NASA NACA-TR-877-1947 Summary report on the high-speed characteristics of six model wings having NACA 65sub1-series sections《带有NACA65第1子系列截面的6个模型机翼高速特性的总结报告》.pdf

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NASA NACA-TR-877-1947 Summary report on the high-speed characteristics of six model wings having NACA 65sub1-series sections《带有NACA65第1子系列截面的6个模型机翼高速特性的总结报告》.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-TR-877-1947 Summary report on the high-speed characteristics of six model wings having NACA 65sub1-series sections《带有NACA65第1子系列截面的6个模型机翼高速特性的总结报告》.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-TR-877-1947 Summary report on the high-speed characteristics of six model wings having NACA 65sub1-series sections《带有NACA65第1子系列截面的6个模型机翼高速特性的总结报告》.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-TR-877-1947 Summary report on the high-speed characteristics of six model wings having NACA 65sub1-series sections《带有NACA65第1子系列截面的6个模型机翼高速特性的总结报告》.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-TR-877-1947 Summary report on the high-speed characteristics of six model wings having NACA 65sub1-series sections《带有NACA65第1子系列截面的6个模型机翼高速特性的总结报告》.pdf_第5页
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1、REPORT NO. 877SUNL%MRY REPORT ON THE HIGH-SPEED CIZARACIEMSTICS OF SIX NIODEL WINGSHAWING NACA 65,-SERIES SECTIONSBY WILLIAM T. HAMILTON AXD WARREX H. NELSONSUXIIARY.-l Swnmay of and the 12-per-cent-thick wing was superior below this Mach Dumber. Asin previous comparisons at sea level, increasing th

2、e wingIoading from 40 to 80 pouncls per square foot reduced thepower required by the wm per pound carried. The com-parisons for flight at 40,000 feet (fig. 36) show the 12-percent-thick wing to be the more economical of power for Machnumbers beIo-w 0.75, and the 8-percent-tbicli wing to haveless dra

3、g for Mach numbers above 0.75.These comparisons show that the choice of a wing section,plan form, and loading for a high-speed airpIane shoulcl bedictated by the speed and altitude at -which the proposedairpIane is to fly in order to obtain the most ef6cient -ringcharacteristics.Figures 37 and 38 ar

4、e comparisons of the wing pitching-moment coefficients at Iift. coefficients for Ievel tlight of thethree Kings ha-ring the same absolute span and thicknessbut clitTwent chords. AH three wings hzcl about the samepitching-moment coefficients for level flight at a gien Ioad-ingl altitude, and Mach num

5、ber for Jlach numbers belowabout 0.84. The pitching-moment coefficients of the wing-for leveI flight, in general, clemeased slightly as the Machnumber was increased. The Ie-rel-flight pitching-momentcoefficients for the 12-percent-thick, 10.S-aspect-ratio Kingbegan increasing -with lkch number as th

6、e llach numberxceeded 0.82. This increase in the pitching-moment coeffi-cients of the wing at high lach numbers is particularitydesirable from the standpoint of reco-rery from high Machnumber dives. Figures 39 and 40 show similar comparisonsof the pitching-moment coefficients for the three wing-i-ar

7、y-ing only in thicliness ancl show- a close resemblance to thecomparisons of figures 37 and 38, indicating that the majorchanges in pitching-moment coefficient at the high Machnumbers are due mainly to the w section.Figures 41 and 42! present the angIes of attack of thevarious wings necessary to mai

8、ntain the lift coefficientsrequired for level flight. The angles of attack geneaUydecreased as the llach number was increased, as w-ould beexpected if no chsnge in the are of attack for zero Jift or inthe lift-curve slope mere encountered. At the highest Machnumbers, and especially at higher altitud

9、es, the 8-percent-thick wings show no tendency to require an increase in heangle of a.ttacli for Ievel flight with Mach number as do thethicker wings. This eontinue decrease in the ecessm-yangle of attack is particularly desirable from the standpointof control in high Mach numbers dives n-here an in

10、crease inthe necessary wing angIe of attack w-iU came an increase ofthe taiI angle of attack, for a conventional airpIane, and-”thereby a divu moment. for the airplane. This dih”-moment. may become so sewre that a pilot eouId not exertthe control necessary to maintain a Ievel-flight attitude.CONCLUS

11、IONSThe lift-curve slopes of the moclel wings increased withS1ach number less rapidly than predicted by Glauerts factorfor two-dimensional-flow (ljl) for Mach numbers be-tween 0.20 and 0.50 and more rapidIy for Mach numbersabove 0.50 but beIow that of Iiff di-mrgence. Thg lOO- u-For M+,2 .775 .8- 0

12、:Fo.-lvf=+ w ,6 ,7 .775 .825 .875.4 .65 .725 ,8 .85 .9FLWRE 7.Variation of pitching-moment coefficient with fift coefficient for the I-TLC WI-20S wing o f aspect ratio 7.2.FIGURE 6.7ariation of drag eeefficicnt with lift coefficient for tho 2JA (!.4 t3.WN? wing ofaspect mfio 7.2,.FIGURE 8,rariation

13、of lift coefficient with mgle of attack fur the NAGA 651-W8 wing ofaspect ratio LProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-THE HIGH-SPEED CE4RACTERIST1CS OF SIX MODEL WINGS E4VING NACA 65+X3RIES SECTIONS 385/. 472 .04 .06 .

14、08 .0 ./2 .14 ./6CDFIGE .ariation of drag meiticient with fift coefficient for the XAC A 651-ZR ims of”z,: o .; 0 .; u $5 u .: u g a u.9.4 .65 .725 .775 .825 .87.5FIGTXE 10.Variation of pitchfng-mmment mefdcknt with lift coefficient for the NACA65L-2.wing of aspect ratio 9.For JW+2 .6 .7 .75 8 .85 .

15、S.4 .65 .725 .775 .825 .875llGmz-ll.-Variation of lift caecient with angIe of attack forthe NACA 651-210 wktg ofespect ratio 9. 2-.4.G! .“ u .02 .04 .06 .09 .10 .“f2 .4 “-c.FIGUKE 12,Variation of drag coefficient with lift coefficient for the iV.4CA 65,-210 wing ofaspect ratio 9. J/, OO./.0.8.6,dCL

16、,20-.2-.4-.$71, “ -,.,E=.,4fo; M-.2Zero +OOL?O; Q,;50 .;0000for M* .2 .6.4 .65 -:85 .9 “.725 .775 .825 .875FIGURE 13.Vr,riation of pitching moment coefficient with lift coefficient or the N.4C A6.51-210 wing of aspect mtio 9. $f, OO.,a for M=,.2zero+Q:Oru.;5D Doouofor M+ .2.4 .9.65 .725 .775”8.8258?

17、875FIGURE 14.Variaion of lift coefficient with ange of attack for the XACA 05,-210 wing wItl2 twist 5nd an aspect ratio 0f9.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-THE HIGH-SPEED CHARACTERISTICS OF SIX MODEL wINGS EATING XAQ+A 65rSERIES SECTI

18、ONS 3.87f.2/ .02 .0-+ m .08 ./0 ./2 .1-4 .78c.FIGURE 15.Variation of drag ruefficient with lift coefficient for the X.4C.4 6.5-2f0 wingwith 2 twfst and an aspect ratio of 9.6.4c20.2-476+f :/C:.(. for M-.2ZerO+OOff-+U-;50: 0000For MMoOouOoOOO DOC7for M-.2.65 .725 .775 .825 .875 .Zem

19、+QO. 0,”0,50. ,80 0.6 .7 .75 .8 :85 .9 Fof-M+.2 9.4 .65 .725 .775 .825 .r M-2Zero*U0.:0. -;0.;50 :0:50 QFor M* .2 .g.4 .65 .725 .775 .825 .875FIGrRK 21.l-ark+tion of drg mefieient with lift caeflkient for the . C-4 pec;t rauo 10.S.-. .- IGtIEE 23.-Lit4urm slopes for fire * having NACA fi-serk airfoi

20、l ssctiom.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-390 REPORT hTO. 877NATIOhAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AEROhTAUTICS.; ./8./2.08.042 ,3 4 .5 6 7 8 9MFIGURE 24.The variation, with Mach number, of the estimated section lift-curreslopes

21、for five wings haviug .NACA 65j-series airfoil sections./6. i4%.2./0.08.06s duB 26,-lariation of the Iift-cwe sIopeand flap effectiveness with Mach smnberfortbe NACA 651-210 wing of aspect ratio 9 with a 0.20 chord fir.rQ-1”1“D-11“arfkr.o. 1“.0-./”Pa-1:2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9MF1uEE2.4 CA EFIGURE 33.A

22、 compmisorr for a level-flight condition at 40,0W fuot e.ltitude of the lift-dragratios for three N.4C.4 65i.series wings ha$im? the same absulutc thickness and win butdifferent chords.20+ /0o I II I “.20100.2 .3 4 .5 .6 7 .8 .9M(8) Wing loading, 40 pouuds per square foot. (b) Wing loading, 64 pound

23、s per square foot. (c) Wing loading, 30 pounds per squmc fw t.FIGURE 34. A compa ison for a Ievel-flfght condition at sea level of tire lift-drag ratios for three LTACA Ml-series wings of aspect ratio 9.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,

24、-THE HIGH-SPEED C!HAILKTERISTICS OF SIX MODEL WINGS HAYLYG AACA 65rSEIUES SECTIOXS 39330201003020L-r100403020100.2 ,3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9M(e.) JVing loading, lo pou&. persquareft.W loadinaw wmis Ptrswinefwt.rcjWing loading, S0 Wtmds per square foot.FIG cm 35.-A mmparissn for a IereI-flight eondMon at

25、W,(W feet aItitude of the draglfft.ratios for thee NACA 651-series wings of sweet ratio 9.$03U&mc1.5020/02 .3 4 .5- .6 7 .3 g-.W(a) Wing Iolfiinc, 40 pounds per square fooi.(b) Wing lowiing, w pounds per square fret.(c) Wing oading, S4 pounds per square foot.FKL-RE W,.% emmpariscm for a IereI-fright

26、 condition st 40,KHI feet altitude of the liftdmgratios for three NAC A rmi-serfes wings of aspect ratio 9.(a) Weight correspmxling to s wtig Ioading of 40 PXML. per square fuot for the wirE oi aspect ratio 9.(b Weight corrmwmcling to a wimg loading of HI pounds per square foot for the wiGg ofa.peet

27、 ratio 9.(c) Weight eorresnding to a wing loadhrg of S5 Nmnds per square foot for the wing of sspeetratio 9.FIGURE 37.A cnmparkm for a IewMight condition at sea leel of tie pitching-moment eoe&fenk forthree N-A CA Gi-series wings bsving the same absoIute thickness and span but dh7erent chords.Provid

28、ed by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-REPORT hO. 8 77.NATIONAL ADVISORY COMTWHEE FOR AERONAUTICS“./4(&) Yeight eorresponriing to a ing Ioadiw of 40 pounds per square foot or the wing ofaspect ratio 9.(b) Weight corresponding to a wing loading of

29、60 pounds per squaie cmt for the wing ofaxwet ratio 9.(c) Veiqht correspondingto a wing loading of w porrnds per square f.ut km ttre wing ofaspect mtio 9.IuR E :38.4 WmpariSOU fOr a IeeI-flight condition at 40,0W feet alt.itufie of the fJitChing-mumen t coefficients for three N.4C.4 651-sries rrings

30、 having the same rib sol ufe thicknessml smm hut different,II 1 t I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I- . .- .-./ -(c) “ ,-2/2- “ -2 3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 9M(a) Wing loading, 40 pounds per square foot.(h) ring loading, 60 pounds per square foot.(c) tg loading, 80 Pounds per square foot.FJG UR

31、E 39.A comparison for a level-flight condition at sea level of the pitching-momentcoefficients for thee IJAC-4 65,-series wings of asrwct ratio 9.,/o-.I.4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9M(a) Wing loading, 40 pounds per square foot.(b) IYing loading, 60 pounds w squaro wt.(c) Ttlng loading, W pounds per square (WJt.F

32、IGURE 40.A eomparkon for 8 level-flight condition at 40,WI feet altitu,ie of theptddng.mQmmt coefficients for thrw NA C.4 651-swics wirrs Ofx+pcct ratlu 9.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-THE HIGH-SPEED CEW3ACTERISTKLS OF SIX WODEL TVL

33、XGS HAVING NACA 6 51SERIES SECTIONS 395+-+-+.d .C1 .4 .6 .7 .8 .9“ Ma Weight correspmdhg to a wing kmding of 40 fmumls per square foci for the wing Ofaect ratio 9.b) 1eight corresponding to a wfng Iaadbg of MI poun&Q per square fmt for the wfng ofaspeec ratio Y.(c W_eight mrrespondfng to a wing load

34、ing of SO IMunds per square foot for the wing ofawwct ratio 9.,. , I 1 II I%+H+Hi:mk, r ,tH(8) Wing loading, 40 fm!mds per scfuare foot.(b Wing Ioading, &) pxmds p+r square foot.(e) Wing loading, 84 pounds per square foot.FIGrI+E 42.Angie of wtack required for IereI Right for three h7.kC.+sspwt ratio 9.6.Na-ks wingsCfFIGCFZ .41.-.4n of attack requfred for IeveI tlfght for three hACA .S&ssrles w_II l!afngthe same absolute thickness arid span but difleretd chords.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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