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1、国家公共英语(一级)笔试模拟试卷 219(无答案)第一节 图片判断在本节中,你将听到 10 个句子或对话,每个句子或对话配有A、B、C 三幅图片。请选择与句子或对话内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有 15 秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 第二节 对话理解在本节中,你将听到 15 个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从A、B、C 三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有 15 秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。11 When will the sports meeti

2、ng begin?(A)At 8:00.(B) At 8:10.(C) At 8:15.12 Can the woman use computers?(A)No, she cant.(B) No, but she can watch.(C) Yes, she can.13 What can we team from the dialogue?(A)The man is calling his wife.(B) The woman wont let the man use her telephone.(C) The man is going to make a call.14 Where is

3、Peter going?(A)The Shanghai Library.(B) His school.(C) The Science Museum.15 What is the womans job?(A)A headmaster.(B) A manager.(C) An engineer.16 Whats Tom going to do at the post office?(A)To post a book.(B) To post a card.(C) To post a letter.17 Why did Jean get up very early?(A)To catch the ea

4、rly bus.(B) To catch the early train.(C) To prepare for the English exam.18 How many coins has Mary got?(A)150.(B) 15.(C) 5219 Where does the dialogue take place?(A)In a shop.(B) In a restaurant.(C) On a train.20 What is the mans nationality(国籍)?(A)British.(B) America.(C) Greek.21 What are they talk

5、ing about?(A)About China.(B) About school life(C) About something interesting.22 What are the man doing?(A)Buying a new pair of trousers from the woman.(B) Seeing if the woman has another pair of trousers.(C) Changing something he has bought from the woman.23 What happened to Alice?(A)She was ill,(B

6、) She was quite well.(C) She was failed in the exam.24 Whats the probable relationship(关系) between the two speakers?(A)Husband and wife.(B) Doctor and patient.(C) Teacher and student.25 What do Nancys parents want her to be?(A)A scientist.(B) A teacher.(C) An artist.第一节 单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C 三个选项中选

7、出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。26 Either you or he _ to go there with me.(A)has(B) are(C) have27 We all enjoyed _ on the farm.(A)works(B) working(C) work28 - Must I turn off the light when I leave?-No,_.(A)you mustnt(B) you cant(C) you neednt29 Three of them have gone to the library. What about _ ?(A)the other(B) t

8、he others(C) others30 Sometimes we can see _ stars in the sky at night.(A)thousand of(B) thousands of(C) thousand31 - How soon will you be able to finish your homework?- _.(A)After two hours(B) In two hours(C) Two hours later32 Shanghai is one of _ cities in the world.(A)big(B) the bigger(C) the big

9、gest33 - How far is it from here to your office?- About eight _ walk.(A)minutes(B) minute(C) minutes34 I know something about Kunming. I _ there many times.(A)have gone(B) have been(C) went35 Bob wont stop trying _ he gets what he wants.(A)as(B) that(C) till36 At that time I thought it _ rain.(A)is

10、going to(B) was going to(C) will37 Tony was _ honest boy. He found a wallet at _ school gate and gave it to its owner.(A)a; the(B) an; the(C) an; /38 He came and _ without saying a word.(A)go(B) went(C) going39 _ the end of last year they had planted 4,000 trees.(A)At(B) By(C) To40 Tom told Mary tha

11、t he _ a mistake.(A)makes(B) made(C) had made第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。41 Once upon a time, a great boxer, Tick Black, went to a restaurant【B1】. dinner. He took off his coat and【B2 】 it at the door. But he was【B3】 that someone would take it away, so he took out a piece of pap

12、er and wrote on it, “The great boxer, Tick Black, leaves his【B4】 here, he will be back【B5】 a few minutes.“ Then he put the paper【 B6】 his coat and went to have his dinner.【B7】 he came back after dinner, he【B8】 that his coat was not there. But another【B9】 was left there. Another piece of paper was pu

13、t on the coat. It said, “A great runner【B10】 your coat, and he will never come back.“41 【B1 】(A)with(B) for(C) by42 【B2 】(A)gave(B) threw(C) left43 【B3 】(A)surprised(B) excited(C) afraid44 【B4 】(A)bag(B) coat(C) cap45 【B5 】(A)on(B) in(C) for46 【B6 】(A)under(B) away(C) on47 【B7 】(A)If(B) Before(C) Wh

14、en48 【B8 】(A)heard(B) found(C) learned49 【B9 】(A)note(B) coat(C) bag50 【B10 】(A)takes away(B) looks for(C) looks after第一节 词语配伍从下栏所给选项中选出与各项意义相符的选项,并在答题卡 1 上将该项涂黑。51 AstampBzooCblackboardD trainE post officeF parkG bank51 People write things on it chalk.52 People send a letter there.53 People put som

15、e money there and receive more later.54 People can see many animals there.55 People put it on an envelope.第二节 短文理解 1阅读下面短文,从A(Right)、B(Wrong) 、C(Doesnt Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。56 The poor little girl was tired and hungry in the forest (森林). She walked through the forest, hoping to find something to eat be

16、cause she didnt want to die. Then she found a little house and thought it must be a woodmans (伐木人的) house and she might be able to stay there. So she knocked at the door. As there was no answer, she opened it and went inside.There she saw a room with a long table. On it there were seven knives and f

17、orks, seven plates and drinking cups, and on the plates and in the cups were food and drink. The little girl was too hungry to turn away from the food, so she took a little from each plate and each cup.At the other end of the room, there were seven little beds. She tried to lie on some of them, and

18、when she found a very nice one, she fell into a deep sleep, for she was very tired after a long walk through the forest.56 The little girl was happy to get to the forest.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.57 When she got to the little house, someone opened the door to let her in.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C

19、) Doesnt say.58 In the house she found a few things for seven people.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.59 The room was the home of some short kind-hearted men.(A)Right.(B) Wrong(C) Doesnt say.60 The little girl slept very well in one of the little beds.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.第三节 短文理解 2阅读下

20、列短文,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择一个正确答案。61 In Amsterdam ( 阿姆斯特丹), there is an unusual Children Restaurant. It is run (经营)by children. From the manager to the cooks, waiters and other members are all children from six to twelve years old. They themselves do all the necessary work such as cooking and cleaning. The

21、se children are selected (挑选) in Amsterdam. After training (培训), they may work in the Restaurant for four weeks. All of them like their work.This restaurant was founded (创办) in 1983 by a woman cook, who wanted to give the children chances to learn to be useful to the public.And now she is the only a

22、dult (大人) there, but her job is just to take care of the children.The Restaurant is welcomed almost by everyone. Since there are only 20 seats in the Restaurant, it is always full of people.If you want to have a meal in the restaurant, you must tell them ahead of time (提前). The cost of a meal is dif

23、ferent according to different people. Usually four dollars for each adult, but much cheaper for the children. And its business hours are only on Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons.61 Where is the unusual Children Restaurant?(A)In Holland.(B) In Poland.(C) In England.62 How old are the people wh

24、o run the restaurant?(A)Over twenty.(B) From 16 to 21.(C) From 6 to 12.63 Why did the woman cook set up this restaurant?(A)To earn money(B) To give children chances to learn to be useful to the public(C) To attract customers64 How many seats are there in the restaurant?(A)20.(B) 10.(C) 3065 If you w

25、ant to have a meal in the restaurant, what should you do first?(A)Make a reservation.(B) Telephone them.(C) Just go there.66 Announcement ( 通知 )Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. May I draw your attention(注意) to the book Safety in Flight? You will find the book in the pocket at the back of the seat

26、 in front of you and we ask you to read it. Youll also find a newspaper and you may find it interesting. For those of you not familiar with this kind of plane, you can smoke on the left hand side of the passenger cabin( 机舱 ), once the signs at the front of the cabin have been turned off, and at no t

27、ime in the toilet at the back of the plane. We have a duty-free( 免税的 )bar on the plane and cigarettes, beer and mineral water will be on sale during the flight. If you have any questions during the flight, please ask our four hostesses (空姐). Would you now please fasten (系紧)your seat belts to get rea

28、dy for take-off? We wish you a pleasant flight! Thank you.66 The announcement is made _.(A)during the flight(B) before taking off(C) after taking off67 People are asked _.(A)to read the book Safety in Flight(B) to find out where they can smoke(C) to buy something during the flight68 Can people smoke

29、 in the plane?(A)No, they cant.(B) Yes, but only in some areas of the plane.(C) Yes, but only in the cabin.69 People in the plane can _.(A)have a good sleep(B) have some small gifts(C) buy some duty-free things70 We learn from the text that _.(A)the passengers will have a morning flight(B) they will

30、 have meals during the flight(C) the plane is going to fly across a mountain第一节 改写句子下面是三对句子。每对句子中,第一句是原句,第二句是对第一句的改写。要求根据原句和第二句中已经给出的部分补全第二句。注意不能改变原句的意思。71 Many people went shopping yesterday.There were many people _ yesterday.72 Jane spent 4 hours buying New Year gifts.It _ Jane 4 hours to buy New Year gifts.73 She was so tired that she couldnt walk any longer.She was _ tired _ walk any longer.第二节 书面表达74 情景:你是李明,你的朋友 Tom 暑假要来你所在的城市参观,你需要告诉他你的住址和他来时的乘车路线。任务:请你用英语给 Tom 写一封 50 字左右的信,告诉他:.你住在北京市中关村南大街 601 号;.从北京西站乘 320 路公共汽车到中关村站下车;.到时候你会在公共汽车站牌处等他。请用下面格式。Dear Tom,Yours,Li Ming


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