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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 462(无答案)一、PART I DICTATION (15 MIN)Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage wil

2、l be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minuteSECTION A CONVERSATIONSDirections: In this section you will hear several conversation

3、s. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 Why is the woman driven crazy?(A)Because she doesnt recognize the man.(B) Because she hardly knows the man.(C) Because she never forgets a face.(D)Because she often forgets people.3 How did the man know Judy?(A)The

4、y were in the same math class.(B) They were in the same high school.(C) He sat in front of Judy in math class.(D)He met her in a party.4 What will the man and the woman do tonight?(A)To meet some old friends.(B) To have dinner with Judy.(C) To go to the cinema.(D)To go to the womans restaurant.5 Why

5、 does the man want to visit New Mexico?(A)To study there.(B) To take a vacation.(C) To see his family.(D)To learn skiing.6 From the conversation, we learn that(A)the man has been to New Mexico many times.(B) the woman and her sister live in New Mexico.(C) Albuquerque is far away from the mountains.(

6、D)near Albuquerque there are high mountains.7 What does the woman warn the man about when he goes skiing in Albuquerque?(A)Low humidity.(B) High temperature.(C) High altitude.(D)Possible accidents.8 What is the main purpose of the conversation?(A)The man wants to obtain an international drivers lice

7、nse that he can use both in the U.S. and in his country.(B) The man wants to take a drivers test to get an Arizona drivers license.(C) The man wants to know whether he can use his international drivers license in Arizona.(D)The man wants to fill out an application for an Arizona drivers license.9 Wh

8、at does the man have to do in order to drive legally?(A)Show his student ID and pay ten dollars.(B) Use his international drivers license.(C) Take a drivers test and apply for a limited license.(D)Show proof of temporary residence.10 For how long is a limited license valid?(A)Less than one year.(B)

9、Four years.(C) Five years.(D)Ten years.11 What will the man most probably do next?(A)Fill out an application.(B) Go back to the university to get his ID(C) Go to see his friend.(D)Take a written exam and an eye exam.SECTION B PASSAGESDirections: In this section, you will hear several passages. Liste

10、n to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 What is the instructor describing?(A)The layout of the laboratory.(B) A laboratory experiment.(C) The workbook for the laboratory.(D)A picture of equipment.13 What is the main idea of the talk?(A)Homework must be handed in on

11、time.(B) The students must follow all the instructions exactly.(C) The students will be able to make choices about the laboratory work.(D)A great deal of equipment is available.14 How are the activities different from the experiments?(A)The activities are to be done during class.(B) The activities t

12、ake less time.(C) No equipment is needed for the activities.(D)Few instructions are given for the activities.15 Why did Susan and Michael interview children aged between 9 and 11?(A)To find out whether they take music lessons in their spare time.(B) To find out whether they can name four different m

13、usical instruments.(C) To find out whether they enjoy playing musical instruments in school.(D)To find out whether they differ in their preference for musical instruments.16 Why do many of the boys avoid certain instruments?(A)They find them too hard to play.(B) They think it silly to play them.(C)

14、They find it not challenging enough to play them.(D)They consider it important to be different from girls.17 Which group of children have a bias when choosing musical instruments?(A)Children who have private music tutors.(B) Children who are 8 or older.(C) Children who are between 5 and 7.(D)Childre

15、n who are well-educated.18 What is the concern of ordinary people about the greenhouse effect?(A)Whether it can be detected and checked.(B) Whether it will lead to widespread food shortage.(C) Whether global warming will speed up in the future.(D)Whether it will affect their own lives.19 What has ha

16、ppened since the and of the Ice Age?(A)Many species have moved further north.(B) Many new species have come into existence.(C) Many species have developed a habit of migration.(D)Many species have become less sensitive to climate.20 What will be the possible threat to plants in the future?(A)Storms

17、and floods.(B) Disease and fire.(C) Less space for their growth.(D)Rapid increase of the animal population.21 According to the passage, what will probably happen to the endangered species?(A)They will gradually die out.(B) They will be able to survive in the preserves.(C) They will have to migrate t

18、o find new homes.(D)They will face extinction without artificial reproduction.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTDirections: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 22 What is NOT the effect produced by climate change to the Inuit?(

19、A)Their livelihood is threatened.(B) Their culture is being destroyed.(C) Their hunt is affected.(D)Their population is decreasing.23 The international conference of aid donors to East Timor is scheduled on_.(A)Wednesday(B) Tuesday(C) Friday(D)Saturday24 The most important issue of the meeting is_ f

20、or East Timor.(A)the political system(B) humanitarian aid(C) economic development(D)democratic election25 According to the World Bank, the cost of reconstruction in East Timor will be between _and _million dollars over the next 3 years.(A)260,300(B) 300, 260(C) 200, 360(D)360,20026 Donor countries i

21、nclude the following EXCEPT_(A)Japan(B) China(C) Australia(D)the U.S.27 What is the direct consequence of the dumping?(A)The illness of thousands of local people and the deaths of 50 of them.(B) The illness of tens of thousands of local people and the deaths of 50 of them.(C) The illness of thousand

22、s of local people and the deaths of 15 of them.(D)The illness of tens of thousands of local people and the deaths of 15 of them. 28 How does the company respond to the accusation?(A)The company agrees to offer compensation for their suffering.(B) The company denies any link between the dumping and t

23、he illness.(C) The company signs an agreement offering compensation for their suffering.(D)The company admits the link between the dumping and the illness.29 What happened in the Palestinian areas according to the news item?(A)There was a suicide bombing.(B) There was a cease-fire with Israel.(C) Th

24、e humanitarian conditions were worsening.(D)Palestinian economy was boosting.30 According to Secretary Rice, the Palestinian Authoritys financial crisis is(A)because the Palestinian government has rejected international terms for peacemaking.(B) because of a lack of outside aid.(C) because banks are

25、 refusing to deal with the Palestinian Authority.(D)because of US anti-terrorism sanctions.31 What are those representatives discussing about?(A)How to protect refugees effectively.(B) How to protect national borders from illegal migrants.(C) How to reconcile proper and effective protection for refu

26、gees with measures to control illegal migration.(D)All of the above.32 Why are more and more countries closing their borders to genuine asylum seekers?(A)Because too many people are seeking asylum presently.(B) Because they are afraid of being overwhelmed by illegal migrants.(C) Because they are afr

27、aid of causing anger of other counties.(D)Because they have no obligation to do so.33 What were the prisoner and his wife accused of?(A)Killing a prison guard.(B) Killing a judge.(C) Killing a prison nurse.(D)Killing a man outside of the courthouse.34 Where could the couple most probably go?(A)To th

28、e police station in Hendersonville.(B) To the hospital in Hendersonville.(C) To the town that the man used to live in.(D)To the town that the woman used to live in.二、PART III CLOZE (15 MIN)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best co

29、mplete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 34 Lisa Fry and Paula Turner grew up across the street from each other in Twin Falls. They never(1)_ their friendship would last forever. But(2)_ Fry married, moved to New York City and had a baby, her letters to Turner suddenly went(3)_. “

30、 Do you think Ive(4)_offended her? “ Fry asked her husband. Turner, meanwhile , had(5)_herself she was no longer important to Fry. “ Shes got a family now,“ she told herself. “ Were just(6)_ different to be close like before. “ Finally, Fry summoned the(7)_to call her old friend. At first, the conve

31、rsation was(8)_, yet soon they both admitted that they missed each other. A month later, they got together and quickly fell into their old habit of laughing and(9)_ confidences. “ Thank goodness I finally took(10)_, “Fry says. “We both realized we were(11)_ important to each other as ever.There are

32、good(12)_to cherish our friendships. Some years ago a public opinion research firm, Roper Starch Worldwide, asked 2,007 people to identify one or two things (13)_they thought were the most important. Friends far outranked homes, jobs, clothes and cars. “ A well-established friendship(14)_ a long his

33、tory of experience and interaction that defines who we are and keeps us connected,“ says Donald Pannen, executive officer of the Western Psychological Association. “ It is a(15)_ we should protect. “(16)_,says Brant R. Burleson, professor of communication at Purdue University,“ the better friends yo

34、u are, the(17)_youll face conflicts. “ And the outcome can be precisely what you dont wanta(n)(18)_to the relationship. Making friends can sometimes seem(19)_. The hard part is keeping the connections strong during the natural ups and downs that affect all relationships. Her suggestion;(20)_ friends

35、hip an honor and a gift, and worth the effort to treasure and nurture.35 (1)(A)distrusted(B) doubted(C) believed(D)supposed36 (2)(A)after(B) when(C) while(D)once37 (3)(A)unexpected(B) unanswered(C) unreceived(D)unaccepted38 (4)(A)somewhere(B) somewhen(C) someway(D)somehow39 (5)(A)persuaded(B) induce

36、d(C) convinced(D)prevailed40 (6)(A)too(B) very(C) quite(D)so41 (7)(A)bravery(B) venture(C) courage(D)boldness42 (8)(A)awkward(B) difficult(C) smooth(D)comfortable43 (9)(A)building(B) gaining(C) sharing(D)giving44 (10)(A)action(B) heart(C) effect(D)charge45 (11)(A)so(B) as(C) more(D)even46 (12)(A)way

37、s(B) methods(C) reasons(D)excuses47 (13)(A)when(B) what(C) that(D)if48 (14)(A)takes(B) carries(C) brings(D)holds49 (15)(A)heritage(B) habit(C) legacy(D)custom50 (16)(A)Irrationally(B) Ironically(C) Irrelevantly(D)Irresponsibly51 (17)(A)more possibly(B) less possibly(C) more likely(D)less likely52 (1

38、8)(A)finish(B) close(C) result(D)end53 (19)(A)easy(B) effortless(C) difficult(D)formidable54 (20)(A)take(B) regard(C) consider(D)reckon三、PART IV GRAMMAR that(B) That; what(C) What; what(D)That; what57 That is_.(A)where lived he there(B) where did he live(C) where he lived(D)that where he lived58 Rum

39、or_that youre going to be the next managing director. Is it true?(A)has it(B) does it have(C) says it(D)does it say59 Mr. Robinson decided to take back his_.(A)criticism of Mr. Wang(B) criticism of Mr. Wangs(C) the criticism of Mr. Wang(D)Mr. Wangs criticism60 Which of the following italicized parts

40、 is used as an object?(A)What do you suppose he will be in three years?(B) Who do you think is friendly to him?(C) What do you think the government will do to fight terrorism?(D)How differently would you say he would do it?61 Theres been a lot of debate as to whether the USA should_its troops from t

41、he country.(A)withdraw(B) resign(C) release(D)separate62 He gave a boring speech full of_jokes so that many students fell asleep in the class.(A)stale(B) extinct(C) marked(D)sturdy63 I don t know whether mother _ me to Beijing next month.(A)will take(B) takes(C) has taken(D)is taking64 Please _ from

42、 smoking until the airplane is airborne.(A)resist(B) prevent(C) refrain(D)restrain65 The valuable curiosity he bought turns out to be fake for it does not _ ciose examination.(A)pat up(B) stand up(C) set up(D)look up66 _the consequence, I will be on your side.(A)However(B) No matter how(C) No matter

43、(D)Whatever67 He was_admittance to the theatre for not being able to produce his ticket.(A)denied(B) rejected(C) deprived(D)repelled68 The_driver thinks accidents only happen to other people.(A)average(B) common(C) usual(D)normal69 Trade _ for a country to exchange its surplus goods for some service

44、s abroad.(A)makes possible(B) takes it possible(C) get it possible(D)makes it possible70 Without the friction between their feet and the ground, people would _ be able to walk.(A)in no way(B) on any account(C) by all means(D)in no time71 I think it _ high time they _ to take you more seriously.(A)wa

45、s, began(B) is, should begin(C) should be, begin(D)is, began72 The mayor didnt have time so far to go into it _, but he gave as an idea about his plan.(A)in conclusion(B) at hand(C) at length(D)in turn73 He _ secretly into his wallet to see if he had enough money to pay the bill.(A)peer(B) gape(C) g

46、aze(D)stare74 The poetry of Ezra pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many _ references.(A)obscure(B) acute(C) notable(D)objective75 The higher the standard of living and the greater the national wealth, _(A)the greater amount of paper is used(B) the greater is the amoun

47、t of paper is used(C) the greater the amount of paper used(D)the amount of paper is used is greater76 _ every other member of the team, John wore an official uniform in the victory parade.(A)As(B) Just as(C) Like(D)So77 Well _ you for any damage done to your house while we are in it.(A)compensate(B)

48、 remedy(C) supplement(D)retrieve78 When Pilot Office Peter Thwaites was away on business, his neighbour gave his wife _ with the housework.(A)an aid(B) a help(C) a hand(D)a lift79 Lacking _ sensibility because of unique upbringing, Monica does not care about right and wrong.(A)amoral(B) immoral(C) m

49、oral(D)immortal80 The social security system is designed to _ a basic standard of living for people in financial need.(A)secure(B) keep(C) preserve(D)maintain81 You must let your manager understand the details of the feasibility study _ by 5 oclock this afternoon.(A)without fail(B) without trouble(C) wi


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