b)and 14(c),considerablyhier mximm liftcoefficientsand greaterincreaseswithboundary-layerc

14、ontrolwere obtiined.Ata Reynoldsnumberof 3.0x 106 and a flowcoefficientof 0.03,ameximumliftcoefficientof 3.16was obtained,as cmpared withavalueof 2.82withno sugtion. The $mprovedcharacteristicsof theairfoilat thehigherReynoldsnunibersare attributedto a decreasein thesizeof the separated-flowregionne

15、artheleadingedge.The effectsof thisbubbleof separationarqre reference. Dataarepresentidin fire 14(d)for themodelProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-12 WA TN NO. 1293withleading-e- mughness. The maximum liftcoefficientsw

16、ere “ .lowerthantheoorrespondirvaluesfor thesmoothcondition .presentedin fi 14(c), althoughratherI.arincreasesinmaximumliftcoefficientwereobtainedwithincreasingamountof boundary-layeroontrol.The datapresentedin figure14 axe summarizedin fLgure15 inwhichtheeffectofReynoldsnumberon thevwriationofmaxim

17、umliftcoefficientwithflowcoefficientis shownfor theairfoilwith thedoubleslottedflap, Favorablescaleeffectwas Qbtainedthroughouttherangesofflowcoefficient and eynol.dsnuriberinvestigated. 2At a Reynoldsnumberf 6,0 x 10 rZnne88reducedthemaximumlit%coefficientfrom2.85to 2.45at)aflowcoefficientof.0,and

18、from3:23to 2.86at a flowcoefficientof 0.025.CharacteristicsofAirfoilwithLeading-EdgeSlatandDoubleSlottidFlapLiftcharacteristicsat Reynoldsnumbersof 1.5x 106,3.0x 106, and 6.ox 10 arepresentedinfigure16 for themodelwith theleading-edgeslatand thedoubleslottedflapwithandwith-outboundary-layercontrol.

19、The characteristicsoftheairfoilwithtwohigh-liftdevices(leading-ed. :;i!0:0 0385.0 890.0629S.052100.000Ordinateo.025kwer surfaceStationoa71 913. 521.3652.6355.1517.6510.15z15.15120.13825.12030.100g5 *$5.0780.0550:007;4.;$;:?7 :925g.910.912; .gI99:999Ordinateo-.901-1 a71 07-1* 3i? 3-1. 03-2.Ifi-2* 7-3

20、.240: y:t$fg:f$g-4:549$3- .27E:3: ;-3a71 03i-2*537-2a71 037-1.563-1.159-.771-.398-.025L.E.,radius$ O. gykSlope of radius through L.E-z o.09516NATIONAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEE FORAERONAUTICSa71 a15a14a11Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA T

21、N No. 1293TABLE 2.“.,MODIFIED LEADINGEDGB OF NMA 641H2 AIRFOILSEOTION(Stationsand ordinatesin ercent airfotlIIpersurfaceStation2.1582.2922.5002.917i:?232 a:508. 33La71 y$a71Ordinate-10083t-1. 17d.25-1. 67z:3; OxtNX,IONAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEEF(M AERONAUTICSTABItl3SLAT FOR NACA 64#212 AIRFOILSECITIONordi

22、natesin pereent airfoilohord)Upper surface Lower surfaoeStation Ordinate Station Ordinateo 027 8I58 -.Jg1.02:4 ?1.d 5 m1.2i? ;:7 Oil-.2921.132 1.5 22.228 Pa71 2JM?2.9173.33 :967p$ f:%Ja71 a71 5.20 a71:$; pj$12.5oo yg14.000 a71L.E. radiuss o a71 994Slope of radius throughL.E.s 0.097I.a71 a15-EProvide

23、d by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.18., .“.TABLE4VANEFOR NACA641A212AIRFOILSW TION(Stationsand ordinatesin percentairfoilchord)Uimersurf%oeao.100.200.59:1: tiktI 812= 772. 73t3. 65. 62ii$:$6:386. 35L7:92;8 .2408.340Ordinate1.1881.58i1.762.19k2

24、. 60. J8$2: 32.8022.76Jk:21.131LowersurfaoeOr?4 “ i /.w / ; .”-V; g-(“A. . . -0,1670 :2MATONAL ADVISORYCown-m FM AERwM1nc5(a) model IMmenslom .mgura .?.- HACA dZ1?airfoil neotion with boundaq-lagwr motion slot, leadlnI, ,-16 4 0 8 16 24Sootlon mE e nttuk, .aO, d-. 8 -.4 0 .4 .8 1.2 x.6aootlwl I.Mt O

25、odfioimt, o,.2!z?PNww.,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-s1.“% -a o 8 16 a(a) R = 3.0 X 106; MOdOl b moth .lcnditial.Mw 5:- Litt Ob.a)?aoteriablaaof E% t2K airfoil motion with bomd8ry-Mym. l“” .1-N)Oontml. ?a*ta, m 953, 9Q model tith ntandard rmglmaa.FlFigure.8modelin smooth6.- Contlnued.1.2 1.6%1m0-*CLNATIONAL ADVISORYCONMITTEE F(M AERONAUTICSezcondition. wN%a71 a15a15 a13, . * a71a15, ,.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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