NASA NACA-TN-1338-1947 Propeller-efficiency charts for light airplanes《轻型飞机的螺旋桨效率图表》.pdf

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NASA NACA-TN-1338-1947 Propeller-efficiency charts for light airplanes《轻型飞机的螺旋桨效率图表》.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-TN-1338-1947 Propeller-efficiency charts for light airplanes《轻型飞机的螺旋桨效率图表》.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-TN-1338-1947 Propeller-efficiency charts for light airplanes《轻型飞机的螺旋桨效率图表》.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-TN-1338-1947 Propeller-efficiency charts for light airplanes《轻型飞机的螺旋桨效率图表》.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-TN-1338-1947 Propeller-efficiency charts for light airplanes《轻型飞机的螺旋桨效率图表》.pdf_第5页
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1、NATIONAL _-_n:c_By Jo_ L. CL_ig!er and. Robert E. JaquisSU9.RY_._e selection of a prooe!ler on the b,_o._._,o_ e-.Ll_,_enc_ forsppication to a li_hl.-airp!ane design can be _._c(:omplished by theuse of the charts 7_r_;senLed. The req_ire?, ca.ct_ations ure madea mJnlmu_i_ by 19resenting t:.,_ d:.:me

2、_.slo_;a_ropeier Dar_metersdirectly on th_ itcD propeller as af_rnction cf airspeed and enc1no _2_Z X0(3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. 2#.6q.Z0_0.8.6.4 oo.8.6/000_ 0 /(NACA TN No. 1338f!qo,ot 1- - - Cra7R=O.13 _i = 0.80./A/,rprn

3、52.76 “0.20_ZO_(b) D = 8.0: “i = 0.86._._-_0.207o.2 T6CrO,7F =0.069I 0.13_NATIONALADVISORYCONNITTF|FOIlAERONAUTICSN, rpm(c) D = I0.0; _i = 0.90.Figure 2.- Propeller efficiency. V = I00 milee per hour; P = 300 horsepower; B = 4.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with

4、out license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 1338 Fig. 3LO,8,g/08,6.4Zo.8.6.4/0oorf/ i/ f _-N, rpm_oo- J _-.- _ 7R = 0.0690.38I-“-“ _ 0.20710.2-763_Ioo(a) D : 6.0; _i : 0.955.1I f _ - - “I-lI_ _lO_T I_- - _,.-_“ _ _ (IQ 7R =O.069“ _ “ 0.138“- “-._,_. ).20i0276/000= 0.97./f“/ fw0.276lopt-_0.7R:0.0690.138oo Z

5、_N, t b/l_NATIONAL ADVISORYCONNITTEIF FOIl AERONAUTICS(c) D = lO.O; ni : 0.98.Fiure 3.- Propeller efficiency. V : 200 _ile per hour; P = 300 horseoower; B : 4.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. 4 NACA TN No. 1338.8.6.Z.80 IoooI2O00I

6、_, rpm(a) D = 6.0; _i = 0.53.3ooo.4-“ _opt,: s:4j/ _ 8-_.6.Z. 0 I000 2000 3000H, rpmI,o.8.6(b) D : 8.0; _i : 0.61.7- _l_m,;e-4B-Z6NATIONAL ADVISORYCONMITTEEFOIlAERONAUTICS0 I000 2000 3000_, rpm(c) D = I0.0; _i : 0.65.Figure 4.- Propeller efficiency. V = 50 miles per hour; P = 300 horsepower; _O.?R =

7、 0.0345B.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No.6.4.z o1.0.8.613381000_opf/I_optFig. 5/ _/ I -_/ 22OOON, _m(a)D = 6.0; _i = 0.80.3000_“ 2_ -_x-“ - -748 5,4 0 I000 2000 3000N, rum(b) O = 8.0; _i = 0.86.I08Ir/optB=8_I-7-,.- - _ _B=2

8、_ “ 4_8 6INATIONAL ADVISOI_YCONNITTEE F011 AEItOItAUTtCSI.4 0 tO00 20OO 3000N, rpm(c) D = 1.0; _i = 5 Propeller efficiency V = IOO mil,_ per hour; P = 30U horsepower; (,.,do4O_. - “ “ U i.2 J,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-

9、,-Fig. 6 NACA TN No. 1338_o.8.6LO.8.6LO,8.G.4O/._/I_._._._ tbp_S_:4_o00 20o0A_, rpm(a) D = 6.0; _7i = 0.91.3000I/Iooo/-_r/op_;B, z.-=_52._- -_ f-8=2N, rpm(b) D = 8.0; _i2000= 0.945.3000I- _Opf_B4NATIONAL ADVISORYCONNITTEEFOIl AEROIIAUTICSo I ooo 2000 300oN,/Tbm(c) D = I0.0; _i = 0.96.Figure 6.- Prop

10、eller efficiency. V = 150 miles per ho.r; P : 300 horsepower; _O.TR : 0.0345_.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 1338 Fig. ?I.O.8.6.4 0LO.8.6.4 0fff4f1ooo 2oooN, F,_m(a) D = 6.0; _i = 0.955.fJlOOt)If-._:_-4z_Tff_L._. _ - _Al,

11、rprn7/opl_8-4.j_B=2“8(b) D = 8.0; n i = 0.97,%pt l a-4B:2483OOO30O01.0f.6ft r/_ t , e:4f I“,8-B=2NATIONAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEEFOIlAERONAUTICS0 I000 2000 3000N, rpm(c) D = 10.0; _i = 0.98.Figure 9.- Propeller efficiency. V = 200 mile_ per hour; P = 300 horsepower; _O.7R = 0.0345B.Provided by IHSNot for

12、ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. 8 NACA TN No. 1338LO1.0IO00/Z000A/_ rprn(a) D = 6.0; n i = 0.57._,?O_f;8:4*-3O0OB=46.86 . _- _Tr_pl8“4I000 2000t5/, rpm(b) D = 8.0; n i = 0.65._z3000tO.8_._.-q(_p ;S=4 NATIONAL ADVISORY_._., r_C_._-. COMMITTEE_.FOQ AERON

13、AUTICS“_-“ “-,3_2-.6 “40 IO00 2000 3000A/, r/Drn(c) D = i0.0; n i = 0.71.Figure 8.- Propeler efficiency. V = bO miles per hour; P : 225 horsepower; _O.7R = O.O34bB.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 1338 Fig. o Io0o

14、fIV, _mI#L_ - r-=_ . -_“ - _C- 8=2:- _ _J“_“-“7“ - - 4_2OOO 3000(_.) D = 6.0; ni .= 0.83.LO., zooo 3o00N, /“p n9(b) D = 8.0; _i = 0.89.I0.8“ opt 8NATIONAL ADVISORYCONNITTEE It011/IEII011AUTIC$-.4 o ,coo 2000 oooIV, Fprn(c) D = I0.0; _i = 0.92.Figure 9.- Propeller efficiency. V : i00 miles

15、 per hour; P : 225 horsepower; _0.TR = 0.0345B.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. i0L0.8.6I/NACA TN No. 1338Iqop_.;B-48:2_6.4 0.8,61.0LO.6j_1rI000 2OOON, rf_m(a) D = 6.0; _i _ 0.93.,_.rf/I 1_4I000 2OOOA/, r/_m(b) D : 8.0; _i : 0.955

16、.r-,! !_-. _ i_opf ; B 4 NATIONAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEE FOIt AERONAUTICS30O03OOO.4- 0Figure i0.- Propeller efficiency.I000 2000 3000N, rpm(c) D : 10.0; ,7i : 0.97.V : 150 miles per hour; P : 225 horsepower; _0.7R : 0.03458.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without lice

17、nse from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 11/8=24-01.0.8IIfff_20_N, rio f,_(a) D = 6.0; _i = 0.97.!=-“ “ - - “ _ _ _ =,.,.= -.-.- - - ,-._ _., I_ _ _46300041,0.8.61O00 2O00N, rjorn(b) D = 8.0; wi = 0.98.,I“e 6NATIONAL ADVISORYCONNITTEI_ FGt AEItON,tUTIC$3000,4 0 tO(X) 2_000 3000,= 0.985.Figure

18、ii.- Propeller efficiency. V = 200 miles per hour; P = 225 horsepower; _O.TR : 0.0345B.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. 12 NACA TN No. 1338.6.4.2 O8 _ 42OOO= 0.625.B=23OOO.6 r1ssIo_-%m, _B=4.7-.L2000r/am(b) D = 8.0; ni = 0.70.30oo

19、Z.8.(;.4J/Figure 12.- Propeller efficiency.I IIINATIONAL ADVISORYCOICNITTEF F011AERONAUTICSIO00 2000N, rDm(c) D : I0.0; ni = 0.76.V : 50 miles per hour; P : 150 hor_epowec; _O.?R3000: 0.0345B.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No

20、. 1338 Fig. 13.8.64 0r/!48 gIooo 20o0 3000A/, rpm(a) D : 6.0; _i = 68o IO0O 2oo0 3OO0IV, rpm(b) D -8.0; _i = 0.92.I.Oq.6.6/I“-/_88=4B=2 NATIONAL ADVISORYCOINITTEE F011 AEIIONAUTICSo IOOO ZOOO 3000A/, rpm(c) D = 10.0; _i = 0.94.Figure 13.- Propelle,r efficiency. V = 100 miles per hour; P :

21、150 horsepowec; cO.?R = 0.0345B.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Fig. 14 NACA TN No. 1338I.O.8.6.4I000I!-N, rpm_;B=#2000-R=2300O(a) D = 6.0; _i : 0.95.LO/48IoooN, rpmSI-B.22OOO _I000(b) D = 8.0; ni = ADVISORYC,ONNITTEE FOIl AEItONAUTICSO 1000 2000 3O00N, Fp/_c) D = 10.0; _i = 0.98.Figure 14.- Propeller efficiency. V = 150 miles per hour; P = 150 horsepower; _O.?R = 0.03_5B.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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