NASA NACA-TN-1406-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel tests of an NACA 16-009 airfoil having a 32 9-percent-chord flap with an overhang 20 7 percent of the flap chord《带有32 9%弦的襟翼和襟翼弦20 7%突.pdf

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NASA NACA-TN-1406-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel tests of an NACA 16-009 airfoil having a 32 9-percent-chord flap with an overhang 20 7 percent of the flap chord《带有32 9%弦的襟翼和襟翼弦20 7%突.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-TN-1406-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel tests of an NACA 16-009 airfoil having a 32 9-percent-chord flap with an overhang 20 7 percent of the flap chord《带有32 9%弦的襟翼和襟翼弦20 7%突.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-TN-1406-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel tests of an NACA 16-009 airfoil having a 32 9-percent-chord flap with an overhang 20 7 percent of the flap chord《带有32 9%弦的襟翼和襟翼弦20 7%突.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-TN-1406-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel tests of an NACA 16-009 airfoil having a 32 9-percent-chord flap with an overhang 20 7 percent of the flap chord《带有32 9%弦的襟翼和襟翼弦20 7%突.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-TN-1406-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel tests of an NACA 16-009 airfoil having a 32 9-percent-chord flap with an overhang 20 7 percent of the flap chord《带有32 9%弦的襟翼和襟翼弦20 7%突.pdf_第5页
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3、nsmlRobertW.Byrne ,.“Aninvestigationwasconductedtodeterminetheeffectsofccmpreesibilityupontheaerodynamiccharacteristicsofa5-inch-chordIW3CA16-o(wairfoilsectionhavinga32.9-yercent-chord.flapwitha20.7-percentflap-chordnoseoverhangenda1.8-percent-chordunsealedgap.AirfoQliftandyitchingnumentendflaphinge

4、momentswereobtaiqedoveran80angle-of-attackrangearilaflapsrglermgeof14fromaMachnumberof0.4uptothemsximm(choking)Machnumbersthatcouldbetittainedforeachmodelconfigurateion. ,TheresultsshowedthattheelevatoreffectivenessdecreasedwithincreasingMachnumberad thatflapbalmceincreasedrapidl.ywithincreasingMach

5、number.AdRflapsectionhie-momentfapdeflection;negativeangleof.attackflapchordbehindchordofairfoil;coefficicmb;%asedorIcl, In3K11.usWhena,afj c1 areusedassubscriptsoutdethe .lerentheses,theysifythatthequantityisheldoonstant.AI?PA3AT

6、LEArmTXSTSThetzmtswereconductedintheLangley2k-inch .Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-NACATN0. z406 3.Airfoliftendpitchingmomentaspring-tehaleacesimilartothatwereobtainedbymeansdescribedinrefwenceFlap-e momentsweremeasuredbymeansofanelectricalstrn-gagesysttimountedontheUnce.of4.Theforcesendmczuentmw

7、eremeasuredaveranangle-of-attackre extendingfrom-X +06anda.,flapdeflectimrangefrom-9*P+0h.30. “ . . Atenangleofattackof0endatflapdd?lectionsfr-1.7to-9.7additionaltestsweremadewiii5csrlorundmparticles(O.003to0.005inchmadmnmdZmension)enibetdedinacoatofshellacwchhadleenaqliedtotheupperendluwersurfaceso

8、veratidthextendingfromtheleadiedgetoe.ppoximatel.ythe8-yercent-chordstation.Thesetestsweemadetosimulateenoperatingconditioninwhichbourdeq-layertransitionoccursnew theleadingedge,Inful.1-scQeinstallationsthisccnditionfrequentlyexistseitherasaresultofr-stretbence% Wfe .irregularitiesor%oth. . .TheMach

9、num%erremgeforwhichthetetsweremq3eextpnded.approximatelyfromO.hOto0.85correspondingtoReyioldsnumbersfromaroximately.1,100,000tol900J000 . -FACTORSATFECTINGTESSRESULTSTunnel-WallEffectsSincetunnel-wellcorrectionssroknownfromboththeoryandexper”ntobemushinthesubcritical.qseed=ngeforthe.maEJU.ratioofmod

10、eltotunnelsizeofthlainvetigaticmandsincenorigorouecorrectionhasasyetbeendeterminedforthesupercriticd.peedrange,theforcetestdataarepresenteduncorrectedfortheeffectsofthetuanelT7slls. Asshowninreference2,en5.mpotiantconstrictioneffectinthesupercriticalspeedrangeisa increasointheeffectiveMachnmibertoav


12、sfollowedbyaninoreaseinslopeathigherflapangleshasbeenfound.inotherinstanoesatsupercriticalMachnumbers.Thedataoffigure(b)showthattheleading-edgeroughnessresuledinmarkedreduotioninthe (aup5f)ct=o fallsto0,22at.aIeachofwhichisthemd.uefor a=0 end5= o.o,applyovoravoyliyd.ted”rangeofoofattackandflap.doflo

13、ct+onasisevidentfqnfies 13”and14.-Estimate-dvaluesof f (c%)aobttincdJXCom chfoandempirical.methodsprosentedinreToienco“6We includedinfigure15.rProvided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-.N!ICATNNo.1M)6 Reference6showsthataW ythegreaterpea%waaduehightrailing-edgeemgl.einthepresenceofanunsesledgap.7. .lmlsncet

14、otheThetendencyfortheflapbslancetoincreasewithincreasingMachnumberatsubcriticalspeedsisbelievedtoheachazzacteri.sticofflapswith.relativelylsrgetrailing-edgesngleJ-;:”,:.-”. . . , ., -(jQ.” “ - “,”.; .,. . . .-” :.“,j-i.-l ,“.-, . . . .:, .,.,-:, ,. . , f :. - 1, EW: The “;.C.ompressLbi4ity.Burbleand

15、theEffectofCompressibfklty,cq,.!Premwr; , -. ,. .,.+.?: ,BYX; Robe%,W.:Experimental Constriction. Effects,”i-H$ “qhii: . .-Tests oflAdrfolellesi-“6DeJune939B4.Stack,John:TheN,A.C.A.HiSpeedWIndTunne2,andTestsofSixPropellerSeotione.NACARep.No.463,1933.5.Purser,PaulE,andRiebe,JohnM.:Wind-!l?urmelInvest

16、igationofC?ontrol-surfaoeCharaoteristios.-XV-VariousContourModificationsofa0,30-Afoil-ChordPlainFlaponar, - .NACA66(215)-014Airfoil.IiAC!AACRNo.3L20,1943.6, IangleyReearchDepartment:SummaryofLateral-ControlResearoh. .(CompiledbyThomasA.Toll,) NACATNNO.12);5,1947.7. Sohueller3 Carl F.,andKorycinski,P

17、eterF.: EffectofFabricDeflecticinatHighSpeedsontheAerodynamicCharacteristicsoftheHorizontalTailSurfaoeofanSB2D-1Airplane.NACAARRNo.LqFOla,1945.8. Schue.1.ler,CarlF.,Korycinski,PeterF,andStrass,H.Kurt:Test8ofaFull-ScaleHorizontalTallSuri%oeititheLangley16-FootHigh-9peedTunnel.NACATNNo,1074,196.,.Prov

18、ided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-o , .,602c k- Cf zJf29c /?=./9c%5#.3 2.3+ - -2t-L7;(“ -Jo7/ /m-v”E=2 -z7G7 T-9.7 w FJy:3R4NATIONALADVISORYmMMl-.22 .3 .4 .5 .O .-/ .u .Y. . . .TEEFM AERONAUTICSI t I I I I I4(da = 2.Figure3.-Continued.,.Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-NACA TN No. 1406 Fig. 3e.A(e) a =

19、 4.Figuqe3.-Continued.Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-Fig. 3f NACA TN No. 1406.$. I /-9.7 w ./oNATIONALADVISORYCOMMITTEEFORAEpONA(mCS2 .3 .4 .5 .& .7 .8 -7A.(f) a= 6,Figure3.-Concluded.Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-NACA TN No. 1406 Fig. 4.8 .6.4 I IA4L5J I.2 1y /-0M.-.C9a?I11111 CO

20、MMITTEEFORAERONAUTICS1 t I 1 I I I I 1. I I-a -4 0 4 a /2Angleof attack,a, degFigure4.-Variationof sectionliftcoefficientwithangleof attack.$f =0.30.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS. . .,2./-.2-, 3-.4-. 5/. 8 -+ o -9 8Flop .+flecfiam, 4, d

21、eg.2.10c1-./-.2-,.5-.4-5 -12 -8 -4 0 4FLup deflection, &II,degala = OO. (b)u = OO.Leadingedgeroughened.lgure5.-Variationofsectionliftcoefficientwithflapdeflection. . .Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-./6.040, .1-4-Id2-.1- I COMMITTEEFORAEROMNJT!CS,3 .4 .5 .6 .7 ,8 &mlFigure 6.- Variation of lift-cu

22、rve elopes with Mach number. OaProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS.40M NAT10?4A1.ADVISORYCWBUTTEEm #ElcsFigure 7.- Variation of flap effectiveness with Mach number.,- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted withou

23、t license from IHS-NACA TN No. 1406 Fig. 8a/3,/0.06-04- bf (dq)Cmc .024 d 7-3.Z - 070a 2.3 . -+ ._.-d4706NATIONALADVISORY-. d8.2COkli!lqEEFAERONAWICS.-3 44 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 LoM(a) CL = -200Figure 8.- Variation of section quarter-chord momentcoefficient with Mach number.Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-

24、,-Fig. 8b NACA TN No. 1406./23.0.08-5. 7 T7 .04 -57 Q v.02 / -/.7 x ?S-o 0.3 u2.3-.02 63 -El “ e704706708 ja3 L Id47/0NATIONALADVISORYCOMMITTEEFAERWWJT!CS .2 .3 .4 5 .6 J .8 .9 /.0M.(b) a = OO.Figure 8.- Continued.4 .Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-NACA TN No. 1406 Fig.8C./2./0-m.06 6(d? )-9.$ % *

25、 QL .04cm -77q L.02 _57 - -13.7x1-/.7 v “o % ,-):02-7& NATIONALADVISORYCOMMITTEEFORAERONAUTICS.2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .B .9 LoM(c)a = 00. Leadingedgeroughened.Figure8.-Continued.Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-NACA TN No. 1406.16-./4./26./0 Xg)e? v .-5?7 .GZ3 1 Q-77 7 $ I?.&. $-57.04 CM% 3.7 0.0 3o 2,3

26、343 “ / 1,+2 thu704706- NATIONALADVISORYCOMMITTEEFQfIAERONAUTICS.2 .3 4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9A.(d) a = 2,Figure 8- Continued.r.Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-.NA.CA TN No. 1406 F./4./2./0 +.08 -%7I.06 -7 P J“ Kc“ 457 w W A-!3. &_ A .Y.04 1.3 -q / F.02 I/2.3 + -0 I702I704I-46 1708 NATIONALADvISORYCOMMITT

27、EEF? AERONAUTICS.2 .3 4 .5 .6 .7 8 .9 /0M(e) a = 4.Figure8.-Continued.ig. 8eProvided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-Fig. 8f NACA TN No. 1406./0(d?gl.00-9.7IN77I.06-L q w A.040.3 .02-0-CLZ NATIONALADVISORYCOMMITTEEFORAERONAUTICS,2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 4!-lM /0.,.(f)a = 6.Figure8.- Concluded.Provided by IHS

28、Not for Resale-,-,-. . . ,.08 “ /w/ a717CO.04 / / F- :800w 7scm%/ %./- :7%- x -0 :7s/+.04 NATIONAL ADVISORYCOUMl_!lEEFORAEONAKS-6 74 -.2 0 .2 4 .6 .8c,Figure 9,- Variation of eection quarter-chord momentcoefficient with section lift coefficient. 8f = 0.30.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

29、 or networking permitted without license from IHS.HFigure 10. - Variation with Mach number of the rate ofchange of airfoil-section moment coefficient withsection lift coefficient. Sf = 0.3.ILmmnmlml, . , .!Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-. , , ,A?.08.c“% -7750-. c-f -.0?3 . MIllEE FOQMACtUUllCs-/2 -8 -4 0 4 8 -12 -8 -# o +8Fup defection , +, C+(a) a = 00 b) u OO. Leading edge roughened.Figure 11,- Variation of section quarter-chord momentcoefficient with flap deflection.,Provided by IHSNot for Resale-,-,-

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