NASA NACA-TN-1417-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel tests of an NACA 0009-64 airfoil having a 33 4-percent-chord flap with an overhang 20 1 percent of the flap chord《带有33 4%弦的襟翼和襟翼弦20 1%.pdf

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NASA NACA-TN-1417-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel tests of an NACA 0009-64 airfoil having a 33 4-percent-chord flap with an overhang 20 1 percent of the flap chord《带有33 4%弦的襟翼和襟翼弦20 1%.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-TN-1417-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel tests of an NACA 0009-64 airfoil having a 33 4-percent-chord flap with an overhang 20 1 percent of the flap chord《带有33 4%弦的襟翼和襟翼弦20 1%.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-TN-1417-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel tests of an NACA 0009-64 airfoil having a 33 4-percent-chord flap with an overhang 20 1 percent of the flap chord《带有33 4%弦的襟翼和襟翼弦20 1%.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-TN-1417-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel tests of an NACA 0009-64 airfoil having a 33 4-percent-chord flap with an overhang 20 1 percent of the flap chord《带有33 4%弦的襟翼和襟翼弦20 1%.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-TN-1417-1947 High-speed wind-tunnel tests of an NACA 0009-64 airfoil having a 33 4-percent-chord flap with an overhang 20 1 percent of the flap chord《带有33 4%弦的襟翼和襟翼弦20 1%.pdf_第5页
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2、76 ?Jy+/Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IEGH LIUHAHYkAru,NM =-.*.IW!ITON=ADVISORYCOMNHTEEFORAERONA7JT%CSIillllllll!lygillllllll=g_.!UKE3W2ALNO!lYlifO.1417HIGH-SF313ZDWZND-TWJNEL”TESTSOFANNACA0009-64JURJMJJHAVINGA 33.4-EERCEHT*CHORDFLA

3、PWITHANOVERHANG20.1EEN23NTOETEEFIAPByDavidB.StevensonandAlfredsuMMmYCEORDA. AdlerTestswereconductedtoinvestigatetheeffectsofcom-pressibilityona-inch-chordNACA0009-64airfoilsectionhavinga 33.k-percent-chordflapwithanoseoverhangof20.1percent of the flap chorilandaO.O1i-percent-chordun-sealed,gap.Airfo

4、illiftandpitchingmomentandflayhingemomentwereobtainedoveanengle-of-attackrangeof6andaflap-angleraneof16 fromaMaohnumberof0.4totheYmaximum(chokingMachnuniberthatcouldbeobtainedforeaohconfiguration.Theresultsshowedthat,ingeneral,theflapeffactivenessdecreasedwithaninoreaseinMachnuniber.Therateofohangeo

5、fhinge-momentcoefficientwithbothangleofattackandflapdeflection/lmsedcmcf6 flapdeflection;negativedeflectionisu_a angleofattack$ trailing-edgeangleR radiusG* flapchordbehindthec chordofairfoilwithhingelineOflapdeflectionWhena,5,endCzareusedassubscriptsoutsidetheparentheses,theysitfythatthequantityish

6、eldccmstant.ThetestswereconductedintheLangley24-inchhigh-spoodtunnel,whiohisdescribedinrefcnmnce2. Recentmodificatimtothistunnel,whichreducedthetielspanoxposodtotheairstreamfrom24to18inches(fig.1),ISdescribedinreference3.Themcdelspanmdthetestsection,pamsingthroughholesinendplatesfnthetunnelwalls.(Se

7、efig.1.) Thoseholesworeofthescumshapeastheairfoilprofilebutworesi.ightlylarger.Thisarrangementapproxhnatedtwo-dimmmionalflaw;hence,theProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NU2ATNN0.1417 3.forcesandnmmentsobtainedaxeessentiallysectioncharact

8、eristics.ThemodelwasasymmetricalairfoilmadeofsteelwithanNACA0009-64airfoilprofilemodifiedtohavea33.?+-percent-chordflapwithanoverhengof4.1percentoftheflapchord,Zhe0.01.7cgapwae”unsealed.A cross section ofthemofielisshownasfigure2.Theordinates,exceptforthep,nrtoftheairfoilaftectedbytheflapnoseandtheg

9、ap,maybeobtainedfromreference4.Airfoilliftandpitchingmomentwereoltainedbymeansofaspring-typebalancesimilartothatdescribedinreference. Flaphingemomentsweremeasuredlymeansofanelectricalstrain-gagesystemmountedontheW1.snce.Theforcesandmomen%weremeasuredoveransmgle-ofattackrangeextendingfrom-4to#andafla

10、p-deflectionrangefrom-6.J.Ota 9.9.TheMac%numberrangeforwhichthetestsweremadeextetheeffectivenessdecreasedtoavalueof(3,34ataMothnumberof0.83.Itshouldbenotedthatthesevaluesme validonlJfmliftcoefficientsverynearzerolift.IncludedinthisfigureisavalueofelevatoreffectivenessobtelnedinWneLmey StabilityResea


12、values,buttheyillustratethenatureofthevariationstobeexpected.PitchingMoment Variationsinthequarter+hordpitching+ncment.coeffiie.ntwithMachnumberfor constantanl.arconditionsareshowninfigure8. Theeffectofcompressibilityon the variationsofairfoilsectionpitching+ncmentcoefficientwithliftcoefficientforac

13、matantflapdeflectionandfora constantangleof”attackisshowninfigures9and10,respectively.Inordertoindtc.atecenter-of-pressureuhiftswithMachnumber,theparameters%)E and%)a wereplottsdW figures11and12.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-6 NACAT

14、O. 1417HingeMomentTheeffectofccxnpressibllityontheflapsectionhhge-acmentcoefficientforconstantangularconditionsispresentedin figure 13.Thevariations.ofhings-mcmentcoefficientwlth”mgleofattaclcandwithflapdeflectionareshowninfigures14and15,respectively.ThecurvesinthesetwofiguresIndicatethat,incertainr

15、angesofflapdeflection,changes,inspeedmayproduceirregularvariationsinstickforceandevenstick-forcereversals.ThovariationswithMachnumberof aCh/b and ach/bfor a =0, b=.O.1oaregiveninfigure16.Theseslopesapplyover a very limltedrangeofangleofattackandflapdeflection,asisevident,$rcmfigures14and15.Ftgures13

16、and15showthat,atthehihorflapangles,markedchangesinthehinge+naentcharacteristicsoccurredinthespeedrangeaboveM =0.7.Pressure-distributiondataandschli.erenflowphotographsobtainedintheLangleyrectangularhigh+yeedtunnelininvestigationsofotherflappedairfoiluhaveshownthatabruptchangesinhtnge+nomentcharacter

17、isticsoccurredwhenthecritical,sp.eedwasexceeded.Theseeffectsarosefromthepesageofshockwavesacrosstheflap.Includedinfigure1,6forcomparisonwithtltiesultsofthetestsareestimatedvaluesof ientwithbothangleofattackandflapdefbCiOIi (kh/b)and (?wa)aShOWd. hlCreO2/ I 4-tl-t-+- I. A7/ /.9, I , , , rt 1:5 k? 19,

18、76 INATICCOMMIT-H+ 1 IDNAL ADVISORYEEF AEROSAIITK,Z71 I I I I I I I I I I I.2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .B .9 10M, (/6) cc= -2:Fgure 3- Confinued.,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-13 NACA TN No. 1417(c) CL =0:,.- .flglird 3. - Coniinucd. .Provide

19、d by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 1417 14./+(d)fh Mach number.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 1417 20./0.(38.06,A,.6I I I I I II IIIFyIII I 14A. /NATIONA

20、LADVISORYA“ - .- -. .AUTKS-a ,0 I.7. .8 .9 10M() u =-2:FigureH - Continue d. . .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-21 NACA TN No. 1417I I I III K,f 1 I I I Al I I II I:/2 , , 1NATIONAL ADVISORYCWMITTES AERONAUTS.4+42 .3 .4 .5 “.6 .7 .8 .

21、(3 Lo.M. F/gure & - Continued.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 1417 22=mc/+Figure . - CoBc/ude d.NATIONAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEE AERONAUTSProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

22、IHS-,-,-.(94 Mo.8z5 .f300 .7752 kM-0 . - . - . 0.775+4325/.700- - / .800A704 .+00NATIONAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEE AERDNAUWSI I78 -.6 -4 :2 0 .2 .+ .6CJfigure - Yuriution of section quarfer - chordmom ent coefflkien t w)Th sectionfff coeftient. 6=-0./? . .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or net

23、working permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.I.2dzg.IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-,.1 cl-u.5y- “/ / - - u?0 ,-./ v NATIONAL ADVISYCowlTEE Fa AEmlwrtCsI I I I I.3 .4 .s .6 .7 .8 .9Mfigure /L - Vbriafion with Much number of fhe rQ

24、teof chun ge of txfoil section moment coefficientwifh secion fifi coefficient for G ccmsfcmm+fbp def/ec+iofl. & = -O./?!2. . . .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-, .-.+ ,.3Figure z.I.4 .5 ,6 .7 .8 .7NATtoNu AmsOwCOMMITTEEm AERwurlcs- JA

25、21h? Wifh Much t?um&8r of /%4?/-C#4?ofcomge of ult-foil secf)aq moment coefflcetwith secfjofl lift coeffclefltfcv u cmxvtuDfCW?gk of C#fuck . w = 0?Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-,27 NACA TN Ffo. 1417Ch.06.04 Lg.)x )+-2, / x - ,02 01

26、tI I I I 111I 1!1 IIo/.9 -170270479 p,706“tttH+tt-./27/4 -:/6./82 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 ,& .9 LoM NATIONALADVISORYW!IMITTEEFM AERONAUTICS(u) u “ -4:.,a711.Figure 13. - Varl”aionof flop section hinge- momenfGoeificienf w)th Mach Aumber.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

27、hout license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN No. 1417 I702 3.9 3704 e /3. /5.9T06 .Z9:089.9A./0 & w /-./2 k L17/4 A7/62 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 B.9 LoNNATIONALADVISORY(b) C&-2: cOMMll_EEFti AERDNAUTKS.-Fi9ure13.- Continuea!Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fro

28、m IHS-,-,-29 NACA TN No. 1417.08-6.1 /.06- 4./ &.04 -3./ v a ,-t .02-2./_ ,-x /1“- x ,- = . .,0 -0. / k0.9 cA Av A A“vAI:02 /-9 , t. -1- +2.9 0 A:04 E1 706 3.9 -w A i5.9 Lx 4 J , 708Z9:/0,9.9 A Ay v7/2 - 7/4 - h7/6.2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Lo.-L1.Mc) C4 =,OO.NATIONALADVISORYcOMMITIF.SFORASRDNAUTICSFigure 13 - Conflnued.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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