2、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TECH LIBRARY KAFB, NMNATIONALADVISORY cOMmrrEEFoR AERoJ!muTrcsTECHI?ICALIK)!EENO.1624Iluunlllllllululllll01444LLTwo+mmmsIomwm4mmEL IIWESCIGATIOIY OF ANlUCA6X19 AIKF03ZEQ m IWO1Kl?WOF IWDINGEDGE I?IAPBy Feli
3、cien F. IRiUmer, Jr.SUMMARY”An investigationwas made to detemine the effect of leadidgeflaps on the maximum lift coefficient of an IVLCA64-009 airfofl tocompare the results with data obtained from previous tests of similarlyshaped flaps on ea NACA -012 airfoil (1WCAIT?No. U2/”).Theinvestigation incl
4、uded tests of two lpercent-chord leaMn however, the uppeace leame flap wasmore effective as a hi-lift detice on the +percent-thick airfoilan on the 12=percent=thick atrfoil.An examination of the results (table IX) obtained frcm the leadiedge flaps when tested in conjunctionwith the trailidge split f
5、lapsshows that the difference (0.34) in cL of the +percen either flap, however, was equallyeffective as a lift augmenter when used on the airfoil with the traedge flap deflected 600.Pitchinloment CharacteristicsA comparison of the section pitc t data obtained for theNACA 6k-009 airfofi tith VaXiOUS
6、w ts of the leading-edge andtrailing-edge flaps (fig. 9) shows that the adtition of either leading-t coefficients$0 increase negativelyedge flap caused the pitch+mwith increasing lift coefficient until the eagle of attack was approximately high enough for the flap to beccnneeffective. hthelifi.Provi
7、ded by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-8coefficient is increased beyondcients increase positively in aNACA 0. 1624this point, the pitching+ument coeffi-manner corresponding to a forwardposition of the aerodynamic center with respect to the qparte
8、r-ohordpoint of the sin airfoil. Such a forward position of the aero-c center is consistentwith the fact that area has leen addedahead of the leading edge of the plain airfoil. The forward shift inthe aerodynamic center was slightly larger for the upper-surfac+flapinstallationthan for the loweace-fl
9、ap installation. The resultsshow that the increments in pitchingaoment coefficientswhich wereobtained from the addition of either of the leadidge flaps arerelatively smell in comparisonwith the increments resulting fromdeflection of the conventional split traildge flay.- A comparison of the present
10、results with those of reference 1shows, in general, that the character of the pitcmoment curvestith leading-edge flaps deflected was about the same for both ai-rfoils.The magnitude of the coefficients and the slopes of the curves for theuppeace leadin -2.0095.0 2.109 5.0 -2.109i?795 z. 3 $? -2* 4310
11、.0 ;. $8 3-2. 9815.0H 15:0 n-3* 5/20.0z:6 20.0 -.25.0 .170 25.0J?- .17030.0 30.0?5.0 :g $5.0 $fiijh;: 4:361! 4;: -)+:3650.0 4.13 5000 -4.13t55.0 3.826 55.0 -3.82660.0$a71: 60.0 y:?65.0 65.070.0 ;:;:1 70.0 +;185.08;:; ;:ij R: +%$85.090.0 :611 90.0 -:61195.0 0.227 95.0 -a71 227100 100 0,LOEOradiusg OC
12、579. ._ .-. . . - .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.I-2 mm TNNo. 1624TABLE IISUMMARY OF RESUITS OBTKINEDIROM TESTS OF TIDZNACA 64-009AI?DTEE NACA 6)Model configurationa71(deg)TWA 64-009 airfoilAirfoil e20ne 1.09 10.6 I .- - - -Airfoil
13、 and lower-mmfacele fP 1.66 16.2 0.57 5.6 1.20 -Airfoil and uppeaceleading+dge flap 1.82, 17.8 .73 7.2 151.5 -Airfoil and traildgeflap alone 1.80 5.5 - - - 60Airfoil traildge flapand lower+mrface 2.61 14.2 .81 8.7 U20 60leading-edge flapAirfoil trailka :3? sWiOn 10.00 Station 25.00Statkq 0.00A 4 +Ai
14、rfoil ohod ltie -+I.0120,/”.&o(!I3Figure 4.-edge-flapaeotlon.Sketch showing the lower-mrfaoe leading-arrengement on the IV4CA64-009 Ftil?foilProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-24.NACANo. 16242.82.42.0k.6 )1.2. Ia71 Lho/c-,-e 5fL.E.6fT.E.
15、 Configuration(deg) (deg)Eo - - FlapsoffD 151.5 Leading-edge flapo - G Plain airfoil aqd-. c. / trailing-edge flapA 151.5 60?Leading-edgesndtralllng-edge flaps-1:% I.% 8 16 -f)Sectionangleof attack, ao, degFigure 5.- SeotionllftoharacteristicafortheNACA64-009airfoilsectionequippedwitha O.1OOupper-su
16、rfaoeleading-edgeflapaloneandin oomblnationwitha 0.200trailing-edgeflap.R=6.O X106.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NAC.ATN0* 1624 25I I 62.01.6r1.2.81.40-.4 r.$-0-1.2-16 -8 o“.U*L.E.(deg ) Flaps offEl 1000 110A 120v 135a 16 24 32Secti
17、onFigure 6.- SectIon liftsection equi ped with aR %=6. ox1o.angle of attack, ao, degcharacteristicsfor the NACA 64-009 alrfotlO.10c lower-surfaceleading-edgeflap.-. . - - .-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-2.8A2.4, 2.0 A+ 11.6 1 )*1.2.
18、8l!/.4 o 4(/cY-.k8-.F, 1 1 I I I-1.2-1.6-24 -fi -8 “ o 8 16 24Seotloaangleofattack,qo, degFigure 7.- seotionliftoharacteriatimforthe NACA 64-009 airfoilaeotlonequippedwith a O.1OC lower-surface,leading-edgeflap anda 0.20c traillng-edgeflap. R = 6.cjx106. _. .- .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprod
19、uction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NACA TN NO. 1624 a(3ElLower-surface leading-edgeflapLower-surface leading-edgeflapwith trailing-edgeflap12r0 Upper-surface leading-edgeflapA Upper-surfaoe leading-edgef-.&Dwith trailing-edgeflap100 120 40 160leading-edge-flap deflection, f3
20、fLE, degFigure 8.- Variation of the increment of maximum section liftcoefficient and of the increment of section angle of attackfor maximum section lift Ooefficienii with leading-edge-flapdeflection. NACA 64-009 airfoil section witharrangements of leading-edge and traiMng-edgeR= 6.o X106variousflaps
21、. . . ._ . _ - - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IIIIJYA/-*1-*2-.-4-. 5-1.2 -.8 -40 - -El120 :LJ V L?.O 60P 151.5 60nap offtier-aurfaoe lnaMng4dge flapuPpOr-9Ufa04 lee.dlng+dge flapPl&mdrf Oll ad bm.uing-adga“o .4 .6 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2
22、.8Motion lift ooeffioient, oz-9.- 9eotion Pitoklng-nt oharaatarletiooror the RAOA -Kg airfoil motion with VU1OIMarrmganta of leading+lga and trclimlg-adge flupn. R = 6.0 X 10$.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. .o 151.5 -D 151.9 -0151.
23、5 60A 151.5 60OonfigurablonIaading-edge rl.apMng-wig. flap-. I IAdi -8 al-d%brai w-edge flap. Landi -mlg. and?trai ing-o.lge flap,-1.2-16 & o 8 d J+Seoticm a71ngls or atkk, aa, *g(.) bPar-8wfa04 leacb&+dga flap,Surf meOondlbion*OethRmWothwP3-i=F1ure 10. - The effeob or laul.ing-edge rounss on the aeotl.m Mb oharaatertiblos OC the MACA 6& -foil amtion withVuiom anwngummbs of Ieadlng-otie smd tzniling-ee flaps. R =6,0 xl&.,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-