NASA NACA-WR-L-701-1942 Test of NACA 66 2-116 a = 0 6 airfoil section fitted with pressure balanced and slotted flaps for the wing of the XP-63 airplane《对于XP-63飞机机翼安装有压力平衡和开缝襟翼的NAC.pdf

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NASA NACA-WR-L-701-1942 Test of NACA 66 2-116 a = 0 6 airfoil section fitted with pressure balanced and slotted flaps for the wing of the XP-63 airplane《对于XP-63飞机机翼安装有压力平衡和开缝襟翼的NAC.pdf_第1页
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NASA NACA-WR-L-701-1942 Test of NACA 66 2-116 a = 0 6 airfoil section fitted with pressure balanced and slotted flaps for the wing of the XP-63 airplane《对于XP-63飞机机翼安装有压力平衡和开缝襟翼的NAC.pdf_第2页
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NASA NACA-WR-L-701-1942 Test of NACA 66 2-116 a = 0 6 airfoil section fitted with pressure balanced and slotted flaps for the wing of the XP-63 airplane《对于XP-63飞机机翼安装有压力平衡和开缝襟翼的NAC.pdf_第3页
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NASA NACA-WR-L-701-1942 Test of NACA 66 2-116 a = 0 6 airfoil section fitted with pressure balanced and slotted flaps for the wing of the XP-63 airplane《对于XP-63飞机机翼安装有压力平衡和开缝襟翼的NAC.pdf_第4页
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NASA NACA-WR-L-701-1942 Test of NACA 66 2-116 a = 0 6 airfoil section fitted with pressure balanced and slotted flaps for the wing of the XP-63 airplane《对于XP-63飞机机翼安装有压力平衡和开缝襟翼的NAC.pdf_第5页
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2、f papers originally issued to provide rapid distribution ofadvance research resu/ts to an authorized group requiring them for the war effort. They were pre-viously held under a security status but are now unclassified. Some of these reports were not tech-nically edited. All have been reproduced with

3、out change in order to expedite general distribution.L - 701Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NATIONAL ADVISORY C01_9ITTEEFOR _um:.u.L_,Z XP-63 _.IR_L_f_By V_il!iam J. Undem,ood and Frank T. Abbott, Jr.INTRODUCTIONAt the request of the

4、Army Air Forces, 7_aterie.Command, testshave been made in the Langley two-dimensional io_:-turbulemce pressuretunnel of a model of theNACA 66,2-i16, a = 0,6 airfoil sectionrepresenting the root section of the wing for the XP-63 airplane.The data presented in this report consist of .t.hefollo_ing:(a)

5、 Lift, drag, and flap hinge-moment characteristics forthe internal,balanced flap.(b) Lm_t, o,rag, “-“_“ _ ano_ flap hinge-moment_ characteristics forthe “modified“ internal “. _o_:,.Lance flap.(c) Lift and drag Qharacteristics for the slotted flap.The model was of 2h-inch chord (c_-), built of wood

6、With duralslot cover plates for the flap. All flaps were equipped withpressure orifices. . .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-METHODILift and drag measurements were made by methods described inreference I.The flap hinge moments were obt

7、ained from pressure-distributionmeasurements by .integrating the normal and chord_ise pressure-distribution diagrams, the pressures being ploi,ted against theorifice projections on the flap chord line and a line perpendicularto the chord line.TESTS AN)._tESULTS_ “_:“_ . “ I -the ,.cn.ci_t, lo -t we?

8、e measured and, to be Oo0013c wtop and O.oOp2c_, T bottom. The results of theso tests are presentedin figures i, 2, 7, and 8,1At the time .hisreport was originally published, some of thecorrections, r(.J.:,.J._“_P._,_for ze,_.uciz_, the test data tc free-air conditionshad not been ,-_“-_ “ ,

9、ed,.t_rm_In.,d.The values of section lift coefficient C_(figs 3 to !and fi_,_,_-, 16) should be corrected by the follow-ing equation( /c_. :0.)o5c t + K(correci:ed)Where the values of K are obtained frorathe :following f, i . t , , , _ _ , i , , ,wFlap deflection5f K(deg)0 O,003I0 ,.006l

10、_; .oo?20 .0193o .Ol8_o .P3oO tk5 _“50 .026Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3: The tests were reoehted-for flap deflections of 15 arid h5 v.d.ththe gap on.the uP?br S_irfacecm.arged to o:.oo_2_hv,the lo_,rerremainingthe.same. Thee resu

11、ilts are presenbedin :%“_rres.3and:_b aridtables I and If.The tests were again i-eDeatedfor flap _ .,7,_._ -o -,oand hh0 _ith the same gaps and the pressure se_l.(c_irtaih) removed.These results are presented in figures;_ and _,and bab.e!“Modified“ internal.balhnc:-4flap (cf = O.1667Cw).-Lifh, drag,

12、and pressure distribubions over the fla_,-_-f:.d.y,_a3e,-l._,_.,_,were made atvarious angles of attack for ,._pdeflections of D ioo 20o.,0,qohO_and 50. The results of these tests are presented in figures7, 8, 9, and IO.Slotted flap (cf : O.2_O5%_).- Lift r_n:,drag data were obtainedat flap deflectio

13、ns of O, 3._o and i_ with the slob cover plates inthree different slot conditions designsbed in the sketches on figure3 .3.,12, and 13 as conditi.ons_l_ 2_ and -_3_ respectively. The flap hingepoint :;aslocated in three dilferent posfLtions _O_ each slot condition,except condition 3, and designated

14、as upper_ midd.e_ and bottom(figs. II, 12_ arid3,.3) The le_ul_,_ of these tests are p_en_,edin figures 1._12, 13, lk, !5, and 3.6.: T_C,:o“_ “_TJ io JAJS.i.Oi_:tInternal.balance _- ) Th_:_section hinge-moment coefz_clerits infi_.ire I .forthe .origins.1 ajSa.nd in t?!_fully se:,.ledcondition :intab

15、le I for the O.OO5“2(._,ap_:do _o%include i_heh_h, andat hinge,locations and .,.lapc_.l._ct._ons,shov_Tlin fixtures l, _16. The values of the drag coefficients were uncertain in .-“na:vofthe conditions tested, possibly dleto localized spam_:ise separationor spam._,iseflow in the slot. An attempt _m,

16、s,_s,._dein condition 2,5f = Oj to prevent this flo_/by putting several thin dsmsin the bottom of the slot on either side of the region _:heremeasure-doub _,.u._.“_ments were taken, but it is *_“ 5na_ this stopped all the crossflo_ar. The uncertain parts of the drag cu_#es are drav._n_;ith

17、dashlines (figs. lh, _.;Ic,and 16). These should be considered forqualitative purposes on.ly_ Figures !_.,15, and !6 sho_a_that a _zrkedincrease in minimum drag occurs in Qondit.ion 2 at 5_ = o, becauseof-the open slot-on ,_he.o_,_rsurf_ce. ._ve_._“ith slot _,a._._.,closed in condition 5, there was

18、still a slight increase in drag.It is apparent for good flap characteristics that the slottedflap be designed to include a door to cover the slot in the retractedposition for low drag and to deflect about the bottom hinge locationwith the slot onen_for maximum_ l,_.t.“_Cqm_orlSO n of.flaps. Althou_

19、_m.5hermaxm.mum Im_t co.,ff_.c_,nt_are o_Jtainabie _d:fhlti_slotted flap tested than with the.plain flap,_ _ “ o.ottea _;-comparat._e_y.itt.egain is shoranby bhe .- _ .:._.c_.,Ira,Less a IOWflap hinge point is used. A door is also requ:red for i.heslotted. 49flap if high maximmm lift coe_-tcients,_l

20、ap deflected_ a_xlov_-dragcoefficients, flap neutral, are both to be realize. It altoappearsthat the plain flap offers some advantages over the s!.ob%edflap testedin extending the low-drag range to higher ift o_ef._._!ent,_,when thegap is f_.l!lysealed (fi, h).Even if the mechanical complications of

21、 the s.otted flap withdoor and low hinge location are acceptable, some danger exists ofinducing tip stalling of the :_.d.n_by the use of a powerful flap.This effect has been shov_,to occur on tests of a model of a some_vhatProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

22、license from IHS-,-,-6similar airplane in the NACA 19-foot pressure tunnel, it is thereforereco_neneed, that the plain flap, fu.!_!sealed, be used .forthe XP-63airpl_ne if the maximum lift coefficients ohta_.ned_:_iththis flapare acceptable._le_-_emoria! Aeronautical T _ _ _,. 5 _- _aoc rauoI_Nation

23、al Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,Langley Field, Va_ _.y23, 19h2.REFEP_NCE Abbott Ira H. and Davidson. ,4iton: I. Jacobs, _.,as_manN._ , , .“ _ “ _n-“_. _._._J1_-,_m_=_si.sat LargePreliminalv Lo_:-Dra_-A!r_oll Flap Date.a_m.Low Turbulence l%_IZA.i _i i_- .oze l “,.2-t! ,t t iL- , .o/2 ! il . I l

24、-l . Flap an_le,ocf,deg 5gmbol _ I-/6 -8 0 a 16 ,24 I_n.qle of altack,oc_ de_O- i:_ -14 0 .,_ .8 L2 L_ecf/on h_f oefficient_ 9FiEure 3 - .Lift Ker#ua angle of _tttack For _ NA_l_ Figure 4 _ l_if_ veroua drag for a NACA 66ZNI6 a.0.666)2-116 6=0.6 wifh =11 in_el“rl_l balan_ l wi_ or)in_ernal balance 0

25、.16_70_, flap_O.O0_Z_0.1667c w Flczp_ O.;OOS,cw _ap._-_op =ug_ , gap-_.op an_ bof._or_ , fc,ll_ sealed_-bo_om_ Fully ,se,le_; ,_e_/_o/d_ n,_r_bl/“ ,_=wnold_ _,rnl_er“ oF 6_000_000.e_ 6_000_000.IOL-qProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-000_

26、000_9 ./o000_000_9 go .a_c/u_nu_plouB_ _.p,_AQuaa._ ._qu_nu SplOUR_w !paAou4ed /_a_ a._nssa.ddlOa_“ _.4_s_a,/dtuao:l_oo/pu_ do;-doB _o_qO0“O _o_oq pu_ doF-doB _-qO0“Od_lJ _ f.9_lO_d_lj _ L_,O/“0 a_/_q /o_aa_t _ qZ,t_ =_UOl,Oq iDu.4a_u! uu .q/,_ Q.O=_O 91/-Z_997 _1 ._“ 17“ 0 _ = .9“- 17_I ; , , _ _,

27、o/ _ = =, I I /o_B_ ,ainu, i .-. “C“_- ,l _/ _o.l;,.J“o 0 _.iq_,B,e-_w _y“alBu_ d_l-,-souav,ou:_v,_ :mu_oo _t_._.v_ouvuo4:mt_ooAI_O$1AK3V“IVNOILVN :_lJOSl_eV “tVNOIIVNProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-o 000000c9 Jo /aClU4nu ,.7_1oc4_ac_

28、 000000*_ Jo ./aqu4nd S-_lOUtiae/ 9.0.z_ ( 911-_c99 _3_lV o ._o_ .y_z_z_ _1o _16u_ _,n$,da/ _./7- /:, a.4nB/,_l_ _I _ 0 _- _I-: _ I_“_ua,=,_ao_i/ 4_;=_o_ . I “ IP*I-I - -0/ I I_- _ o -o I i “-“(3Vi_ ,_:, , _. i_t:j_I/i/_ ._“_,.- ! Ic_,/_ I I I = 0“ “i1_- _ 0_ , ,_,“q l O/x o - -0 _IOIIflYN_FillOJ:ll

29、l_l_unn ! JProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-“00_000_ jo “d_qv_000_0009 Jo .aaq_nu. _plOUl_ac7 m _ _,pagipo_V,_oZ991“0 _ _/2/_ 9.0= o911_,99b_OL_/V“_DL991“O _ q_l_ , ,9“0“_ “ 911-_99 _D_N_ 0. 0_“ - O_ Oz /-JO/ 00,.C“ 0_;“ O_ O_.? O 0 “

30、_;-“ I I i I Qi , :3_ - ZZl , “_ . _“_/_“ I / _/_ _. _._A “_ / l I-T-, ,_. /_I K I i _ _“ ,:,. o_“, , + . 0“_-o /_;-I ,/ i i i ,?;o._/_ / “-I. ,. .I Loc_,t,_n.s- j _ .77“,_,2.t.iip -4Pigurel.- Lift characteristics ith partial bottom cover plate on (original top plate on).Provided by IHSNot for Resal

31、eNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Bell Aircraft Corporation ModelXP-63 wing, NACA 66,2-116 a = 0.6 section24-1neh chord model with slotted flapTest no. TDT 203 R = 6 x lO6 (approx.)No. 1 Condition: Original top and bottom slotcover plates onFlap angle Hinge locati

32、onO 6f _ 0 UpperO _ 6f= 15 doG 6f = 15 Middle_-_ 6f = 15 BottomNATIONAL ADVISORYCOhtMI_TEEFORAIRONAUTICSFigure_.- Drag characteristics with original top and bottom slot cover plates on.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Bell Aircraft Cor

33、poration. Mode!XP-63 wing, NACA 66,2-116 a = 0.6 section24-inch chord model with slotted flapTest no. TDT 203R = 6 x 106 (approx.)No. 2 Condition: Bottom slot cover plat e off (Originaltop plate on.)Flap angle Hinge locationo 6f = 0 Upper IOf = 15 do (_Q 8f = 150 Middle _,J.o36 F IrI .o32 / .02802Lt

34、o7.020,- /_ /!o /o k / I“0 , I: Z.012 -._ o .r,m _!I.ooh-1.6 -1.2 %8 _LL 0 .LI .8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2._ISection lift coefficient, oi,Figure l5.- Drag characteristics with bottom slot cover plate off(original top plate on.)Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license

35、 from IHS-,-,-Bell Aircraft Corporation ModelNATIONALADVISORY XP-63 wing, NACA 66,2-116 a = 0.6 sectionCOMMITTEEFO2AEEONAUTIOS 24-1rich chord model with slotted flapTest no. TDT 203R = 6 .106 (approx.)No. 3 Condition: Partial bottom slot cover plater-_ on (5/8-inch shorter than original. )O Original top cover plate on.t-| Flap angle Hinge location_-_ o _f = 0 Uppera 6f = 15 doProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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