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1、2011 年南开大学翻译硕士英语真题试卷及答案与解析一、Vocabulary1 Professor Wu traveled and lectured throughout the country, to _ education and professional skills so that women could enter the public world.(A)prosecute(B) acquire(C) proclaim(D)advocate2 Even if they are on sale, the refrigerators are equal in price to, if n

2、ot more expensive than _ at the other store.(A)anyone(B) the others(C) the ones(D)that3 Jean Wagners most enduring contribution to the study of Afro American poetry is his insistence that it _ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.(A)is to be analyzed(B) has been analyzed(C) be anal

3、yzed(D)should have been analyzed4 Because we had eaten turkey on Thanksgiving for so many years, we never wondered whether some other dish might be an equally tasty _.(A)alternative(B) altercation(C) alteration(D)allusion5 The basic theory of government rests on the assumption that men have naturall

4、y _ interests.(A)competitive(B) conflicting(C) contentions(D)combative6 Most substances contract when they freeze so that the density of substances solid is _ of its liquid.(A)than the higher density(B) higher than the density(C) the density is higher than that(D)the higher the density7 The bank is

5、reported in the local newspaper _ in broad daylight yesterday.(A)to be robbed(B) robbed(C) to have been robbed(D)having been robbed8 The terrified hunter, _ in the arms of a huge bear, fought desperately to loosen its grip.(A)clutched(B) clasped(C) grasped(D)seized9 Too much _ to X-rays can cause sk

6、in burns, cancer or other damage to the body.(A)disclosure(B) exhibition(C) contact(D)exposure10 Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but _ slightly in the afternoon.(A)recovered(B) restored(C) regained(D)retained11 Womens central role in managing natural resources and p

7、rotecting the environment has been overlooked more often than it has been _.(A)acknowledged(B) emphasized(C) memorized(D)associated12 The neighbors became suspicious when they noticed that his car was _ for two weeks.(A)stationary(B) stationery(C) immobile(D)unmoved13 During World War II the Allies

8、suffered a long _ of defeats before they finally achieved victory.(A)suppression(B) compulsion(C) succession(D)compression14 The silk that spiders _ for their webs has a stretching strength superior to most flexible products made by people.(A)spin(B) split(C) spray(D)spoil15 The English language con

9、tains a(n) _ of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation.(A)altitude(B) latitude(C) magnitude(D)scope16 Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he _ our chairman now.(A)must have been(B) would have been(C) were(D)would be17 The project requires more labor tha

10、n _ because it is extremely difficult.(A)has been put in(B) have been put in(C) being put in(D)to be put in18 Joseph was very lucky _ with his life; he almost did not get out of the room.(A)to escape(B) to have escaped(C) to escaping(D)to be escaping19 Henry forgot to bring his admission card with h

11、im. _ he was allowed into the hall to take the examination.(A)Moreover(B) Certainly(C) Consequently(D)Nevertheless20 The number of the people who _ cars _ increasing.(A)owns, are(B) owns, is(C) own, is(D)own, are21 Workers in this country are getting higher wages while turning out poor products that

12、 do not _ the test of international competition.(A)put up with(B) stick with(C) stand up to(D)face away22 Several unpopular decisions _ the governors popularity.(A)decayed(B) diminished(C) distorted(D)dissolved23 Skilled technicians and advanced technologies enable us to build uncompromised quality

13、into all our cars, because our first _ is bringing you pleasure for years to come.(A)prestige(B) benefit(C) privilege(D)priority24 A mans _ is best when he can forget himself and any reputation he may have required and can concentrate wholly on making the right decisions.(A)anticipation(B) acknowled

14、gment(C) expectation(D)judgment25 Before the mechanic started work, I asked him to give an _ of the cost of repairing the roof of the car.(A)assessment(B) estimate(C) announcement(D)evaluation26 _ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.(A)In spite of(B) But for(C) Becau

15、se of(D)As for27 Gloves have been worn since prehistoric time for protection. for ornamentation, _ social status.(A)and as an indication of(B) for they indicate(C) indicating(D)to indicate and28 One study found that job applicants who make more eye contact are _ as more alert, dependable, confident

16、and responsible.(A)referred(B) perceived(C) recommended(D)presumed29 The physical shape and coloring of many animals are the result of gradual _ to particular circumstances.(A)modification(B) variation(C) application(D)adaptation30 Over the centuries, various theories have been _ to explain the orig

17、in of alphabetic writing.(A)advanced(B) subjected(C) released(D)abandoned二、Reading Comprehension30 Bill Clinton wrestles with the complexities of his economic plan, a surprising trend that could ultimately make life a lot easier for the new president may be developing. A handful of analysts believe

18、that technology is beginning to help improve productivity in the service sector, If they are right, middle-class living standards which have stagnated for the past 20 years could start to improve.The service sector gets little attention in most popular discussions of Americas economic problems. Manu

19、facturing, where US workers go head-to-head with foreign competitors, is supposed to be the crucial area; services, which are mostly sheltered from international competition, are regarded as secondary at best. If anything, the growth of the service sector is seen as a symptom of our manufacturing de

20、cline, as steelworkers lose their high-paying jobs and become minimum-wage hamburger flippers. But serious analysts know that it is our performance in services not manufacturing that is the bigger economic problem.In fact, US manufacturing performed reasonably well during the 1980s, with productivit

21、y growing at 2.9% per year. That was almost as fast as manufacturing productivity grew during the “good years“ in 1950s and 1960s, and it was taster than productivity growth in most other advanced countries. So why didnt we feel better? Because near stagnation in service productivity-growth at only

22、about 1.0% annually-held our living standard down.Dominant service sector. The truth is that modern America is primarily a service economy. Currently, 70% of US workers are in the service sector, versus only 20% in manufacturing. If we could eliminate our persistent trade deficits in manufacturing,

23、the prosperity would shift, but only slightly: A rough estimate is that completely eliminating our current trade deficit would raise the share of manufacturing in employment by only about 0.5%. In other word, like it or not, most Americans will work in the service sector for the foreseeable future.

24、That means, in turn, that the productivity of the US work force as a whole depends mostly on the productivity of service workers.But it is really possible to raise service productivity? Some service jobs, like housecleaning and hair cutting, seem resistant to technological change at least until we l

25、earn to build robot maids and barbers. In the past, however, we have seen major improvements in service productivity. During the 1950s and 1960s, for example, a linked set of technological and social changes-widespread availability Of private ears and home refrigerators, the growth of supermarkets a

26、nd an improved road system-led to huge increases in retail productivity. An earlier era saw a surge in office productivity because of such revolutionary innovations as typewriters, carbon paper and vertical file cabinets. Indeed the most significant American business success story of the late 20th c

27、entury may well be Wal-Mart, which has applied extensive computerization and home-grown version of Japans “just-in-time“ inventory methods to revolutionize retailing.Analysts like Stephen Roach of Morgan Stanley now believe that additional productivity gains in the office are possible. Computers, it

28、 seems, are finally being used to eliminate paperwork: back offices are shrinking, and corporate hierarchies are getting flatter. If you squint, you can see these micro changes starting to show up in the macro numbers. We are now officially a year and a half into an economic recovery, yet unemployme

29、nt remains stubbornly high. One of the reasons for this lingering joblessness is that productivity is rising faster than expected, primarily in the service sector. If America eventually returns to full employment, the total economy could be bigger and more productive.Technology investment is helping

30、 to fuel these changes. Preliminary data show that while overall investment in this recovery is weak by historical standards, computer-related investment is soaring. It looks as if the service sector has decided that it now really knows how to make information technology work.Like any radical change

31、, the coming revolution in service productivity will have its victims. Skilled weavers were impoverished by the power loom, and small food stores were savaged by the rise of the supermarket. This time, its the middle managers who will lose. The past recession took an unprecedented toll of skilled, w

32、hite-collar workers, and many of these jobs may never come back. But most of America could benefit from rising service productivity in the 1990s and that would be welcome news for Bill Clinton.31 The passage suggests that the new trend of the rising service productivity may _.(A)turn out a great hel

33、p to President Clinton with his policy making(B) turn out a serious trouble to President Clinton with his policy making(C) have nothing to do with Clintons decision making(D)initiate Clinton to make some reform policies in economy32 The development of technology in the service sector is largely bene

34、ficial to _.(A)top wealthy people(B) average people(C) middle managers(D)skilled workers33 Which of the following statements illustrates that modern America is primarily a service economy?(A)Service technology is developing fast.(B) The demand of modern people for various services promotes the devel

35、opment of a service economy.(C) The significance of manufacturing to the national economy has declined.(D)High employment mainly depends on the development of the service industry.34 The author appreciates the development of manufacturing in the 1980s for the following reasons EXCEPT that _.(A)US ma

36、nufacturing productivity developed at a comparatively high speed in history(B) the US manufacturing industry is rather competent in the world(C) the growth speed of the US manufacturing industry is among the highest in the world(D)the growth speed of the service sector is not as fast as the manufact

37、uring industry35 At present investors like to venture their money in all of the following EXCEPT _.(A)information technology(B) manufacturing industries(C) the service industry(D)computer related products35 The evolution of intelligence among early large mammals of the grasslands was due in great me

38、asure to the interaction between two ecologically synchronized groups of these animals, the hunting carnivores and the herbivores that they hunted. The interaction resulting from the differences between predator and prey led to a general improvement in brain functions; however, certain components of

39、 intelligence were improved far more than others.The kind of intelligence favored by the interplay of increasingly smarter catchers and increasingly keener escapers is defined by attentionthat aspect of mind carrying consciousness forward from one moment to the next. It ranges from a passive, free f

40、loating awareness to a highly focused, active fixation. The range through these states is mediated by the arousal system, a network of tracts converging from sensory systems to integrating centers in the brain stem. From the more relaxed to the more vigorous levels sensitivity to novelty is increase

41、d. The organism is more awake, more vigilant; this increased vigilance results in the apprehension of ever more subtle signals as the organism becomes more sensitive to its surroundings. The processes of arousal and concentration give attention to its direction. Arousal is at first general, with a f

42、looding of impulses in the brain stem; then gradually the activation is channeled. Thus begins concentration, the holding of consistent images. One meaning of intelligence is the way in which these images and other alertly searched information are used in the context of previous experience. Consciou

43、sness links past attention to the present and permits the integration of details with perceived ends and purposes.The elements of intelligence and consciousness come together marvelously to produce different styles in predator and prey. Herbivores and carnivores develop different kinds of attention

44、related to escaping or chasing. Although in both kinds of animal, arousal stimulates the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine by the adrenal glands, the effect in herbivores is primarily fear, whereas in carnivores the effect is primarily aggression. For both, arousal attunes the animal to wh

45、at is ahead. Perhaps it does not experience forethought as we know it, but the animal does experience something like it.The predator is searchingly aggressive, inner-directed, tuned by the nervous system and the adrenal hormones, but aware in a sense closer to human consciousness than, say, a hungry

46、 lizards instinctive snap at a passing beetle. Using past events as a framework the large mammal predator is working out a relationship between movement and food, sensitive to possibilities in cold trails and distant sounds-and yesterdays unforgotten lessons. The herbivore prey is of a different min

47、d. Its mood of wariness rather than searching and its attitude of general expectancy instead of anticipating are silk-thin veils of tranquility over an explosive endocrine system.36 The author is primarily concerned with _.(A)disproving the view that herbivores are less intelligent than carnivores(B

48、) establishing a direct link between early large mammals and their modern counterparts(C) describing a relationship between animals intelligence and their ecological roles(D)analyzing the ecological basis for the dominance of some carnivores over other carnivores37 The author refers to a hungry liza

49、rd (para 4) primarily in order to _.(A)demonstrate the similarity between the hunting methods of mammals and those of non-mammals(B) broaden the application of his argument by including an insectivore as an example(C) make a distinction between higher and lower levels of consciousness(D)provide an additional illustration of the brutal characteristic of predators38 The authors attitude toward t


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