NASA-CR-152141-1978 Prop-fan data support study《支撑风扇数据的支持研究》.pdf

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1、UASA CR-152141 n-27128 (NESb-CC-1521Ul) PROP-FPIN DATA SUF3r)RT CTJDY Fir31 Fcport (Hsmiltcn Standard, hlpdscr Locks, Cor,n.) 711 p HC 1106/HF 1107 CSCL 01c Jnclas 53/07 25809 FEBRUUY 28, 1978 BY Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NASA C


3、eproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Section INTRODUCTION ANI SUMMARY AERODYNAMIC PERFORMANCE FAR- AND NEAR-FIELD NOISE WEIGHTS INSTALLATION GUIDELINES RELIABILITY AND MAINTENANCE COSTS Page No. 1 2 4 12 13 APPENDICES 15 i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or n

4、etworking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1 I NASA CR-152141 PROP-FAN !IAl!A SUPPORT STUDY, TECHNICAL REPORT - J.A. Baum, P.J. Dumais, M.G. Mayo, P.B. Metzger, A.M. Shenlanan, and G.G. Walker Hamilton Standard Division of United Technologies Corporation 9. PWUW -indm n- 4 -sa Windsor Locks, C

5、onnecticut 06096 12. UimDg *Ik. ad A Parametric Studies; Performance; Noise; Weight; and Cost. I Unrestricted Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY The Prup-Fan propulsion concept offers the potential for a signific

6、ant in- crease in fuel efficiency for future transport aircraft. This report was prepared to ensure that the technical information generated from recent wind tunnel and anechoic chamber tests conducted by Hamilton Standard, and the latest Prop-Fan designs performed by Hamilton Standard, will provide

7、 the data required to support NASAs on-going contracted studies. The report provides updated parameteric Prop-Fan data packages and the rationale used in developing the new Prop-Fan data. The data respresents Hamilton Standards projection of Prop-Fan characteristics for aircraft that are expected to

8、 be in-service in the 1985 to 1990 time frame. The basic Prop-Fan configuration is designed for efficient operation at 0.8 Mach number and 35,000 feet (10,668 M) altitude. The design blade tip speed fs 800 feet per second (244 mps) and the design power loading is 37.5 shp/ 2 (301 Kw/M2) for maximum

9、climb power at 0.8 Mach and 35,000 feet (10, 8 68M). All of the new data are founded on this basic design conffguration. Recent studies on advanced transport Prop-Fan configurations designed for cruise operation at other than 0.8 Mach number but between 0.7 to 0.85 Mach number indicate that the 0.8

10、Mach baseline provides near optimum level of aero- dynamic and acoustic performance. Hence the data presented here are optimized for an 0.8 Mach configuration and are also representative of Prop-Fan performance characteristics for advanced transports at design points both below and above 0.8 Mach nu

11、mber. The new data packages are enclosed as Attachments SP 13A77 through SP16A77, SPl8A77 through SPZOA77 and SP03A78. The discussions that follow lnclude a description of the new data and the mnner in which they were generated. 1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted

12、without license from IHS-,-,-AERODYNAMIC PERFORMANCE Recent design trends in near-field source noise reduction and increased efficiency have resulted in an eight blade Prop-Fan configuration that has more sweep and activity factor per blade than its predecessor (Model SR-1). The ten blade Prop-fan c

13、onfiguration was developed because of its improved noise. efficiency, and weight characteristics, but it retains the same total rotor activity factor as the eight blade Prop-Fan. The performance data shown in Attachments SP13A77 and SP14A77 have been up- dated to reflect 1) the latest performance le

14、vel estimates for eight and ten blade Prop-Fans, 2) data at additional Mach numbers, and 3) Prop-Fan slipstream characteristics. This information provides a means to establish the aero- dynamic efficiencies and slipstream characteristics for eight and ten blade Prop-Fans from static operation throug

15、h operation at 0.80 Mach number. The data are shown in the traditional nondimensional coefficient format, i.e., net thrust coefficient (CTNet) as a function of power coefficient (Cp) for constant values of addance ratio (J). The tabular fon is provided to ease computer appl i cation. Performance tab

16、les are provided for Mach numbers ranging from 0.55 through 0.80 in increments of 0.05 Mach number plus an additional table for operation below 0.55 and static performance. Although the 0.55 to 0.80 Mach number tables include a tabulation of net efficiency (pet), the user is urged to employ the net

17、thrust coefficient (CT) for computer inputs to siniplify the inter- polation processes. The performance data contained in the packages were generated through Hamil ton Standards performance program H444. The projected efficiency levels that form the basis of the data packages were developed from the

18、 wind tunnel test results on the SR-1 and SR-2 Prop-Fan models, from the predicted performance of recently designed Prop-Fan models incorporatina an advanced alan form shape and from the projected benefits of using advanced airfoil sections. A simplified method developed by the Boeing Company for ca

19、lculating slipstream characteristics revealed good correlation with a more sophisticated Hamil ton Standard method and with the swirl data developed during Prop-Fan mdel wind tunnel testing. The siwlified method (based on the ideal propeller characceristics method presented in Volume 4, Division L o

20、f “Airplane Propellers“ by H. Glavert in the Durand “Aerodynamic Theory“ series) estimates swirl angle and axial slipstream velocity distribution as a function of blade nondirnensional radius. From this information and the predicted performance shown in the tables, the average swirl angle (0) and th

21、e average axial induced velocity immediately behind the Prop-Fan rotor, in terms of AVD, have been derived. are second order effects. tabulated only as a function of power coefficient (Cp) for specific values of advance ratio (J). The results suggest that the number of blades and Mach number Accordi

22、ngly, the slipstream Characteristics are 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-AERODYNAMIC PERFORMANCE (Continued) Sample problems in both English and SI units are provided with both per- formance data packages. Slipstream Characteristics

23、 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-FAR- AND NEAR-FIELD NOISE Far-field noire generalizations are presented for six, eight, and ten bladed Prop-Fans. The data allows the user to predict perceived noise levels and effective perceived no

24、ise levels during take-off and landing. The effective perceived noise level is a particularly valuable parameter since this is the measure used to establish Noise Certification Limits and to assess potential aircraft annoyance factors in areas adjacent to airports. The far-field noise prediction pro

25、cedure employed herein has been developed by Hamilton Standard for propeller noise predictions during the past ten years. It has been adopted by the Society of Automotive Engineers as an Aerospace Information Report (AIR 1407) and found to yield predictions generally within 3 PNdb of measured propel

26、ler noise levels. The reliability of the far- field method is enhanced by the good correlation obtained between actual Prop- Fan nlodel test data and predictions derived using the Prop-Fan far-field method. The near-field noise general fzation provides fairly extensive detail for six, eight, and ten

27、 bladed Prop-Fan configurations. The procedure includes the influences of altitude, fan tip to fuselage spacing, and directivity. The directivity information Is usefir1 in establishing the amount of fuselage treatment needed to provide uniform interior cabin noise levels near the plane of rotation w

28、here the directivity is seen to peak. The influence of spacing between the Prop-Fan tip and the fuselage on noise lrvelr is helpful in assessing the trade-off betwaen fuselage acoustic treat- ment weight and aircraft structure and control surface weights (i .e., moving the nacellr out on the wing re

29、duces noise and treatment weight but may require an increase in tail size to meet aircraft control requirements or a wing weight change for structural reasons). The near-field noise prediction method is based on the theorrtlcal Prop-Fan prdiction procedure developed by Hamilton Standard. Computer re

30、sul tr have been generalized to indicate the level of noise expected for a fully developed Prop-Fan. Tests are currently under way to confirm the accuracy of the theoreti cat prediction procedure. TRe Prop-Fan gearbox noise general izatfon provider estimates of the uninstal led (i.e., without additi

31、onal attenuation from enclosing nacelles) gearbox noise arrociatea uith a Prop-Fan propulsion system. The prrdicticn method is derived from a procedure developed by Ham41tm Standard and published in FAA report FAA-RD-76-49, 11, entitled V/STOL Rotary Propulsion Systems Mise Prediction and Reduction.

32、 by correTrtion studies with test data since then is little test data avail- able on Installed gearboxes. liminary design studies of Prop-Fm systems. The absolute accuracy of the method has not been established Rowever, the method snould be adequate for pre- 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprodu

33、ction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-FAR- AND NEAR-FIELD NOISE (Continued) It should be noted that the near-field gearbox noise in cruise is not expected to be significant since fuselage sidewall attentuation is large at frequencies where gearbox noise predominates. Moreover, d

34、uring takeoff -. and landing, gear- box noise is generally well below that of the engine and Prop-Fan and should not significantly contribute to perceived noise. Accordingly, the gearbox noise prediction method is presented here to help complete the noise estimates for a Prop-Fan propulsion system.

35、5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-WEIGHTS The weight information contained in the SP18A77 and SP19A77 packages is pro- vided to help the airframe designer in fotmulating aircraft weights for pre- liminary design studies. The curves sh

36、ow weight estimates for eight and ten blade Prop-Fan installations (i .e., high-speed rotor and gearbox systems) designed for 0.80 Mach number cruise aircraft. The technology level employed is appropriate for a Prop-Fan system expected to be ia-serviw in the 1985 to 19Yd time period. The power loadi

37、ng (SHP/D2) term used on the rotor weight curve in Figure 1 of the packages, is based on the maximum power delivered to the rotor. This wally occurs during the takeoff roll. The tip speed (TS) that should be used for rotor weights is that at which the maximum power occurs. The weight curve in Figure

38、 1 is plotted for a tip speed of 800 ft/sec (244 m/sec). Rotor weights for other tip speeds can be obtained by utilizing the conversion formula provided in the curve notes. as a function of the maximum delivered output torque. The curve is bared on a total gear ratio of 8:l. from the conversion form

39、ula provided on the curve. Figure 2 shows a curve of gearbox weight Gearbox weights for other gear ratios can be obtained The data provides uninstalled rotor and gearbox weight estimates, including the major components defined on the curves. Prop-Fan propulsion system is estimated to be 1.3 times th

40、e sum of the rotor, gearbox and engine weight. This factor is based on a turboshaft engine weight of 0.167 pounds per SHP (0.101 kg per W) avd the additional weight contributed by the fol loking components: The weight of a fully installed Nacelle cowling and fairings Nace; le structure for attachmen

41、t to wing Engine-to-gearbox coup1 ing structure and shaft Engine/gearbox mounting to nacel le structure Engine air inlet ducting Ergine exhaust system Fire control system Gearbox cooling and oil tankage system Engine starting syc tern Hydraul i c system =nd hydreul i c fluid Electrical system Fuel s

42、ystem Pneurrati c sys tem Engine and Prop- Fan control 1 i nkage. 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-WEIGHTS (Continued) The weight projection in the two data packages presented here are a result of the latest Prop-Fan technology devel

43、opment work. Two specific technology areas have contributed significantly to this worn. First, the rotor weights tnkr into account the projected blade planform shapes from recent aerodynamic and acoustic design work; second, the rotor weights reflect the results of a recently completed reliability a

44、nd maintenance study. The reliability and maintenance cost efforts were completed under iJASA contract iiAS3-20057 and will be published as NASA CR135192. The study report is entitled “study of Turboprop Systems Reliability and Maintenance Costs. During the R the second defines the separation of adj

45、acent Prop-Fans, T; and the third defines the separation of the inboard Prop-Fan from the fuselage, F. at the recomnended separation the noise requirement is the controlling factor. The first factor defines the recomnended Excitation of the blades is also influenced by IF“ but The recommended ground

46、 clearance to assure low blade impact and erosion rates from foreign objects is proportional to the aircraft size, takeoff and landing distance, the suction action of the Prop-Fan, and the flight frequency. The takeoff and landing distances are directly proportional to uing loading or cruise Mach nu

47、mber and inversely proportional to the thrust. The suction factor is proportional ta the disc loading, or thrust divided by the square of the Prop-Fan diameter. Thus, the required ground clearance is proportional to the aircraft gross weight and cruise Mach number divided by the square of the Prop-F

48、an diameter assuming a given takeoff and landing distance and flight frequency. 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-INSTALLAT ION GU IOELINES (Continued) The recomnended separation of adjacent Prop-Fans, T, is defined so that the slipstream of the o


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